Welcome to the Asylum

Name: Reventre "Raven"

Age: 19

Skill/Power: Raven has no control over his power, therefore has isolated himself from all contact with humans. If anyone touches his skin they die. No ifs ands or butts. Any physical contact with his skin will result in instant death.

Bio/History: Raven has long since been off the grid. The only history known about him is that his power surfaced at the age of 13. He kicked both his mother and father. Since there have been a few others who have touched him and lost their life's. he keeps away from people to protect him. He know a nothing of this organization, note does he want to be apart of it.


Will be up soon

Personality: Very smart and always seems to talk of higher meaning and knowledge. He is very detached from others and is often described as quite and mysterious.

Name: Raven Sol

Age: 19

Skill/Power: Raven has no control over his power, therefore has isolated himself from all contact with humans. If anyone touches his skin they die. No ifs ands or butts. Any physical contact with his skin will result in instant death.

Bio/History: Raven has long since been off the grid. The only history known about him is that his power surfaced at the age of 13. He kicked both his mother and father. Since there have been a few others who have touched him and lost their life's. he keeps away from people to protect him. He know a nothing of this organization, note does he want to be apart of it.


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Personality: Very smart and always seems to talk of higher meaning and knowledge. He is very detached from others and is often described as quite and mysterious.

Real identity: Ravens real "true" name is Reventree. He is the leader of the rebels and has been for generations. All the information in the system about him was put there by him. His power is just like him, not as it seems, It works like strings. Raven touches someone and they die, the reason they die is because he takes their life force. There "string". His power has two parts. While touching one person can "steal" their string if he touches another person who is "dead" it's transfers the string. Killing one and reviving the other. He also has the ability to switch his string with others, letting him live in different bodies as he pleases. Because he's so old, he has learned how to control how much "string" he takes .. For example. He could take the hand of a doctor, and that little girls hand, and give her just enough of his life force to make her well. Without killing the other person. However filtering his power like that takes to much power, and usually put him in a exhausted condition.

Reventree, years ago had infiltrated the Imperium and placed himself as one of the leaders, with the intent of bring it down from the inside. However, during his mission he meet a women whom he feel deeply in love with. He loved her so much that could exhaust himself everyday, looping there string to stop from killing her. However, his rebel minions became impatient, and accused Reventree of being compromised. It was then that the rebels attacked. They killed their leader forcing him into a new body by switching their "strings". The moment the bodies switched one of his minions stole all his memories of this women, bring back the tricky leader they had known and loved. He is currently pretending to be a young boy who has no control and no family.

Unknown to him, he has a son who recently joined the rebels. His name is Daiman, his mother Reventree meet over a decade ago. She has since died.. But not him..



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Name: Clyde Wesky

Age: 23

Gender: male

Class: patient

Six sense: Clyde was born with the ability to alter his appearance to that of any other human being. This became very useful as he grew up on the street: why worry about the law when you can break it and simply form a new identity? However, after he discovered this power he used it far to often for his still developing mind to handle. He soon lost control. Now, whenever Clyde's emotions become too much for him to handle, his body takes on an entirely new identity without his permission. It's as if he has a group of people living inside his head, each with their own name and personality. He is doing his best to keep them under control and locked away, but the agency cannot trust him enough to use him. He calls his personalities "The Others". He's been a patient since he was seventeen.

Skills: Clyde is not a strong man, but he has found strength in words. He prides himself on his wit and charisma. He can talk his way out of nearly anything. And when he can't, The Others usually take care of the situation...

Bio: Clyde's parents were kind, caring people. But that simply wasn't enough for a boy with dreams of being different. He felt trapped in the suburbs where his family lived, and at fourteen he took to the streets. It was there he found his ability, and he used it to hide from his parents (and the law) for years. At seventeen, he was finally caught by a tracker, after The Others had started to appear and take over. At the time Clyde didn't even realize his other personalities existed (he was not conscious during their takeovers). The agency revealed them to him, and he's lived in fear of them ever since. He tries to keep away from people, in case The Others take over, but being alone may drive him mad.

Appearance: Clyde's own form is slight, pale and lanky (nearly 6'2"). He has dark brown eyes, and hair that falls naturally into a shaggy mess he cannot hope to tame. He isn't anything special, not attractive by most standards, but his way with words tends to make up for that. You can tell by looking at him that he doesn't put much effort into appearances. He has to spend his time focusing on other things.
Name: Jameson Andrews

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Class: Patient

Sixth Sense: Momentum. Jameson can change the momentum of an object or add to it. If something is thrown at him, he can send it immediately in a different direction, even in the opposite one, without it slowing at all, and can even throw some more force behind it. It isn't telekinesis, so he can't control where it goes after he's not touching it anymore. He just aims and shoves, basically. He can also use it to add momentum to himself, at times, to let him jump higher or run faster, but it takes a lot of concentration not to hurt himself. He can't move objects that are too large, or at least can't do it with much speed, and if he tries to stop momentum instead of changing it, it goes straight into him instead. One time he was almost hit by a car and stopped it's momentum, but it shoved him down the street instead and he got injured that way.

