• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Welcome to Kinoshi Academy (Now accepting)

Name: Colin West Atherton



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/61c4925e8241f723f49bfe4fe3102560.jpg.f375407cbc7eeba07899d844d30e8a4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111784" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/61c4925e8241f723f49bfe4fe3102560.jpg.f375407cbc7eeba07899d844d30e8a4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/1afa98fdfab3b48ed6890728a341ecfc.jpg.a252b1bc3ade0dc34f6a649b16b7566d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/1afa98fdfab3b48ed6890728a341ecfc.jpg.a252b1bc3ade0dc34f6a649b16b7566d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 12-17{Has dual Appearances and personality) (actually older than that)

Crush: ?????

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Colin- 110

West- 165


Colin- 5'3

West- 6'4

Gender: Male

Grade: Senior

Species: Hybrid (Has the blood of both god and Lucifer in him)

Dorm: ?????


*Gardening club

*Science Club

Personality: Has a dual personality

Colin- Kind, a pacifist, loyal, sweet, Humble, Helpful and never ask for anything in return.

West- Mean, Stubborn, Vindictive, Sarcastic and Cruel.


Colin- Magic (hates using any type of weapon or fighting.)

West- Demonic Magic



Divine Force Manipulation- The user has control of anything that is symbolized as divine and holy connections to gods. They are able to manipulate sacred artifacts and relics that are connected to the gods or their power. With this, the user is completely considered worthy of spiritual respect, allow them to achieve feats that are impossible to be reached by mere mortals.

Limitation- Whenever he gets mad he won't be able to use any of the powers he has. Demonic Force Maipulation.


Demonic Force Manipulation- The user of this power possesses and is able to use strong demonic power. This ability not only grants the user great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of demonic energies, but also allows them to overpower weaker demons as well as rival that of powerful demonic entities.

Limitation- He always has to be in a bad mood (which he is always in) to control the full power. Divine Force Manipulation


Superhuman Speed(through training for many years)

Superhuman Strength(through training)

Has Dual form- One of age 12 while the other is age 17

Bio: TBR





-Rude people
















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  • Katherine Lucille Skovarr






    {Sexual Orientation}



    Creature Physiology

    {Class Number}







    Miss Skovarr is a woman of arachnid physique. Appearing just like a woman's torso attached to giant black widow is exactly what she is, with two human arms and eight spider-like appendages attached to an ebony black cephalothorax and abdomen. Her spider legs are very long, thus giving her a couple feet of additional height to make her very close to a staggering seven feet tall, but not quite. She has a thin stature with a surprising large bust in a sinister grey coloring for her skin. Miss Skovarr is nearly all sharp angles, including her very angular face. She has bright yellow eyes with softly slitted pupils as well as sketchy dark grey markings around her eyes and along the sides of her human abdomen. She has long yet wispy and slightly curly dark grey hair whose hue distinctly matches that of her arachnid coloring. Just like that of a spider, she has pointed fangs that may secrete deadly venom. An incredibly unique part of Miss Skovarr's anatomy is her double set of three eyes on the front of her spider portion, that in which adds up to eight when summed to her two human eyes. Therefore not many things can get past her incredibly observant self.


    Black Widow


    Miss Skovarr, being a spider, only naturally has the powers of webs and venom. She may release thick and rope-like web from her spinnerets for a variety of purposes, or she may inject venom into the more,
    unruly of students. Due to her father being born of some part of the psychic gene strain, Miss Skovarr may also utilize mind/body control of others by her bright golden eyes that shimmer in the night. Another plus of being half black widow involves the power of seduction as well as being able to stick to and walk up walls. She can either seduce one of the male staff at will, or creep along the ceilings of rooms to ensure that she watches all. She is also a very, very fast walker/runner.

    {Primary Weapon}

    Other than utilizing her natural biological powers, Miss Skovarr's primary weapon in battle is a long yet razor sharp black spear. It is a very threatening weapon both because of its deadly point as well as the physical strength of the one using it. Definitely a force to be reckoned with
    (or fled from).


