• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Welcome to Hogwarts-CS


Artemis 'Titania' Cade

(Titania is a nickname that came to be because of his intelligence, beauty and skills.)



16 (Fifth Year)



Prince(ss) Sungjong.png


House (if applicable):



Wand (if applicable):

Vine wood with a Dragon heartstring core 11 ¾" and Slightly Yielding flexibility










Traits everyone sees :Sarcastic, Intelligent , Closed off , Intimadating , Blunt , Seductive (Only when he wants something).

Traits people he likes see: Kind hearted ,Motherly , Protective , Flirty, A tease , Passionate (Dance, rapping and singing.) , A extremely good actor (Other people don't see it cause they are usually the ones Amber uses his acting on.)


Favorite Class:



Writing sample:

Artemis was in his room , music bouncing off ofthe walls as he moved to the beat. When he turned off the music and went a grab his water he could hear something pecking his at his window. When turned around he was greet by the image of a small barn owl flying in front of his window. With a small smile he opened his window and bird flew in. "Hi Mara, i see i have a letter. "He said as the owl dropped the evelope in his hand and he opened in. Reading the letter he nodded to himself before going to take a quick bath and canging his clothes before leaving the house , Mara and his little puppy Ella following. .


Name: Perseus "Percy" Jordan

Age: Sixteen



House: Gryffindor

Wand: 14 inch Acadia Dragon Heartstrings 

Pet: Two month old Chinese fireball dragon.

Personality: Percy is very kind to all, in his opinion we're all friends. He tries to refrain from violence and most situations and is seen as very kind. He's very friendly and hates to argue, conflicts in general are what he hates. He sometimes sees himself as a hero figure and is quick to defend those he think need to be defended.

Favorite Class: Wand Wielding,

Accepted!! Hope on over to the main!!!

@WHATABOUTKARKAT and @Slaughterized go ahead and post your CS! The more the merrier!

Character Sheet

Name: Tempest Adromeda Lexington

Age: 12

Appearance: Waist length curly black hair. Grey almond shaped eyes. Tall and slim. Pale skin.

House (if applicable): Gryffindor

Wand (if applicable): Elder Wood, Dragon Heartstring, 13"

Pet: Peregrine Falcon called Aspen

Personality: Extremely Intelligent (She's a prodigy) , Sarcastic, Witty, Dangerous, Determined, Fiery, Stands up for what she believes, Do anything to protect what she loves. Terrifying and don't get on her bad side, not afraid to use magic against you.

Favourite Class: Defence Against the Dark Arts

Writing Sample: It had been sunrise when the owl arrived, swooping in through the open window, startling her awake. At first, Tempest had stared at it in confusion, morning was approaching, and nocturnal animals should have been soaring back to their homes. Tempest blinked at it, once, before realising. Hogwarts. The letter must contain her booklist and information for her second year at the magical school. Sometimes, even living in a magical household, she would forget. Shouting in excitement, she untied the letter and bolted downstairs, where her father (An Auror) was making to leave for work. Grinning, Tempest waved the letter at him, awaiting his response. Go to Diagon Alley, he had said, your mother won't mind. So Tempest changed as quick as humanely possible and left, her Gringrotts key in hand.

Tempest wove through the crowds in Diagon Alley, clutching her booklist. She had just arrived, and the street was already crowded with people. I'll go to Flourish and Blotts first, Tempest decided, then Gringotts and Madam Malkins.

Accepted!!!! Go ahead and pop over to the main!


Artemis 'Titania' Cade

(Titania is a nickname that came to be because of his intelligence, beauty and skills.)



16 (Fifth Year)




House (if applicable):



Wand (if applicable):

Vine wood with a Dragon heartstring core 11 ¾" and Slightly Yielding flexibility










Traits everyone sees :Sarcastic, Intelligent , Closed off , Intimadating , Blunt , Seductive (Only when he wants something).

Traits people he likes see: Kind hearted ,Motherly , Protective , Flirty, A tease , Passionate (Dance, rapping and singing.) , A extremely good actor (Other people don't see it cause they are usually the ones Amber uses his acting on.)


