~Welcome to the freak show~Asylum Roleplay


One Thousand Club
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You look around the dirty hallway as two large guards drag you to your new room. You are here for committing some sort of horrible crime, or just being different to all the rest. Many of the patients here have very serious issues- ranging from addiction to violence...

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In the asylum, there is a male wing and a female wing. Each wing branches out into more.

Each wing is represented by a different color.

Depending on which wing you are in, you will have to wear a certain color uniform.

White: White is for the 'normal' patients with only small issues such as addiction.

Red: Red is for the dangerous patients. Patients in the red zone must be monitered very closely.

Purple: Purple is for the patients with severe mental issues.

Black: Black is for the extreamly dangerous patients with very serious issues.

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The asylum follows a very tight schedule. Not following it will result in punishment.

7:00- 7:30 // Get out of bed and get dressed.

Patients are to get dressed quickly into their uniform

7:30- 8:00 // breakfast*

Patients will be taken down to the canteen. Trying to run/ sneeking extra food with will result in punishment

8:00- 10:00 // Free time*

Patients can do what they like for two hours.

10:00 - 12:00 // Group Therapy**

Nurses take all of the inmates for group therapy, to talk and discuss their problems.

12:00 - 1:00 // Lunch*

Inmates are taken to the canteen to eat.

1:00 - 5:00// 'alone time'

Patients are to stay in their cells until tea time- cells will be locked all of the time, apart from free time.

5:00 - 6:00// Tea time*

Patients are taken to the canteen for tea.

6:00 - 6:30// Shower and wash

Patients are to clean themselves.

6:30 - 7:00// 'Alone time'

7:00// Lights outs!

Activity's marked with * will be taken away as punishment is any rules are broken

Activity's marked with ** will result in punishment if skipped.

Nurses will request to see patients individually during free time.

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No skipping therapy sessions

respect the gaurds and nurses.

All staff at the asylum MUST be adressed my patients as 'sir or ma'am'

Must wear the correct uniform

Talking and/or interacting with other inmates is not encouraged

All inmates MUST follow the schedule

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No godmodding

no being mean to other rpers

keep it realistic guys- no easy escapes ect

Pg-13 please :)

no perfect characters.;

Open Roles:

Asylum Manager



Patients/inmates (obviously...)

You can make your own forms:) show me what you can do!


NAME: Cyrus lecter

AGE: 17

PA§T: will be roleplayed))

PROBLEMS: touching, loud noises, violence, crack addict,drunk,Schizophrenia

COLOUR: blaaaack

Style: scene

(Babe if there's anything else you want to know about cyrus letme know xxxxx love lois)

NAME:Kasabian Myers

AGE: 18

PA§T: will be roleplayed))

PROBLEMS: Kasabian has a very serious alchohol addiction. also he is extreamly violent. just touching him or talking to him when he doesnt want to could result in broken bones...

COLOUR: black (padded celll)

Style: he doesnt havve a style.. he is just dark...
Name- Lilith Leila Monera

Age- 17

Role- Patient/Inmate

Color- Black

Bio- Lilith was raised in a troubled home, this is where it is believed most of her problems came from. Her mother was barely home and when she was, she tended to bring men home with her. Her father was a serious alcoholic and tended to be extremely violent, especially towards her. By the time Lilith was 13 she had developed serious problems. She had a tendency of talking to things that weren't there and lashed out at anyone that tried to get to close to her. This behavior reached its height when she turned 16. Her father came into her room with the intent of beating her. Unfortunately for him, she was in one of her moods. She lashed out at him and ended up accidentally killing him. Her mother panicked and had her put in the asylum since she was now afraid for her life.

Problems- Seeing/talking to things that aren't there and severely violent/murderous tendencies.

Appearance- Lilith has long black hair that just barely reaches her waist and blue eyes. She prefers wearing black clothing so she didn't mind very much when they gave her a black uniform.
I got up out of my chair, I hated night patrol, scared the helhl out of me.. I got my tordowch and my gun, I stuck my headphones in to block out this muffled screams of the inmates..I looked down at the long row. Of cells that were waiting for me.. A new and exiting horror hiding ,lurking in every crack..


Sighing heavily, i sat alone in the corner of my room. I wanted to get out of here so badly, but i knew there was no chance of that- whatsoever. I hated everyone here, and everything about this place...! The worst things about being stuck here was everyone was scared me, i couldnt drink, and i couldnt be alone with rob(his imaginary friend)).

At this peticular moment i wanted a drink more than anything... i found it hard to keep a stash like everyone else because the nurses search my room too often... However, today they hadnt searched the room yet, and i had vodka...

I stared idly at my ceiling. There was nothing to do here except to sit and wait until morning. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of Timmy and Trenton arguing with each other again. At least I had all of my friends for company. "Cut it out, you two.." I call over to them only for them to ignore me. Okay, so we're gonna play that game today, hmm? "Don't make me come over there..!" They instantly stilled, giving me a sheepish look. I sighed, turning my attention back the the sunflower floating around towards the ceiling. It was amusing to watch.

Name: Jo Rogerson

Gender: female

Age: 16

Color: red

Problem (reason for being here): violently wacks others with hammers and or sticks.

Appearance: short and thin from not eating the asylum's food. She's got long straight brown hair that is cut slightly zig-zagged from her getting her hands on some scissors in her cell. She's got late striking green eyes that hide every emotion unless she wants it to show. Her nose curves slightly with a bump. Her lips are plump and her teeth are straight from braces in the past.

Bio: (ill make her eventually tell her story)


Name: Alicia Carlston

Age: 27

Personality: bright and cheery. Too much sometimes.

Appearance: Short and plump. Curly red hair that goes to shoulders. Pale with many freckles. And small blue eyes.
(both accepted ))))

Sighing heavily, i sat alone in the corner of my room. I wanted to get out of here so badly, but i knew there was no chance of that- whatsoever. I hated everyone here, and everything about this place...! The worst things about being stuck here was everyone was scared me, i couldnt drink, and i couldnt be alone with rob(his imaginary friend)).

At this peticular moment i wanted a drink more than anything... i found it hard to keep a stash like everyone else because the nurses search my room too often... However, today they hadnt searched the room yet, and i had vodka...

Not being able to control it any more, i reached under the white bed. I fealt around for the bottle of vodka. Found it! I smirked, wrapping my fingers around it and pulling from underneath the bed.

"What are you doing!?" Rob stood by my side screaming... I ignored his, unscrewing the cap. this fealt so good..... i put the bottle to my lips, letting the drink flow into my mouth.... so good..!

How could inmates still be active at this time of night

I was shaking violently.. Hated night patrol.

I made my way down the corridor, shining a torch beam

And staring blankly in to each cell as I made my way down

The tiled floor.. Most people in here were just a waste of air

I didn't understand why we couldn't just kill the little freaks..

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