Welcome to the Asylum


Where's your will to be weird?
Rumors have spread. Rumors of a place in the wilderness of Kansas. Some say its false, others believe it to be true. A mental institution, an insane asylum. But there's so much more to this then there seems. Isn't there always more? So much more, that nobody knows. Well, nobody except us. We know exactly what happens behind those padded walls.

Who's we? We are a secret agency within the government in charge of keeping the human society safe. What are we keeping everyone safe from? Well, themselves. All human beings have a sixth sense, an ability hidden away. Not everyone is able to connect with this "sixth sense", but those who do can either be very useful or very, very dangerous. That's where we come in.

We are known as Imperium. Our job is to find those who connect with that "sixth sense" and to bring them back to our headquarters in Kansas. If this power they obtained is under control, they become a member of Imperium. And if not, well, they become a patient at the asylum. We keep them hidden away from the world, we keep them and the rest of the human race protected. It's the right thing to do. At least, that's what I've been told.


Agent- These are simple members of Imperium, all of which had connected with their sixth sense and have full control of it. They are well trained in all forms of combat, and have a variety of other skills. They're main job is to keep the patients at the asylum under control and make sure nobody gets in or out unless instructed otherwise by their superiors.

Trackers- These are members of Imperium who go and search for those beginning to connect with their sixth sense. Like the agents, they have incredible combat abilities, but they also have enhanced senses given to them annually by a series of shots. These senses help them track and find those connecting with their abilities so they are able to bring them back to head quarters for their own protection. Like the agents, they have also fully connected with their sixth sense and have full control of their ability as well.

Leaders- These people are the head of the agency. They make sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently, and assign all the tasks given to the trackers and agents. They also spend the most time with the patients of the asylum, making sure they're power do not get too much out of control and drugging them when necessary. Like agents and trackers, they have connected with their sixth sense and have control of their ability.

Note: I will only except 5 people for this position, which is not including my character.

Patients- They have connected with their sixth sense, but, unlike the members of Imperium, they have absolutely no control of their ability. The sixth sense has consumed them and drove them insane. Their power shifts with their emotions, and is wild and sparatic. They are treated well at the asylum, but will be restrained or drugged if necessary, and are constantly being watched with cameras set up around the asylum.

Facultas- These are people living among society who are beginning to connect with their sixth sense. Trackers are sent to find them and bring them back to be tested. If they have control, they are placed amongst the members of Imperium. If they have no control, they become a patient at the asylum. Most are found at younger ages, though some aren't found until their later years.

Rebels- These are people against the agency and there ways. Some are ex- members of Imperium who left the agency, others are average citizens who simply know about it via word of mouth. They want to reveal the truth to the world about the people and there powers, which Imperium works its hardest to prevent.


1. All RPN rules apply.

2. Language doesn't bother me, but any strongly intimate scenes need to fade to black.

3. Keep all OOC in the OOC thread!

4. 2 paragraphs MINIMUM per post.

5. Correct grammar and spelling please!

~Chara Skelly~





Sixth Sense: (this is basically a power in case anyone is confused by that. Only one! And keep it a variety!)


Bio: (optional. I hate bios as much as the next person, but if you do decide to do it, I want it to be detailed and well written)

  • Name: Julia Rene Gordon

    Age: 31

    Gender: Female

    Class: Leader
Name:Valien Irlk

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Class: Patient

Sixth Sense: Valien's bodily composition can be altered into a completely different substance. The extent of this is not yet known, but it does not appear he can turn into energy, only different forms of matter. However, his composition is entirely based on his emotions, becoming granite when he feels afraid and scared, molten rock when he is enraged, there was even a time where he was so confused he melted down into water. The more emotions he goes through, as well as the strength of them, determines his body's composition.

Skills: Valien has gone through a lot in his life, so he is incredibly resilient. When his body is changed into another substance, he still has full control over it, even if it is liquid or even gas. However, the more of his body that shifts, the more he loses himself in whatever emotion is causing the change.