Favorite Class:



Writing sample:

Artemis was in his room , music bouncing off ofthe walls as he moved to the beat. When he turned off the music and went a grab his water he could hear something pecking his at his window. When turned around he was greet by the image of a small barn owl flying in front of his window. With a small smile he opened his window and bird flew in. "Hi Mara, i see i have a letter. "He said as the owl dropped the evelope in his hand and he opened in. Reading the letter he nodded to himself before going to take a quick bath and canging his clothes before leaving the house , Mara and his little puppy Ella following. .



Accepted!!! Head over to Main!
[SIZE=10.5pt]Character Sheet[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: Frost Firetongue [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: 17[/SIZE]


(See picture)

[SIZE=10.5pt]House: Slytherin[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Wand: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Spruce wood with a Phoenix feather core 10 ¾" and Hard flexibility[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Pet: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Midnight (See picture)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]With heterochromatic eyes, one green one blue.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Patronus: White Tiger[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Logical, fair, intelligent, kind to her friends, doesn’t discriminate against other houses, or muggle born wizards, and actually likes Gryffindor (she’d never leave Slytherin). Isn’t bothered about competing against the other houses, but is competitive with everything other than this (She doesn’t agree with the hate between the houses). Although she is a bit evil, but not in the way many others are. An animal person, she’ll probably kill you if you mistreat animals.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Favourite Class: Care of Magical Creatures[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Writing Sample: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] I held the golden papered letter in my hand. Why did Hogwarts always use new paper? It wasn’t exactly cheap… Before I looked at what courses I’d have this year, my last year in Hogwarts, I took care of more important matters first. I opened the door, the familiar smell slapping me in the face. Magical Menagerie[/SIZE], the best shop in Diagon Alley, a close second being Flourish and Blotts. I gently petted a kitten, it mewed pitifully from it’s cage. It was an adorable grey tabby with a white underbelly. Perfect. I picked up the kitten, it mewed again, happily this time. Animals could always tell that I thought the world of them, and this little kitten seemed more intelligent than most. Lilly would love her. Gently snuggling the kitten, Luna into my robes, I returned to the kitten area after purchasing her. And opened the parchment…


[SIZE=10.5pt]Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures and Flying lessons.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]I loved all of my lessons, and I looked forward to the new year. If Lilly ended up in a different house, I would still think the world of her, and I’d protect her with my life. (I had never understood the rivalry between the houses anyway…).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt](I hope you like my character, and a friend of mine is going to be adding her own character sheet, for Frost's sister, Lilly!)[/SIZE]


slytherin girl.jpg
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[SIZE=10.5pt]Character Sheet[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: Frost Firetongue [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: 17[/SIZE]


(See picture)

[SIZE=10.5pt]House: Slytherin[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Wand: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Spruce wood with a Phoenix feather core 10 ¾" and Hard flexibility[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Pet: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Midnight (See picture)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]With heterochromatic eyes, one green one blue.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Patronus: White Tiger[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Logical, fair, intelligent, kind to her friends, doesn’t discriminate against other houses, or muggle born wizards, and actually likes Gryffindor (she’d never leave Slytherin). Isn’t bothered about competing against the other houses, but is competitive with everything other than this (She doesn’t agree with the hate between the houses). Although she is a bit evil, but not in the way many others are. An animal person, she’ll probably kill you if you mistreat animals.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Favourite Class: Care of Magical Creatures[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Writing Sample: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] I held the golden papered letter in my hand. Why did Hogwarts always use new paper? It wasn’t exactly cheap… Before I looked at what courses I’d have this year, my last year in Hogwarts, I took care of more important matters first. I opened the door, the familiar smell slapping me in the face. Magical Menagerie[/SIZE], the best shop in Diagon Alley, a close second being Flourish and Blotts. I gently petted a kitten, it mewed pitifully from it’s cage. It was an adorable grey tabby with a white underbelly. Perfect. I picked up the kitten, it mewed again, happily this time. Animals could always tell that I thought the world of them, and this little kitten seemed more intelligent than most. Lilly would love her. Gently snuggling the kitten, Luna into my robes, I returned to the kitten area after purchasing her. And opened the parchment…