    Miss Katherine Skovarr is a very strong, serious woman who believes that it is her job to enforce the school rules to all of the students at Kinoshi Academy. She is very just and protective, as well as outgoing and social around others. Like a widowed black widow spider, she is constantly on the lookout for potential mates, thus giving her a very flirtatious attitude while around the male staff. Think of her as hot and dangerous. Depending on the student, she can come off as either strict and imposing, or incredibly kind and smiling. Either way, Miss Skovarr is a very knowledgeable woman who finds herself teaching others thing more often than not. She loves to teach as well as learn, and easily has the capability of giving a 10 hour lecture just on spiders, even if she does know quite a bit about a lot of different monster/creature species. She is very observant and tends to notice even the smallest details due to her unique spider anatomy. Miss Skovarr only wants the best for everyone around her, so she makes an honest and intense effort to get to know at least a bit about everybody. Even so, she is a revered teacher whom nearly everyone likes/gets along with, so discipline is not much of a problem when she is around.


    Miss Skovarr is a
    widow of multiple unfortunate men, but is currently looking for yet another to become her 'prey'.

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Mr. Nathan Grey



Nathan Grey


Looks about 29. Is actually 300





Short white hair. Red eyes. He may be the god of strength, but looking at him you would think he was some sort of book nerd. He isn't very muscular. He is kind of slim, he has a smaller build just...normal.


god of strength and power.





This stuff

Sexual Orientation:



He has a big school girl crush on Juniper the English teacher.


The worst thing in the worldMath



is very smart, sophisticated, a gentleman. Not really what I would expect from a powerful man. I would expect a more savage person tbh. is kind to those who are close to him. He can be kind of blunt at times. Also very sarcastic. He likes to keep his cool.

Add more if needed!:

He has a son. (Who will be attending the school.) And a daughter.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/9f8fa9d8f8333f25d5a2f1e9c5f03c5e.jpg.39707afa37907887640d58b0f4dcb8c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/9f8fa9d8f8333f25d5a2f1e9c5f03c5e.jpg.39707afa37907887640d58b0f4dcb8c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He can summon two of these.


Enhanced Strength

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mmhkqm9sYa1rgb9fzo1_500.jpg.55eb7230c275b46a30d487bb852ce070.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mmhkqm9sYa1rgb9fzo1_500.jpg.55eb7230c275b46a30d487bb852ce070.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"My Name should be obvious to you!"

Name: Serena Condris, prefers to be called Serena

"Why do you care! Creep!"

Age: 17

"I.. I don't see how that concerns you!!"

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: None

"Stop asking about that stuff!"

Weight: 120

"I'm taller than most girls!"

Height: 5'7

"What does it look like buddy? I'm a girl who's starting to get annoyed! So go away before I kick your Butt!"

Gender: Female

"A grade higher than you idiot!"

Grade: Junior

"What do I look like? I'm pretty sure I'm not a freak like you!"

Species: Enhanced Human ((Basicallu she lives longer and can do things much better than most humans like lifting stuff or running, Etc...))

"I'm not telling you Stalker! Now leave me be or you'll find yourself out the window!"

Dorm #?: #312

"My Love life has nothing to do with you!"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

"Stop trying to stalk me!"

Club: None

"What do you think! It ain't like I got anything better to do so that's why I'm talking to you and not because I feel like it!"

Personality: Serena appears cold and harsh to those around her and says things quite opposite to how she truly feels. She's got an attitude and is quite snarky when speaking to others usually trying to hide her feelings. She always try's to maintain her look as she's always trying makeup and different types of clothes.

A better description would be that she's based of a Fire emblem Fates/Awakening character named Severa. Link: Severa

Look at her personality for a better picture of how she acts.

"This baby is the thing that's going to get you outta my sight!"

Primary Weapon:


"You really wanna know? Here let me test them on you!"



Sword summon ((If she loses it or if it isn't on her person she can summon her weapon))

Some Fire magic

Skilled Swordswoman

Enhanced strength, speed, agility, reaction time, Etc...

