Welcome to the Academy [Inactive]


The Druid
Michael Dineen submitted a new role play:

Welcome to the CPA - Energy is everywhere, learn to use it at the Channeler-Practitioner Academy

Millions of years ago, energy was believed to be an ultimate force in the universe. Some called it chi, alchemy, akira. There were mixed theories dealing with the self and all powerful ultimate beings. This proved to be difficult however, for most men could not generate the control or concentration to utilize it. Then suddenly, the idea was scrapped entirely. Or at least the positive aspects.
Through this silence, evil forces practiced selfishly with dark energy. Now, they are appearing...
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Koemi was reading a book, outside, possibly in her yard or a small alley in the suburbs. Vines climbed and twined about the stone walls behind and in front of her, Cottenball a white fluffy puddle of downy feathers in her lap. The hen was trilling and peeping softly as happy chickens do, and Koemi gave her pet a quite stroke before adjusting her glasses and resuming reading. Suddenly, Cottenball raised her head, turning to a large black rooster strutting about along the top of the stone garden wall. Koemi glanced up, throwing the dark-hued cock a skeptical look. Cottenball had a sort of dreary look in her beady eyes, and the girl glanced to her silkie bantam's expression and noticed it, eyes widening. She then cast more of a glare at the black rooster, and took a stone in hand. "Stop seducing my hen!" Koemi seemed to bark, and then chucked the rock at the flightless avian. The rooster paused in his flirtatious stuttering, and then squawked as he saw the stone hurled at him, hopping down in the yard below. Koemi gave a suspicious glare at where the rooster once perched, but eventually turned back to glossing over the pages of her book. She did love animals, but not if they mess with her own pet, Cottenball.
Aedon walked into his dad's office. "Dad! I need some money to start my own business."

His dad looked up from his workbench with a crazed look. One of his eyes was twitching behind his glasses. Then, in a strange fluctuating voice said, "Nonononono! I tell you to take classes before I loan you money. Learn to use the energy. Then I give money."

"Ah shit dad. Fine, I'll pass all the classes in no time. I know all the stuff already anyway. But then you better give me the money."

"Okay, I'll enroll you today! Now you'll need to find a channeler."

"A what?" Aedon shrugged and walked out of the room. I might as well get this over with. "Does anyone need a practitioner?"
Koemi tucked her book into her backpack after having placed her bookmark, sweeping up Cottenball and heading back towards the academy. It was about time she got her nose out of a story book, and into her text books. Cottenball continued her innocent and unjaded trillings and peeps as her owner returned, but as they neared the academy, Koemi put the hen in her backpack. Cottenball tried to jump out at first, but Koemi held her in. "Shhh! No, Cottenball, you have to stay in there." The girl hushed and cooed, and then zipped her backpack, leaving a part unzipped to be a 'breathing hole' for her chicken. Afterwards, she entered the building, the usual cool and stoic expression painting her face as she trekked towards the library.
Aedon roamed the halls that he had wandered too many times before. This may be a good experience for me after all, he thought, Being an official graduate of the CPA will make it easier to get rid of competitors in my business. Aedon gave himself a small grin. Then he started walking to the optional orientation area. He already knew everything he needed about the school, but he needed to find a channeler to pair up with. If he didn't, he couldn't have any fun by being sent on missions. That was just not acceptable. As he approached, he called out again, "Anyone looking for a practitioner?"
Koemi paused. Was that not her cue to be offering? She was, after all, in such need. "Hang in there, Cottenball." The girl whispered to her hen, though it sorta looked like she was talking to her backpack. Straying from the path she had been taking to the library, she approached Aedon, formal and stoic expression retaining. She gave a slight dip of her head upon full approach. "I am Koemi, a channeler and without practitioner. I may accept your request." She formally stated, adjusting her glasses. Seeing he was still a stranger to her, the girl may have seemed cold and emotionless... Until Cottenball gave a loud squawk, a light book having toppled on the avian, and the squawk caused Koemi's green eyes to widen with alarm. She frantically, without another word to Aedon, turned around to see if her hen was ok. She was trying to keep her association with Cottenball out of view of the character who was now behind her, a few more clucks heard as the girl moved the book aside, and calmed her hen with a few coaxing coos. If she managed to complete all this without Aedon interfering or questioning, Koemi would partially zip her backpack again, and return to facing him.
Aedon shoved his hands in his pockets, grinning lightly. "I'm Aedon. It's against the rules to bring pets to the classrooms. You do know that right?" he asked, extending a hand.
Koemi glared at the hand skeptically. "Yes I know. But if I left her outside, a hawk might get her, or a stray dog." Her tone was less emotionless, slightly taking on snarl; she felt threatened, as if he intended to tell about her bringing of Cottenball. Which to her, would technically be to threaten Cottenball, because then she would in fact be in possible danger of predators. "I take back my offer." She formally stated, a hiss making for a faint back-round tone.
Aedon gave a nonchalant chuckle. "Well, at least that dog wouldn't go hungry for a day," he joked. Then he grabbed her arm and started walking toward a classroom. "Come on. I won't tattle. I never cared for my dad's rules anyway. But it will probably want to run around eventually you know. Keeping an animal cooped up like that isn't necessarily comfortable. Imagine if I stuffed you in my backpack all day. Anyway, I need a channeler and you need a practitioner. So it looks like you're stuck with me."
"Wha- Hey! Unhand me!" Koemi indignantly cried, but stopped trying to pull away to, -Of all things.- argue. "I would tolerate it if huge stray dogs and giant hawks were trying to eat me, and that was the only option. And do not make such jokes. They are not funny." She was trying to keep her voice formal still, but it cracked into a growl. "I need a practitioner, sure, but I do not intend to have one that is so very offensive." She continued, and would probably move on into a lecture if not stopped.
Aedon stopped and let go of her arm. "Woah, woah. I got it. Not funny. Loosen up would ya? And you can drop that 'elegant' act around me okay. You're not fooling me. There is a pet sanctuary here if that really bothers you. The owners don't advertise it because my dad just doesn't like animals around. But it exists nonetheless."
Koemi gave a nod, but kept her slight glare. "'Elegant?' I am simply offended, I never said I was of good complexion or of graceful motions. On the contrary, I think I might be clumsy." As usual, she was being quite literate. "Direct me to the sanctuary, and I shall be on my way." The girl stated, her stoic tone having been resumed. Though, her emotionalism was showing through quite clearly, courtesy of her actions and reactions.
Aedon sighed. She's not going to change is she? he asked him self, Oh well, you need a channeler. "Right this way," he stated, pointing toward the room he had been taking her to. In fact, it wasn't as much a room as a doorway leading to an outdoor walkway. At the end of the walkway, there was a fenced in area. The fence extended across the top and had a small home at one end. Inside the large fence was a beautiful grassy area with a few trees. A corgi on a leash barked happily as someone brought out some food for it. "There it is, the academy's very own animal sanctuary."
( Aye, don't worry, she'll eventually drop her grudge if he shows he won't always be offending her as he did. )