[SIZE=10.5pt]Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures and Flying lessons.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]I loved all of my lessons, and I looked forward to the new year. If Lilly ended up in a different house, I would still think the world of her, and I’d protect her with my life. (I had never understood the rivalry between the houses anyway…).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt](I hope you like my character, and a friend of mine is going to be adding her own character sheet, for Frost's sister, Lilly!)[/SIZE]

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View attachment 180434

Approved! When you are ready, go ahead and post in Main!

Name: Lilly Firetongue

Nicknames: Tiny, Ripple, Shortcake etc

Age: 11


Lilly is rather small for her age meaning that many of her classmates would tower over her.

She has long chocolate brown hair which reachers her waist and brown eyes.

Like this:


With this Colouring:


She doesn't wear glasses... well not usually...

She might do at some point...

she might not?


House: N/A

(But preferably Hufflepuff when it comes to it... if that's ok?)

Wand: N/A

(But if it's any help my Pottermore wand is an 8 inch Holly wand with a Phoenix Feather Core and it's surprisingly swishy)






Lilly is very timid and will try her best to avoid any social situation. She finds it really hard to make friends due her shyness. Lilly always carries a small notebook with her and she's often drawing or writing in it. When Lilly is around someone she's close too she opens up and becomes a bubbbly character. She only knows a handful of people well, all of which are members of her family. She doesn't have much of a social life. Lilly is a quiet and kind person and likes to help others in any way she can, she's not the biggest fan of violence.

Favourite Class: She doesn't know yet having not taken any classes yet.


Writing sample: 

Lilly was lying on the soft carpet on the living room floor. She was stretched out on her stomach, her legs bent so that her feet were hanging in the air. She was doodling in her notebook. The silence in the room was broken by a quiet fluttering sound and a yellowish envelope shot out of the fireplace and landed on top of the open notebook in front of Lilly. Lilly jumped a little at the envelope appearing in front of her so suddenly, she had assumed the fluttering had just been birds outside. She picked up the envelope curiously, it had her name on the front, but instead of Lilly Firetongue it read Lilly Ripple. Lilly was curious but confused, she'd never had any post before, and she never saw anyone else get any either, they didn't even have a post box. But also why was it addressed to Lilly Ripple? Only her older sister and her parents knew why she had been given the nickname 'Ripple' and only her sister had been there at the time, so how did the sender of this letter know? Lilly curiously turned the letter over, on the back, the envelope was sealed shut with a red wax seal which bared an emblem the knew very well. She opened the letter and read it. As soon as she'd finished she jumped up and ran over to her sister. "Hey sis look!" She said excitedly holding the latter out to her. "I'm coming to school with you!"


((Hope that is ok))
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Name: Lilly Firetongue

Nicknames: Tiny, Ripple, Shortcake etc

Age: 11


Lilly is rather small for her age meaning that many of her classmates would tower over her.

She has long chocolate brown hair which reachers her waist and brown eyes.

Like this:

With this Colouring:

She doesn't wear glasses... well not usually...

She might do at some point...

she might not?


House: N/A

(But preferably Hufflepuff when it comes to it... if that's ok?)

Wand: N/A

(But if it's any help my Pottermore wand is an 8 inch Holly wand with a Phoenix Feather Core and it's surprisingly swishy)





Lilly is very timid and will try her best to avoid any social situation. She finds it really hard to make friends due her shyness. Lilly always carries a small notebook with her and she's often drawing or writing in it. When Lilly is around someone she's close too she opens up and becomes a bubbbly character. She only knows a handful of people well, all of which are members of her family. She doesn't have much of a social life. Lilly is a quiet and kind person and likes to help others in any way she can, she's not the biggest fan of violence.

Favourite Class: She doesn't know yet having not taken any classes yet.


