Welcome to the Asylum


Where's your will to be weird?
Ixidor92 Miggle ~Quizzical~ thesebrighteyes Ene Kagerou Vile Rose Nirvana minusultra Highly Unorthodox ((roleplay is up! Feel free to post anytime after this! KEEP ALL OOC IN IC THREAD!))

The impatient typing of a pen against a table echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls in a steady tempo. Julia Rene Gordon leaned back in her office chair, staring blankly at the large stack of files in front of her. Her mind was far away, stuck on her five year old daughter at home and the continuous reports of rebel activity. Both Trackers and Agents have gone missing, and Julia guessed it was rebels responsible for this. She wasn’t one hundred percent positive, but planned to discuss it with the other leaders, Alex and Ene.

Sighing, Julia rested her face in her hands, wanting to just throw these files off her damned desk. She still had to visit all of the patients in the asylum, make sure they were well tended to and taken care of. That included the basics, food and water, and also special items, such as paper and pens. Depending on their emotions, Julia may or may not have to use her sixth sense, and she couldn’t use that on all of the patients. And even after that, she still had to go through more files of information. This was not her idea of fun in any way shape or form.
Naomi wakes up, and starts to read a book in her mind. She smiles as she reads, her eyes shut as white words flash out against a black background. She sits crosslegged in her room, happily. She then sees a short flash, the civil war.

Georg B. Maclellan yells forward to the Union army at the battle of antietam. The army charges forward to meet Robert E. Lees confederate army. In the single bloody day, there are 22717 casualties. On the Union side, 2108 are killed. 9540 wounded. 753 captured and missing. It's a devastating day. On the confederate side, 1546 are killed. 7752 are wounded. 1018 are captured or missing. The minieball strikes fear, breaking bone and tearing the muscle as it pounds itself into the mens body. This battle is the bloodiest day in American history.

Naomi opens her eyes, and screams. The shrill scream echoes in her room, as she sobs chaotically. She lays on her bed with her hands over her ears, clutching them tightly. 
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Antietam)
Damien sat in the bar, slowly swirling his beer. His eyes wandered around the dimly lit room, looking for the person his sources told him about. His sat up with a sigh, realizing that they weren't here. He decided instead to look for a pretty lady who would make a nice mark. He knew his wallet was getting lighter than he thought comfortable, and it was time for him to pick up some money.

There were a few nice looking women in the bar, but none looked the right "type" for what he was about to do. He spun around on his stool, resting both his arms on the counter behind him. A slight smirk played on his lips as he saw a woman in the corner that looked perfect. She was an older woman, who was flaunting her ringless finger. It was obvious that she was newly divorced- women like her generally didn't dress the way she did unless she just got rid of a poor sucker husband. Not to mention you could see the slight tan line where her ring used to be.

Damien asked the bartender for some sort of alcoholic drink, a perfect key for unlocking the woman's trust. He put a few dollars on the counter, grabbed the viciously fruity alcoholic drink, and started towards the rich lady in the corner.
(Won't be posting for the rest of the evening)

Darkness . . . Valien quickly opened his eyes, afraid of the darkness. The same blank room surrounded him . . . the same as before. He closed his eyes again and started to cry softly. He was doomed to stay here . . . alone and unwanted . . . As the water leaked from his eyes, his arms and legs changed, becoming something akin to volcanic glass. No cracks appeared when he moved to wipe the tears away form his cheeks, almost as if his limbs were living statues.

Charlotte entered the bar and turned her head around cooly. She knew who she was looking for, and she would not let him get away this time. She absorbed a few glares from the people in the bar, with her small frame and stature she looked no older than a child. She blew off any self conciousness she had and walked calmly into the interior of the dirty bar. She wrinkled her nose slightly when the smell caught her, but she walked forward none the less.

She saw him then, carrying a drink, walking towards someone. She could tell that he was headed towards someone- probably some skank he wanted for the night.

