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Realistic or Modern Welcome to Elk-Wood High!~Currently Accepted

Mariah looked over as they walked away and how Miles pulled her away hoping she was okay.

She grabbed a seat in class waiting for the class to fill. Dreading this hour in here
As soon as he walked in, the bel had rung basically. And he didn't feel like sticking around to talk with the teacher, he left the class, his next one was history he thought? Yes history. He would've been in gym now, but ever since the principal made him change his sheduale. He walked past a group surrounding a crying girl. "Someone homesick again" he said as he slowly walked past the group.

Andy gritted her teeth and quickly wiped her eyes again. I probably look like a damn crybaby.... She thought in a panic bleh... Maybe I am a bit homesick... It's cold here.... Cold, easy to get lost and... And mom isn't here... She swiped at her eyes once again and quickly looked up "s-sorry I started crying..." She mumbled quietly in embarrassment.
ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
Andy gritted her teeth and quickly wiped her eyes again. I probably look like a damn crybaby.... She thought in a panic bleh... Maybe I am a bit homesick... It's cold here.... Cold, easy to get lost and... And mom isn't here... She swiped at her eyes once again and quickly looked up "s-sorry I started crying..." She mumbled quietly in embarrassment.
"N-n-no, d-do-don't be sorry." Sticky said softly. "It's a-a-al-alr-r-right."
"Thanks,see ya around" Andy waved and ran down the stairs to the gym, shivering. When she arrived at in the girls locker room, she was thankful that nobody else was in there and she quickly got changed and ran out to gym. That one guy that helped me... He was cute... Andy thought as she ran laps along with the rest of the gym nice to... And his stuttering was adorable... Er... What am I saying..!? Andy face palmed quietly and kept running
Sticky went to his next class, putting on his earbuds as he walked to class. He played his music loudly, like he normally does, and kept his eyes on the ground. History. This was going to be... interesting. His schedule was not ideal. Speech Therapy, History, then Math. It was going to be a tough morning to get through. Sticky walked into his history class just a touch late and sat in the back.
Mariah sat in class hearing the teacher ramble about fractions and equations and y and x. She hated math. Well unless it had to do with money. Mariah sat in the far back in the crowded classroom. She couldn't help but think about the mysterious boy from the art class. Him and his art work really caught her attention. As she listened to the teacher assign homework she occasionally continued to flirt with Miles a bit.
Gale took of his headphones. Is it okay to hear now? Yes. He let out a sigh and went to math. There's that girl again, the one who was wearing dance clothes earlier. He sat in the back of the class, trying desperately to pay attention. He just couldn't. Math is boring.
Mariah saw the guy from earlier. She smiled at him and walked over to say hi. She say In the desk next to him.

"Hey. It's you from the art room right? I'm Mariah" She flirtatiously smiled at him sliding him some notes from earlier.

"Oh here you can copy my notes. We took these a little earlier"
MariahChanell said:
Mariah saw the guy from earlier. She smiled at him and walked over to say hi. She say In the desk next to him.
"Hey. It's you from the art room right? I'm Mariah" She flirtatiously smiled at him sliding him some notes from earlier.

"Oh here you can copy my notes. We took these a little earlier"
Gale smiled at her. She was nice. A little flirty, but nice. He looked at the notes and smiled. Nice, but he didn't really need them. He was planning on dropping out, and in order to do that he needs to fail. Gale dug through his backpack to find a piece of lined paper.

I'm Gale. Nice to meet you.

He didn't mention the notes. Maybe if he didn't say anything she wouldn't push it.
Mariah smiled at him

"You don't talk much do you? That's okay" Mariah ripped a piece of paper writing her number on it kissing it leaving her purple lipstick imprint under her name and number

"You can text me anytime." Mariah winked at him facing her attention back on the teacher. Still uninterested in what she was talking about
Sam was sitting in the middle of classroom when the boy she ran into earlier entered the class. Maybe he would sit next ot her and they could work on projects together. No one else in the class paid any attention to Sam and she was glad about that.
MariahChanell said:
Mariah smiled at him
"You don't talk much do you? That's okay" Mariah ripped a piece of paper writing her number on it kissing it leaving her purple lipstick imprint under her name and number

"You can text me anytime." Mariah winked at him facing her attention back on the teacher. Still uninterested in what she was talking about
Gale raised an eyebrow. Well then. He wasn't sure what exactly he did to make her give him her number, but aparently it worked.
[QUOTE="Arya Barnes]Sam was sitting in the middle of classroom when the boy she ran into earlier entered the class. Maybe he would sit next ot her and they could work on projects together. No one else in the class paid any attention to Sam and she was glad about that.

Sticky saw the girl from the hallway and he looked away quickly. Fucking hell he thought as he sat down in the only empty seat: the one next to her.
Mariah quickly went back to her seat before the teacher noticed.

She then glanced over and saw the girl that was in the art room when she came to get supplies. She thought she was pretty and talented. Maybe she'd talk to her after class
Sam glanced at the boy next to her and smiled at him. Before she could say anything, their history teacher started to talk, explaining what we were going to do in that class this semester. Sighing, she opened her notebook to a blank page and started to draw things she saw. The teacher's desk with all her things on it, the people surrounding her. She put as much detail into it as she could.
"Thanks... Umm what's your name?" Sam blushed in embarrassment. She added a bit more shading to make it look more realistic. "I do this when I'm bored, which is a lot. Oh and my name is Sam."
Andy frowned as running quickly turned to basketball this is going to suck... She thought looking for a free basket ball "hey watch out!" A voice yelled in alarm "hu-" she jumped as a ball came in her face. She yelped when the ball hit her and she fell backwards. "Ugh..." She groaned sitting up, she noticed that something warm and wet slid down her face.
ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
Andy frowned as running quickly turned to basketball this is going to suck... She thought looking for a free basket ball "hey watch out!" A voice yelled in alarm "hu-" she jumped as a ball came in her face. She yelped when the ball hit her and she fell backwards. "Ugh..." She groaned sitting up, she noticed that something warm and wet slid down her face.
Cruz was sitting down on the bleachers, she didn't like sports but its not like she had a choice. She wasnt paying attention when she suddenly heard someone scream. A girl was lying on the ground hurt. "H-Hey..! Are you o-okay...?!" She ran towards her worried
"I-I'll get you some tissues!" Cruz ran to her gym bag to get a bunch of tissues. She hurried back to the hurt girl and handed her a few "This should help.. somewhat"

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