Writing sample: 

Lilly was lying on the soft carpet on the living room floor. She was stretched out on her stomach, her legs bent so that her feet were hanging in the air. She was doodling in her notebook. The silence in the room was broken by a quiet fluttering sound and a yellowish envelope shot out of the fireplace and landed on top of the open notebook in front of Lilly. Lilly jumped a little at the envelope appearing in front of her so suddenly, she had assumed the fluttering had just been birds outside. She picked up the envelope curiously, it had her name on the front, but instead of Lilly Firetongue it read Lilly Ripple. Lilly was curious but confused, she'd never had any post before, and she never saw anyone else get any either, they didn't even have a post box. But also why was it addressed to Lilly Ripple? Only her older sister and her parents knew why she had been given the nickname 'Ripple' and only her sister had been there at the time, so how did the sender of this letter know? Lilly curiously turned the letter over, on the back, the envelope was sealed shut with a red wax seal which bared an emblem the knew very well. She opened the letter and read it. As soon as she'd finished she jumped up and ran over to her sister. "Hey sis look!" She said excitedly holding the latter out to her. "I'm coming to school with you!"


((Hope that is ok))



[SIZE=10.5pt]Seren (pronounced Seh-ren) Morgan[/SIZE]






(See pictures)






[SIZE=10.5pt]13” Hawthorn wood, phoenix feather core, unyielding flexibility[/SIZE]



[SIZE=10.5pt]West Highland Terrier[/SIZE]



[SIZE=10.5pt]A white and brown tawny owl named Titch[/SIZE]

(See pictures)



[SIZE=10.5pt]Somewhat shy around people she doesn’t know, but is very talkative and bubbly when surrounded by people she know well and is friends with. but always gives her best in everything she tries. She is very patient so will wait a long time until she gets what she wants. She is kind to everyone and everyone in Hufflepuff is always keen to sit next to her in the common room. Her favourite subject is Herbology with Charms and Potions being a close second and third. She comes from a small Welsh village with a close community where everyone knew everything about each other. Because she’s Welsh, she has a slight accent when she talks. She hopes to get onto the Quidditch team this year as a chaser. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Favorite Class:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Writing sample: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Seren was standing in the middle of Diagon Alley. She had just received a letter from Hogwarts with her third year classes. Along with all the compulsory subjects she had been studying since 1st year, she had also chosen to study Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies. She had come to Diagon Alley in order to buy all of her new school supplies. Being here was making her very excited to start a new year at school. Having already been to Gringotts, she had just enough money to buy her books for this year’s subjects from Flourish and Blotts, a few items for her owl Titch from Eeylops Owl Emporium, a new robe from Madam Malkin’s; as hers was getting a bit old and ragged; and if she was lucky, she may even have enough money to get herself a new broom for Quidditch try outs this year. She hoped more than ever that she would get onto the team this year as a chaser, as she had tried to be since 1st year.[/SIZE]

seren morgan.jpg


[SIZE=10.5pt]Seren (pronounced Seh-ren) Morgan[/SIZE]




(See pictures)




[SIZE=10.5pt]13” Hawthorn wood, phoenix feather core, unyielding flexibility[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]West Highland Terrier[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]A white and brown tawny owl named Titch[/SIZE]

(See pictures)


[SIZE=10.5pt]Somewhat shy around people she doesn’t know, but is very talkative and bubbly when surrounded by people she know well and is friends with. but always gives her best in everything she tries. She is very patient so will wait a long time until she gets what she wants. She is kind to everyone and everyone in Hufflepuff is always keen to sit next to her in the common room. Her favourite subject is Herbology with Charms and Potions being a close second and third. She comes from a small Welsh village with a close community where everyone knew everything about each other. Because she’s Welsh, she has a slight accent when she talks. She hopes to get onto the Quidditch team this year as a chaser. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Favorite Class:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Writing sample: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Seren was standing in the middle of Diagon Alley. She had just received a letter from Hogwarts with her third year classes. Along with all the compulsory subjects she had been studying since 1st year, she had also chosen to study Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies. She had come to Diagon Alley in order to buy all of her new school supplies. Being here was making her very excited to start a new year at school. Having already been to Gringotts, she had just enough money to buy her books for this year’s subjects from Flourish and Blotts, a few items for her owl Titch from Eeylops Owl Emporium, a new robe from Madam Malkin’s; as hers was getting a bit old and ragged; and if she was lucky, she may even have enough money to get herself a new broom for Quidditch try outs this year. She hoped more than ever that she would get onto the team this year as a chaser, as she had tried to be since 1st year.[/SIZE]

