We, The Forgotten

Honovi watched Amber try to move around in a seal form, amused. "<Difficult to get use to, huh? That's how I felt when I first came to land.>" he barked to her, before a sound caught his attention. He looked in the water and saw a fish swimming by. He hadn't eaten since that morning, and was getting a bit hungry. "<Okay...I'm not sure if you wish to get the full selkie experience, then fish is what you'll want to eat. You could probably have guessed that from my own eating habits, though. Now, you don't have any tools to catch your meal, so you have ot simply watch your prey...and grab for it>" In a swift motion, he plunged his face into the water and caught the fish in his sharp teeth. Then, he brought the still-wiggling water dweller up, before stopping its movement with a swift bite. Then, he set it down on a rock and began to eat it. "<It seems a bit violent to some, but we don't exactly have a choice in this form...>" If he could, he would be both smiling and blushing. Anyone who knew him could tell you he wouldn't hurt a fly...unless it was to obtain a meal.
Rune did something akin to meditation when he was resting. He was alert for movement at every moment, but still possessed a calm demeanor and clear thoughts. If, indeed, he was thinking of anything.

The serpent was thinking of the outside oceans, allowing himself to feel a little pity for himself. The vast waters he could roam, with absolutely no borders in any directions; and his nest he could always return to, with just the right temperature and the best spots to rest or hunt. He thought of the sunken ship that he had lived in, and the markings on the sides that had become familiar to him. The runes.

Like ruminating on freedom always did, he felt invigorated to find an exit once more. He thought of the places he would search that day; he'd keep worming through the bed of seaweed in the shallow cave he had discovered earlier. He'd make another pass through the tunnel leading to the huge cavern, keeping his senses open for a break in the walls.

The walls....

There were runes, weren't there?

Shifting from his position, Rune swam towards the tunnel entrance. After a few minutes, he found the crevice with minimal searching, and dove in. When the phosphorus moss began to appear, he tore some off the walls and began to examine the markings closer in the pale green light.

They all seemed foreign. But the tunnel was long; scrutinizing the walls, there were still hours left.
Amber looked at him and then smiled. 'Ok....' She said and then looked at the river. This was like a bear, she smiled and then watched a fish swim by. She striked fast and hard. She caught it bairly by the tail and pulled it out having a hard time with it's struggling. She threw it on the ground and then gave it another bite killing it. She ate it quickly and then looked at Honovi. She clapped her flippers being funny.
Honovi looked at her, and tilted his head down and barked in a way similar to laughing. "<Pretty good for your first try.>" he told her, nodding. "<Definitly better than some pups go on their first solo hunt. Some don't even catch the fish the first few times.>" He left out mentioning that most pups didn't have the advantage of being able to put the fish on land to get a better grip. She really did do pretty well, in his opinion. so he didn't want to undermine it.
Amber looks at him and then giggled having more control over her voice then he probably did. 'Well I've had plenty of training, I mean I turned into many animals that can fish." She said and then turned into a bear, then a Crocodile and back to a seal.
Honovi watched and nodded again. "<True.>" he replied, unabe to think of anything else to say. He finished off the fish he was eating, and then nosed the leftover parts into the area between the rocks so the stream could naturally take care fo it in whatever ways The Great Watermaker (or, whatever other powers-that-be which may exist) believe it was needed for.
Amber kept the bones of the fish. She looked at Honovi and smiled. She rubbed her head under his chin. 'So what now?' She asked and pulled her head away. She looked at the bones. 'well other then changing these bones into something useful.' she said and then looked back at Honovi.
Honovi tilted his head. "<What do you mean, changing them into something useful?>" he asked, looking at the bones. "<We usually just allow the bones to return to nature, and be used whatever way they are needed for. I never really considered using them for anything else.>"
Rune was paused in the middle of the tunnel. The place felt oppressive, buried way down under the ground, the walls close together, and almost completely dark but for the moss clamped in his mouth. There was nothing but two walls, a floor, a ceiling, and the water. And the darkness. On and on and on.... It was creepy, especially as he moved so slowly.

He was looking at the wall to his right. His eyes traced a series of markings, ones he remembered. There was the circular rune with the sharp lines, beside the one with all the dots. It, and all the runes near it, were in the same pattern as the ones in his shipwreck. He had noticed individual runes that were similar, and even phrases. But this- this was the entire wall!

Rune tried to puzzle it out. This tunnel was obviously man-made- perhaps it had been once been aboveground. Worn places showed that it was very, very old, as his shipwreck had been. So they had both been made by the same thing, ages ago; perhaps it had to do with why they were all imprisoned here.

It made sense that a ship would be engraved with runes. Perhaps it told the ship's history, or making, or use, or even instructions. But a tunnel miles long? Why would anyone bother? What could take up so much space?

He was still for a while, wondering. He thought he might be on the verge of figuring it out.... But the ways of man and land-creatures were unknown by him. He didn't know.

Land-dwellers. They might know. With that thought in mind, Rune tried to turn about; but the tunnel was much too restrictive. Growling to himself, he realized he'd have to go all the way down to the cavern and then back.

He shot off.
Amber looks at him. 'Using them as darts or knives to help for hunting or something like that. When you grow up alone like I did you don't waste anything." She said and then swam around a bit as best as she could. She looked at him.
Honovi nodded. "<Ah. Yeah, we never had much use for tools as seals. When I came to land, I ended up buying my tools from towns instead of making them, so I'm not very experiences with toolmaking. Might i remind you the spear I'm currently using is just a sharpened stick?>" He swam closer to her, and said, "<Maybe when we're human again, you can teach me how?>"
Amber nodded. 'Of course.' She said and then looked around. She looked back at him and then just started playing in the water enjoying being a seal. She swam back to Honovi and then nudged him playfuly. She giggled making it sound like a human giggle.

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