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Fandom Welcome to Camp Half-Blood

"At this rate, we're likely to steal that fearsome title right out from under their size six feet," Rairi, perhaps a little manically. Sera smiled and nodded. Gods, she had never been in a Prank War, but this looked like a lot of fun. Plus, all Sera had to do was build, and she liked to build. She would finish her tasks later. Even if an Ares kid would come to beat her up she knew tactics to get away. She could probably match their muscle anyways. Sera was no scrawny weakling after all. "Alrighty then, let's go see if they know anything!" Rairi added, heading over to who looked like Derik, Blake, and Alt.....yeah Alton Summers! Sera hadn't seen him around today.

"Right!" Sera responded following Rairi.

"Hey, Blake, Derik! Have you guys seen those kids since the shower incident?" Asked Rairi. The girl suddenly swung her arm around Alt to bring him down to her height. It looked a little awkward, but it worked.

"Don't forget about me," Alt said teasing Rairi.

"Of course not, Alton Summers," Rairi responded in a calm tone. She then asked, "What about you? Have you seen the Terrible Trio at all today?"

"You shouldn't call those boys that name, you know," Alt said sternly to the girl. Sera stifled a laugh, it was kind of funny.

"Whatever, have you seen them or what?" Asked Rairi, perhaps impatient. She rolled her eyes at him.

"At the beach," Alt responded giving a small nod. Rairi then wrinkled her nose,and whispered something in audible to Alt. Sera raised an eyebrow at this. Something was fishy, but it was not her business to pick into. So, she shrugged it off. Then Rairi grabbed both Sera and Jade. She dragged both of them to the beach.

"Okay, okay. We're coming!" She said, smiling slightly. "So, to the beach then? But after, we'll plan?"
Name: Lydia "Goddess Of Affairs and Beauty"

Location: Camp Half Blood: Pavilion

Attire: Fitted Boyfriend Dot Oxford Shirt from Gap; Dainty Daze Skater Skirt from Forever 21

Weapons: Her hands, elements, and her bare teeth. (Werewolf)

God Parent: Zeus


Tagging: LuckyMisfortune


"I don't know...." She responded when a familiar voice called out for her. Slowly as she crept away from the wooden door, more noises crept behind her back as it continued. She gasped, "Don't you hear that? That sound? It's like a ticking sound." Her head then tilting to the side and her eyes going wide. "I hear voices..." She half whispered, listening as another voice behind whispered things her eye that sounded like possessed. Lydia hoped she was hearing things because this wasn't the first time this happened. Every since she was going to school with either see images of a person - dead - or a man just staring at her with a smirk on his face. However, it neither the gods in Olympus; but she knew he was supernatural to give her this.

Suddenly, it stopped and ended to nothing but silence.

Lydia opened her mouth, saying, "It was two years ago. I was only a teenage in the Olympus and I knew nothing from my rights to my wrong. Of course, I did stupid things. Every since I've never had a good connection with my Father, I never use to trust him. One day, or one morning, I woke screaming for my life as if I was going to die. I hear voices as if they coming through the walls and haunting me. And still this point on I still don't know what's wrong with me...I would scream whenever I would see..." She then paused.
"So to the beach then? But after, we'll plan?" Sera asked.

Jade nodded, already thinking of ways she could make vines. She'd waved at Alt, being friendly to another earth lover, but was already back in thought. "The beach huh?" she mumbled. "Well, Leila might've seen them! I think she was planning on taking a swim after I saw her." she explained. Honestly, the raven haired teen couldn't wait to get started. While she hadn't been involved, she loved messing with the real idiots. Or, in this case - or Rairi's - the Terrible Trio.

She grinned, a slight mad tint to it. This was going to be so much fun...


Leila sighed. She had a feeling those three idiots she'd seen earlier were going to bring trouble. Though it also probably insinuated the start of the annual prank war. The blonde groaned, splashing some of the water in her face, even though she didn't get wet. "I just hope I don't get dragged into anything like year..." she muttered, shuddering at the thought. "That was horrible."
Spence had been standing there as Lydia spoke about hearing a sound. He clearly didn't hear it and raised him to suspect something was wrong. She kept asking, Spence was definitely sure something was wrong. To him she sounded posses, but that couldn't be right? Camp Half-Blood was protected, nothing from the outside could get in, right? "Lydia, are you okay?" He asked, some hint of fear growing in his tone. Lydia didn't speak, as if listening.