Bio: Valien was very different from the time he was born. As only a baby, his emotions would take over and transform him into something entirely different. His mother was not willing to continue her life, and his father called the government. From his earliest memories, the inside of the facility is all that Valien has ever known. Despite their best efforts, his emotions are so unstable that control is completely impossible. He has tried to escape a couple times in the past, absolutely sick of being kept within a gilded cage. Other times he has sat down and cried all night. His emotions are a constantly shifting storm, and it is impossible to control . . . for now.

Name: Charlotte (Charlie) Jane Adams

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Class: Tracker

Sixth Sense: Charlotte has the ability to control others, much like a puppeteer. While people's minds are as free as they want, their body bends to her will when she wants it too. They have no ability to resist when she takes control of their body, but it's at a cost. It takes a great deal of strain and energy for Charlotte to take complete control, but overtime she has grown resilient to the pain.

Skills: While Charlotte doesn't need to be good in combat, she loves the fight. She doesn't settle for controlling people with her sixth sense-- she prefers to take them in the hard way first. She considers her sense to be "cheating", but she uses it when she has to.

Bio: Charlotte's mother died when she was very young. This meant she had to be raised by her ruthless father who, to the public, was a businessman. Behind closed doors this man was part of a black market business for anything. Whether it was guns, girls, or even body parts, her father's business sold them. When Charlotte developed her sixth sense, her father utilized this ability to his advantage. Why hire body guards when your little girl can make the "bad guys" kill themselves? While this childhood helped Charlotte master her ability, it also took it's toll on her mind. She has issues with relationships, and is considered to sometimes be "overly-violent"

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/images.jpg.664bc53a2a353a0e0aac2b78c624726b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/images.jpg.664bc53a2a353a0e0aac2b78c624726b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (obviously not both...)



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Name: Lucina Meiri

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Class: Faculta

Sixth Sense: Lucina can fly. This hasn't fully manifested yet, and so far she can only jump really high, and maybe hover for a few seconds or a minute at most.

Skills: Not any fighting experience.

Bio: Lucina lived a normal life until she was about 12, when her parents got divorced. This took a huge toll on her, and she became cold towards her friends. After a while she had distanced herself from everyone she had known before. She became very depressed and angry, lashing out at anyone who tried to comfort her. When she discovered her power, she thought she was a freak and tried to hide it and ignore it. But soon enough, when she started to do things like jump to catch a baseball in gym, she would jump much higher than normal. She worried and worried. People had definitely noticed. No one would speak to her again. She felt as if, even though she had pushed everyone away, she just needed a friend most of all. She isn't exactly willing to learn to control her power (she honestly wishes she didn't have it at all), but maybe that will change at the asylum.

Appearance: Lucina has short strawberry-blonde hair cut into a bob. She tends to wear jeans and tee shirts, often with stripes or other patterns. She has hazel eyes. She as an athletic body type and is an average height, around 5'6".
Name: Damien Crowley

Age: (135) looks 23

Gender: Male

Class: Rebel

Sixth Sense: Damien possesses the rather morbid ability to take people's youth. By placing his hands on both sides of someone's head and looking them straight in the eye, he can pull their youth out of them. It gets pulled from their mouth, and into his. This "youth" deposits into him, and he regenerates. In basic terms- he is stealing people's "life force" to benefit himself. This means he can live to be very old, and that healing can potentially be very easy for him.

Skills: Damien is a very sly person. He knows he is handsome, and he knows he will stay handsome. This means that he is cocky. But on the same hand, he is very smart. He is good at planning, and conning, which in turn puts him in good odds on the street. He makes money by tricking people, and using what he has. He knows a handsome face is valuable, so he uses his to it's full extent.

