The Aether Chronicles


Suffers from Selective Memory
Ask any questions you have or simply discuss amongst yourselves here.
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//vibrates intensely with excitement

Also the shoutbox is a balls place to have a convo, lol
I'm having a blast reading everything, btw. The tabs seem a bit unnecessary for the NPCs, but they're great for the profiles and the regions.
NPCSs will grow actually

like more NPCs will be discovered and added as we go
Fair enough!

I'm on Organizations now, and then I'll circle back around and re-read the Overview, and then that should be everything.
Read everything. Fukkin SOLD. Now the question is, do I play a sweet and kind nurse, or someone else....
Gah! There's only one profile up last time I looked xD So the RP is so fresh and new, that I can't just be lazy and make the character that no one else seems to have made yet. Or rather, that's what I'll end up doing, because a lot of characters haven't been made yet... Wow, that turned into a koan, lol.

And yes, I will! I'm working on @Zahzi right now.
welian said:
Gah! There's only one profile up last time I looked xD So the RP is so fresh and new, that I can't just be lazy and make the character that no one else seems to have made yet. Or rather, that's what I'll end up doing, because a lot of characters haven't been made yet... Wow, that turned into a koan, lol.
And yes, I will! I'm working on @Zahzi right now.
You should try and get giro as well

Atom you really can't trust me with negotiations, I am as subtle as a flying mallet.
...I don't want to kick ass, that would be mean.

And how do I know if you really want me to join? You being Sarcastic?

What negotiations? I refuse to negotiate! I'm joining, ya can't stop me!

You'll always forever wonder how many layers of sarcasm I have. Like an onion, really.
Man a CS is already up?

xD mines ganna take extra long because of the bio I choose. Hope I didn't bit of more than I can chew

HeY but I don't have a ton of homework tonight so maybe I'll get halfway through
Did you miss my scathing wit, my ability to make grown men armed with blades cry?
Roo said:
Man a CS is already up?
xD mines ganna take extra long because of the bio I choose. Hope I didn't bit of more than I can chew

HeY but I don't have a ton of homework tonight so maybe I'll get halfway through
@Roo, I just pulled my old character from the other thread and transposed the info. Took maybe 20 minutes, including writing the writing sample. You can do it. :)
I could, but I don't want to

Atom is letting me make a new organization and island

That might or might not effect the RP at all xD

I'm doing it mostly for fun
This is the image I decided on


Yours is neat
Lol. Lots of estrogen. I may drop another CS to you for a male character, @Atom, if the trend of female heroes (which is no bad thing, btw, in case I'm misconstrued) continues.

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