Suddenly she started a story. "It was two years ago. I was only a teenage in the Olympus and I knew nothing from my rights to my wrong. Of course, I did stupid things. Every since I've never had a good connection with my Father, I never use to trust him. One day, or one morning, I woke screaming for my life as if I was going to die. I hear voices as if they coming through the walls and haunting me. And still this point on I still don't know what's wrong with me...I would scream whenever I would see..." Lydia stopped mid-sentence. Spence felt fear rise into his throat like a bitter bile.

"Lydia, are you alright. If you need to talk more it's okay with me. I'm here for you..." He said, sincerely worried. Something definitely wasn't right. Something evil was at the work of this.
Troy walked across the dining hall headed back towards the cabins. He smiled passively and nodded to those who greeted him a he walked by. He did not really like to eat that much. Maybe it was the time they went between meals while he and his sister were alone and meals were rare and small. If he ate to much he'd feel terrible, and that was never a good way to feel when there are monster hunting you. Nowadays it is usually a protein shake and bars he'd have to sneak in from the Hermes cabin. Normally they just want you to do watch shift for them. Nothing that hard. On top of that the guard position usually had him stationed with an Ares kid (who probably did the same trade), so Troy barely worried. After the watch, he would have extra time to sleep in his cabin. Cabin 7. In his opinion the best. Solid Gold, an radiant like the sun - "The Sun Never Sets on the Children of Apollo". He still liked the way the rest of the cabins were. But there was a strange cabin that was way over near the big house. Troy never understood why Annabeth did not include it over here. Some girl lived over there, was it Leslie? or Lily? He never had a formal introduction to her. He passed it off, thinking he will find out later. Right now there were people running in and out of his cabin with buckets, and boxes. As he walked closer he heard Will Solace naming off a list of supplies: Anti-Adhesives, Febreeze, Itch Cream, High Power Skin Wash, and back up clothes. I guess the Prank War has begun. He remembered hearing something about it in the mess hall. Other cabins always ended up getting affected by the prank wars in some way. The prank 'soldiers' usually pass it off as collateral damage and move on. That is why we needed all those supplies.
"No I don't mind. Just meet us there then or something," Blake said to Alt as he ran towards his cabin, "Guess it's just you and me Lover Boy."

Derik blushed. Why did Blake always have to tease him like this. Blake knew Derik was crushing on him but why did he have to flirt back to tease him if he was straight. "Wait...hetero boy flirting with out and proud flamboyant gay boy...we have a closet case," Derik thought to himself smirking a little.

"Yeah and depending on how long Alt takes we'll have the arena all to ourselves for a while," Derik said grabbing the collar of Blake's leather jacket and pulling him towards the arena playfully,"come on Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome...maybe you can show me the real man's way to use a sword."

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Alt smiled as he glanced back at the two boys, who certainly got along well. Turning, he realized a little too late that a small girl was standing in his path and ran straight into her.

"Lily! Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." She shook her head and accepted his hand to help her up off the ground.

"It's okay. I was told to go look for you, anyways." Now Alt was confused. Why would his half-sibling be looking for him at this time? Noting his concerned face, the younger girl tried to reconcile it by giving him a cheeky grin. "Chiron wants to see you at the Big House. Something about your aunt."

Alt nodded and asked her if she didn't mind passing his whereabouts to those waiting (kind of) for him in the arena. She agreed reluctantly and with a word of thanks he was off, headed to see what his aunt would want with him.


The three girls were almost to the beach when Rairi came to an abrupt stop. "Oh Hades."

This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

She looked up at her friends with her usual carefree smile. It was nothing she should be worried about, after all. What were Mr. D and Chiron going to do if she missed their meeting? It's not like they couldn't switch the time.

But they'd already moved this discussion back three times. Rairi knew she couldn't avoid it for much longer. She was just going to have to suck it up and go see what their fuss was all about.

"You two go on ahead," she said casually. "I forgot that I'm supposed to go see Chiron right after breakfast today. Something about 'going to far this time' or another." She glanced at the beach, which was just within a few yards. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Go talk to Layla and keep an eye out for those boys for me, okay?"

