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Fantasy Welcome to the Panthenon (Always Open!)

GreenEyedStranger said:
@Safety Hammer
I hope this is better. One of my first human characters in a long time
I'm not trying to hound you, but he needs to look modern. Maybe something like this?

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]I'm not trying to hound you, but he needs to look modern. Maybe something like this?

Oh it's one of those rp's. I'll try to find another reference
For anyone that cares, this reference is from Wolfenstein. I just thought that something intimidating and firm would match Order
GreenEyedStranger said:
For anyone that cares, this reference is from Wolfenstein. I just thought that something intimidating and firm would match Order




"Nature has no defined age. It has existed long before humanity itself was born."






"Love sees no gender."





- Healing.

- Control over the mood of beings.

- Control over fauna and flora.

- Weather changes.


"Nature is neutral,but still carries a lot of wisdom. You just have to be listening."

Thranduil is a very collected person,agreeing with the neutral status of Nature itself. He usually avoids conflict and choosing sides unless he absolutely has no choice.

He has a weird sense of humor,making completely dark jokes from time to time. But his gentleness is well known to the other Gods. Sincerity is a must to him,and Thranduil can't lie to save his own life.

Relationship status

Single,previously married.




"The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness."

Thranduil was born when the first breath of life spread through the universe. Nature is very entangled to life itself,and his connection to it was always obvious.

He took an interest in humanity when it appeared upon Earth. They struggled against any situations thrown upon them,always managing to survive.

For a long time he resented these beings walking through Earth's surface. They carried war to any place they went,always destroying each other and the world.

But his mind was changed when he met the young woman that would eventually become his wife.
Akira. She showed everything that was good and pure about the humans. She was strong,determined. And she loved life beyond everything.

Thranduil thought he would be prepared for her death,as the passage is a common happening in the life of mortals. But the blow of losing his first love still hurts up to this day. So far,he has never met anyone that made his heart beat like Akira did.


Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
Xan said:
This sounds like a challenge to me...
Haha,it would definitely be a challenge to get through his heart. It has been a century now and he still hasn't felt any interest,in humans or gods.


Age: A Lady never gives away her age!

Gender: Female

Race: Goddess

Sexuality: Pansexual

Dominion: The Arts

Powers: The ability to bring to life Art, such as paintings, murals, drawings etc, A gifted artist, as in she can create near perfect works of art in any form, even songs or works of drama, some of which she plants into the minds of humans to inspire them. She can also summon familiars, teleport, and is remarkably strong.

Personality: Mnemosyne is very motherly, kind, and passionate. She loves to smile and in turn, make people smile. She can also be a bit of a daydreamer, often getting lost in her own little world, or caught up in whatever stroke of inspiration that has her next. She is very fixated with whats "Good and Proper" and being a lady.

Relationship status: Single

Crush: Ladies don't have crushes, they have interests.

Bio: Mnemosyne came from humanity's desire to create and cherish, and from that she developed a desire to help them accomplish great things and become their very best. Famous artists, playwrights, and musicians owe their greatest works and inspirations to her, and she is very, very proud of them!

Other: Mnemosyne sings beautifully, and her favorite instrument is a violin, though she'll swear up and down she loves them all.

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Pretty old ( Human age would be around 19)

Gender: Male

Race: God

Sexuality: Pansexual

*Dominion: God of mischief, trickery and deception

Powers: Superhuman strength, immortality, mind bending abilities, mind reading and the ability to easily convince others, as well as bluff and illusion.

Personality: mischievous and malicious person, usually tries to make life a living hell for others (mostly on emotional levels)

He often uses and play with people and gods for his own satisfaction and uses. Others usually trust him very easily becausd of his nice and good looks, but only after being used they realize his rotten personality.

Often uses his abilities to steal.

Relationship status: Single

*Crush: None at the moment

Bio: Caius has never been lucky with his life. Was it because of his curse? Was it because of his weird personality? Who knew. The only thing he was sure about, was that he was going to let others suffer as much as he did.

*Other: /




Hope it's alright, if not tell me and I'll make the necessary changes to it :3
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IronManatee said:


Pretty old ( Human age would be around 19)

Gender: Male

Race: God

Sexuality: Pansexual

*Dominion: God of mischief

Superhuman strength, immortality, mind bending abilities, mind reading and the ability to easily convince others.

Personality: mischievous and malicious person, usually tries to make life a living hell for others (mostly on emotional levels)

He often uses and play with people and gods for his own satisfaction and uses. Others usually trust him very easily becausd of his nice and good looks, but only after being used they realize his rotten personality.

