Welcome To Sword Art Online

[QUOTE="Son of Crota]ah, sounds cool with me.

Have your character go into the woods, we can meet up

Real Life Information:

Name: Vice Tsumi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

History: Vice was star of his school's basketball team, and led a very happy life. His parents spoiled him often, and when he asked for the new VRMMO game, they gladly bought it for him. Rarely did he ever play video games, but this seemed too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Family: His mother and father.

Personality: Cocky, has an oddly dark sense of humor. Self-centered and narcissistic but occasionally takes others' well-being into account (especially close friends/family.)

Appearance: 6 foot 7 inches, 200 pounds


In Game Information:

Username: GoldenOpportunity

Guild: none at the moment.

Party: solo



Axes: 8

Strength: 9

Speed: 7

Cooking: 3




http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/69676/guy with cool axe.jpg?=123

The photo doesn't seem to embed correctly, so use the link above to see the picture.​
Blitzy said:

Real Life Information:

Name: Vice Tsumi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

History: Vice was star of his school's basketball team, and led a very happy life. His parents spoiled him often, and when he asked for the new VRMMO game, they gladly bought it for him. Rarely did he ever play video games, but this seemed too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Family: His mother and father.

Personality: Cocky, has an oddly dark sense of humor. Self-centered and narcissistic but occasionally takes others' well-being into account (especially close friends/family.)

Appearance: 6 foot 7 inches, 200 pounds


In Game Information:

Username: GoldenOpportunity

Guild: none at the moment.

Party: solo



Axes: 8

Strength: 9

Speed: 7

Cooking: 3




http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/69676/guy with cool axe.jpg?=123

The photo doesn't seem to embed correctly, so use the link above to see the picture.​

Real Life Information:


Kyo Kumai






All of his life Kyo has tended to keep to himself and not talk to others. As he spent countless hours gaming, trying out various new games, but many of these bored him. Then, chance came up for Kyo to go into the game... SAO. Spending even more hours on the Alpha, Kyo could not get enough. He kept playing and playing and didn't want to stop, but eventually he had to, as the Alpha passed by then, the beta passed, Spending countless amounts of hours in both of them, the game stopped untill it was finally time for the game to be released to everyone and it was time to get back in....


Lives alone. Mother and Father passeed away.


Kyo is a very quite guy he tends to keep to himself, Very cunning and focused, likes to keep his head held high. Opens up more to people he likes, can be cheerful and a fun person all round, thats when you get to know him.



In Game Information:



(Kage or Ka-Gei)

(Means Shadow In English)


Not currently in one, But planning to make some with "friends"


In party with two of my "friends"




One Handed Sword : 50

Acrobatics : 40

Parrying : 35

Martial Arts : 30

Cooking : 1

Repairing: 5

Various other low leveled skills.

(Levels are high, I know, But I was an Alpha tester and Beta tester + I wont god mod (: )



Name of Weapon "Shadow's Redemption"


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Real Life Information:

Name: Izumo Kurasaki

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Izumo twenty-four year old mechanic for a small garage in north japan when he got into games. One of the members of the small garage crew began to talk about games and with Izumo being a complete rookie with all that when they asked him about it he had nothing to say. So after being forced to sign up for the beta and somehow he got accepted along with the other from his garage so as it was after a while playing with his fellow works they ended up going else where while Izumo meet up with some other plays and went around with them.

Family: "Bah who needs such thing."

Personality: Izumo is light hearted, casual, and fun loving. Though he often has a serious air, Izumo enjoys going with the flow and appearing in unexpected places and in unexpected ways. Izumo is not often headstrong, looking before he leaps and taking time to plan ahead before taking action unlike most monks who are normal headstrong, although he does not hesitate to act if needs be. Even when entering into an unfortunate or unplanned situation. Izumo remains completely calm, pushing forward through adversity with no hesitation if the need arises. He can be classed as quite the slave worker sometimes making people work more than what they can although he does this to try and make people the best they can be not because he likes it contrary to what some people think.

Appearance: Height 5'7 weight 135 pound


In Game Information:

Username: Tra-guy (reference to his favorite anime)

Guild: Not currently in one, But planning to make some with (friends)

Party: In party with two of my (friends)


Sword: 9

Blacksmith: 3

acrobatics: 8

Weapon: A Nodachi called Kikoku or Cry of the demon.



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Both accepted. But there is no Battle Healing, however you can have Regeneration at 5% or less.
@Bills352 Thanks :) Accepted, then. Go ahead and jump into the RP!

