We're The Animals Of The School

Alissa looked up at the girl as she walked over and put her hands on their table, her hands were soft looking, but had long red glittery nails, obviously fake. She looked down at Alissa with a ugly sneer, like she wasn't pretty because she wasn't showing her skin enough. Alissa shot a glare up at the girl with her cold blue eyes, girls hate other girls, Its natural. "Can we help you?" Alissa grumbled looking up at the girl, The girl looked back at her meeting her gaze with brownish green eyes, which reminded Alissa of puke. "You can't help me, but he can." She looked at Xan. Alissa growled softly, and he fangs grew slightly, but this was a human, not a animal like her.

The other two girls walked up behind the girl that looked like the leader of the Who*es, Their shirts came above their bellybuttons and one had her belly buttons were pierced with gold and a diamond in the middle, Another had a tongue piercing and nose stud, The other had no piercings... That Alissa could see.

"Wha---why do you need me for?" Xan asked, and once it slipped out of his mouth he wish it didn't. Not only did he feel rather uncomfortable, and tension immediately rose when they came in, but Xan simply wanted out of this to talk to Alissa more. He glanced at Alissa. The death glare she was giving the girl was obvious, and Alissa's icy blue eyes gave off a more cold and strong look.

It seemed like her animal side was beginning to reveal itself too, into the fierceness of a black leopard that Alissa was able to transform into. I...don't like the way this is going, Xan thought.
The girl smiled at Xan"What wouldn't i want you for?" She smiled and twirled Xan's strings on his jacket around her finger and the girls behind her giggled, Alissa could feel her anger rising "I am almost positive he is not interested." Alissa snapped, her fangs were part grown now and she tapped her nails on the table anxiously. The girl snapped her attention down at Alissa and glared down at her "Is this the little boys mommy now?" She asked and smirked, Alissa glared back up at her, and could just barely hold back from attacking the girl, "is the little girl getting angry?" The girl laughed, Alissa couldn't hold back anymore, She jumped at the girl and changed into her animal form, the girl screamed but changed into her form as well, It was a Wolf Vs Leopard, Alissa hissed loudly and dug her claws into the girls shoulders and the girl did what looked as if she snapped at Alissa's throat, But Alissa swung her massive paw back and then drug it across the girls face, her claws dug into the girls cheek and it began to bleed as they fought.

The two other girls changed into wolves as well and they attacked Alissa, They bit at her tail and back, trying to provoke her, Alissa swung around her ears against her head and hissed, The Leader bit her shoulder and she shoved her off then swatted at the other girls, but the girl she had attacked bit onto the back of her neck and growled loudly, Alissa hissed then slammed the girl against the counter where Sep was, The girl released Alissa, but the other girl bit her tail and pulled, Alissa hissed loudly and slammed her paw down on the girls head, her claws unsheathed.

Jamie was walking past the parlor when she saw the girls fighting.
Xan shot up to his feet when the fight broke out, his chair now on the floor. Some guy in the parlor shouted, "Cat fight!!" but Xan gave him one sharp glance and the guy was silent. Without saying anything, Xan bolted into the crossfire, grabbing Alissa away from the brawl but also getting scratched in the process. Seb and other employees went out from behind the counter to stop the other girls from fighting too. "Stop, that's enough!" Xan was the first to say it, still tightly holding Alissa in his arms. Though it looked more like a hug from behind.
Alissa bared his massive bloody fangs and hissed loudly, she panted. The other girl sat on the floor blood dripping from her cheek, ears, and her upper chest, under her throat, She growled and the other girls growled as well up at Alissa, only to meet her fierce angry hiss and sharp fangs, She turned back into her human form, blood dripped down the back of her neck slowly, not a deep bite, the other girl was weak for a wolf. "Pathetic, a boy has to stop the cat before she becomes dog food." The other girl growled, Alissa struggled in Xan's arms "Consider yourself lucky B*tch!" Alissa snapped And the girl growled back "I'll make you road kill cat!" She barked, Alissa hissed again "Try it!" Alissa struggling slightly, The other girls growled.
When Alissa continued to struggle a little more he tightened his arms around her, not wanting it to hurt her more. This situation had quickly turned worse. "Ssh, ssh, ssh...stop," he whispered in Alissa's ear. "Please," Xan added, trying to calm her. The sight of blood couldn't terrify Xan, but he was afraid by the fact Alissa was wounded. The other guys were trying just as much to keep the fight avoided.

