Welcome to the Jungle [Dreams of the Third Age]

Crow smirks.

"As I expected. I doubted your colleagues would have bothered to inter someone of lesser enlightenment, but I was not certain. This Solar is not the only being in Rathess for you to be aware of. Goblins, fallen Dragon Kings, and twisted mortals prowl this city today, and I have no doubt that they too control the underways as well. We will see to your safety and ensure that your fellows are returned to this world as well. Your presence is a sign that your kind's demise is not yet fated to occur, and I will see to it that you rise again."
The Count walked with a relaxed posture and a careless step, he followed the eager Dragon King down the secret paths of the pyramid, but his mind was not on the prospect of awakening the forgotten Dragon King race, but of what was hidden under Rathess. Looking for bones, blood stains, or the smell of rotting corpses, the Count searched for traces of Filial Wisdom's passage, or that of his followers. He couldn't care less for the fate of the saurian's allies, the task of ending the Goblin King was on thoughts first, and he was eager to fulfill it.
Goddamnbatman said:
"I'm the one in charge of this region. I can send scouts if needed to relay any messages, if it is worthy enough of her time." As the ape beastman simply stares at all the men gathered around here and appears to be doing a headcount of the soldiers that he can see.
"Were I a more sensitive man, I could take such a reception as an insult. Fortunately, I am willing to be generous. I am here to propose an alliance between my empire and the Queen of Fangs in the war against the mad Solar to the south... and perhaps others as well. While Captain Schmidt here will work with, presumably, you and lead my men in maintaining the security of your lands here, I shall personally hand her victory on a plate."
Xentair frowns before dropping his accusation, "Never mind, it's too much of a hassle to deal with you." he says to Moor. "Do whatever you wish, I don't care. But if you think about betraying us, I will kill you." he looks at the others, "Shall we go?" he asked to the Renna.
With tensions easing off, she slowly lowers her guard. It would seem that a combat was not about to break out. "Of course. Let us be on our way before the arrows come calling. I am anxious to learn more about this Incarna that I have to deal with." She slips her arm in Xentair's and lets him guide her to the gate.
"Could you wait for a moment?" Xentair asked. He pulled out Tyris' smaller form and gave a short apology before deattuning and resetting his hearthstone back into his amulet. "Please lead the way, Alexandra." Xentair stated, blushing a bit when Renna grabbed his arm.
"Hmmphh" Moor makes long humming sound when he was taking deep breath, then smiles lightly noticing Xentair-Renna interaction.
Alexandra opens the doors to the Calibration gate and walks through, holding the door way open and commanding it to expand to fit the ship that is about to come through.
As the group makes their way through the gateway into the Celestial City, Renna feels a pang of regret. "Over the years, I have heard various spirits tell me descriptions of the glories of Yu-Shan. I have never been here, but for the first time in years, I actually regret not being able to see. I would like to gaze upon the wonders of this city for myself."
Xentair frowned before squeezing Renna's hand once. Hopefully he could do something about that in the future, but for now he would settle with describing it as best as he can.
"We'll find your kin, Raoh," Suhiko says with certainty, "and then we'll end the reign of Filial Wisdom and Han-Tha."

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