Koemi nodded, and headed in that direction. Upon reaching the sanctuary, she placed Cottenball in the pen, and reluctantly left with a few worrisome glanced back to her beloved, fluffy chicken. Cottenball herself was browsing for insects and other such, and even tried to sneak a few of the corgi's kibbles, pecking at it if it snapped at her and then fluttering off to evade like chickens did when reacting to defensive dog behavior.

The girl returned a moment later. "Thank you." She thanked, voice still formal, and then started down the hall and back to the library.
Michael Dineen updated Welcome to the Academy with a new update entry:


I'm going to add some info on the character types so that people can understand it better.
Practitioner -- Student who studies how to utilize the energy they are being given in fantastic ways. They can channel energy, but only very little because they have not learned how to concentrate it. Using their own channeled energy usually tires them out easily.

Channeler -- Student who studies how to channel energy and direct it to a Practitioner. They can utilize the energy they've channeled as...
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Aedon followed after her, "Hey, wait up. we've got class soon you know. We'll be able to meet some of the others now."
Alex walked towards the library followed by jordan. They made a good team, they had been friends since primary school and allways went to the same schools. Nobody they knew (they look quite weak to new people hint hint) but when they fought together it was hard to land a hit on them and if you did the other would counter attack quickly. Alex noticed the girl being dragged away towards the animal sanctuary. Him and jordan nodded to each other and followed. by the time they got there the girl was exiting the building. Hey you, its not nice to drag people around by there arm, especialy an nice girl like her" Said Alex before Jordan followed up with"if you want to take someone somewhere you should ask them first"
"She's going to be my channeler and she needed a place to leave her pet. Calm down man. Do you go around looking for fight all the time?"
"still, you should have asked her. And yes we do like a good fight or two, but you're not worth it, by the looks of things you only just met youre channeler wheras we've known each other since we were four" said Alex
Aedon brushed some dust off of his shoulder. "Not worth it? Be careful where you put your mouth. You mustn't know who I am."
( I think I'll try making my character's speech more noticeable.) "Oh alright." Koemi agreed with a sigh, heading back. Then she paused, looking at the three. "You guys aren't seriously going to try to fight in the building?" She then inquired, brushing back a black lock of hair and adjusting her glasses in that formal manner that Koemi seemed to take a liking to.
"you're Aedon the grandson of the Mad Doctor Krebsbach guy who runs this place, we know" Said Alex "we really just don't care" Said Jordan
Aedon brushed his hair, enjoying the recognition. Then he cast a look of annoyance. "Mad Doctor Krebsbach guy?! Show some respect. He's only the strongest Practitioner in this world, and I'm his heir." Then Aedon glanced to Koemi and responded, "There'll be no fight if they know what's good for them."
"Grandson of Krebsbach?..." The girl murmured curiously under her breath. She wondered if she should try to interfere, and stop things before it went violent. And, she saw nothing but negative effect from unnecessary battle. "Do not waste your time, energy, and breath bickering and battling with each other. Fight the enemy, not your allies." She seemed to advise -Or maybe lecture.- in the usual stoic tone. Upon hearing Aedon, she spoke again. "Do not over-estimate the wisdom nor intelligence of the world or strangers." She stated again, seeming to have nothing but corrections and advice to say. Yet her voice remained stoic, and she had yet to even say one word to Alex or Jordan.
Aedon walked over to Koemi and put his arm around her, "Look at that, she's got smarts too. Anyways, I have no reason to fight you. She's right, you're not my enemies. I'll be the next great Krebsbach, and that's all that matters. Come on, we better get to class."

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