welcome to the DWMA

Yeah, jack was standing above zero then surota came in and charged at jack with a knife while emory was standing with her arms spread to which jack replied by an uppercut if im correct. Im about to reach that part and ill check to be sure, to which if im wrong, I apologize for causing a problem.

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You're at the first interruption, before Zero turned into Guild, in which he was on the ground, and your partner said that the battle was finished, so there was no "finishing blow"

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Yeah, my mistake on that. But it did say that jack and abigail were going to do it until emory and surota defended him. So I guess im a bit more in the wrong or? Im confused and I apologize.

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Yeah, once again sorry, ive been a bit of a bother in this department it seems hehe.

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Yes, it's based on the show. But it's about my character, who is an aspiring alchemist. You can control what my character becomes by the actions of your characters.

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