Bio: Damien was born and left alone at a young age. He grew up in a cruel orphanage many years ago. This orphanage was in England. He had been told at the age of 7 that his mother was a prostitute, and no one knew who his father was. It was at that point that he set out to find her. Being young a naive, he didn't understand what she was or what she did. He would sneak off at night to go find her, convinced that if he did she would take him back. He desperately wanted his mother. One night, while he was off on his "rescue mission", he got lost. Usually he was very good at finding his way back to the orphanage before dawn, but this time he went further than he should have. He spent weeks on the streets, begging and scavenging for food. Eventually someone brought him to a workhouse, where he spent the rest of his childhood. It was a harsh and cruel childhood, which in turn created a harsh and cruel man. Damien became very good at tricking people, and he knew this. Eventually he built a name for himself. He got money, and even a girl. Her name was Melissa, and she was beautiful. For once, Damien had someone to love. When he met her, he stopped the conning, and took up a decent job. This is what Damien considered to be the best time period in his life, the few short months he had with Melissa. They were married in a chapel, and soon after she was pregnant with their child. Life was Bliss.

That's when the robbery happened. A bunch of bandits (that Damien had known in the workhouse) broke in, demanding to get their money back. Damien tried to explain that he didn't have anything for them, which ended up getting him stabbed. He was only 23 years old, and on the brink of death. Melissa heard the shouts, and quickly ran to aid her husband. The bandits were gone, and her husband lay dying on the floor. She ran to him, and pulled him close to her. Damien put his hands around her face, and looked at her. He opened his mouth to speak the words "I love you", but something else happened.

The light faded from Melissa's eyes as Damien stole her life force, along with that of their unborn child.

Damien was broken after that. He went back to conning. He left England, where there were too many bad memories, to go to New York. He made a name for himself, and used his ability to live even longer. It wasn't long before he was approached by the first members of the imperium.

That's when he decided life would be better if he rebelled. He has been running from the imperium for years, and planning their destruction even longer.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdadce5a0_blackhairboy5.jpg.ddc64e56beec928fcc2bbff52ef1d3c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdadce5a0_blackhairboy5.jpg.ddc64e56beec928fcc2bbff52ef1d3c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Takane "Ene" Enomoto

Age: 17

Gender: Unknown

Class: Leader

Sixth Sense: Ene has the ability to take control and use any device in a ten foot radius that contains some sort of code, script or motherboard. With this ability she is able to find out and decode anything as long as the device can somehow reach the information in some way, whether records from books and accounts or the website for a company that owns or has built security systems. With the word control, she is also able to take these codes and use them in real life, as well as take real live objects and people and transmit them into codes

Skills: Ene is very fast most things she does, it's thinking, arguing, or even physical running/ fighting. She isn't exactly the most physically fit or strong person, but has a sharp tongue and mind.

Bio: Ene has no trace of wisdom or computer knowledge in her family, in fact, she always grown up as a very sarcastic and smart-ass sort of kid. She likes to be nice and hated the way her family was so stupid about anything other than hunting and farming. She grew up on an old farm until she received a scholarship from an academy not far m her family's farm, ending up skipping four grades because of her brightness.

Soon in college as the youngest person to ever make it into a full scholarship, Ene increased tremendously in her studies and could always prove herself right, ending up getting even some of the smartest professors fired and sent to be retaught.

She was later kidnapped and brought to the, "Asylum," after being proven that she really could connect with her sixth sense. She was given authority and started as a Tracker, then worked her way up to be the youngest leader.

Name: Alex Foxtrot

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Class: Leader

Sixth Sense: Alex possess an ability he named 'Hollow Projection', but some people just call it 'ghost object'. Hollow Projection is basically his ability to touch an object via skin, or thin fabric to rearrange the molecules in the air to form a physical copy that lasts for about 5 - 6 hours. The object can be disbursed, but creates a small shock wave because the molecules are repelling each other away. This ability is only restricted to touch and made objects, so no raw material such and rocks or sticks.

Object made by his ability are called Hollow Images, or Images. Images looks sort of like a bubble made of misty air. It has almost no weight and is very solid. Images are a static object. for example, an image of a book cannot be opened.

Skills: Alex is well organised and knows how to give instructions. If you wand something done, Alex is your man. He also able very slippery in terms of combat manoeuvring. He is able to evade most harm coming his way.