The brunette didn't wait for an answer before running off to that signature blue house.
Sera was walking with Rairi and Jade, but Rairi had came to a sudden stop. "Oh Hades," she said. Sera raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. Rairi turned around and gave them her usual smile. "You two go on ahead," Rairi said. "I forgot that I'm supposed to go see Chiron right after breakfast today. Something about 'going to far this time' or another."

Sera nodded and teased, "Sure, just make sure you're not in that deep of trouble." She watched Rairi glance at the beach, which wasn't far away.

Rairi then continued, "I'm sure it'll be fine. Go talk to Layla and keep an eye out for those boys for me, okay?"

Sera nodded once again and responded, "Yup, go-" She was cut off as Rairi ran back down the path towards the Big House. "Okay then, come on, Jade, let's go," Sera said with a shrug of her shoulders. Sera spotted Leila and yelled, "Hey, Leila! Can you help us fine some guys. Rairi wants to tell 'em something." She ran towards her, hoping Jade followed.


(Since Dreamer dropped out. Imma just make Spence do something else....)

Lydia had waved him off, more like didn't respond for a while. Spence sighed, figuring the goddess didn't want to speak with him anymore. I mean, he did basically find out her biggest secret. He would hate himself if someone did. Spence turned around, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He guessed he'd have to find something else to do. He walked, kicking a stone along the way. He had no idea where to head, so he walked aimlessly. Unbeknownst to him, he walked right towards Derik and Blake.

The Son of Nemesis looked up and heard that the two were heading towards the arena. He had nothing to do, so why not ask to join. "Hey guys. You sparing at the arena? If it wouldn't bother you, can I join? There's nothing for me to do at the moment," he asked. His awkward form didn't really give much thinking for his strength. Most thought he was weak and wasn't a great fighter. Only the people he actually spared with knew he was a formidable opponent.

Jade nodded, watching as Rairi ran off. She grinned at Sera, before spotting Leila who had just walked out of the water. As the blonde haired girl looked over at the two, Jade ran after Sera, not wanting to be left behind. "Leila, you seen those three pranksters?" she called out.

Smiling, Leila nodded in greeting to the two girls. "Well I saw them earlier." she stated. "They were running away from the guys bathroom I believe. They passed through here but I ignored them, thinking they'd done something stupid." she explained with a slight shrug.

Laughing, Jade nodded. "Yeah, stupid alright."

Leila lifted an eyebrow at her response before shrugging.
Sera merely listened to the conversation between the two girls. She smiled when Leila smiled. It was a simple greeting, but filled one with warmth. "Well I saw them earlier," Leila began to answer Jade's question. "They were running away from the guys bathroom I believe. They passed through here but I ignored them, thinking they'd done something stupid," she added with a slight shrug of the shoulders.

Jade laughed in response, clearly amused. "Yeah, stupid alright," she said with a nod.

Sera watched Leila's reaction and laughed a little. "You see, those pranksters glued a sign to Rairi's hand. Since the Prank War started, this was the perfect opportunity to strike. Anyways, how have you been doing? Anything bugging you?" Sera explained. She then asked her question with curiosity. It was common for one to be worried about her friend, right?
Laughing, Leila nodded, understanding now. "Ah yes, I can understand all of that." she smiled. "Hopefully nothing like last year happens again. I don't need to be dragged in like I was. There was far too much glue in my hair." she commented, shuddering slightly, causing Jade to laugh. She shot the younger girl a playful glare.

"Anyways, how have you been doing? Anything bugging you?" Sera asked.

Smiling at Sera, Leila nodded. "I'm alright, thank you for worrying." she thanked her. It was sweet, she thought. "Earlier I was a bit antsy, but I just needed a swim. I'm fine now." she told her. "You two?" she asked.
"I'm alright, thank you for worrying," Leila responded to her question. Sera received a thank you and a smile. Sera returned the smile brightly. "Earlier I was a bit antsy, but I just needed a swim. I'm fine now," she continued. Sera nodded, understanding. She guessed it was common for a child of Poseidon to want to swim. She wouldn't know, Sera was most comfortable with machines and fire. Yes, fire. Don't judge her.

Sera was snapped out of her thoughts when Leila asked about her and Jade. "Oh, I'm great, in fact pumped. The Prank War sounds fun, even though I have been pranked. Feels good to be the one prancing this time. Before this, I was just tinkering away at breakfast," she responded laughing a little.
"Yeah!" Jade jumped in. She grabbed the strap of her bag, pulling it away from her body to show Leila. "She made me this pin! Isn't it beautiful?!" she exclaimed.