Adrenaline rush ((Think of the Adrenaline power used by the soldier class in Mass effect))



Serena was abandoned as a baby by her parents, and was raised in an orphanage. She trained herself all the time to meet the standards of the Kinoshi academy throughout her life. She never had an easy childhood and because of this she developed her personality. She eventually got into the school and is currently a Junior. She has lived a fairly normal and boring life where nothing too interesting ever happens.

"Trying to get on my good side? Well try harder!"






Cute Boys

Starry nights


Annoying people


Talk of Family

Female rivals, either in battle or beauty




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Archdemon said:
View attachment 249791
"My Name should be obvious to you!"

Name: Serena Condris, prefers to be called Serena

"Why do you care! Creep!"

Age: 17

"I.. I don't see how that concerns you!!"

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: None

"Stop asking about that stuff!"

Weight: 120

"I'm taller than most girls!"

Height: 5'7

"What does it look like buddy? I'm a girl who's starting to get annoyed! So go away before I kick your Butt!"

Gender: Female

"A grade higher than you idiot!"

Grade: Junior

"What do I look like? I'm pretty sure I'm not a freak like you!"

Species: Enhanced Human ((Basicallu she lives longer and can do things much better than most humans like lifting stuff or running, Etc...))

"I'm not telling you Stalker! Now leave me be or you'll find yourself out the window!"

Dorm #?: ???

"My Love life has nothing to do with you!"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

"Stop trying to stalk me!"

Club: None

"What do you think! It ain't like I got anything better to do so that's why I'm talking to you and not because I feel like it!"

Personality: Serena appears cold and harsh to those around her and says things quite opposite to how she truly feels. She's got an attitude and is quite snarky when speaking to others usually trying to hide her feelings. She always try's to maintain her look as she's always trying makeup and different types of clothes.

A better description would be that she's based of a Fire emblem Fates/Awakening character named Severa. Link: Severa

Look at her personality for a better picture of how she acts.

"This baby is the thing that's going to get you outta my sight!"

Primary Weapon:


"You really wanna know? Here let me test them on you!"



Sword summon ((If she loses it or if it isn't on her person she can summon her weapon))

Some Fire magic

Skilled Swordswoman

Enhanced strength, speed, agility, reaction time, Etc...

Adrenaline rush ((Think of the Adrenaline power used by the soldier class in Mass effect))



Serena was abandoned as a baby by her parents, and was raised in an orphanage. She trained herself all the time to meet the standards of the Kinoshi academy throughout her life. She never had an easy childhood and because of this she developed her personality. She eventually got into the school and is currently a Junior. She has lived a fairly normal and boring life where nothing too interesting ever happens.

"Trying to get on my good side? Well try harder!"






Cute Boys

Starry nights


Annoying people


Talk of Family

Female rivals, either in battle or beauty

(OH MY GOD IT'S UTENA!!!! That show was amazing!)
Name:Nikki Lee


Apparence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/sanotoshi.jpg.b0b9f67b8842b4eb31de28c2159b291c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/sanotoshi.jpg.b0b9f67b8842b4eb31de28c2159b291c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Crush/Lover/Gf/BF?:PM me if interested

Weight:115 pounds

Height: 5'4

Gender:Male,but is a female on the inside of his body



Dorm#?:(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation:Homosexual

Club:Cooking Club,Drama Club,Math Club,and Magic Club

Personality: is kind,loving,caring,funny,friendly

Primary Weapon:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/s-l300.jpg.4f339721dc713515caa860ab79b167c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112155" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/s-l300.jpg.4f339721dc713515caa860ab79b167c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers?:Accelerating Regeneration:When,some that is close to me or when I get hurt, I heal them or me. My power can change the color of parts of my hair.

Bio:(optional but recommended)

Likes/Dislikes:my family,feminine things, boys,saving people, having fun,likes to hang with a girls, his family and boys,but mostly girls/people messing with my family,not having fun,and not finding anything to wear

@The Unamed Beast @djinnamon



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Juliet Grey

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/oRnr6FT.jpg.2442b5eb7d134b6de17bfdc1211986c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/oRnr6FT.jpg.2442b5eb7d134b6de17bfdc1211986c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

From the Basics


Juliet Grey













<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mi19y7KboM1rswgpxo2_500.jpg.36f5575fe7859d8461284c12de2612a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mi19y7KboM1rswgpxo2_500.jpg.36f5575fe7859d8461284c12de2612a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Boyfriend // Girlfriend:










Juliet's father is a god, her mother is a light fairy. He mother is actually the reason her father is now homosexual. Her parents split up when she was 12 and she was happy about it too. Her mother was an awful woman. Always cheating on her father, never caring about her children. So when her father finally got the divorce, Juliet and her brother chose to stay with their father, and he has been taking care of them since.