The first floor has yet to be cleared.There is a group of 4(3 beta testers, 2 open of this fact, and a noob) currently inside the first floor dungeon, going through a maze with random hologram walls to throw them off. Then there are two within the forest currently becoming acquainted.

And unless I'm really forgetting a lot(which is possible since I'm sick and tired xD ) then that's really all going on right now :P

Eek.. I am tired, you two x.x I'm sorry, but before you begin RPing please read everything in the Overview tab. Also like the posts so we know you have, please. And if you've got any questions, feel free to post in the OOC Chat tab, or message myself or @xEmoBunnehx privately :)
Real Life Information:

Name: Zero Akisunerai

Age: 16

Gender: Male

History: After Zero's parents were incarcerated when he was six, he was adopted by a... not so loving family... In school he was disliked and spent most of his time drawing and fumbling about with computers. Getting strait A's he was entered into exams early and passed with flying colors. Unable to occupy himself he began looking for work until he got a job at a store selling video games. On the day of S.A.O's release Zero finished his shift minutes before the doors opened to the public. Luckily he bought a Nerve-gear before he left, with his worker's discount, and a copy of SOA. Excitedly Zero put it on as soon as he got home unknowing the what was in-store for him (Being new to video games he used his real name as his username. Because there's always Someone).

Family: (Adopted) Mom, Dad, Older Sister, Younger Sister.

Personality: Quiet, Very Long Fused, Intelligent, Quick.


In Game Information:


Username: Zero

Guild: Not In One

Party: With Two "Friends"


Level 5 Sword Skill

Level 4 Strength

Level 4 Speed

Level 3 Listening

Weapon: Name Of Weapon 'Silent Moon' (As seen in image if appearance)

His skills are a bit too high to be a new player.. Please lower them, but everything else is great :)
Nope, we're good now ^-^ Accepted!

Please read the overview tab before beginning to RP. Like the posts there so we know, and post in the Out Of Character chat thread if you've got any questions! :)
Firetail606 said:
Nope, we're good now ^-^ Accepted!
Please read the overview tab before beginning to RP. Like the posts there so we know, and post in the Out Of Character chat thread if you've got any questions! :)
Thanks : ), ill have to join in a few days though, holiday, no internet. :(
Real Life Information:

Name: Izaya Tachibana

Age: 17

Gender: male

History: Distancing himself from his over protecting family who sought many great things out of him like being top of his class and becoming the successor of the family business.While at a friends house Izaya seen that he had the new game SAO so Izaya thought it would be okay to give it a try but later then was forced to never leave the game.Though in a bit of a panic Izaya kept himself calm and went on to better his skills.

Family: Mother(Dead) Father(alive) Sister(alive)

Personality:Calm and collective, Never starts a fight knowing he won't win,Easy to get along with,Sometimes can be easy going


In Game Information:

Username: Cypher

Guild: None

Party: None


Original sword skills

Speed: 7

Agility: 7

Observation: 5

HyperSence: 5

Katana: 4

(And others like Searching,Tracking, and Straining all at 3-4)

Weapon: Nexus

Real Life Information:

Name: Kai Takeshi

Age: 18


History: Kai was always a nerd so he's isolated himself from his family. On his 16th birthday he got the headgear to play SAO's beta. Now he plays to make new friends and help others.

Family: Mother(Alive), Dad (Dead), Brother (Alive)

Personality: Kai likes making friends but never really talks unless spoken to, or he has something on his mind. He likes reading and fighting. He doesn't really like easy fights so he tries to avoid them till he gets a good challenge. Kai always puts his life in his own friends hands when they are in danger. He also never gives up no matter how hard the challenge.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Kai.png.a775d04dc8ae7f19de3a5e18dee9f6e0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Kai.png.a775d04dc8ae7f19de3a5e18dee9f6e0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In Game Information:

Username: Kiono

Guild: N/a (But will join one if invited)

Party: N/a (Same thing like the guild)

Skills: Swordsmen ship skills

Speed: 8

Agility: 7

Observation: 6

HyperSence: 4

Katana: 5

Others: Searching and planning 2-4

Weapon: A pretty powerful Katana

Weapon Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images52JT6MUW.jpg.d38645d269863a5dae93c35a099c5eb7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images52JT6MUW.jpg.d38645d269863a5dae93c35a099c5eb7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1a2c1472_Ingame.jpg.9edb980965d0845dd52b09c57304638c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1a2c1472_Ingame.jpg.9edb980965d0845dd52b09c57304638c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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