We, The Forgotten


Senior Member
Many years ago, in the time of our ancestors, kryptids live alongside humans, neither bothing the other more than was absolutly neccessary. However, territory disagreements, war, and the insistance of non-believers have drove the beautiful and horrifying creatures of old into hiding for many years, until they became nothing more than stories in picture books and around fireplaces. Some still believe however. The way they treat these creatures, however, are as variable as the wind's breath. Thus brings us to an isle inhabited solely by these marvalous creatures. They live away from humans, yes, but also have been taken from their families and tribes, and for what? Even they don't know. All they're sure of is that new creatures are still coming to the island, none with any new information about who is bringing them or what they want to use them for. A large dome keeps even the most skilled swimmers and those gifted with flight contained, making escape seem like but a dream to the inhabitants. Such is the life in the Land of the Forgotten.



1. No godmodding. Not only is this against the site rules, it's very annoying.

2. Nobody's perfect! This pertains to two things:

->a. Don't make your characters perfect. Have some flaws, make some mistakes, and get hurt occasionally. It makes them more realistic, as well as more fun to be around.

->b. If someone makes a mistake or misses a reply, calmly correct them, don't yell at them. Everybody makes mistakes occasionally. It's part of why we're human.

3. Romance and fighting are allowed, but keep it clean. No blood or inappropriate body parts.

4. Only one of each species, please, unless they're twins.The only exception are were-creatures and dragons, since they're such wide groups of races, but still only one of each type.

5. Please post characters on the character thread, and wait to be accepted. Just to make things easier, I want to try to keep the character records updated, so that we can tell which creatures are taken or not at a glance.

6. Try to post at least every three days, and tell us, when possible, if you can't. It's annoying to wait a week for each reply without any warning ahead of time.

7. I reserve the right to add rules when they are needed. I'll try to say when I do, though, so don't worry.

Current Island Population:

Name Species Played by
Amber Shifter Fire of hearts
Kora Werebat Moonstone
Honovi Selkie Moonstone
Violet Shadow Dragon Sage
Darvon Red Dragon Belbo
Rosalind Kitsune 14hca14
Rune Sea Serpent Nivrad00
Elizabeth Mermaid Xx-Katherine-xX
Chloe and Jin Shinigami Mnyuu
Aella Weretiger xJobozx
Fal and Cal Fae Reisuke Houjou
Merin Mermaid/dragon mix (?) 14hca14
Beast beast Fire of Hearts
Elin Kelpie xJobozx
Brianna Werepanther ♥Lost_In_Paradise♥
(I apologize to anyone who was interested in joining, but couldn't find the character thread! Something came up while I was typing it, and I didn't get the chance to finish. It's up now, though, so feel free to make your characters! :) )
Amber was in the trees in human form. She was listening around for any sounds. Alerted she turned into a bird. She looked around feeling a bit nervous. She tilted her head no changing back just yet. With another look around she stretched out ready to fly off.
Kora flew above the island, lookin out to sea. Although it was hard to predict exactly when new arrivals were going to come, she prefered to keep watch. Not only did it mean alerting the other inhabitants, but she wanted to try ot figure out who was doing this, and why. Usually, newbies were just thrown onto the beach unconsious. She had yet to catch a glimpse of them, but that didn't mean she was going to give up. Unlike many of the inhabitants, she had never tasted freedom, at least as far as she could remember. She wanted off this island, even if it killed her. And if that didn't happen soon, that would be a great possibility. Although she was getting stronger with her constant looking out, she still doubted she could make it back to land without falling and drowning. If it hadn't been for the other inhabitants, she very well might have, long ago.


Honovi walked through the wooded area of the forest, following a creek. In his hand, he held a makeshift spear, which he used to catch fish. He had to be very careful, though, not to fall in. If he did, he might end up turning into a seal, and he needed to be careful not to destroy his pants, since they were the only ones he had. Seeing his target, he lunged at a shadow in the water, estimating the speed of its swimming and the distortion of the water. He was much more use to using a fishing rod, but he was quickly getting use to spear-fishing.

He brought the spear out of the water, examining the fish. The spear had ended up going through the base of its tail, causing it to continue flailing around. "I apologize, little one. Both that I mean to kill you, and that I only injured you, prolonging your suffering." He bowed his head, praying to the Great Watermaker (Or, whichever greater being might exist, since many land creatures seemed to have various beliefs) before opening his mouth, biting into the fish with sharp, seal-like teeth. The fish soon stopped moving, it suffering ended. As he continued eating the fish as his own meal, he dipped the tip of the spear in the water, to improve his accuracy, so that the next catch could be given to someone else.

