Welcome To Sword Art Online

Because I will give you that power, you'll have to deal with what restrictions I put on the golds, buffs, and such. Look in th out-of-character thread for this. Firetail and I will discuss them as soon as she gets back.
Okay, I'm considetring joining this as it seems to be an SAO rp that DOESN'T instantly go dead, but can you guys give me a basic overview of what's happened? I don't want to read all this...
so far not a whole lot is going on, four of us have just showed up at the boss tower, and the other person has went out and bought something (i forgot what it was) but if you want to join us in the tower make sure and sprint to catch up to us even though we just entered ^^ anything else that i missed ??

@anyone who knows whats going on
Haha, glad you're thinking of joining us! :)

There's actually not a whole lot that has happened, thus far... The GM gave his announcement at the center of the Town Of Beginnings, basically telling everyone that the game is now their lives. He explained that if you die here, you die in real life. Then everyone's Avatars turns to having their real hair color, eye color, height, weight, etc. Shortly after that people began filing into the Arena where a very loud mouthed individual started shouting about how it's the Beta's fault that all this happened. Three beta players came down and confronted him, and he dueled with one of them, obviously losing.

And that's all the big stuff!
I may join, but first i gotta let my ribs heal (God damn artillery and you god damn recoil system)
I swear to god my ribs almost punctured my lungs. Luckily the gods of purgatory are on my side FTW
Real Life Information:

Name: Maxwell Teller

Age: 32

Gender: Male

History: Nothing much to say. He is a coder and enjoys games. Nothing special to him.

Family: He lives alone

Personality: He is very compassionate, and prefers to be serious. However, he understands the importance of moral. He is very protective of those he cares about.

Appearance: Brown hair and blue eyes, white skin, light muscles. He is 6'1", weighing in at about 210 pounds.

In Game Information:

Username: Nil

Guild: No one yet, but just wants to help.

Party: Solo at the moment

Skills: Forging, hunting (but not cooking), archery, stealth

Weapon: A basic iron broadsword

Appearance: He wears light leather armour, as he mostly hunts. He has a dagger pouch as well as a sword holster which he doesn't use much. The armor is very light, allowing him to sneak around with ease. The armor is a green color, which, while unattractive, allows him to blend in better
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Assailant said:
Real Life Information:
Name: Maxwell Teller

Age: 32

Gender: Male

History: Nothing much to say. He is a coder and enjoys games. Nothing special to him.

Family: He lives alone

Personality: He is very compassionate, and prefers to be serious. However, he understands the importance of moral. He is very protective of those he cares about.

Appearance: Brown hair and blue eyes, white skin, light muscles. He is 6'1", weighing in at about 210 pounds.

In Game Information:

Username: Nil

Guild: No one yet, but just wants to help.

Party: Solo at the moment

Skills: Forging, hunting (but not cooking), archery, stealth

Weapon: A basic iron broadsword

Appearance: He wears light leather armour, as he mostly hunts. He has a dagger pouch as well as a sword holster which he doesn't use much. The armor is very light, allowing him to sneak around with ease. The armor is a green color, which, while unattractive, allows him to blend in better
Okay, a few questions before I begin. Any specific locations you've created? How many floors have been cleared? How long have they been in Aincrad?
Currently there are no new areas created. We haven't cleared floor one, and they just recently got told they are stuck in the game until all 100 floors are cleared.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Currently there are no new areas created. We haven't cleared floor one, and they just recently got told they are stuck in the game until all 100 floors are cleared.
Oh, so we've just started? Given how many replies there are, I assumed we were very far
Oh goodness no, I don't really rush the plot also there's a certain way I have the dungeon and boss set up also make sure you read everything in the Overview tab and like it so we know you read it.
Real Life Information:

Name: Dax Akimane

Age: 16

Gender: male

History: Dax is a cool guy who enjoy's anime and MMOs. Getting trapped in a videogame is sort of his dream. He always dreams of the day he can actually try his martial arts skills, or his sword training in a game, so when he heard that SAO came out, he got it as soon as possible, wondering what there was to come.

Family: He lives alone.

Personality: Dax is a carefree guy who is a lot of the time positive, but every ow and then, his mood changes and he becomes quiet, solitary even.

weight is 150 lbs, height is 5'4"

In Game Information:

Username: Solace_Wing (Solace)

Guild: None at the moment

Party: solo.

Skills: cooking: 3

stealth: 5

speed: 10

swordsmanship: 8

badassery: over 9000(lol jk)

strength: 7

sword named Fate.

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xD I love the badassery. Accepted but someone else has that sword so you'll need to change it, also make sure you look into the Overview tab and read the info there then like it please.

Thank you~
xEmoBunnehx said:
xD I love the badassery. Accepted but someone else has that sword so you'll need to change it, also make sure you look into the Overview tab and read the info there then like it please.
Thank you~
no prob and thanks! I fixed it.
xEmoBunnehx said:
A sword named Fate aye? Hm. I like it.
thanks! He calls it that because every enemy who dare cross him meet it. By the way, can we have special sword attacks or do you have that? Like, you know, Kirito has starburst stream, etc.

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