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View attachment 180624

Approved! Our next post is heading to hogwarts. you can do one post in Diagon alley or jump straight into heading to Hogwarts!
Name: Cathy Elimore

Age: 14
Appearance: tall, long Brown hair, a pale tan, green eyes.130ec7700492adeac0eca6d50352138c.jpg
House: Slytherin
Wand: Ash (Nion) Unicorn Hair 11 inches
Pet: Tortoise Cat (Calico) Named Dyl Pikele, Pickle for short. acf7af062f6c0379c05ac5291a78d32d.jpg
Personality: Open with her thoughts, is really a nice person in the front, has dirt on everyone though because if that, pretty deceiving I would say, cunning really, likes animals, social.
Favorite Class: Care of Magical Creatures 
Writing sample: 

 New year, New year, New year. This was going to be another year were she learned more, and more about all the different things the wizarding world. Cathy was plain out lacking motivation to do anything in the muggle world. Thank goodness she somehow was magical, being a muggleborn and all was a bit difficult her first year but this is her 4th year and she wasn't going to waste it on other people. As Cathy looked down at her course list she scoffed. The text book prices seemed to keep on going up, I mean seven Galleons? They used to be five galleons or less. She still would gladly spend all of her money if that meant she could succeed in the wizarding world. As Cathy was gazing at her list she ran into another wizard. "Excuse me, I'm so sorry."

Name: Raven LaCroix A.K.A Bird

Age:  Sixteen


House (if applicable): Slytherin

Wand (if applicable)

Elm wood with a Unicorn hair core 12 ¼" and Solid flexibility



 Meet Piper

Personality: On a good day, Raven has a soft, sweet temperament, and is a busy bee, always keeping up with her studies, even trying to learn new  spells and such  on her own.On a bad day, her skin is like steel.  This is what happens when one's parents  end their, what looked like a happy marriage, when their only kin is a fledgling. rowing up, it wasn't very hard for Raven to make friends. She's quite the social butterfly

Favorite Class: Potions and Charms

Writing sample:

  Finishing up her shower, Raven emerged from the steamy cocoon and wrapped a white cotton towel around her slender torso.  Loose strands of her fiery hair stuck to her face as small streaks of mascara ran down her cheeks. Swiping her hand across the foggy mirror, she saw  her face. Her pale, makeup-stained face. the shower only helped her physical body, not her emotional mess of a mind. The steam dissipated  as she slipped back on her over sized pajamas, and walked down the hollow hall of her Mother's two story Apartment.  Luckily, Bird had the place to herself for a few hours, her Mother had gone to a muggle store for more...home decoration.

Attached to a magnet on the refrigerator door was a Letter with her name written in neat, sharp cursive letters. She ripped it from the door and thought to herself. " Is this it? Is this what i've been waiting for?"   Turning it around, her hazel eyes laid to rest on the Hogwarts crest . Suddenly she was a different person then what she had been for the past few days. She was jumping up and down on furniture and blurting out words of excitement in French, her native Language. It read:

" Dear Raven, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  We have spoken to Headmistress Maxime and with what we have seen, and with Her comments, Hogwarts staff find it appropriate that you be placed in Slytherin House. The books and materials you need for the following year will be attatched with this letter, We look forward to your arrival-



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Name: Lux Enders

Age: 14



House: Slytherin







Personality: Sassy, occasionally cold, artsy, comical, very caring and determined.

