Weapons of Mass Destruction- A Kindom Hearts/Organization XIII RP *Sign up*


The Ghost in your Closet
~ This world has been connected. Tied to the darkness... soon to be completely eclipsed. There is so very much to learn. You understand so little. ~

Scenario One

You have woken up in a strange white room, with nothing but the clothes on your back, a strange, black leather cloak and black undergarments. You don't remember how you got there, or what happened before you woke up here. You stand up and look in the mirror and your face isn't your own. it is one of the following:

View attachment 6678


Scenario two

You've awoken in a strange place, with no ideo of where you are or why you are there for some time. You are not in your normal form. Usually, you are a weapon. You have a name, and memories, but you know not why you are in a human manifestation form. Your task is to work together with your master and find out who is responsible for the strange occurance. But first, you must find your master.

View attachment 6679


Someone, somewhere has done something to cause the Organization's weapons to manifest in human forms and they can't return to their normal forms until they have stopped said evil entity. Along with the manifestation of their weapons, the nobodies have obtained temporary emotions, which is strange in itself. they must find the cause


1. You may be any character you wish, either Organization member or weapon. If you choose to be a weapon, please try to remain true to the number of weapons, for example if you were to be Axel's weapons you would play two characters. It is preferable that if you choose to play both weapon and Nobody, don't play the weapon of that Nobody, just so it gives the plot more of a twist and allows characters to interact more. If you don't wish to be either Nobody or weapon, feel free to make another character but give them a legitimate excuse to be there, for example they could be the enemy.


3. Preferably no one liners, lets make this fun people

4. if there must be sexual interaction, nothing more than kissing, anything else fade to black please.

5. And lastly, most importantly HAVE FUN!

Member and weapon list

I- Xemnas~The Superior of the In-Between- Interdiction (Ethereal Blades)

II- Xigbar~The Freeshooter- Sharpshooters (Arrow guns)
(Xigbar taken)

III- Xaldin~The whirlwind Lancer- Lindworm (Lances)
(Lindworm taken)

IV- Vexen~The Chilly Academic- Frozen Pride (Shield)

V- Lexaeus~ The Silent Hero- Skysplitter (Axe-sword)

VI- Zexion~ The Cloaked Schemer- Book of Retribution (Lexicon)
(Both Taken)

VII- Saix~ The Lunar Diviner- Lunatic (Claymore)
(Both taken)

VIII- Axel~ The Flurry of Dancing Flames- Eternal Flames (Chakrams)
(Both taken)

IX- Demyx~ The Melodious Nocturne- Arpeggio (Sitar)
(Apeggio taken)

X- Luxord~ The Gambler of Fate- Fair Game (Cards)

XI- Marluxia~ The Graceful Assassin- Graceful Dahlia (Scythe)
(Graceful Dahlia Taken)

XII- Larxene~ The Savage Nymph- Foudre (Kunai)
(Larxene Taken)

XIII- Roxas~ The Key of Destiny- Oathkepper and Oblivion (Keyblades) (Roxas~ Reserved Keyblades taken)

Main Villain~ Taken

Character skeleton



Species: (weapon/Nobody/other)

Anything you remember before waking up:

Appearance: (picture preferably, particularly if you're the weapons)

Personality: (particularly in weapon and/or other character case)


My Character

Name: Zexion

Gender: Male

Species: Nobody

Anything you remember before waking up: Still in progress

Appearance: View attachment 6602

Personality: Zexion is a serious character, he is often silent and brooding,

He acts as though nothing matters to him, and in truth it generally doesn't.

Attribute: Illusion. Uses his weapon like a spellbook.

Name: Elisa

Gender: Female

Species: (weapon/Nobody/other): Weapon~Book of Retribution/Lexicon

Anything you remember before waking up: Remembers nothing but a few basic spells

Appearance: (picture preferably, particularly if you're the weapons): **Link to photo at bottom**

Personality: (particularly in weapon and/or other character case): Tsundere personality. She can seem very cold and cruel on the outside but once you get to know her she opens up and can be friendly, loving and is very intelligent.

Attribute/Abilities: Can cast basic spells, is relearning how to use advanced spells.

Woo! Lol :3

I hope more people join soon so we can start. I gues if they don't we could always make it a private RP?

-Also your attachments (I assume they're supposed to be pictures) do not work. [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION]
Yeah, they were meant to be pictures.. they worked earlier this morning.. grrr i'll have to fix it when I get home later. The images are on my home computer.

i hope i get some interest lol, I'm trying to decide if i want to be a weapon as well, but if so I don't know whose, lol
Hehe. I like this storyline, it's very original. Just saying :3

I might know someone who would be interested... [MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION] had a Kingdom Hearts thread but I don't see them on anymore.
Please join lol. I'm really eager to start this ^.^ we need more people.

[MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] maybe if [MENTION=3009]Lizzi tick[/MENTION] makes an Organization member you'll be able to be their weapon since you said you wanted to make one :3
Dangit Lizzi xD I saw that there was an update on this and thought you posted a skelly lol. Guh. Oh well. We waited this long, I spose another day won't hurt haha.
Name: Luxord

Gender: female

Species: (weapon/Nobody/other) Nobody

Anything you remember before waking up: cards falling on the ground at sunset

Appearance: (picture preferably, particularly if you're the weapons)

Personality: (particularly in weapon and/or other character case) Loves it when troble is near and is willing to do anything as long as it benifits her in some way and always takes her deck of cards everywhere.

Attribute/Abilities: unknow (this might change)

(is this a book, movie, anime or etc? if it is plese tell me what, and I hope that's okay)
And then there were two ;-;

I'm going to tag a ton of people. Idk if any of them will join or if any are even familiar witb KH but I guess it's worth a try.


[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]











[MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION]


[MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION]
*sighs* I do wish people were familiar with it... Kait would you like to be a fellow GM on this? I'm not always paying attention to the thread lol
>.< KH...i always get so annoyed for some reason when i join these types of rps, usually everyone's character is a rip off of one the original characters. But i guess ill join just for you kait wink :P

wow this seems a lot like that new bleach season where some evil dude made all the weapon turn on there masters and such
lol yeah i got the idea from it, but the weapoms don't turn on their masters in this. I'm not trying to rip off the characters or anything, I just want to have some fun with the idea lol xD I actually get really irritated when reading fanfics and stuff and they don't make the characters their normal personalities.
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]. I know what this is... I have the damn gameboy series to prove it... I have the diseny and real verision... I'm a hardcore KoF otaku... But I have to say no... I can't seem to remember any of their names, plus I lost my gameboy charger so I can't replay it... :L

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