Welcome To Sword Art Online

I have a question for the two of you @xEmoBunnehx @Firetail606 how are we going to keep track of levels, money, and XP, I have my own personal way to keep up with it and it is mathematically based on both the anime and manga so its not over powered at all, but if its OK with you I would like to keep track of everything of my own in my own manor, just as a personal preference, but just a question is all
As this is just an RP, with no canon and there will be several of our own twists and differences thrown in, there is no need to keep up with level and XP identically with the anime or manga. Everyone can feel free to keep up with their own, but I do have a small chart complete with the levels everyone signed up with that will change accordingly, so that we know. Whenever you wish to level up on something, simply OK it with one of us(to make sure of no OP) then we'll be good. XP will still be earned by things such as completing quests, slaying spawn, etc. Like the anime. But we're not going to assign specific amounts that will be earned for each, as even within the anime it would sometimes vary. So you are all free to amount it yourselves, but be reasonable. (Ex. A level 1 boar spawn will not be worth 1000 XP, and a simple run by attack will not throw your health into red). During this learning process of what are or are not acceptable amounts, we suggest either asking us beforehand, or we will simply ask you to change it if it is too much, or we feel too little.

The reason we do not wish to go exactly by the show/manga, is because not everyone knows/will want to know that way. As this is a fandom RP, differences such as this may be scattered about throughout, so if anyone has questions simply ask. :)

@y0k9o please refrain from posting until you have read @xEmoBunnehx 's post and request at the top of Page 2, and done as she's asked.
@Firetail606 Alright, once i get my sheet back from a friend of mine i will start using it to keep track of everything of mine anyways, knowing that i may know another person that would want to join, the only other question that i have is what level are the beta testers at @xEmoBunnehx so that i know what my stats are and can work with them from that point on
Work. Be back later to reply.

I don't plan to one shot the boss, nor it be that easy plus he has four health bars, ill be using myself as the tank in the boss fight so that allows everyone else a chance to get in on the fight and help take down the boss, the more there are makes it that much easier to kill it in the long run

but you answered my question ^^ now all i have to do is get my paper back and i will have my stats ^0^ this is awesome, much better than the last three i was in

i can say im not going to leave this RP at all

take your time

@XxDeAwesomeNessxX >.> dude, come join, its awesome ^3^ we get to use our own stats we worked so hard on making


Lvl 40

HP 7,500/7,500

XP 0/325,000,000

thats what its going to look like for the most part
@las0r0o7 that is... Amazing... o-o I'm envious of your Health and XP bars xD

And I'm super happy you like our RP x3

<.< My boss sent me home since I'm still sick...
Pssh, hell yeah it does >.>

TO RP WE GO!!! o;
There's no canon from the anime or manga... Sorry :/
Yeah. Though he will still be the final boss, just ya know. He won't be the leader of the knights of the blood oath. Oh and I'm on mobile so...yeah..
So he is the final boss and I'm head of knights of the blood oath ...... COOL!!!! This is going to be nothing less than interesting
Before I forget. You realize that Firetail or I will be the final boss right? You're not Heath Cliff. Sorry I went back and read my post, seeing now that it was confusing.
yea i got that part, i figured that out, i knew what you meant, im just happy that i get to be the head of Knights of the blood oath, thats going to end up being very useful later on
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i have another question (sorry, ive always got questions going through my head) after we beat the said floor boss can we then go back later and solo the boss, for example were on floor 20 can i go back and solo the floor 12 boss if i wanted to
ok, thats what i was wondering, just checking, thats what i thought happened, welp that answeres my questions, for now anyways

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