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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Reboot - Always Accepting!)


Floki. An aquatic deity. Not much was said about his character. Though somebody drew a drawing of what he supposedly looked like. At leat from the drawing Freedom saw that this Floki was quite the gorgeous one. Freedom sent him an invitation to meet too.
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]She hugged her gently and wept softly.

She hushed he gently, "it's okay I'm here for you don't worry."

xpstitch said:
Floki. An aquatic deity. Not much was said about his character. Though somebody drew a drawing of what he supposedly looked like. At leat from the drawing Freedom saw that this Floki was quite the gorgeous one. Freedom sent him an invitation to meet too.
(Freedom, in the words of one of my more fabulous friends, seems Thirsty AF - Careful Virian, he might dethrone you. (OuO))
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]She tried to calm herself down.
"I'm sorry." she said softly.

"Don't you ever apologise." Lilith said sternly and held the girl to her chest.


This Barbara lady seems pretty epic and badass. I like people who are epic and badass. From what he's heard of she's done some amazing things in tight situations. I like that. I respect that. Freedom texts her an invitation.

"Hey there. So word on the street says you're the most kickass woman around. I like women who are kickass and awesome like that. Don't worry, not in the s€×ual way. I just would be super stoked to meet you since you are so wicked and rad. The name's Freedom Spirit, but I guess you can just call me Freedom or something like that. Would be super thrilled to meet another badass god. I'm the god responsible for instances such as the Battle of Little Bighorn. Text me back if you are willing to indulge a lonely god like me."
Nacht left the group, knowing what she was doing now. Now, now nownownownownownownow.... Now what?! That's right! She knew exactly where to go! She traveled fast, until she reached the same bar Schatten was. A bouncer tried to stop her, but soon he was a trembling form before her as she skipped in. "There you are!" She spotted her friend. @Blitz
Almosegosum said:
(Freedom, in the words of one of my more fabulous friends, seems Thirsty AF - Careful Virian, he might dethrone you. (OuO))
Dethrone? Why Freedom would NEVER do anything like that! Besides, I thought Floki was a heterosexual, are you saying that Floki and Virian are together or something?
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]She kissed her gently and smiled while tears still fell down her face.

Sighing she used her thumb to wipe away Arabelle's tears.

[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Nacht left the group, knowing what she was doing now. Now, now nownownownownownownow.... Now what?! That's right! She knew exactly where to go! She traveled fast, until she reached the same bar Schatten was. A bouncer tried to stop her, but soon he was a trembling form before her as she skipped in. "There you are!" She spotted her friend. @Blitz

The familiar voice made him flinch, lifting his head from his hands and quickly turned to meet his 'boss'.

"Hello." he said quietly.
xpstitch said:
Dethrone? Why Freedom would NEVER do anything like that! Besides, I thought Floki was a heterosexual, are you saying that Floki and Virian are together or something?
(Remember to put all your out of story text in brackets to show that it is not to be taken into consideration. And I was just making a joke about you seemingly salivating over all of them, something that Virian used to do.(> :D ))
Blitz said:
The familiar voice made him flinch, lifting his head from his hands and quickly turned to meet his 'boss'.
"Hello." he said quietly.
Nacht grinned and sat beside him, then latched to his side with a friendly hug. "Whatcha been doing? Just sitting here?"
He was surprised by the sudden hug, but was calmed almost immediately calmed.

Giving a shy smile.

"Yup." He replied, hugging back.
Almosegosum said:
(Remember to put all your out of story text in brackets to show that it is not to be taken into consideration. And I was just making a joke about you seemingly salivating over all of them, something that Virian used to do.(> :D ))
(Truetrue. When you're busy liberating the oppresed I suppose you DO get kinda horny after a while of no time for $€×. And these boys are absolutely DELICIOUS. You're right, Freedom IS salivating over some nice man meat going on. Dis cannibal be getin bery hungry for ju and da manflesh yumyum yumyum!)
"Thats boring" She said, "C'mon, lets go do stuff! Like play games or something! Its a lot better than sitting here" She said, jumping back to her feet on the ground.
"Okay, boss..." he answered.

He got up from the chair and put the hood over his head.

"Lead the way."
Lucas. A music god. Not much info except a drawing. Oh my gosh! Oh no. This is sick. I can't have these kinds of thoughts right now. It's gross. But he's so SEXY! Oh how I wouldn't LOVE to have those sexy cat ears in my bedroom. To have his cute kittyness slink sexily on my bed. Oh I would just TEAR his little b- NO! Stop thinking like that. It's not healthy. Yes he's the cutest little sweetiepie ever but you've gotta keep it together. No falling in love. Even gods can get hurt in love.

Freedom sends him an invitation to meet. A PLATONIC invitation so as not to scare him off.

@Safety Hammer
Almosegosum said:
(Freedom, in the words of one of my more fabulous friends, seems Thirsty AF - Careful Virian, he might dethrone you. (OuO))
Also who better to quench the thirst of Freedom's parched lips than Floki? A WATER deity.
Blitz said:
"Okay, boss..." he answered.
He got up from the chair and put the hood over his head.

"Lead the way."
Nacht wrapped her paw-sleeve around hi wrist and ran out of the bar. "I wonder where we should go! Where do you think?"
"I never much liked manners, anyway. They just inflate the host's ego." Akuma ate another cookie.

"I'd make an exception for present company, but then I'd be a hypocrite."

He shrugged, he really did not know where to go.

"where do you want to go?" he tilted his head.

the smile faded.

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