Skills: He's good at hand to hand, but not with any training, just from practice brawling on the streets. He's decent at least, and can defend himself if needed. He has no skill with projectile weapons, but has tried to better his aim so that he can create his own out of anything.

Bio: Jameson lived with a mother who spent more time away from home than in it. His father, because he suspected his wife of cheating and because he was a miserable man, took to drinking early on in Jameson's life. There were little hits, here and there, but nothing extreme, until the day when Jameson was 14 and his father broke a bear bottle and cut open his leg. Jameson had to call an ambulance for himself after his father ran off and did his best to say it was an accident so he wouldn't get dumped into foster care, but it didn't work. While the bottle had missed his leg, the damage it did to his leg has left him with a limp, so he generally carries a thick walking stick with him that can also be used as a weapon. Because he was bounced around so often between homes and different government supports, he was just caught by Imperium and isn't very happy about it.


((Much shorter hair than the pic, but you get the general idea))

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Name: Kaldern Wister

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Class: Agent

Sixth Sense: Pocket dimensions. He can drop an object into a "hole" and leave it there until he feels like taking it back out. When that happens, he can shoot it out at any speed he wishes. He has yet to find a way to put a person other than himself through one without damage to bodies or psyches.

Skills: Kaldern is skilled in many forms of combat, as all agents are, and is practiced in restraining inmates at the asylum, as well as protecting both himself and others from them, or them from themselves. For the younger ones, he sometimes performs 'magic tricks' to entertain or distract them.

Bio: Kaldern's past is, for the most part, a mystery. He kept his ability mostly under control and hidden until he was discovered after being attacked in an alleyway around the age of 16. He dropped one of the men into a pocket dimension out of fear, after being beaten half to death, and was never able to throw him back out again. To this day, he has no knowledge of where the person went, but because of the fright it gave him, knowing he could do that, he didn't fight his 'rehabilitation' at Imperium. He welcomed the chance to get himself under control, and to help make sure no one else accidentally hurts, kills or traumatizes others and themselves like he did.


((This one can keep his long hair))

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Name: Allen

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Class: Technically a Facultas (or however it's spelt...) but kind of a Rebel...meh, he's neutral

Sixth Sense: Allen holds the unique ability to communicate with parasites and diseases.

Bio: Allen holds the unique ability to communicate with parasites and diseases. Normally, this would imply that he could easily help doctors and medics in their fights against incurable diseases. However, after having a rather brutal disease claim a portion of his face, scarring him for life, he became more and more prone to hearing what the ailments had to say. As such, he's sided with the plagues and diseases for their fight for survival.

Appearance: that, plus a dark red, mass-like scar on the bottom left-hand corner of his face (mostly spreading from his cheek to his neck with a few blotches beyond those areas)




Sixth Sense:Able to speak to the dead

Skills:His skill is in defence and offence

Bio:(I like typing so i'm doing this) Lucis wasn't the "perfect child" to begin with.Growing up he was a smoke addict and had a serious drinking problem which he then died from it.Lucis is now aside with the Devil and is a trouble maker and a bully but when he sees someone he likes he'll show his good side.

Appearance:He wears a necklace around his neck with a skull on it and around his arms and bob wires.He has dark wings of a demonic type and a spiked long tail eyes glow a light white if angry (a normal shade of blue when calm) He wears leather tight pants with black leather boots and a black t shirt)

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Name: Alice

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Class: Facultas

Sixth Sense: Alice has what can be described as being able to control things with her mind. With this ability at any time, she could make something lift off the ground, or at worst, kill someone with a simple glance. She extremely rarely uses her power on purpose, for she doesn't know how to control it, but easily does things without meaning to.

Skills: Alice is extremely smart, but is extremely weak and delicate at most times, though when angered, her eyes change to a bright red and her hair turns white, and at this time she becomes possibly one of the strongest beings on earth.

Bio: From the start Alice had been on her own, so when she found that she had this sixth sense, it just got harder. She has been hiding from trackers for as long as she could remember, always staying in the small house in which she lived alone, never going out unless she absolutely had to. Alice was a small and fragile looking girl, and almost always had problems to deal with. She always wanted to be left alone, although that rarely seems to happen, for she is always being bothered by something or someone, whether it be real, or just another figment of her imagination that seems real to her. To this day, she still hides from the trackers, hoping that the government would never notice her, for she knew that if found, she would be sent to the Asylum.

Appearance: Normal

Appearance: Upset/Angry (not exactly but close, focus on the white hair and red eyes) 
Top: Normal <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/706063-bigthumbnail.jpg.167737f1f464dd05b0aaa98e73d6a614.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/706063-bigthumbnail.jpg.167737f1f464dd05b0aaa98e73d6a614.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bottom: Upset/Angry (not exactly but close, focus on the white hair and red eyes)

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Name: Elise Deliri

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Class: Facultas

Sixth Sense: Zero reaction time, the time it takes for Elise to react to events around her is absolutely non-existent. This allows her to flood her mind with a great amount of information within instants, both for the better or the worse, as there is not the chirp of a bird or the stroke of a leaf that she will not notice and locate. This has usually resulted in many headaches, just due to the massive amount of information her brain receives.