Favorite Class:  Potions

Writing Prompt (B):

Lux walked down the street of Diagon Alley, sweeping in and out of shops browsing for items. She finally entered her last stop, Flourish and Blotts. She picked out her books and decided to get her sisters while she was there. She exited and entered another shop, the pet shop. She bought the necessary items for Peach and left once more to find her mother. She spots her frantically rushing around the robe shop. "Whoa mom, chill." she laughed, "What's the deal?" "I can't find her, I can't find your sister." her mother sobbed. "Mom, It's fine she's probably in here, she's small she can't go far." she replied. Her sister hadn't gone far at all, she just went across the street, as Lux pointed out that she was eying an animal in the window.


Name: Amabell Enders

Age: 11



House: Gryffindor


Patronus: Tokinese Cat




Personality: Sweet, courageous, accepting.

Favorite Class: Undecided

Writing Prompt (A):

It was a Summer morning, when the letter came. Amabell was still sleeping when she heard a tap on her window. She sluggishly got up and opened it. An owl flew past her head, landing on her bedside table. Amabell made her way over to the owl and took out the letter from it's mouth. She opened it "Dear Amabell, Congratulations! You have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." she stopped there and screamed. She ran around jumping and screaming in joy. The owl soon became fed up with her and left, but she didn't notice. She had just managed to get into the wizarding school, and worry her entire family.

@WHATABOUTKARKAT  YOu are accepted!! Sorry for the delay!!

Name: Raven LaCroix A.K.A Bird

Age:  Sixteen


House (if applicable): Slytherin

Wand (if applicable)

Elm wood with a Unicorn hair core 12 ¼" and Solid flexibility


  Reveal hidden contents

 Meet Piper

Personality: On a good day, Raven has a soft, sweet temperament, and is a busy bee, always keeping up with her studies, even trying to learn new  spells and such  on her own.On a bad day, her skin is like steel.  This is what happens when one's parents  end their, what looked like a happy marriage, when their only kin is a fledgling. rowing up, it wasn't very hard for Raven to make friends. She's quite the social butterfly

Favorite Class: Potions and Charms

Writing sample:

  Finishing up her shower, Raven emerged from the steamy cocoon and wrapped a white cotton towel around her slender torso.  Loose strands of her fiery hair stuck to her face as small streaks of mascara ran down her cheeks. Swiping her hand across the foggy mirror, she saw  her face. Her pale, makeup-stained face. the shower only helped her physical body, not her emotional mess of a mind. The steam dissipated  as she slipped back on her over sized pajamas, and walked down the hollow hall of her Mother's two story Apartment.  Luckily, Bird had the place to herself for a few hours, her Mother had gone to a muggle store for more...home decoration.

Attached to a magnet on the refrigerator door was a Letter with her name written in neat, sharp cursive letters. She ripped it from the door and thought to herself. " Is this it? Is this what i've been waiting for?"   Turning it around, her hazel eyes laid to rest on the Hogwarts crest . Suddenly she was a different person then what she had been for the past few days. She was jumping up and down on furniture and blurting out words of excitement in French, her native Language. It read:

" Dear Raven, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  We have spoken to Headmistress Maxime and with what we have seen, and with Her comments, Hogwarts staff find it appropriate that you be placed in Slytherin House. The books and materials you need for the following year will be attatched with this letter, We look forward to your arrival-




accepted!! sorry about the delay!

Name: Lux Enders

Age: 14



House: Slytherin







Personality: Sassy, occasionally cold, artsy, comical, very caring and determined.

Favorite Class:  Potions

Writing Prompt (B):

Lux walked down the street of Diagon Alley, sweeping in and out of shops browsing for items. She finally entered her last stop, Flourish and Blotts. She picked out her books and decided to get her sisters while she was there. She exited and entered another shop, the pet shop. She bought the necessary items for Peach and left once more to find her mother. She spots her frantically rushing around the robe shop. "Whoa mom, chill." she laughed, "What's the deal?" "I can't find her, I can't find your sister." her mother sobbed. "Mom, It's fine she's probably in here, she's small she can't go far." she replied. Her sister hadn't gone far at all, she just went across the street, as Lux pointed out that she was eying an animal in the window.


