~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay

(If its night time, I won't use Alicia. She's just day time)


I looked down at the horrid red colored clothing. It was demeaning and stupid. It was a label. Another thing that got me doing the things I did and do, putting me on here. The thoughts were like a trigger in my brain. I sauntered over to the bed in my cell and fiercely kicked it with all my might and let out a loud scream as doing so.

"IT'S JUST ANOTHER LABEL!" I shouted, gripping the bars. I could tell I have woken up some other people in this wing. They gave me looks but I glared at them, baring my teeth.
I glared balefully as I seen a light pass by my cell. Wonderful. Just when I thought that I could enjoy myself for a little while, someone has to come along and ruin it. "Do you mind..?" I call out to the person. "I'm kind of in the middle of something." I huff angrily. The light made the drifting sunflower go away.
was alerted by a scream..

I glanced to the cell it came from.. I looked down at the inmate


What are you doing awake you little sh**!!! I barked shining the torch beam into their eyes..


I ignored Robs desparate screams, trying to make me stop. I knew full well if i got caught they would search me and my cell... and punish me.. Despite knowing all this, i carried on. i had waited weeks for the right moment to do this so i wasnt stopping now. i keapt gulping down the drink until i was out of breath.

Ooc: I edited my characters' bio


"Plotting your murder." I then remember the title we are supposed to say. "Sir..." I glare at him as I drawl the word out on my tongue.

I ignored everything going on around me. I put the bottle down, to catch my breath. I looked up, knocking the bottle over. all of my drink went everywhere... "ROB!? LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!!!!" i screamed, callapsing to a heep on the ground...

I carried on screaming the same, thing over and over. Without even knowing, i began licking it up off the floor. I wanted it so badly.
I went closer to her..

'You know.. I spat.. That extra word SIR makes a LOT of difference when you add it on the end of a sentence.. I'm. Glad you remembered this time.. But next time you forget.. You won't ever see the light of day again!!!

"Not that I'm seeing it now." I hiss, rattling the cage bars that separate us. I didn't stop the eye contact. I just kept glaring. Losing eye contact would mean a weakness is spotted, and I have none... Heh. I knew for a fact the other females in the. Red wing were either happy for a show or angry because they want to sleep.
I sigh again, turning my attention to Timmy and Trenton. Wait.. "Where's Edward..?" I ask the two of them. They just shrug at me. Great one of them is missing. Who knows the kind of chaos he's getting himself into. Another sigh escapes me as I turn my attention to the screaming down the hall. Wonderful, someones getting into it. Looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

I looked up from the puddle of vodka, spreading across the floor.

"LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!!!!! IM GONNA RING YOUR DAMN NECK NEXT CHANCE I GET!!!" i screamed. i looked back at the floor... i continued licking it, eager to get all of the vodka.

A beeping in my apartment room sounded and I got up reluctantly. I hurried and put on a pot of coffee as I undressed myself and took a quick shower. After that I put on my uniform, drank the coffee, pulled my hair back into a ponytail and then brushed my teeth. I checked the room number. Kasabian. This is not a first. I headed down there.

I was desparatly licking the floor. Every so often, i'd take a break to scream at rob... He was my only friend but so annoying sometimes...

I continued licking at the floor. I wanted the vodka so badly.. (wb-.-|)
Sir!..Stupid girl!! I hissed..

I sighed.. Chewing on my snake bites.. Just get to sleep I snarled.. The fact that your up know, could result in a beating, and the fact that you forgot to call me sir could result in another!! I screamed.. I could see her eyes were beggining to water from the light.. So I took it away..

I unlocked his door after knocking twice and headed in. "Kasabian! What is gods name are you doing?" I walked in on him licking the carpet. I forced him to stand up and then examined the spot.


The god awful light was out of my eyes. "Yea yea whatever. 'Cause I haven't been beaten before." Then I thought about it and added his rightful title. "Ma'm." I smirked and snickered.

I glanced around my personal prison. There wasn't much for me to do. "Timmy...?" The blonde looked over at me. "Entertain me." I say, narrowing my blue eyes. I was beginning to grow agitated from the lack of sleep and entertainment. He shrugged at me. I suppose there wasn't much he could do. I clenched my fists. This wouldn't do. This wouldn't do at all...

I looked up as i heard someone knocking at the door.... I stood up, right at the back of the room.. The room stank of alcohol and smoke.. I knew i was going to get punished for this... but i didnt care...

"ROB THIS ALL YOUR FAULT, GOOD FOR NOTHING WASTE OF SPACE!!!" i screamed, looking to the right of me.

I sighed. Kasabian was talking to "Rob" again. I sniffed and narrowed my eyes.

"Have you been drinking." I said dangerously as I walked closer. It was dark in the room and so my flashlight was the only source of light unless I turned on the room light.

(Ooc: ill brb for twenty min.)
SIR!!!! I roared.. I'm NOT A FUC**NG WOMAN YOU STUPID RETARD!!!!! I was shaking more than ever now, I hated getting angry.. My legs were beggining to hurt and more of the inmates were awoken by my screames, some of them began to grumble angrily.. I turned around..SHUT UP!!!!

( Can he take her for a beating?xx)

I heard more screaming down the hall. This was really starting to get on my already frayed nerves. When I heard someone scream to shut up, my patience snapped. I pulled myself out of bed and over to the bars of my cell. "Why don't you shut up, you loud obnoxious pig..?!" I roared. This was getting down right ridiculous.

I looked at the nurse...

"N...No.....!" I lied.. It was obvious i had but i wasnt really thinking right now.... I looked at rob.

"All your fault...!" I muttered, over and over again. I pressed myself up against the soft white wall.
I dropped the torch.. Running to another cell.. I stared into the eyes of the female who's knuckles were white from gripping the bars.. My long black hair was covering my eyes.. WHAT THE FU**?! Did you just say.. I'm? The obnoxios PIG?!.. You shouldn't even be awake, but aww, you're yapping to your little friends again aren't you?!.. THEY AREN'T THERE You retarded idiot!!!
"Ha! You call me a retarded idiot and yet your the one storming up and down the hall screaming like a mad man!!" I snap. no one, and I mean no one insults me and gets away with it. "..and who knows, maybe I wouldn't be awake if there wasn't some moron down the hallway shouting! Now let me think who that could be..?!" I hiss, blue eyes narrowing into a deadly glare.
UGH!! You stupid little bint.. I hissed.. You were probably already awake, talking to your little 'imaginary' friends.. NOW!!! Shut the fu*ck up and go to sleep!!!! I screamed.. Suddenly winding my handsthrough the bras and clampin them around her neck..
"I would go to sleep if there wasn't some ignorant a** hole screaming!" I yell, my hands rising to dig my nails into his wrists in a bid to get free. I hated being touched. Not even Timmy was allowed to touch me. I hissed in fury, digging my nails farther into his wrist. "Let me go..." I say, my voice deathly calm.

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