Skills: Elise possesses basic martial arts knowledge. She has never, however, touched a weapon of any sort. Her intelligence is considered somewhat above average, mostly due to the fact that she seems to be able to learn things really quickly, always snapping up every word spoken to her.


Growing up in Belleville, a small town on the border between Kansas and Nebraska, Elise was raised in a rather normal family. Despite that, however, ever since somewhere between the age of 7 and 8, Elise has had a fascination for the wilds, a wanderlust.

There were times were this phenomena caused her parents much distress, especially later in the years, when it could take Elise up to an hour simply to make the one mile trip between her school and home. During this time she usually took long detours trough the neighboring woods. Each time, she would try to take at least a slightly different path, even though always ending up home within the nearest hour.

Her parents however, did not take all to kindly to this, and tried to convince Elise to take the shortest path home, somewhat fearful of what she might encounter during her detours. After this, Elise obediently shortened her walks, instead picking up other hobbies to spend her time.

One of these hobbies was Hapkido, a Korean martial art which she found enjoyment in practicing. She was a rather slow learner however, and did not graduate beyond novice level for an entire year, until she reached the age of fourteen.

Upon the day of her graduation however, she was supposed to partake in spars with other novices in order to display their skill in the sport. Things started out well, even though the boy she was placed to spar with seemed somewhat more skillful than her. In the middle of the spar however, something snapped within Elise's mind, her temples started pulsing painfully as her mind was assaulted with a flood of senses, everything she looked at or heard suddenly seemed painfully detailed to her.

Following this, the spar took an immediate turn, as the previously somewhat superior opponent found himself unable to land a single punch upon the girl in front of him. She seemed to react instantly to whatever he was doing, putting up countermeasures within less than the tenth of a second. He soon found himself forced to surrender, completely unable to apply any sort of fighting technique he had learned against this girl.

This new found sensation of Elise's was however, not without price, as the painful pulsing in her temples simply increased, she soon afterwards found herself dropping unconscious in the middle of the dojo, as much to her own surprise as to anyone else present.

After this incident, she did continue with Hapkido. Even though she traded many hours of free time in attempt to control and get used to this constant overflow of information. Due to this she is today seen as rather anti-social.

Ok, ForgottenBlood first, this RP is about superpower humans, genetics, evolution. Not the devil demons or heaven. So, In order to be accepted you must get rid of all your demons, devil stuff. It just does not fit the story line.

jade162 just as I told Forgotten ill tell you. This RP is about really genetics. I could see her hair and eyes changing over time of using her power, but not a sudden mood change. It also really doesn't match her power. Now if she was radioactive or something, I would understand. But she's not. Get rid of the appearance part and your accepted.

@lacentis accepted.

@kapugen yes, just submit a character sheet and ill tell you if your accepted.

Charchar45 is actually the GM for this RP, however she is out of town for another week. For now i am running it for her. If you for any reason do not like my decision you are welcome to message her and protest. Her decision over rules mine. :)
Name: Lillith Kemp

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Class: Faculta

Sixth Sense: The Shift. In a nutshell, Lily can transform into almost any existing creature, as long as it doesn't have more physical mass than her. One of the catches to her ability is how the size of the creature affects the shift. The smaller the creature, the longer and more painful the shift.

Skills: Her dad is a hunter so he taught her the use of many hunting weapons when she showed interest. She's been in gymnastics since she was 6 so she's a bit muscular and very flexible.

Bio: Can I work it out in the RP? I absolutely despise writing bios. If not, I'll edit this

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Yayyyyy! You bring me joy! It's very late at night where I am, so I'll jump in sometime tomorrow. Night peoples of the rp world
I stopped getting alerts for this somehow :( Has the five day-delay thing caught up yet, or should I jump in now?
The only people behind on the timeline is Miggle and Spencer. Everyone else should be caught up. Jump in anytime. :)
I'm gonna apologize because I hate when people do this, but how should I jump in? Can I get another quick summary to refresh my memory? Also I'm leaving for work soon, so probably won't be joining tonight, and I'll be real busy for most of tomorrow))
Current timeline, pretty much is 'attempt to escape' from imperium. The only two active scenes is the escape from imperium and a scene at the rebel base. Your character, being a prisoner is given a attempt to escape. The rebel leader gave a speech to the the prisoners, saying if you want freedom, come with us. He has opened all the doors and has released he prisoners. But be careful. Imperium guards and trackers are everywhere :P
Finally back in town!!! I will be helping bring in new characters now with NPCs and such. If you need any help, please feel free to message myself or Darktanion!

Nalakitty01 Murfemra KapugenWolf If you do not reply by the end of this week, I will not accept you in the roleplay. If you need any help bringing in your characters, feel free to message myself or Darktanion! We won't bite, I promise ^.^
Agh! I'm so sorry -_- I've been really busy with work and other RPs and life, and I just can't get myself as motivated in this as I was when I first posted my profiles. I'm going to withdraw from this one, guys. Sorry, and thanks for trying to help.
Sorry, I just kinda stopped posting since I asked if there was anything my character could do and got no reply .-.

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