She let out a small giggle of excitement, realizing that the game was soon to begin. She quickly walked up to the man they called Damien, grabbing the drink out of his hands. She took a small sip, and peered up at him.

"So THATS where you are hunny, I was looking for you", Charlie drew out the last word, adding a southern drawl to it. She merely placed her hand on his arm gently, and guided him out of the bar. She left the sickly sweet drink on a table, while she used her ability to force him outside.

"You should have known we would find you eventually...", Charlotte spoke under her breath.
Lucina was freaking out. She had hovered today. Hovered. She had jumped, and she stayed in the air for a few extra seconds. What was going on? She hurried out of the school building, managing to get a weird look from basically everyone she passed. She wanted to cry. What had she done to deserve this? She finally got to the footpath that she walked home on, and slowed down and collected her thoughts. She knew that she could jump abnormally high, and hover unintentionally for a few seconds. Could she control it though? Lucina jumped in the air, and went much higher then she should've. Then, on the way down, she thought "hover. Don't let your feet touch the ground." And as she thought that, she didn't hit the ground for almost a full 30 seconds. Now she was getting worried. This wasn't some weird sci-fi movie, this was real life. People weren't supposed to be like this.
“Currently two tracker and three agents have been reported missing in action.” Alex said, writing down an incident report at his desk.

After complete his work, Alex lent back in his chair and have a sigh from frustration. He took of his glasses and placed his thumb and index on both of his temples, rubbing them in circles. He felt that the asylum is going to fairly busy with the slight shortage of staff running it.

“Damn rebels, the piss me off so much.” He said, placing his glasses back on.

“I guess I better do my rounds to ease my mind.”

Alex got up from his desk and left his office, doing a patrol around the area to ease his mind.
Damien was caught off guard by the tracker. It was clear to him that she was a tracker, because why else would she be looking for him? At first he was glad that she was there. Finally he could get some imperium blood on his hands once more. It was only after a few seconds that he realized that he wasn't the one choosing to walk out of the bar. With an attempted scowl, he looked at the small lady leading him out of the bar. He heard her mumble, you should have known we would find you eventually...

Damien felt the anger bubble up inside of him. He finally had the chance to take down more imperium scum, but he was left powerless to move his own hands.

if I could only get my hands on her face, he thought.

He followed the lady out of the bar and into the alleyway, completely unsure of what was about to happen.

Charlie could already tell that this Damien must be frusterated. They all are when she uses her ability. After all, they were losing control of the body they've had their entire life. It's not an easy experience.

She let out a small laugh, then stopped walking. She spun around on him, looking him in the eye.

"Now you just stand there a moment, hmm?", she spoke in a sing-song voice, losing the fake accent.

She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Alex. She put the device up to here ear, watching Damien the entire time. As much as she didn't want to use her ability (she felt it was "cheating), she kept it on him all the same. She knew he was dangerous and that it wasn't time to play games.

She heard the phone continue ringing, and she pulled her hand up to bite off a hangnail on her thumb.

'I hope they aren't angry at me for going after him...", she thought.
Remy watched as her older sister, by all of one minuet, stirred her straw eagerly in her glass of cherry coke. Max had a habit of not eating when she was nervous. Remy swallowed the piece of garlic chicken that she had been eating.

"Okay, out with it," the red headed girl said, her words thick with a Scottish accent."What's on your mind?"

"Nothing," Max said simply and proceeded to take a sip of her coke.

"Maxie," Remy pressed.

"I just think we shouldn't have ever left. That's all."

Remy's mouth fell open. "This was your idea!"

"I know, but I didn't think you would want to go through with it," Max shrugged.

Remy gave her sister a look. Of course she would go through with it. When Remy set her mind to something nothing stops her, Max should know that by now.

"We should just go back home," Max continued, her eyes pleading.