Name: Amabell Enders

Age: 11



House: Gryffindor


Patronus: Tokinese Cat




Personality: Sweet, courageous, accepting.

Favorite Class: Undecided

Writing Prompt (A):

It was a Summer morning, when the letter came. Amabell was still sleeping when she heard a tap on her window. She sluggishly got up and opened it. An owl flew past her head, landing on her bedside table. Amabell made her way over to the owl and took out the letter from it's mouth. She opened it "Dear Amabell, Congratulations! You have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." she stopped there and screamed. She ran around jumping and screaming in joy. The owl soon became fed up with her and left, but she didn't notice. She had just managed to get into the wizarding school, and worry her entire family.


accepted!! sorry about the delay!

Angelina Whisp 




images (5).jpg




Ebony wood with a dragonheart string core 12 3/4 inches, supple flexibility




Angelina is a very happy, caring, and ambitious persn. She wants to help people, and always has a friendly smirk. 

Favorite Class:


Writing Sample: (B)

Angelina chuckled as her parents looked around a bit confused, muttering something about how strange the Wizarding world was. She just rolled her eyes, and looked over the list again. She still needed a new robe, her books, and some new owl supplies. Her grandmother, who was buying what she needed, patted her back. "Give them time, they'll have to get use to it sooner or later," She ssid with a kinda smile. "Let's hope it's sooner rather than later," Angelina said, which led her grandmother to laugh, "Let's go and get your books, then break for a snack," The old woman said, causing Angelina to take her parents by the arms and lead them along. As she walked, she saw a few other muggle born students, which she waved at, before continuing to Flourish and Blotts.
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Xue Miller





House (if applicable)


Wand (if applicable)

Ebony Wood, 13", Dragon Heartstring, Unyielding Flexibility


A elf owl named Newtth (6).jpg


Competitive, Brave, Sensitive, Good with words, Bad Sport, Often Bored.

Favorite Class:


Writing sample:

Xue had nothing better to do. Today she finally got her own room, and finally some seperation from Lucas and Molly. She lays on the white carpet with colored designs in her room, her arms spread out as she lays on her back, making her look like a star. Xue looks up to see Newt flying above her, happy to be out of the cage he was in when she still shared a room with Molly and Lucas. Molly never liked the idea of her pet owl flying in the room while she was practicing some fifth year spells, and she didn't want loose feather falling on her, so she made her keep in in the cage all the time.

A small tap came to her window. Unknowing what it could be, she opened the window. A barn owl shot through, Xue taking cover, when it stopped. It flew in front of her, dropping a letter, and flying out the already opened window. Xue opened it and knew exactly what it is. Her Hogwarts letter. She quickly reads it so she could brag to Lucas she got it before him.

Dear Miss Miller, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Please read the enclosed list with all the school supplies and materials. Term begins September 1st, and you should also find a ticket attached for Platform 9 3/4.

-Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Victoria Scarlett





House (if applicable)


Wand (if applicable)

10¾" long, made of vine wood, and possessed a dragon heartstring core.





Victoria's personality is very unique. She is brave, and the smartest witch of her age as well. She loves to play with her kittens all the time. She also has many friends.

Favorite Class:

Any Class except transfiguration

Writing sample:

As Victoria stepped into Diagon Alley, she let herself have on blissful moment before her mother, Hermione Granger, dragged her along. "Let's go, Vik. I'll get your books and stuff, you get your robes, some parchment, and also quills." Vikki glared up at her. "Okay, mom. I can do it. We've been through this before."

As Vikki stalked away, she tool out her wand and examined it. It was quite similar to her mother's own. Then she looked up. There was Rose! "Hey, Rosa, let's go get candy!" Rose jumped up and ran off with her.
Name: Hikari

Age: 13



House: Hufflepuff

Wand: Not 100% Sure Yet

Pet: A Cat


Personality: Outgoing/Friendly/Sweet/Annoying/Cute

Favorite Class: Transfiguration
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