• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Weekly Superhero Quota Tasks and Points



Pumpkin Patch
I will be keeping track of tasks and points here. Please don't post.

Civilian - A 2 story building is collapsing - 300 pts
Civilian - Someone left their lights on when they went to work - 10 pts
Villan - Tattoo - Pestering animals at a local petting zoo - 130 pts
Villain - Turret - Shooting endangered birds out of the sky in an open field - 80 pts
Villain - Tendril - On a civilian murdering spree in the streets- 350 pts - Maw
Villain - Silky - Stealing candy from babies in a mall- 200 pts - Dead Hand
Villain - Dance Queen - Causing civilians to dance until they pass out at the square- 550 pts
Natural Disaster - The sky is LITERALLY falling above the forest - 2500 pts
Natural Disaster - There are live wires whipping around in high winds - 80 pts
Challenging - Villain Darkness is taking people's pants during a thunderstorm that is flooding homes - 1500 pts
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Caitlin “Cait” Clive - Dead Hand - 0 pts
Jimmy Hops - Frogger - 0 pts
Kelsie Becker - WarpDrive - 0 pts
Lucio Moretti - Moretti - 0 pts
Orma Harvinci - Maw - 0 pts
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