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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Elk-Wood High!~Currently Accepted

[QUOTE="Arya Barnes]"Sticky? That has to be a nickname! Unless your parents really liked honey." Sam giggled. She found it so easy to talk to Sticky. Maybe they could work on projects together. "Would you like to eat lunch together? I have no friends." She was gathering her things as she spoke so he couldn't see her shaking hands.

"It's a n-n-nick-nickname, yeah." Sticky stuttered. "B-be-because I play d-drums. I always have my drumsticks on me." Sticky said softly. She mentioned lunch and he smiled. "Y-yeah, that sounds nice."

(I'm gonna stop writing in the stutter, it's annoying me. Just imagine that I've written it in. I'm lazy)
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"It's a n-n-nick-nickname, yeah." Sticky stuttered. "B-be-because I play d-drums. I always have my drumsticks on me." Sticky said softly. She mentioned lunch and he smiled. "Y-yeah, that sounds nice."
(I'm gonna stop writing in the stutter, it's annoying me. Just imagine that I've written it in. I'm lazy)

He played the drums. That was really cool. Maybe she would make a watercolor painting of that. "Going by your nickname and how you got it, then I would be called Painty or Brushy." Sam smiled a little and then decided to explain. "I always have paint on me somewhere and I have my paint brushes in my bag. Maybe I should tell people to call me one of those. Whatcha think?" They were in line for food by then. She didn't even know what line, just one of them.
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[QUOTE="Arya Barnes]He played the drums. That was really cool. Maybe she would make a watercolor painting of that. "Going by your nickname and how you got it, then I would be called Painty or Brushy." Sam smiled a little and then decided to explain. "I always have paint on me somewhere and I have my paint brushes in my bag. Maybe I should tell people to call me one of those. Whatcha think?" They were in line for food by then. She didn't even know what line, just one of them.

"Or simply Paint." Sticky muttered. He didn't want to tell her that he was really called Sticky because of his kleptomaniac tendencies. "But I like the name Sam."
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"Or simply Paint." Sticky muttered. He didn't want to tell her that he was really called Sticky because of his kleptomaniac tendencies. "But I like the name Sam."

"Maybe I'll start selling my art under the moniker, Paint. That would be cool." Sam didn't mind his stutter or that he was quiet. She understood people who were quiet better than people who were loud. "My Oma, she always goes 'Samantha Reye, you better not be painting my walls again!' but I don't think she minds. All of her walls are murals about her life." Sam didn't know why she was talking so much. She's never talked so much to one person in her life.
Andy frowned as she opened her lockerdoor and noticed her phone going off. "What the hell...?" She looked and saw her dad calling "oh great... Hello?" She faked the happiness in her voice.
Sticky smiled. "That's nice." He failed to mention that his mom would slap him senseless if he did something like that. His brothers would beat him up pretty good as well. He played drums in the basement of the apartment building so as not to provoke them. "Your Oma sounds very caring." @Arya Barnes
ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
Andy frowned as she opened her lockerdoor and noticed her phone going off. "What the hell...?" She looked and saw her dad calling "oh great... Hello?" She faked the happiness in her voice.
Cruz saw Andy looking kind of down while speaking on her phone 'I wonder if she's alright'
ThatOneCrshylyimeFan said:
"Yeah well... I gotta go..." Andy hunt up and laid her head on the locker door. "Ugh…"
Cruz walked over towards Andy shyly "Hey you okay?" She asks tilting her head a bit
SprinkleFever said:
"S-Sorry...! I didnt mean to scare you!" She apologizes quickly
Mariah giggled "Yeah I see it sometimes" Mariah got up and headed outside for a bit as she left she said "catch you later Cruz"
MariahChanell said:
Mariah giggled "Yeah I see it sometimes" Mariah got up and headed outside for a bit as she left she said "catch you later Cruz"
"Y-Yeah!" She was happy. Cruz finally seemed to be meeting new people after such a long time. A smile spread across her lips as she opens her locker 'maybe this wont be such a bad year'
Quiet Is Violent]Sticky smiled. "That's nice." He failed to mention that his mom would slap him senseless if he did something like that. His brothers would beat him up pretty good as well. He played drums in the basement of the apartment building so as not to provoke them. "Your Oma sounds very caring." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15244-arya-barnes/ said:
@Arya Barnes[/URL]
"Yeah. She's pretty cool. I don't get to see her much anymore." They were finally sitting down to eat. She had gotten tacos and she was almost happy. As she ate, she sat sideways in the booth and had a sketchbook out and she started to draw the cafeteria for her own perspective. Sam was working on a 'world through her eyes' project. She was going to do this for her final project for the first semester. She had a feeling Sticky would be in a lot of them.
"Why not?" Sticky asked, poking at his food. He didn't look at Sam, embarrassed about his stutter and knowing that she was way out of his league.
"How much longer is lunch..? I really wanna go to math..." She felt her stomach growl, and she quickly placed her hand over her stomach. "I don't need to eat... You're fine..." She mumbled, biting her lip.
ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
"How much longer is lunch..? I really wanna go to math..." She felt her stomach growl, and she quickly placed her hand over her stomach. "I don't need to eat... You're fine..." She mumbled, biting her lip.
"Say... Andy, did you eat yet?" Cruz asks a bit concerned "I didn't see you in the cafeteria or eating out here" She states raising her eyebrow questionably
SprinkleFever said:
"Say... Andy, did you eat yet?" Cruz asks a bit concerned "I didn't see you in the cafeteria or eating out here" She states raising her eyebrow questionably
"I uh.... I ate a huge breakfast!" Andy lied, faking a smile. "So what class do you have next?"
"Whatever you say" Cruz says still somewhat not convinced "I think we have math right now.." She says checking her agenda on her locker door "We also have a test..."
Fae opened the door to her campus room, letting out a small sigh. She put down her suitcase and walked over to the window to open it, letting in some fresh air. "Well, at least I have a nice view," she thought out loud, a subtle Eastern European accent in her voice. She had been apprehensive to this whole moving thing, but she was hopeful to make some new friends soon. She wasn't the most outgoing person, but she was sure that with a bit exploring and asking for help she would get somewhere eventually.
SprinkleFever said:
"Whatever you say" Cruz says still somewhat not convinced "I think we have math right now.." She says checking her agenda on her locker door "We also have a test..."
"A test!? It's the first day!!" Andy groaned
ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
"A test!? It's the first day!!" Andy groaned
Cruz giggles and grabs her textbooks and pencils out of her locker "Well it's not a big one... They just want to know what point we're at" she explains moving her bangs out of her face.
SprinkleFever said:
Cruz giggles and grabs her textbooks and pencils out of her locker "Well it's not a big one... They just want to know what point we're at" she explains moving her bangs out of her face.
"Ah ok" Andy nodded and walked into math sitting down at a desk and frowned at the desk "ooooh!"
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"Why not?" Sticky asked, poking at his food. He didn't look at Sam, embarrassed about his stutter and knowing that she was way out of his league.

"My mom doesn't want me to see her. She won't tell me why, but my dad knows. He wants me to socialize more." She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "I never talk this much..." Sam said softly.

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