Kind, caring, curious, quiet, happy. She always want to make people happy. Juliet is a very sweet girl but if you get on her bad side, it can be bad for you.


Primary Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/_20160316_093933.JPG.b535c0209ce0110f1c63f9ef09e33484.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/_20160316_093933.JPG.b535c0209ce0110f1c63f9ef09e33484.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This pretty stick is like her wand.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/_20160318_100935.JPG.d48bd8b4dcbeadcf4c2c204ebddec5b3.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112805" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/_20160318_100935.JPG.d48bd8b4dcbeadcf4c2c204ebddec5b3.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She can shoot stars at people. This is what they would look like. They are really sharp.


Stellar Manipulation

Light Manipulation

Stellar Attacks

Like her father Nathan, she can pack a mean punch. She could even lift a car. But not for too long.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mquxuoImQu1swb02fo1_500.gif.3fa031c9e4e2e5485b3d93d93ef860ab.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_mquxuoImQu1swb02fo1_500.gif.3fa031c9e4e2e5485b3d93d93ef860ab.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Eli Cage


Age: 14

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: None

Weight: 125 lb

Height: 5' 4

Gender: Male

Grade: 9

Species: Human

Dorm #?:

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Club: Sports Club

Personality: Fun loving, hyperactive, hot-headed, caring, helpful, kind, friendly, talkative

Primary Weapon: His fire great sword that he usually summons when ever he battles.


Elemental Blade Construction: Eli can create elemental bladed weapons, including daggers, swords, etc., from nothing or by shaping the existing elements. Depending on the type of element that the blade is made of, it can posses a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat.

Enhanced Swordsmanship: Eli is able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword including anything sword-shaped such as fictional swords. He are able to wield a sword with incredible proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing him to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimating large objects or areas, cutting through solid material such as steel, and even hold back his strength to deal damage to his foes without killing them.

Sword Manipulation: Eli can create, shape and manipulate swords shaping and combining them as needed, or moving them with telekinesis.

Slash Projection: Eli's slashing attacks can travel forward from the blade as if they where a projectile. The projection also apply each weapon's specific properties, possibly enhanced further by the Eli's own abilities : infusions (fire, electricity, ice, light, darkness, etc.), effects on touch (death, disintegration, petrification, absorption, corruption), and various others.

Bio: N/A

Likes: Parties, sports, sword fighting, talking, meat

Dislikes: quiet places, sitting still,
Name: Ragna Ragehart

Add tattoos.

Age: 18

(High school age!)

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: None as of yet

Weight: 322lbs

Height: 8'2

Gender: Male


Grade: Junior

(What grade are they in)

Species: Orc (Want to be a bit unusual, I normally play mage characters.)


Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Club: Cooking, Gardening and Art club.

Personality: Actually quiet shy and gentle outside of fights, tries to be respectful to others, but is not afraid of conflicts, if you question his honor he will fight you.

Primary Weapon: An axe that was passed down through his clan for generations, it is said that the blade never dulls and can never break, and that if swung hard enough can split the sky itself, named the Heart of Stone.

Secondary Weapon:


He has been bestowed with a number of magic tattoos by his clan for various achievements.

The Forge: Tattoo on right shoulder, allows him to increase his body temperature to the point of melting steel, very tiring though. Achieved it for becoming a master blacksmith and forging his own weapon.

The Shield: Tattoo on left arm, allows him to harden his body to the point of steel, earned by surviving a incredible impact.

The Axe: Tattoo on right hand, grants him incredible swing strength for 8 swings before getting tired. Earned for beheading a dragon.

