Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable [Inactive]

Chad notices a blond figure glancing at his direction, as a response, Chad holds a solid eye contact with this individual for only a few seconds, How ever the individual continued with what he was doing. " What an interesting figure" Chad Shrugged his shoulders and Continued to walk up to a Blonde Female character, who appeared to be sitting by her lonesome, as she sat there clicking her pen.

" I can tell from the expression on your face, that you have intentions right now, that might get a pretty little face of yours in trouble. I am curious to know more about your intents."
Enoma Notices the "Charming" Young man approach he.

"Would it be wrong to answer that with a question? If not then let me ask... Hypothetically," The tone in her voice begins to change

" If a person was guilty of doing something, that is right in the eyes of themselves, but wrong in the eyes of others... does that make that person a bad person?" She questions the figure.
Chad Sits on the table that is infront of this individual and begins to state:

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious, And I find those who are willing to do what they love most no matter what the cost, nor who's around... to be the most charming people of all! They are the type of people that are the most Fascinating!"

Chad then Hops off the table, places his hands in his pockets, and begins to take his leave.

Brook took a drink of her water, letting the water sooth her burning throat. She looked down into her cup, having a sudden interest with the water. In here mind she went back and forth, debating to tell the truth or not. She looked up.

"Honestly... I don't remember even walking into to that room." Truth.

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Wren didn't know how long his medicine was going to have effect, but though he knew it would cause more discomfort he stood. His body was stiff, his eyes shutting when the migraine intensified, he felt so off. That medicine made him remember things for a bit, but Wren had already forgotten more then half of it. Don't hurt her! Wren clenched his jaw a slice of pain shooting through his skull, who's voice was it and why was he hearing it. He stepped through the halls stiffly without a real destination, hoping the medicine would fade soon.
Looking at her still very concerned he says "Well I'm still worried about you" while blushing and continues to say "Well if you need anything you can always come to me". with a big grin on his face he then asks Brook "Why are you in this terrible place? You seem like a nice shy girl, you shouldn't be in this hell hole" and he then starts thinking of a way to get her out

"Okay," she said her cheeks heating up as well. She was happy to know that she had someone to come too when she needed help. "And if you need anything I'm here for you too." Brooklyn then realized that Byakuya-sama must have not been there to see her turn to Jade. "I can ask you the same thing. You seem like a sweet and charming boy. Why are you here?"

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Byakuya looks down at his lap and then sighs, "I have really bad anger issues" he says with embarrassment. "Apparently I forget everything that happens before I get enraged but i don't ever remember being angry or enraged" he says still embarrassed; he then proceeds to ask her, "now that I've told you my secret how bout you tell me yours, why are you in this terrible excuse for a school?"

Bad anger issues? She would have never guessed... Then again everyone is here for some reason or another, but it didn't make her like this boy any less, it actually made her a bit more comfortable around him.

"I have Multiple personality disorder. Sometimes my personality changes into a completely different person and when that happens I don't remember a thing when I come back to my regular self," she said playing with the sleeves with her sweater, still a bit nervous about telling him this, but he did tell why he was in here. "My other personality, Jade, can be kind of violent."

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Wren took a seat at a random seat in the hallway, down the hall from the cafeteria. By then he had already forgotten everything he remembered before from the medicine. What did the nurse look like? He questioned to himself when he saw a nurse walk by him, he only remembered the women had brown hair...Wren though his headache slammed his palm into his forehead in frustration. Why was he so broken? Why was he sent here to be fixed?
"By the sounds of it Jade is just misunderstood and when i look at the situation as it is all I see is another girl that no one understands" Byakuya says while smiling at Brooklyn. He then says "Anyone could see that Jade is still just another girl that wants and needs some good attention in her life, but that means you also deserve the same affection and should both be treated equally" while looking at the roof blushing.

"You are special Brook and don't let it bother you if people see you as different or odd, it just means they're jealous of you and the people who have the pleasure of calling you their friend" he says smiling as he lends her a hand up from the seat as to offer to take her back to her room.
Chad with his hands in his pockets, takes his leave from the cafeteria. " What is wrong, and what is write... Who is it even to say what is " He lets out a sigh as he questions the authority of humanity. He begins to walk a slow pace as he approaches an individual, who had taken a seat in the hallway, not too distant from the Cafeteria. He then stopped as he stood within arms reach of this Character. he lets out a light chuckle.

"Now, now, now... What do we have here, you have the expression of someone who has seen a ghost?!" he says as he takes his hands out of his pockets, places them on his knees, and Bends over to eye level.
Wren looked up lowering his hand from his forehead a bit confused to be approached by another, "huh..?" He hadn't noticed him until now, and was token a bit off guard. He stayed silent his eyes raised, and expression slightly surprised. Before remembering he was asked something, "oh um I'm alright..." He spoke hoping not to come off to weak or shy sounding. Wren cleared his throat, "just medicine...you know?.." His voice was quiet, but echoed off the walls a little.

She smiled softly while her cheeks heated up turning a light pink again, blushing. No one has ever said anything like that to her. As she gets up and her lips part about to speak something stopped her.

"Brooklyn!" said a nurse with a bandage around the palm of her hand. The nurse maid her way quickly towerds her and grasp her arm firmly pulling her away and out of the cafateria.