Remy sighed. The reason they were here was because of Max. The twin sisters had realized their powers on their sixth birthday, they though of it as a gift. But where Remy's powers were a breeze to control, Max had always had trouble with hers. When ever emotions got out of hand, especially when she was angry or upset, so would her powers. Remy remembered when they were ten and a boy in their PE class mad Max so angry that all the lights in the gym popped and went out. Of course no one knew what had really happened, but it scared Remy. So when Max saw online that there was rumors of a place in Kansas where people had powers, she practically ordered Remy to come with her. Not that she was complaining, this would be good for the both of them. Unforchantly for them, they had not idea where this place was, or if it even really exists. But hey, something was better than nothing.

"We can't go back, we told Mum that we were visiting Maur Hill-Mount Academyto see if we wanted to try boarding school in America. What would we say if we came back after just one day?" Remy asked.

"That we didn't like the school?" Max offered. "Come on Rem, this place could just be a myth."

"And it could be real. We cannot be the only ones in the world with powers... but maybe you should have gotten an address? We have no idea what were even looking for."

Max started stirring her drink again as she looked around the restaurant of which they ate. "I'm starting to think this was a bad idea."
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After a while, Julia gave up on paper work and stood, abruptly pushing back her chair. Her heels clicked against the floor as she briskly made her way out of the office she hated, pushing open the door to reveal a long corridor. Along the walls were doors, doors to rooms with white walls. Rooms that held those who lost control of their sixth sense, who had fallen insane. Julia quickly made her way down the seemingly never ending hall, peering through the small, bullet proof windows to make sure everyone was in a stable condition.

Screams made her stop at one, her gaze flashing through the window to see Naomi, a girl with the ability to pretty much know everything, a sixth sense Julia would find frightening. The girl shrieked, hands holding her temples as unwanted knowledge flew through her thoughts. Julia hastily fumbled for the key card at her belt, which gave her access to every room in the asylum. She scanned it across the screen, waiting impatiently as it beeped, opening the door.

Julia dashed to the girl's side, dropping down to her knees and resting a hand on her shoulder. Soothing thoughts caressed the girls mind, relieving the facts on death and war. "It's okay, Naomi," Julia cooed to her with a soft smile, her fingers still holding onto the girl's shoulder.
Felix was standing in the middle of a field filled with poppies. The odd sheep was here and there gazing and Felix felt pretty much at home. He decided to lay down in the field and just stare up into the sky. It was a clear sunny day but it was disturbed by the sound of beetling. Felix sat up and saw the herd of sheep running away. Not too far away from him was a figure that seemed to be standing there. He had one of the sheeps in his hands and it was fighting to get loose. This figure was dress in a long black cloak and it was just staring. Right at Felix. "This one's mine now." It hissed at Felix and all of sudden Felix started falling.

With a jolt, the plane landed at the airport. This jolt was big enough to wake up Felix who had fallen asleep on his way towards America. He awoke panting and almost short of breath. "Everything alright, sir?" Asked one of the aeroplane's stewards. "Huh? Oh! Fine, thanks....Just a bad dream." Felix replied, breathing out once he started to feel safe once more. He started to rub his head with his right hand as he tried to figure out what the heck was that dream all about. He decided to push the thought aside, thinking he's had enough problems already without another one turning up. He's come out here to relax, and that's what he's going to do. The plane pulled up into it's dock and slowly the passengers got off and started grabbing their bags. Felix only bought a small suitcase, he was only stopping for two weeks so he just packed what was essential to him.