The warrior: A very important tattoo put on the chest, earned for completing the orcish right of passage by fighting another orc to the death, grants permission to travel the world. Grants the user an ability to gain great strength and rid themselves off all fatigue in exchange for temporarily losing their sanity.

He was born earth attuned, and can sculpt stone in his hands like clay and wield it like steel. Stone only, not dirt or mud or metal. In dire situations he can pull a gigantic stone sword from the earth.


A member of a orcish tribe, from birth he has been raised in orcish culture, hunting, forging celebrating and so on and so forth. He never questioned the orcish rules, to the point of fighting his best friend to the death and earning the right to become a 'Traveler'. Despite what you make think, he feels no regret for the dual with his friend, feeling he died a meaningful and honorable death in battle. By becoming a Traveler he has been tasked with exploring the outside world, learning new things and someday returning to report his findings and tell a few good stories around the fire.


Likes: Peace and quiet, nature, hunting, cooking and crafting, tradition, celebrating, poetry, sculptures.

Dislikes: Lack of honor, meaningless violence, being dishonored.

Taylor WHITE

Taylor White

Appearance -


Taylor WHITE

Age -


Crush/Lover/GF/BF -

PM if interested

Weight -

170 lbs

Height -


Gender -


Grade -


Species -


Dorm #? -

Dorm #45

Club -

Sports Club

Personality -

Taylor is a quiet, and calm person. He tends to keep to himself because of his dislike for people, especially in large groups. He loves to fight, but only when it is necessary and at those times it seems like he is more open due to battle being his nature.

Primary Weapon -


Powers -

Teleportation - Able to warp himself or a group to any destination he knows about.

Fire Manipulation - Able to manipulate fire to suit his combat skills.

Manipulative - Is very manipulative and is often used as a way to get what he wants or to gain information.

Hellfire - Is granted the flames of Hell, which doesn't stop burning unless a commend is given.. This ability takes a lot of energy.

Kiss of Enslavement - Only used with permission - Can temporarily make someone a personal slave.

Manipulation(Perfected) - If one's will isn't strong enough to resist, Taylor can manipulate someone just by looking into their eyes.

Bio -

Taylor was born from a Succubus mother and a Demon father. As he grew up, he always wondered about his orgins, because he was put up for adoption as a baby. Taylor eventually began to discover his powers after kissing a girl and witnessing her become a slave. That's when he immediately decided he'd just opt out and go do his own thing. Around the age of 5 he was doing things on his own. No one knew of this, and he just kept learning from the things he picked up on off the streets. Now he's older and enrolled into a school for others like him... Supernatural or just different in general.

Likes/Dislikes -


-His peace being disturbed

+Clingy people

-Those who tend to act all hyper for no apparent reason


+Himself - As of now.

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Enhanced Strength[/URL]



Archdemon said:
View attachment 249791
"My Name should be obvious to you!"

Name: Serena Condris, prefers to be called Serena

"Why do you care! Creep!"

Age: 17

"I.. I don't see how that concerns you!!"

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: None

"Stop asking about that stuff!"

Weight: 120

"I'm taller than most girls!"

Height: 5'7

"What does it look like buddy? I'm a girl who's starting to get annoyed! So go away before I kick your Butt!"

Gender: Female

"A grade higher than you idiot!"

Grade: Junior

"What do I look like? I'm pretty sure I'm not a freak like you!"

Species: Enhanced Human ((Basicallu she lives longer and can do things much better than most humans like lifting stuff or running, Etc...))

"I'm not telling you Stalker! Now leave me be or you'll find yourself out the window!"

Dorm #?: ???

"My Love life has nothing to do with you!"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

"Stop trying to stalk me!"

Club: None

"What do you think! It ain't like I got anything better to do so that's why I'm talking to you and not because I feel like it!"

Personality: Serena appears cold and harsh to those around her and says things quite opposite to how she truly feels. She's got an attitude and is quite snarky when speaking to others usually trying to hide her feelings. She always try's to maintain her look as she's always trying makeup and different types of clothes.

A better description would be that she's based of a Fire emblem Fates/Awakening character named Severa. Link: Severa

Look at her personality for a better picture of how she acts.