"S-stop," Brook said trying to escape the women's firm grip but she wouldn't let go. The nurse looked pissed off, but why? She pushed Brooklyn into the wall.

"Make Jade come out!" the women yelled hitting Brooks head firmly against the wall. Oh now things made sense, Jade must have pissed this women off, not the first time its happen.

"It doesn't work like that," whimpered Brook.
Chad waits patiently as the individual appears to be having difficulty grasping the question. "I see." He grunts, as he stands back up straight.

"I find it quite interesting really, all these nurses working here... It's almost like they are here because there might be something wrong with us"

He looks down both ends of the hallway, Then look at the Individual with a grin. "I mean... There isn't anything wrong with you is there?"
Byakuya bites his lip as he looks at how the nurse treats Brooklyn. He immediately stands up from the table and starts walking over to the nurse with an evil look in his eyes. He grabs the nurses hand before she can hit Brooklyn again and says "You just went for her head,didn't you?You know you could kill someone by hitting a vital spot on their head,right? If you know this,then you were trying to kill her,right?Which means you should expect what happens next,RIGHT???!". Byakuya then grabs the nurse by the arms and back of her shirt and throws her out of the cafeteria. He then proceeds to take out a cigarette out, light it and then take a puff.

He looks at the girl and then says "Hey are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

He then asks the girl "Whats your name?I swear I've seen you somewhere before"

He then looks at his watch in surprise and yells "DAMN, I missed my class; well if it was to help a cute looking girl like yourself I don't really mind. Well if you need anything just come find me" and then he begins to walk off out of the cafeteria.
Wren eyed the others down the hall, he didn't see why they where all there. He looked up at the other individual, he looked quite normal. He stared at him as if he is searching for an answer, or clue of what was perhaps wrong with him. "Um..." He tapped his head wincing slightly but attempting to hide it. "I have pretty bad memory loss...I think...that probably what's wrong with me..along with others stuff" His voice trailed off in thought, "you look normal...I can't imagine any things wrong with you." Wren inquired.
He really doesn't remember. Before she could get a word out he was walking away with a cigarette in his mouth. She bit her lip nervously and watched as he walked away. She took a deep breath and ran after him. She put her hands on his shoulder. "Hey wait up," she said finally walking at a steady pace by his side. "Thanks," she told him. Again. Thanks again. "Thanks for helping me back there."
Byakuya looks at the girl as she grabs his shoulder and says while gesturing to the nurse knocked out on the floor "So what happened to her?".

He looked at the nurse and wondered what could have happened to put that nurse in that condition. He goes and pick up the nurse and then looks back at the girl, "So I'm going to take her to the front office, I'll look for ya later if you are still in need of a friend, you look like you could use one"

He then trails off carrying the nurse to the front office for the other orderlies to deal with while waving behind him at the new mystery girl he had just met.
Chad Places his hands on his stomach, as he laughs, then he proceeds to wipe away the imaginary tears from his eyes.

"A bad memory you say? What a fascinating concept" He then begins to wave his hand back and forth. "I meant no intentions on insulting you, I just think it's interesting to know, that all it takes is a little bad memory to get stuck in a place like this" he says as he slowly begins to looks towards the cafeteria. he then again looks at the individual "As for myself" The tone in his voice goes a little awkward " I guess , if I had to give a reason for my being here, it's because I love people. And I guess I wanted to see the type of characters the rest of the world tries to hide in their shadows."
"Okay bye," she said her voice quiet, as she watched him leave. She rubbed the back of her head softly, her head pounding. She bit her lower lip looking around and not really sure what to do next. She finally remembered that she had dropped her book in the closet, she better go get it before she forgets. She walked down the hall then opened the closet door. Bending over she picked up her book and the letter, placing it back in the book.
Wren rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, he probably had other problems but none he could remember. Then looked back up at the boy, interested in his choice of words. "Your observant then huh?" Wren spoke but not very loudly. His eyes where downcasted a moment but looked back up at the other, "what's your name?" He suddenly asked. He began to rub his thumb and index fingers together, it being a nervous habit.
As Byakuya is walking to the front office he realizes that he doesn't know where it is so he stops by the 2 individuals sitting down in the chairs down the hall from the cafeteria and asks "Hey do you know where the front desk is? I kind of need to bring this nurse there seeing as how she was just passed out on the floor".

He then takes a better look at the individual and asks again "Do you know where I can take this old bag before I get blamed for knocking her out?"
Chad then begins to chant, in almost a tune.

" I guess you could say that, For I am who I am, and I am me and there is nothing wrong with that... but if I were to tell you who I am"

He leans in close to this boy that sits in front of him and says, almost in a whispering, and relaxing tone " I'd have to kill you "

Chad then stands back up straight with a large grin. 
Chad notices the rude individual that stood beside him as he carried a nurse.

" I apologize, I am not one to converse with those who make a habit of hurting girls"
Wren simply blinked, his expression a little shocked by the others words. He then looked at the smiling individual, and chuckled a bit interested in the boy and his words. "Alright..." He paused a small smile on his face, "I'd love to tell you my name...but.." His expression fell, this always happened. He'd go ten minutes after hearing his name, and already would have forgotten it. Wren looked up at the other boy holding the nurse, his eyebrows knitting together. "What happened."

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