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Fantasy weinhelm


the foxy
welcome to...
You come across a carved wooden sign, the last word gouged out with something like a knife. The stone path you had been following for weeks has finally led to something other than a dead end. Before you is a town teeming with life; men, women, children, all scurry to and fro. The bustle of activity reminds you of the shops you saw back at your last stop and -- you heart jumps -- is that an Inn you see in the distance?
"Greetings," a gravely voice intones, belonging to an elderly man that appeared out of thin air. "Another Mercenary to join us?"
As you study him, you realize he is wearing a strange red cloth over his eyes, deep scars peeking out around it. You grimace as you imagine what creature could have done that.
"Come now, you must be tired."
Too weary to question and all instincts telling you this is a safe place, you follow him to the Inn without a word.
"Welcome to Weinhelm."

This roleplay is taking place in a fantasy world in a rustic town called Weinhelm surrounded by a deciduous forest made of oaks and pines. Running along the eastern side of the town is a river that turns into a large lake at the southern end of the forest. On the western side of the forest, it tapers off into rocky grounds that spring up into large caves. Up north of the forest are haunted ruins, stone building dilapidated and crumbling.

It mainly follows mercenaries that complete bounties to keep the townspeople safe and get money. However, supernatural elements are beginning to pop up more and more. Shapeshifters, warlocks, and minotaurs... oh my.
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LOL! Im hesitant to suggest. my advice might lethal to your game.

Personally, I enjoy playing characters that resemble animals (anthropomorphic, human/beast shapeshifters, magical talking quadrupeds, whatevah). For this, I’d probably do a humanoid that resembled a smallish dog or another diminutive creature, because from the impression I got - correct me if I’m wrong- it sounds like anything with fur and fangs that isn’t cute and harmless looking is going to get shot on sight around here.

I’m afraid I don’t have discord yet, but I’ll see what I can do in the morning.
I have shapeshifters set as a race actually!
However, yes, they are meant to be killed if found in the town. Hence the whole... you should only shift if you're sure you're safe! Shapeshifters live among the townspeople secretly. And I haven't limited what people can shift into. So it's fine to pick anything you'd like, as long as it's not with the intent to just destroy the town two seconds into the roleplay cx
But a character that's anthro all the time without the ability to appear human would have to live somewhere outside of town? And they would likely become a bounty mercenaries are sent after eventually.

Here is their basic description.
Shapeshifters (Moderate) - Humans that can shift into different types of animals. Generally speaking, most shifters can only handle mastering one other form. Those that master more are usually bound by a demon, having been given the gift for a very high price.

Edit - I would like to add that I'm willing to extend shapeshifters to taking on non-animal forms if there's some explanation for it. For example, let's say you want to shift into something like... an anthropomorphic skeletal dog thing with a head full of fangs and one giant eye... Cool, sure, go for it! I would just request that you make the character's history involve some deal with a dark spirit, demon, or a banshee -- even the devil if you'd like -- And thus, has either done something dark or has the threat of having to do something dark hanging over their head as a price for being given this ability.
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The main advantage to doing the RP on discord is more systems too add some unique additions and see if they are any good or worth the effort. Good to know for future role plays and also to see if it's fun that way too. I'm surprised so many people don't have a discord account.
Hmmm. So I can be an incognito shifter, or the designated “bad guy” for a quest. I’m kinda torn. I dunno, as the DM, which do you need more?

A there any one I can PM for discord advice? I just installed it and I might need help navigating.
You can PM me on this site and you can message "Jas" or "Nick" on discord. We will answer any questions about discord c:

And, ah, honestly both are fine. It's not really a linear path. You're also welcome to more than one character should you wish to play both. At the current moment, most positions are open and the roleplay hasn't really started. We are trying to wait on a few people to finish character sheets.

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