"This baby is the thing that's going to get you outta my sight!"

Primary Weapon:


"You really wanna know? Here let me test them on you!"



Sword summon ((If she loses it or if it isn't on her person she can summon her weapon))

Some Fire magic

Skilled Swordswoman

Enhanced strength, speed, agility, reaction time, Etc...

Adrenaline rush ((Think of the Adrenaline power used by the soldier class in Mass effect))



Serena was abandoned as a baby by her parents, and was raised in an orphanage. She trained herself all the time to meet the standards of the Kinoshi academy throughout her life. She never had an easy childhood and because of this she developed her personality. She eventually got into the school and is currently a Junior. She has lived a fairly normal and boring life where nothing too interesting ever happens.

"Trying to get on my good side? Well try harder!"






Cute Boys

Starry nights


Annoying people


Talk of Family

Female rivals, either in battle or beauty

NikkiStevenson said:
Name:Nikki Lee

Apparence: View attachment 249809


Crush/Lover/Gf/BF?:PM me if interested

Weight:115 pounds

Height: 5'4

Gender:Male,but is a female on the inside of his body



Dorm#?:(Once you finish your CS you will be appointed a dorm)

Sexual Orientation:Homosexual

Club:Cooking Club,Drama Club,Math Club,and Magic Club

Personality: is kind,loving,caring,funny,friendly

Primary Weapon:View attachment 249985

Powers?:Accelerating Regeneration:When,some that is close to me or when I get hurt, I heal them or me. My power can change the color of parts of my hair.

Bio:(optional but recommended)

Likes/Dislikes:my family,feminine things, boys,saving people, having fun,likes to hang with a girls, his family and boys,but mostly girls/people messing with my family,not having fun,and not finding anything to wear

@The Unamed Beast @djinnamon

Stellar Manipulation[/URL]

Light Manipulation

Stellar Attacks

Like her father Nathan, she can pack a mean punch. She could even lift a car. But not for too long.





Red Reaper]Name: Eli Cage Appearance: [URL="http://www.zerochan.net/1921685 said:

Age: 14

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: None

Weight: 125 lb

Height: 5' 4

Gender: Male

Grade: 9

Species: Human

Dorm #?:

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Club: Sports Club

Personality: Fun loving, hyperactive, hot-headed, caring, helpful, kind, friendly, talkative

Primary Weapon: His fire great sword that he usually summons when ever he battles.


Elemental Blade Construction: Eli can create elemental bladed weapons, including daggers, swords, etc., from nothing or by shaping the existing elements. Depending on the type of element that the blade is made of, it can posses a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat.

Enhanced Swordsmanship: Eli is able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword including anything sword-shaped such as fictional swords. He are able to wield a sword with incredible proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing him to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimating large objects or areas, cutting through solid material such as steel, and even hold back his strength to deal damage to his foes without killing them.

Sword Manipulation: Eli can create, shape and manipulate swords shaping and combining them as needed, or moving them with telekinesis.

Slash Projection: Eli's slashing attacks can travel forward from the blade as if they where a projectile. The projection also apply each weapon's specific properties, possibly enhanced further by the Eli's own abilities : infusions (fire, electricity, ice, light, darkness, etc.), effects on touch (death, disintegration, petrification, absorption, corruption), and various others.

Bio: N/A

Likes: Parties, sports, sword fighting, talking, meat

Dislikes: quiet places, sitting still,
pbtenchi said:
Name: Ragna Ragehart
Add tattoos.

Age: 18

(High school age!)

Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: None as of yet

Weight: 322lbs

Height: 8'2

Gender: Male


Grade: Junior

(What grade are they in)

Species: Orc (Want to be a bit unusual, I normally play mage characters.)


Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Club: Cooking, Gardening and Art club.

Personality: Actually quiet shy and gentle outside of fights, tries to be respectful to others, but is not afraid of conflicts, if you question his honor he will fight you.

Primary Weapon: An axe that was passed down through his clan for generations, it is said that the blade never dulls and can never break, and that if swung hard enough can split the sky itself, named the Heart of Stone.