"No more, okay, Alissa? Can you do that for me?" Xan softly asked, still whispering in her ear.
Alissa growled softly then nodded quietly in agreement, The girls walked past Alissa and Xan, The leader limped slightly, one of the girls gave a lunge at Alissa, Alissa didn't flinch instead Lunged back hard, and growled, the girl stepped back and then walked after the group, Alissa sighed softly once they were gone, then pulled free from Xan's arms, then ran her hand on the back of her neck and touched the holes in the back of her neck, they had just barely pierced the flesh, not deep at all, But bled.
Xan let out a small sigh of relief once they were gone. He spotted the blood stain on Alissa's hand after she brushed the back of her neck. "Are you okay?? I can get something for you," Xan said, holding up both her wrists to check if there were scars on her arms. "Are you injured anywhere else?" he asked. His voice was full of concern and so was his green eyes. He didn't expect Alissa to get in a physical fight. In comparison to what she was like before this happened, this side of Alissa was very fierce. Though it's not like every animal-person didn't have a vicious side.
Alissa shook her head "No, i am fine. Thank you." she huffed and grunted "Stupid dogs." she muttered and smiled at him, her eyes were gentle again, but she was still shaking with adrenaline. She rubbed one her her ears that were torn and grunted again, Then sighed "So where to now?" She asked and smiled.
"Hmm...I guess a park, if you're okay with that," Xan answered. He still couldn't shake off that worried feeling. "But you know I don't want to let you bleed from wounds even if it's for a little," he smiled softly. "At least let me get a bandage for you...besides, it pains me to see someone like you be hurt," Xan added.
"Hey, we animal-people have had our animal side show up at least once, right?" Xan grinned. "C'mon, a first-aid kit is at my house," he motioned his hand, gesturing Alissa to follow. It wasn't that long of a walk, plus there were shortcuts everywhere that Xan could possibly know. "Sorry about this, Seb," Xan waved to him before pushing the exit door. "It's no problem," Seb, along with the help of his employees were cleaning up the floor. For sure, their ice cream was soup now but it didn't even cross Xan's mind.
((Sorry. I was watching an episode of Ed Edd n' Eddy. I miss my childhood shows))

Xan noticed how quiet she was being. "Are you still thinking about it?" he was referring to the girls that had entered the ice cream parlor, but figured she would already know what he was talking about. "Don't let them anger you," Xan reassured. "But was there a reason behind it, though? Do you know them from somewhere?" he asked. "I don't mean to pry...you don't have to say if you don't want to," Xan hadn't thought about this until now, but those girls who were animal-people like them could or could not be attending in the same school. He hoped that wasn't the case.
Alissa sighed "Yeah, they have taken multiple guys of mine into their whore sights." she rolled her eyes "And they attend our school." she grunted. "They spread rumors and gossip. Can't wait to hear tomorrows new word." she groaned and rolled her eyes again.
Xan exhaled and half groaned when he was told that the girls attends the same school. There was going to be plenty of trouble in the future, he could predict it. "Whatever they make up, I'll protect you if there are people picking on you," Xan said. If any of those students believed rumors from those girls, Xan wouldn't simply stand by and watch them harass Alissa.
Alissa looks up at him and smiles "Thank you." then she walks beside him, her hands stuffed inside her sweater, and she blushed slightly and smiled more.
Xan noticed Alissa's smile revealed itself again, which made him smile. They got to his house, and when he unlocked the front door and swung it open, Xan hadn't said, 'I'm home' like most people would, because he knew his parents would never be inside. It was a normal sight, something he got used to over the years. "Well, as you can see...I'm pretty much home alone whenever I get back here," Xan said, walking to the hallway closet and taking out the first-aid kit.

"Turn around, please. So I can heal the wound on your neck," he added.
Alissa looked around the turned around and moved her dark black hair away from the back of her neck and fidgeted with her other hand inside her pocket.
Xan took the cotton ball he had and dabbed it in the liquid antibiotic. "Sorry, but it will sting for a second..." he pressed it against the bite mark that she received, and cleansed away the blood as well. He was working well with healing injuries, it was like muscle memory because he had done this before, and his mind was beginning to rewind back to it and remember the procedures just as quickly. Xan softly chuckled as he briefly glanced at her head. "You have pretty hair, you know that right, Alissa?" it was kind of random but he had said it anyway.
Xan blushed a little by Alissa's reply but he smiled. "Oh yeah? So do you..." he responded without much timidity. Before Xan knew it, he was finished with dressing the injury on her neck. "Okay, your neck should entirely heal in a couple of days. Do you have any other wounds I can patch up for you?" he asked, happy to help.
Alissa shook her head "No, Just a scratched ear, its fine." she hauled herself up onto the counter and smiled, she was looked into his eyes and blushed "Should we just hang out here?" she asked.
"If that's what you want, sure," Xan returned the first-aid kit back into the closet. Once he did that he leaned against the wall, looking back at her and smiling like usual. He tilted his head a little, wondering about her eyes. They were so unusually bright but he liked it. "Hey, I know this is a random question, but do you have siblings, Alissa?" Xan asked her.
Alissa hesitated for a moment "Yes i do, A brother. a very protective brother." she said quietly "Why?" she looked up at him and poked him stomach softly and smiled.

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