Leaning forward slightly to get a better look, Leila nodded. "Yes, it really is gorgeous." she agreed. "Of course it also matches you very much Jade." she complimented.

Flushing slightly, Jade grinned. "So, other than not getting dragged in, are you looking forward to the Prank War?" she asked.

Leila nodded. "A bit. It's always interesting to watch at the very least." she laughed. "I'm not planning on participating, but I'm assuming you two are." she gave them knowing looks. "If you need my help with anything, just let me know." she offered.
Sera flushed a little. Jade had just shown her own work to Leila. It was nice receiving a compliment. She smiled and said, "Yeah, I tried to make it match Jade as much as I could." She watched as the two girls conversed between each other. Jade had asked if Leila was looking forward to the Prank War. Not to her surprise, most wouldn't want to join anyways. Anyone out of the Hermes cabin, I mean.

Leila offered her help. Sera laughed a little and said, "We'll call if we need you." She winked and slapped Jade on the back suddenly. "We should probably do something now, right? Leila, wanna join us or something. But, I don't exactly know what to do.... Any ideas?" She asked, smiling.
Troy looked around, and then back towards the dining hall. He remembered what he ate, I shouldn't have. He looked at his abds, from the under his shirt. He was a bit of a health nut. He was already headed towards the arena, so he kept on moving. As he was walking there, he unbuckled his belt. He especially enjoyed those who did not know of his mist weapon. He pulled it off inbewteen crowds as he was entering the arena. Some laughed, some shocked. He flicked it, and snapped into form in his hand. The excellent bow fit his personality well. Next he grabbed his necklace and simply rubbed the arrow head. It shifted and adjusted to a quiver on his back. He looked up to the sun, and said a small thank you to his dad.
"Yeah sure," Blake said to Spence. He'd seen the scrawny kid around the camp before and he bet he'd probably make a better sparing partner than Derik any day. Blake went over to a weapons rack and threw on a bronze breastplate and pulls off his yin yang necklace and spilt the charm into two. Each half of the charm grew and became his dual swords. He gripped the leather handles tightly and smiled at Spence.

"You mind if Derik here watches? It'll probably be one of the most erotic things he's seen in a while," Blake said cockily.

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As Troy walked by he heard the comment by a group about to spar, and called out, "In that case, you should probably take of your shirts too, show your sweaty bodies to Lover Boy." Nearly everyone knew he was gay. No one was very homophobic, just teasing. The same way a kid blushes when you tease them about their first crush, or kiss. Either way Troy didn't want to miss out on a joke opportunity. Troy twirled the bow around in one hand intricately as he waited around.
Derik rolled his eyes. "Haha...very funny. Blake you're naked body in the showers this morning was the most erotic thing to happen to me for a while. It's not like your gladiators fighting to death in leather tightie whities," Derik said pulling his rose shaped compact from his pocket and opening it up and transforming it into his pink compound bow. He twirled it around in his hand mimicking Troy.

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"You seem rather fond of your little toy." Troy said purposely being a double entendre. He was surprised at the shower comment, that definitely caught him off guard. Watching, he noticed Derik mimmicking him. As Troy walked closer, he stopped the bow abruptly in that one hand. He saw the other bow was a compound bow. He hated them, no real skill comes from them, neatly as bad as using a gun to kill monsters.
Spence nodded and smiled a little. He felt pretty awkward at the moment, but just went along with it. He watched Troy, Derrik, and Blake converse back and forth. He took his bracelet off, that transforming into a spear. He was quite proud of it, making it with his own two hands. He spent his blood, sweat, and tears on theis and his shield. Spence took of the ring shaped like a bird's head and it turned into his shield. Spence decided not to joke, considering he wasn't very good at it. "Ah, so do you want to do a team match? Two against two or something," he interrupted, hopefully not throwing someone off. Spence figured this would be the most strategic, considering there were four of them. Although, none of them probably knew of his power and thought he was a normal Nemesis kid.
Derik saw Troy look at his bow. Troy's eyes where filled with disgust. Derik rolled his eyes and got up. If anything shooting a compound bow was harder than the wooden stick Troy had. Derik's bow was heavier and required more strength and marksmanship to make an effective kill. Sure this bow was slightly more high tech than Troy's puny recurve but it was also better in his opinion. When his compact had become his bow his quiver had immediately appeared behind his back. It was made of brown leather and the silver buckle on the shoulder strap was an ornately carved rosebud. Derik turned around swiftly grabbing an arrow and quickly resting onto the bowstring. He pulled back and let the arrow fire right next to Troy's face. The heart shaped tip flew by Troy's ear and grazed it. Troy's ear was bleeding a little. "Buzz off Troy," Derik said turning back around and watching Blake.