He got out of the airport and called for a taxi, after some taxis passing him by one finally stopped and he gave them the address to the hotel he was staying in. As the taxi pulled off, Felix took off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. In the dark of the eyelids he could see flashes off the dream. The dark figure standing, smiling smugly. He shook his head and plopped his glasses back on. The taxi drove past a bar with a young woman and man walking out of it towards an alleyway. "Huh. Lucky Sod." Felix commented on the scene. It wasn't long for when the taxi pulled up in-front of the hotel. Felix paid the man and made his way into the lobby. "Hey, I'm booked for Room 36?" The man behind the counter lazily looked up to Felix with the face that could tell a thousand sad stories. He pulled a key off a hook and pasted it to Felix's gloved hand. "3rd floor, 6th door to the right." The fed-up man said in a mono-toned voice that could rival the British's monotonousness. Felix nodded and walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor. He counted the doors till he got to the sixth one and opened the door to a small cupboard of a room with one single messy bed, curtains almost clinging off the window and the only clean place in this whole single room is the bathroom. Felix sighed. "Well, it's no king's palace. But it'll do." And with that he closed the door and started to unpack his things.
The night came over the city quickly, couples running under umbrellas to keep out of the rain. The rain pounded down hard on this side of the city, soaking the concrete and asphalt. A man sat on the concrete, rain soaking him to the bone. His head stayed down locked on the ground, his black hoodie soaking his jet black wavy hair. Droplets of water dripped down his pale skin and his hands stayed tucked in his hoodie. His hands were covered in thick leather gloves, his long black pants ripped and shredded from use.

His eyes had such a depressed lonely look, his body shivering slightly as the tempture dropped. People walked past whispering and looking down on him. Though he only ignored it. The streets were slowly clearing, and he liked it better this way. With no one around it was safer.
The rain dripped off the end of the umbrella, plopping on the ground as the five-year-old Raisa splashed in the puddles, giggling madly. A few droplets hung in the air, twirling around in a circle before falling, landing with a musical drip. Her eyes shun in delight at this, small hand raising in the air. The water drew towards her palm, molding together in a miniature ball. Raisa laughed at this, face glowing like a Christmas tree. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Charlotte, one of her favorite people that her mom, Julia, worked with. She was with a man, who Raisa figured was another coworker, and probably nice too, like the rest of them.

Smiling broadly, she darted across the street in the rain, her boots splashing in the building puddles. "Charlie!" she sang, waving her free hand wildly in the air. She dashed to her side, flinging her arms around her waist. "Hi Charlie! Do you know when Mommy will be home? Was it busy today? I'll imagine it was." She grinned at Charlotte, then turned to face the man, the same smile on her face. "What's your name, sir? I'm Raisa! How old are you? You look really, really young! I'm five! I am young, aren't I?"
Felix just finished packing as he heard the pitter patter of rain drops hitting the glass window. He drew the curtains, making sure that they don't end up falling on top of him, and looked outside. "Not so different to back home." Felix muttered to himself as he watched people run towards cover. This made him chuckle as he was used to people just don't giving a damn about it. As he watched the rain pour and the lights of the town slowly turn on one by one, he started to lean on his left hand. A glaze over his hand dropped his mood fast. He turned to face his room and looked down to his left hand. The thick grey glove that he wore over it flashing his mind back to the incident of when he took it off. Do so again, but making sure to not touch anything, he just stared at the bare flesh of his actual hand. "What...was that? Back then." He asked himself. "Those...images..." He sighed and slid on his glove. He pulled out his coat, a mafia styled black fur coat, and pulled out his fedora and walked out of his room. The fresh air and rain might clear his mind.

Charlie saw the little girl dash towards her, and she quickly shut her phone. She heard the girl start babbling nonsense, and she narrowed her eyes at the rebel as if to say "if you do anything to hurt her..."

Charlotte immediately opened her phone once more to dial Julia. She held her breath with every ring, and offered Raisa a small smile. She increased her control over Damien's body, just for precautions. With the hold she had on him, the only thing he could do was make facial expressions and perhaps talk. Of course, his normal bodily functions still happened, she wasn't suffocating him.

While waiting for an answer, Charlie turned to the little girl and spoke softly, "Raisa, what are you doing here without your mother? You should know that it isn't safe to play around bars. That's where bums like this guy hang out, and you don't want to hang out with bums, do you? Why don't you go back to your mum?"
"Mommy's at work," Raisa said with a small frown, "She's been really stressed, so I thought I would walk home from school today and surprise her!" She gave Charlotte a smile at this, her blue eyes sparkling in the rain. Her gaze shifted to the man, head tilting to the side in curiosity as Charlie called him a bum. "How is he a bum, Charlie? He doesn't look like a bum to me!" She gave him a grin, strands of her black hair falling in her face. She brushed them impatiently out of the way, still watching the man in interest.