Relationship status: Single

*Crush: None at the moment

Bio: Caius has never been lucky with his life. Was it because of his curse? Was it because of his weird personality? Who knew. The only thing he was sure about, was that he was going to let others suffer as much as he did.

*Other: /




Hope it's alright, if not tell me and I'll make the necessary changes to it :3
I imagine that Virian and Caius will be good friends. On another note, you should add some other things for your dominion. Maybe something like trickery or something

Also, manatees are awesome.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]I imagine that Virian and Caius will be good friends. On another note, you should add some other things for your dominion. Maybe something like trickery or something
Also, manatees are awesome.

I expanded it a little ^^ I'm sure they'll get along well :D And yes, manatees rock!


Age: Physically around 21 but centuries old


Race: Nereid (sea nymph) or technically a Demigod

Sexuality: Bisexual

Dominion: Oceans, Rivers,any body of water really.

Powers: Water manipulation, The ability to breathe underwater,

Personality: Loreley is a gentle soul who is rather embarrassed by her inability to control large bodies of water.She is a very friendly girl, with a strong dislike for chaos and malicious people like her mother. She's a hopeless romantic, and has a large collection of cheesy romance novels hidden away in her room.

Relationship status: Single

Crush: (None for now)

Bio: Loreley was raised by her vain,overbearing mother, who has tried anything and everything to make her daughter more like her. Her youth was her mother teaching her that human lives are unimportant and deserve to be drowned if they enter her domain.


  • She has a fear of fire
  • She likes "shiny things" like jewelry
  • She is a great singer
  • She's an agile swimmer

Theme: Like real people do by hozier

Name: John Abraus

*Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Powers: None, but he is an exceptional engineer, and scientist.

Personality: ??? (I want people to interact with him. I'd be hard, since he will be hard to contact, but it is possible to know him.

Relationship status: None

*Crush: None

Bio: Not much is known about him, but he was attracted to Greece for a reason: The study of particles, which he dubbed as G-Particles. As a strange consequence, there appears to be a source radiating this strange particle... even stranger... some individuals can posses these as well... some more, some less. (He doesn't know about gods... yet...)

*Other: He sometimes leaves the lab to observe the scenery, taking brakes from time to time. Only sometimes. He also is... deeply involved with his work, and will stop at nothing to complete it.

However, the main reason he was sent to Greece was because he is developing a state of the art machine for the government. He hasn't finished the programming yet...


Blueprints of the supposed machine.



(It isn't a theme, but it's a song he generally plays in the background, to sooth himself.)

ChronosCoded said:
Er, I couldnt find a picture, does it have to be a drawing?

Name: He has had many names over the years, his current name being Ulfruer. Some of his other names are: Neptune, Njord, and Poseidon. He prefers the name Poseidon

*Age: Since the beginning

Gender: Male

Race: (God/Goddess, Human or Demigod.) God

Sexuality: Pansexual

*Dominion:(What they are the god of) Destruction, Earthquakes, Horses, Hurricanes, Oceans, Seas, Droughts, Floods and Storms

Powers: The ability to control the seas and waters. He has hydrogenesis (create water from nothingness) The ability to control water related disasters such as floods. Able to talk to horses or variations of such. The ability to cause earthquakes. Now, there are powers he can not control such as: Fire immunity, a
loud battlecry that can almost make anyone deaf and immortality. He has also mastered shapeshifting.

Personality: Ulfruer has an on, off personality. He's either pissed as hell or as happy as a butterfly. However, dont let that fool you because he is actually quite benevolent and means well. Ulfruer is very prideful and stubborn and has a fearsome temper. Over the decades however he has lost these attributes

Relationship status: N/A

*Crush: N/A

Bio: (If you want one)

*Other: He is omnipresent with water which means he can see anything and everything with water. He can turn his entire body into water and use water as a portal.

Theme: [media]

(Based my entire character off of one in a book again, oops
:P )
No, but I would prefer if it was.
ChronosCoded said:
Er, I couldnt find a picture, does it have to be a drawing?

Name: He has had many names over the years, his current name being Ulfruer. Some of his other names are: Neptune, Njord, and Poseidon. He prefers the name Poseidon

*Age: Since the beginning

Gender: Male

Race: (God/Goddess, Human or Demigod.) God

Sexuality: Pansexual

*Dominion:(What they are the god of) Destruction, Earthquakes, Horses, Hurricanes, Oceans, Seas, Droughts, Floods and Storms

Powers: The ability to control the seas and waters. He has hydrogenesis (create water from nothingness) The ability to control water related disasters such as floods. Able to talk to horses or variations of such. The ability to cause earthquakes. Now, there are powers he can not control such as: Fire immunity, a
loud battlecry that can almost make anyone deaf and immortality. He has also mastered shapeshifting.