Personality: Alex is a strict man. It's all work and no play for him. If he sees someone slacking off on the job, expect a book image to be hurled at you. Alex is usually seen carrying a book, filling out work related stuff. When he is leading a team, the team will benefit at productivity. However, they may find it somewhat... bossy.



Hope this is good :P
Name: Naomi Cain

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Class: Patient

Sixth Sense: Naomi would have had a photographic memory without this, but everyday her mind is overwhelmed with imense amounts of knowlege, and she can do nothing to stop it. She sees past, present and flashes of unimportant future

Skills: Naomi has a photographic memory and is very disorganized, but she is creative

Bio: Naomi is a sweet and kind girl, unless she is being fed information on an awful event in history. She will always be there for someone, and could never hurt anyone. She is unable to go in high places, or her mind becomes overwhelemed. She was born with a photographic memory, and slowly developed her sixth sense. No one understands why, though. Her parents divorced when she was 8, because of her. She knows this from her immense knowlege, and went insane with greif. She has 2 younger brothers whom she loves as well. She is very very independent, and a bit shy too.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/anime-girl-4.jpg.7bef002acce82fc6366144ecae94436b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/anime-girl-4.jpg.7bef002acce82fc6366144ecae94436b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Note: Sorry about any errors! I'm on my brothers laptop, and the spell check dosen't work on it.



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Name: Remy and Max McFarlane

Age: 16



Sixth Sense: Remy is like a copycat. She only has to see something done once and then she know how to do it perfectly. She cannot however, copy powers. Max can create electric pulses.

Skills: Remy is an amazing strategist and Max can sweet talk her way out of anything.

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Name: Elaine Salvatore

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Class: Patient

Sixth Sense:

Elaine is a Telekinesis. Users can manipulate or move objects with their mind. Telekinesis is one of the basis of many superpowers that are based of "controlling or manipulating", it may evolve to the point that a Telekinetic can control anything at a subatomic level.

Skills: She is a very gifted poet. She writes her only and can quote some off the top of her head.


Currently a shrouded mystery. (I will post it later when some is revealed.)


(How many more character do we need in order to start, because I'd be glad to make another if needed)
Name: Felix Jones/Nex

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Class: Facultas

Sixth Sense: The ability to see an area's or person's past through touch though prolonged exposure will cause a black out. Each black out, a piece of sanity is lost and Felix becomes Nex more and more.

Skills: Felix, as a hobby, has firearm experience, favouring the shotgun. When not shooting at targets, Felix uses his persuasion, often using it to show people he understands how they feel and often proving that what they feel like doing is normal. Also he seems to be really good at hiding...

When he has one of his episodes, the hiding and persuasion are kept, often used to make people frightened for distrusting of their company. But his love for firearms increase, in fact it becomes a love for anything that be used as weapon. Going by the name of Nex, he seems to carry this metal sawn-off pole that would have been used as a curtain rail, and he's quite handy with it.

Bio: Born in Hull, England. Felix was bought up by single parent mum. He grew up pretty normal, he made friends, went to school, just normal kids stuff. His life had been pretty uneventful though since his birth, his mother had him wear gloves everywhere he went. It wasn't till college, when someone asked Felix why he always kept wearing gloves and he couldn't answer. So, reluctantly, he slowly took them off and the someone held their hand and Felix touched it and suddenly it was like a big explosion. Visions were flashing before him of this person, like short films done about her but they were going in reverse. The further back he went, the quicker the flashes went by. It got to when she started looking younger when they stopped. She had drew her hand back and Felix was back in the real world. He breathed in, and in once more. He was having an asthma attack. But luckily she knew what to do and passed him his inhalers. He didn't mention what he saw, in fact, he just put his gloves back on and tried to forget about the whole ordeal.

Time went by and Felix was faced with another problem. His college friend had betrayed him by spreading lies about him through-out the college. Suffering a mental break down Felix was admitted to therapy. It took a year but thankfully he recovered, he even celebrated his victory by going on holiday to some town in Kansas. Apparently the town was known for it's Apple Pies, if his remaining friend said any truth about it. So, with gloves on hands, he set off to over the pond. What awaited him, well he had to wait and see.


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