Julia was still with Naomi when her phone rang. Sighing, she hastily pulled it out of her pocket, checking the caller ID. Giving Naomi a comforting smile, she stood and stepped outside, flicking the cellphone open and holding it to her ear. "Charlotte, what's up?" she asked quickly, keeping voice low and level, "Where are you? I have an assignment for you."
Keeping her voice light in hopes as to not alarm Raisa, Charlotte spoke into the phone.

"Hello Julia. I know you didn't really ask me to hunt down any rebels today, but I was bored and I had a lead. I found none other than that Damien guy I overheard you talking about...well... Raisa was walking home from school today and she saw me and decided to come over and say hi. You don't think you could come, uh, pick her up now do you?", Charlotte spoke the entire time in a high pitched, "happy" sounding voice. It was the kind of tone that most adults use when talking to a child.

Charlie felt the stress begin to build up in her, and found that using her ability while dealing with the situation was making things worse. She decided that it would be best to have Damien go to "sleep", so she had him hit his own head on the brick outer wall of the bar.

She heard a sickening thud, and saw Damien slump against a pile of black garbage bags. She released any hold she had over his body, and waited for Julia's response.
Damien could tell by the edge in her voice that this member of the imperium was frustrated. The little girl who went by Raisa kept talking and talking, and in all honesty Damien was starting to get irritated himself. Damien heard the imperium member say the name Julia, and he couldn't help but find it familiar. He made a small mental note not to forget that name, in case it would be important later. When the imperium scum finished talking into the cellular device, he knew something was coming. It was almost as if her tension was transmitting into his own body. He could feel his muscles clenching with her stress. That's when he felt his head hit the wall with a splitting crack

It took tremendous focus, but Damien knew he could stay concious. He could already feel blood flowing from a wound on his forehead, but he refused to be taken in today. He lay slumped, cradled by garbage bags, waiting for a good moment to make his move. Once he had the courage, he leaped up, grabbing the girl as he went. He held the little girl in his arms, with her back pressed to his chest. One arm held her across her stomach, the other cradled her chin.

"I would simply use her as a hostage, but I know that you could still take control over me again. I am truly sorry, but this seems to be the only way of me getting out of this sticky situation as a free man. I'm sure she is a nice girl, but I refuse to be taken by you imperium scoundrels.", With that, Damien flipped the girl around in his arms, and set her on the ground. He placed his hands on her face, and stared into her eyes. He could feel the wound on his forehead closing as he took life from the little girl in front of him. He didn't take enough to kill her or anything, just enough to make her eyelids droop into a deep slumber.

"Don't worry, tracker", Damien spat the words with venom, "She'll be fine, but she will need medical attention. You have the choice of chasing me, or getting this little doll into the hospital. Unless you lack any and all humanity, I'm sure you will choose the latter. Now, prove to me that you aren't the heartless monster that I think you are."

Damien gave the tracker girl one more glance, than quickly turned on his heels and ran out of the alley and into the growing storm.

Max walked out of the restaurant, Remy close behind. She frowned when she saw the rain. Usually there would be a doorman with an umbrella waiting to keep them dry and escort them to a waiting car, but here in Kansas there was no such luck. "And my hair looks so good today," Max muttered.

"Call a taxi," Remy said from behind.

Max sighed and took out her cell. She punched in 411 and held the phone to her ear. "Yes, I need a taxi," she said to the receptionist. After giving her their location Max got the number for the nearest cab company and placed an order. "It's no its way," said said slipping her cell back in her Dior.

"And now we wait," Remy said.

"And now we wait," Max echoed. The twins were on their way back to their hotel room to plan out how they would go about their time here. They only had the summer to get help for her powers. Every day that passed Max got more worried, she was so scared that she would hurt someone. What if one day she lost all control? And then what?