Personality: Ulfruer has an on, off personality. He's either pissed as hell or as happy as a butterfly. However, dont let that fool you because he is actually quite benevolent and means well. Ulfruer is very prideful and stubborn and has a fearsome temper. Over the decades however he has lost these attributes

Relationship status: N/A

*Crush: N/A

Bio: (If you want one)

*Other: He is omnipresent with water which means he can see anything and everything with water. He can turn his entire body into water and use water as a portal.

Theme: [media]

(Based my entire character off of one in a book again, oops
:P )
(Destruction is already taken. Sorry. But I do like the idea of a storm god.)

"Don't you know? The world revolves around bitches like me."














Alaska can turn water into ice and then control it at her will,although she can also create ice out of thin air if she wishes to do so. She can also create ice blizzards.


Alaska is a playful person,always finding a reason to share a laugh with someone. But her temper is easily triggered and she loses her trust in seconds. If you can get through her impulsive acts and difficult temper,you will have a friend for life.

She doesn't like clingy people,enjoying her freedom more than anything. No person ever interested Alaska for long,so she has never been in a relationship.

Alaska doesn't like to be questioned,specially when she knows that she is right.

Relationship status






Alaska doesn't know who either of her parents are. She has been fending for herself since she can remember.

The first time she saw Olympus was when she was ten years old. Alaska lived in a small village in Russia and enjoyed to wander off by herself. One day she fell into one of the rivers while playing in the outskirts of town.

Alaska didn't know how to swim,and nearly drowned under the freezing water. But instead of killing her,the cold awakened her powers. Alaska freezed the entire lake and turned the weather of her village into a much colder one. It remained like that for weeks.

But she still has a deep interest into the human world,and often leaves Olympus so she can be close to humanity.


She's So Cold - Rolling Stones

((I'll edit what I need to.))


Name: Messor(informal)/Metentis(formal). Is also known as Chronos, Saturn, Hauhet, Kala, etc.

*Age: Obsolete

Gender: Prefers male:

Race: God

Sexuality: Pansexual

*Dominion: Harvest/Hunting, Intelligence, Time/fate. In charge of "starting the world over" when it ends. Serves as the archivist of the gods, and harvests the souls of the dead so that they move on to the next life.

Powers: Omniscience, Harvesting souls, umbra/necromancy. Opening portals to view, and interact with, the past, teleport to different places in the present, and see the future. (limitations will be explained in "other" section)

Personality: Due to seeing many timelines, and knowing every pattern, Messor is rather apathetic and cares not for much. He's very down to earth, and refuses to sugarcoat things, since honesty is virtue. Due to experiencing so many timelines, Messor has decided against forming strong attachments with those who are not gods, since they are not effected by the timeline resets.

Relationship status: Single, like the leg of a flamingle

*Crush: None.

*Other: Messor's time travel cannot be used to majorly interfere with destiny. For example, say a woman you loved was destined to die by falling. You cannot change that, and attempts to do so would be responded with being warped back to your appropriate timeline. Although, you may interact with people of the past, so long as it doesn't alter history TOO badly. Portals to the future are meant for reincarnating the deceased only.

Theme: [media]

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-6_14-30-15.jpeg.d4d57b86d75e5f3a409884d98550c278.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-6_14-30-15.jpeg.d4d57b86d75e5f3a409884d98550c278.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Hypnos

*Age: He has existed since the first gods shut their eyes for rest

Gender: Male

Race: God

Sexuality: Staight

*Dominion: God of Sleep

Powers: Hypnos has the power to make even the most powerful beings fall into slumber if only for a short time. While asleep Hypnos is able to craft and control their dreams giving them happy dream, horrible nightmares, or imparting prophecy.

Personality: Hypnos being the deity of sleep and rest is asleep most of the time, but when he is awake he is quite possible the kindest god in all of the pantheon. Known to humans as the ' Balm of Humanity ' he brings great comfort and care to all those he meets and never meets anger with anger.

Relationship status: open

*Crush: open

Bio: Hypnos is the son of the night goddess and the god of darkness. He was one of the few primordial gods who was and is responsible for making sure all living things within the world are able to sleep and recover from their days. Hypnos is also the Father of dreams, nightmares, etc. He sired them with one of the Nine muses and they still enjoy one another's company, but his wife knows it is expected of a male god to have many partners though he has had only her.

*Other: Hypnos uses a staff to focus and augment his powers, a horn to broadcast his powers of a large area, and creates sleep potions and powders from the poppy plant.

Theme: <iframe width="854" height="480" src="
Most Emotional OST - Moonlit Night - "Death Parade" - ??????? OST - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



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