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Aaannnd, that's where my lag issue comes in xD

Plus I hate autocorrect... And I'm usually on mobile while laying in bed getting ready to sleep, so.. Like now, I'm only really half awake O.o
well at any rate you should always be prepared to make a post at a moments notice when you have free time, well what free time you have,

im not a big fan of autocorrect, its useful at times and with certain words but for the most part it just corrects the words im too lazy to fix

if your half awake go have a glass of sweet tea, that always keeps me awake
Nah, its after midnight, here... I'm sick as hell, had to go to work, and imma go to bed xD

Night peoples~
las0r0o7 said:
I thought that you were going to come join us in the boss raid, if not then i can change that
Nil isn't a front lines kinda person. There's a secret he has that will become important later.
las0r0o7 said:
Ah, ok, makes sense so it looks like we will continue on our way ^^ thanks for letting me know
NP... I think Crota would agree seeing as how his character (I just forgot the name and I'm too lazy to find it) isn't strong.
Assailant said:
Nil isn't a front lines kinda person. There's a secret he has that will become important later.
Just so you know- any big secrets that would effect this RP as a whole, any of the other characters, etc.(sub plots) Has to be cleared by myself or xEmoBunnehx, since we've already got the plot and all..

Its cool if that's not the kind of secret he has, just saying in case it is~
With Nil being a red player, I'm kinda excited for him to run into the front lines at one point. Of course they wouldn't understand that it was a mistake and they'd try to kill him, it'd be fun.


Firetail606 said:
Just so you know- any big secrets that would effect this RP as a whole, any of the other characters, etc.(sub plots) Has to be cleared by myself or xEmoBunnehx, since we've already got the plot and all..
Its cool if that's not the kind of secret he has, just saying in case it is~
Sorry, it was already revealed. He's a red player due to him killing players before Kayaba made the announcement.
Assailant said:
Sorry, it was already revealed. He's a red player due to him killing players before Kayaba made the announcement.
Oh, that's fine o; That's more your character's sub plot. Since it's not actually something that effects the RP as a whole, then you're good to have revealed it. I was just giving a heads up x3
Firetail606 said:
Oh, that's fine o; That's more your character's sub plot. Since it's not actually something that effects the RP as a whole, then you're good to have revealed it. I was just giving a heads up x3
But I AM excited to have him run into other players. Solace is cool with him since he knew Nil BEFORE he was revealed as a red player, but others probably won't be as understanding.
[QUOTE="Zero Akisunerai]Thanks : ), ill have to join in a few days though, holiday, no internet. :(

Oh, that's totally fine ^-^ Have a good holiday!~
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]0_0...I did not know that...I can change..

You don't need to change for anyone...

heh heh

@Son of Crota

I apologize, that's the fault of myself and Bunneh... As lasor's character was made first, could you please change yours, Crota? Again, I apologize ;-;
<.< While it is quite cool, having identical avatars isn't exactly plausible....
Alright.. Again, I'm sorry, guys x.x

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