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@las0r0o7 : Please remove the part in your first post about being able to identify beta players by a special check. It's fine if you wish to identify yourself in that way, but it will not be a mandatory thing to answer, and there will be a way to set the answer to private if a player does not wish to be identified.
OK, I'm not able to check beta players by any special check, I know the list of 1000 beta players, next your able to see a players name and that's how I addressed her
First of all, speaking to me that way is quite uncalled for. I apologize for misunderstanding your post, my request to you was not meant rudely but just to make it more fair for all other players. Second of all, if you wish to have such knowledge as knowing all the beta players, that must be posted along with your bio(character sheet). It would be much preferred if you were to ask permission for such a thing, as it could be considered a god-mod. I'll allow it to slide this time. However, please don't let this happen again.
I wasn't speaking to you rudely, I saying that I under stood what you said and I would keep it in mind on my next posts, keep in mind I didn't address her as a beta tester until after she had said 'its good to be back' so I took that info as her being a beta tester, that's all.
Alright, then. Again I apologize for misunderstanding. Your order of words lead me to misinterpret the tone of your message. Thank you for understanding, and for explaining as well.
Your welcome ^.^ but yes if you have questions about my post just ask me, I'll explain it if need be, but anyways, OFF TO SAO!!!!!
I will be adding new information in the overview. make sure you look at it, after you've looked at it like this post so I know you have.

I'm going to be the GM, I'm just waiting on Firetail's post.
Sorry it took me so long...

I was preoccupied by my mother's demands..

<.< And my post may or may not be under the influence of the TV show I've been watching all day....
Unfortunately since I'm on mobile I can't respond very we'll to posts so I'll answer this one in the morning.
@y0k9o Please read the Overview tab and do as @xEmoBunnehx has asked after you have.

@las0r0o7 Please refrain from criticizing another's posts. It not only came off as rude, but could be considered as Spamming the IC thread as this one is here for a reason.
Sorry about that,

It was intended to come off as rude, I would expect better spelling from my brother, just saying.
That's alright. Just keep any personal criticism to PMs or face-to-face from now on, please. :)
Haha, I'm aware of that xD But as we said before, slip ups are understandable. And as it doesn't happen all too often, I'm not going to make a big deal of it.
I am extremely sick at the moment, and going to a doctor in just a bit to have some more tests done, so I don't have any idea when I'll actually be on to post...
I will. I gotta go now, though. Mom just got home o-o
@The Last One

Here is the list of restrictions Firetail and I have come up for your hacks. Like this post once you read this, then jump into the RP. Failure to comply with this list will result in a warning first, if you continue after either of us warn you 3 times, then you will be kick from the thread.

-No hacking in ANY legendary weapons.

-Can NOT hack in any unique or special weapon skills.

-No healing buffs.

-Skills can NOT be increased more that 10 levels and it has a 20 minute limit.

-Debuffs on the boss have minimal affect and don't last longer than 5 seconds. No insta-kill, or containment like debuffs.

-For every hacked in buff, the debuff for you will be 10x (ten times) as worse.

Getting off for the night, I'll reply tomorrow.

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