Secondary Weapon:


He has been bestowed with a number of magic tattoos by his clan for various achievements.

The Forge: Tattoo on right shoulder, allows him to increase his body temperature to the point of melting steel, very tiring though. Achieved it for becoming a master blacksmith and forging his own weapon.

The Shield: Tattoo on left arm, allows him to harden his body to the point of steel, earned by surviving a incredible impact.

The Axe: Tattoo on right hand, grants him incredible swing strength for 8 swings before getting tired. Earned for beheading a dragon.

The warrior: A very important tattoo put on the chest, earned for completing the orcish right of passage by fighting another orc to the death, grants permission to travel the world. Grants the user an ability to gain great strength and rid themselves off all fatigue in exchange for temporarily losing their sanity.

He was born earth attuned, and can sculpt stone in his hands like clay and wield it like steel. Stone only, not dirt or mud or metal. In dire situations he can pull a gigantic stone sword from the earth.


A member of a orcish tribe, from birth he has been raised in orcish culture, hunting, forging celebrating and so on and so forth. He never questioned the orcish rules, to the point of fighting his best friend to the death and earning the right to become a 'Traveler'. Despite what you make think, he feels no regret for the dual with his friend, feeling he died a meaningful and honorable death in battle. By becoming a Traveler he has been tasked with exploring the outside world, learning new things and someday returning to report his findings and tell a few good stories around the fire.


Likes: Peace and quiet, nature, hunting, cooking and crafting, tradition, celebrating, poetry, sculptures.

Dislikes: Lack of honor, meaningless violence, being dishonored.
Roman said:

Taylor WHITE

Taylor White

Appearance -


Taylor WHITE

Age -


Crush/Lover/GF/BF -

PM if interested

Weight -

170 lbs

Height -


Gender -


Grade -


Species -


Dorm #? -

Dorm #45

Club -

Sports Club

Personality -

Taylor is a quiet, and calm person. He tends to keep to himself because of his dislike for people, especially in large groups. He loves to fight, but only when it is necessary and at those times it seems like he is more open due to battle being his nature.

Primary Weapon -


Powers -

Teleportation - Able to warp himself or a group to any destination he knows about.

Fire Manipulation - Able to manipulate fire to suit his combat skills.

Manipulative - Is very manipulative and is often used as a way to get what he wants or to gain information.

Hellfire - Is granted the flames of Hell, which doesn't stop burning unless a commend is given.. This ability takes a lot of energy.

Kiss of Enslavement - Only used with permission - Can temporarily make someone a personal slave.

Manipulation(Perfected) - If one's will isn't strong enough to resist, Taylor can manipulate someone just by looking into their eyes.

Bio -

Taylor was born from a Succubus mother and a Demon father. As he grew up, he always wondered about his orgins, because he was put up for adoption as a baby. Taylor eventually began to discover his powers after kissing a girl and witnessing her become a slave. That's when he immediately decided he'd just opt out and go do his own thing. Around the age of 5 he was doing things on his own. No one knew of this, and he just kept learning from the things he picked up on off the streets. Now he's older and enrolled into a school for others like him... Supernatural or just different in general.

Likes/Dislikes -


-His peace being disturbed

+Clingy people

-Those who tend to act all hyper for no apparent reason


+Himself - As of now.

You are all accepted! Sorry for the late acceptance, I've been busy.

If I missed someone please tell me.
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Evangeline 'Nightmare' Masoa


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/266129__badass-girl_p.jpg.80f64dd52e455582a138fa543236142d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/266129__badass-girl_p.jpg.80f64dd52e455582a138fa543236142d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Crush/Lover/GF/BF?: No

Weight: 127Lbs.








Shadow Shifter- A shadow who can take form of a human. They are immortal in age sense.

Dorm #?:

Sexual Orientation:



Sports Club


Ev is a outgoing, Cautious sprirt. She loves to be in crowds and hates when things are quiet for long. She is a rebel at heart. SHe is patinent and reserved.

Primary Weapon:

A silver bladed katana.


~Can go in and out of shadow form~

~Elemtantal Control~






> Night







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