Remy's voice cut through Max's thoughts and she turned to her twin sister, she looked worried. Max noticed that the street lights and those in the restaurant were flickering.

"Sorry," Max said calming her self. The lights went back to normal. "I'm just on edge."

"Ah don't be. This is all going to go smoothly. Soon you will be in complete control." Remy smiled but Max could still see the worry in her eyes.

Max looked out on the rain. as they stood in the door frame waiting for their taxi. One can only hope.
Felix walked out of the hotel and into the streets of the city. The feel of the rain and the sound of silence apart from the rain. This made Felix feel right at home. He was just calmly walking along till a figure down an alleyway caught his attention. The figure turned towards him and a smile formed on his face. Felix knew all too well what this figure was, but how was he there? He didn't ask, he just turned his head away and walked faster. Each paranoid turn of his head just saw the figure coming closer and closer till suddenly Felix hits something due to being mid-way of turning his head.

Landing with a splash and his hat and right hand glove falling off, Felix sat down on the pavement with an Ompf. He had walked into a woman who was standing beside an even shorter woman. Without even thinking he apologized immediately but looked back to see if the man was still following him. He seemed to have disappeared.
Raven coughed, his hand instinctively covering his mouth. Simple back leather gloves stretched with his fingers as he grunted. He slowly placed his hands against the wall, leaning his weight back and using the wall to lift himself. His hoodie draped over his, almost black looking hair and grey hues peeked out under the black strands. His hands quickly went back into his plain hoodie jacket. The sound of rain was all there was to drowned out the sound of his sloshing foot steps.

His eyes glued to the pavement as he walked. The streets were empty, even a lack of cars was iminant. He stayed like this for a few blocks before sliding down an alley way. The alley way was alittle small, barely room enough for two people to walk threw it. The walls were damp from the rain, the smell of mold and seweg seeping threw the air. The sound of tipping shoes caused him to suddenly reel his head forward, watching a man run down the alley towards him as a small girl collapsed in the street. His eyes widened in surprise, his body without thinking stepping in front of him.

His hands were quickly pulled out of his pockets in a stopping motion, his soft voice sounding as he spoke. "Wait.." His leather gloves echoed the sound of stretching as his hood suddenly fell from the his head. His soaked hair was wavy and short, but just long enough to fall in his eyes. He looked down at his hands realizing what he was doing. He took a step back from the man lowering them slightly as his eyes flickered back to the girl.

((Now that I'm not totally tired I re-edited and totally changed this post. That's Damian btw bright eyes ))
Tap tap tap, went the keyboard, under Ene's fingers, she continued searching for more people to bring back. Her mind remained empty with the tapping of the keys, as she continued looking for more rebels and those eho found out about it. She gave up searching and decided to go bsck to working on another plan, so if anyone decided to betray the organization again, she'd easily find them and kill them off.

A tracking device to put inside the body of all patients, trackers agents agentsand leaders inclding herself. She couldn't wait to show Julia and Alex her wonderful plan.
Raisa's eyes widened in shock as the man grabbed her, pulling her towards his chest. A small scream passed her lips, panic building in her chest as she thrashed, droplets of water raising in the air and meakly splashing against his skin. The struggle ended, however, when he spun her around, his gaze locking with hers. Slowly, she felt her life drain, her youth fade away, seeping into his body. Her eyes fell shut and her body went limp, hitting the ground with a dull thud.

"Raisa?" Julia's face paled as Charlotte spoke, her scolds for going after a rebel frozen on her lips. Her gaze shifted to Naomi, then back to the door, a plan quickly forming in her head. "Shit... I'm on my way. Keep her with you!" With that, she snapped her phone shut, then reclosed Naomi's cell door, darting down the corridor. She pulled aside one of the guards, giving him explicit instructions to alert both Alex and Ene that she was leaving early due to an emergency, and that they needed to check the patients. He nodded formally, and she hastily made her way out of the building, her mind on Raisa.

((Sorry it's so short >.< being rushed currently. Nirvana just reply the best you can! ( :) )

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