"Don't think so kiddo," Blake said twirling his swords and looking at the Nemesis camper,"I'm pretty sure they're just gonna watch."

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Spence watched Troy and Derrik. He sighed, this wasn't going to end well. He was right. Derrik, clearly pissed off, grabbed his bow back. He grabbed an arrow and sent it flying. It didn't hit Troy but by the looks of it, he could have grazed him. Spence was snapped out of his daydream and came back to Earth. Blake had just said something, "Don't think so kiddo." Spence's eyebrow twitched slightly, he was the same age as Blake. But, he figured it was just his manner of speaking and didn't say anything. "I'm pretty sure they're just gonna watch," Blake continued, twirling his swords.

"Okay, well then. It's just you and me then," Spence said, standing up a little straighter. He pounded his spear into the ground a little and said, "Shall we begin?" He smiled a little, a glint in his eyes. He looked like he knew something that you didn't know. Spence was a formidable opponent, truthfully. He hoped Blake would realize it in time.
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(Watch the God-Modding, please and thank you)

Troy did not flinch as bow grazed his ear. He had definitely felt worse. "Please don't do that." He said with an abnormally blank face. He turned from the short kid. He looked at Spence, and Blake. "I don't have any non-maiming arrows on me anyways. I wouldn't be allowed to fight."

Troy tugged on his his bow, the 170 pound draw weight felt good on his arms. The metal - composite bow flexed well, no rusty movements. Everything was fluid, and smooth, much like how a bow shot should be. Troy was not one for revenge. He was normally one to rise above the petty retorts. He knew if he had to, he could beat them.
Derik rolled his eyes obviously Troy had decided to stay. Troy bugged Derik. In Derik's eyes he always saw an annoying douche in Troy. All his wisecracks and all those demeaning looks he seemed to give certain campers. Derik dealt with enough shit as it was. A few of the Hermes campers were homophobic bullies and most of the Ares kids were too. Blake though, he was an exception. He was different than all the other ares kids. He was sweeter, kind, and let alone way hotter. Other male Are's campers smelled like sweat and fungus and where so roided up that they didn't seem to have necks. Everyone joked and teased him cause he was so out there and usually he knew they were joking (they usually were.). Sometimes though all the joking hurt him, it made him feel like an even bigger outcast than he already was. The happiest people always have the saddest hearts.

Blake saw something change in Derik's eyes. They went from being happy and joyful to being filled with anger and sadness. Blake seemed to somehow absorb Derik's sadness. It felt like someone had hit him really hard in the chest. He cared about Derik and it hurt him to see the sudden unpleasant shift of mood in his eyes. Sure to anyone else Derik's emotions didn't look like they changed but Blake new Derik too well by now. Blake took a deep breath and turned his swords back into the yin-yang pendant prices and put the chain around his neck. He looked up at spence and said,"Sorry. Spence, I just remembered I have a meeting with one of the satyr's today. I gotta go. Raincheck?"

Blake adjusted the barbed wire bracelet on his left wrist and walked up to Derik and wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder. They left the arena in silence and headed towards the woods of the camp. Blake had made up the whole Satyr thing and he knew Troy and Spence probably knew it too. Oh well. Sucks for them.

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"Sorry. Spence, I just remembered I have a meeting with one of the satyr's today. I gotta go. Raincheck?" Blake said, suddenly. Spence shrugged, feeling indifferent. Sure he was hyped to share his skills, but he understood. He didn't think much of it, considering he was kind of passive. He watched the boy wrap his arm over Derrik and take him down the trail towards the woods. This raised some suspicion with Spence. He turned to Troy and raised an eyebrow, was it something he had said.

"Um so, I guess we should go or something. Since your arrows do a lot of damage that I would like to not be dealt to. Any ideas?" He asked feeling particularly awkward. He put his ring and bracelet back on, obviously not using them anymore.

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