(If you want, Fire, you can have it that Amber was spooked by Honovi walking through the forest. I wasn't sure if you already had an idea for what was making the sounds she heard, or if you were leaving it open-ended. ^^; )
Amber quickly maker sure she was in her clothes before shifting back. She had to fix a few things. She had heard someones voice. She quickly jumping down but made to much noise then she would like. She was scared and suddenly was looking around. She looks at the area where the noise came from. She slowly snuck in and saw a guy. She stayed quiet watching him. She hasn't eaten all day. However she didn't know if he would share. Who he was even so she stayed hidden.
Hearing a noise, Honovi took his spear from the water and turned around. Before him was a girl, whom he had assumed had fallen from the trees. "Hello, there." he said, smiling. "I haven't met you, yet. You're one of us, correct?" Realizing she may not know what 'one of us' meant, he corrected himself. "What I mean is, you are a magical creature who had been brought to the island, correct? I believe the humans call us...kryptids..." He tapped his chin with the butt of his spear, thinking.
Amber walked out slowly and looked at him. "Yes..." she said unsure that she should be talking. It was so long since she's seen another person. She kept pretty slow still. She stood up stright and slowly walked up to him. She looked at the river and then touched the water. She looked back at him not saying anymore. She was nervous and ready to bolt at any moment. She looked at his spear and moved away slightly.
Honovi nodded, still smiling. "I thought so. It still surprises me that some of the inhabitants are still hiding. At least, I supposed you were hiding, as our little watchwoman didn't say anything about new arrivals, hm?" He chuckled slightly. He tried to remain lighthearted, in hopes to calm down the jittery-looking woman. He slowly brought the spear back to the water, looking for another fish big enough to eat. "So, have you been able to find food well enough? If not, I can catch you a fish or something. I only apologize that we will not be able to cook it until we arrive at the beach."
Amber looked at him and then looked at the water. "Not really." she looked at him. "I'm not use to...others." she said looking at him. "..." she was unwilling to get any closer and was really getting farther from him. She was frightened. She looked at him and then looked at the fish. She looked at the guy again her stomach slightly growling. "Why are we here?" she asked.
Violet awoke on the beach shore. Her legs and arms where tied up with rope. She couldn't remember why she was tied, but she assumed the people who captured her did it. She cut the ropes with her teeth and stood up. She looked around the beach, no one in sight.
o,o posting! i guess....

Drake.::. he walked down the sidewalk. it was musty threw his eyes. he was chilled and cold. h put his hands in his pockets. he shivered. he back hurt, mainly because he has many scars and bruises from fights he had before. he was discussed with himself for what he had done the past few years
For the first time since he began talking to her, Honovi frowned. "I don't know. None of us do." he said, sadness in his eyes. Even if he could not get off, he would have prefered to know what it was they had all been brought to the island for. Because of all the precautions taken with them, he supposed it was very important to whoever was doing this that they cannot escape. However, not even Kora, with her constant watch on the beach for the ship, could answer that question. Trying to get off the sad subject, he turned back to the fish, smilign again, only not as wide. "Now, would you like me to catch you a fish? I believe the breeding season for this species is about over, so we don't need to worry as much about our consuption, as there will be many new fish soon. There are many fish on this island to begin withm really." He never really questioned the fish supply. Given the island seem deserted, he supposed the surplus of aquatic species was just a natural effect of having no human contact with them.


Kora looked to the beach, and noticed a wriggling around, and freeing herself from ropes. Blinking, she flew down to where she lay. She hadn't noticed a ship come in, but a girl needed to sleep, right? It probably came while she was napping around dawn this morning. "Hey, you new?" she asked flatly, standing with crossed arms and an expression between anger and boredom. For being the self-appointed sentry and welcome-party, she wasn't very welcoming. "If so, I welcome you to our island and apologize in advance for how cruddy your life's going to be. If not...where the heck have you been?" Maybe it was her unwillingness to admit when she was wrong, but it always angered her when she didn't know someone existed on the island. Given she was tied up, though, she guessed the girl was new. Either way, it meant they'd probably need to start looking for stuff to build another hut, or at least make them bigger. At the size they were currently building them, they were lucky to fit two people in them without having them wack each other in their sleep.
Amber nodded looking at him and sighed deeply looking down at the water. She tilted her head and looked at him wondering what he was but then looked at the ground. He was so nice but why? She looked around still tense. Anything probably would spook her off. Looking back at the nice boy she watched the spear still nervous he even had one. She sensed she had slightly made him a bit upset. Even more reason to be ready to run.
Honovi nodded, and turned his attention to the water again. Slowly, he walked along the shore, looking for a shadow. His eyes moved quickly, trying to take in as much of the creek as he could, so he could strike as soon and accuratly as possible. "Aha!" he exclaimed, raising the spear and shoving it back down very quickly. Slowly, he brought it back up again, now holding a fish whose movement was slowing down as the life drained from it. When it was dead, Honovi took it from the spear, and turned back to the girl, laying the spear across his shoulder. "I'm Honovi, by the way. I just realized I had not asked your name."
Amber looked at him and then stood up talk. "Um...amber." She said and then looked at the fish her stomach growling. She looked back at Honovi and smiled slightly. She slowly walked closer to him. Trusting him alittle more. Although she was still ready to run at anytime now. She looked around her ears turning into cat ears twiching. They perked and faced every sound around her. She became alert to the sounds of the animals behind them. Looking over to the area she pointed. The fish was attracking other animals.
Rune was angry.

Humans, he thought. Humans were bad. It was engraved in his very instinct: Stay away from the humans!

He had been stupid, though. Stupid, like a human, and gone near the human place, and got shot and had pain and woke up somewhere he didn't know!

Rune slipstreamed through the water, body straight as an arrow and no destination in mind. He ignored the fish streaming by on both sides. Where was he? WHERE WAS HE? He needed to know, because the humans might have put him where the giant octopus lay in wait with his deadly suckers, or his rival One-eye who had beaten him once before, or where the humans spilled black goo onto the water and set it on fire and made it hard to breath.

But a new adversary faced him now. Everywhere he swam, there were barriers, blocking his way. Even now, with a Bam! he crashed into one of the invisible barriers, his full length snapping forward and cracking against the wall. Enraged, he backed up and threw himself at it once more, making the world shake as he smashed against it.

It was no use. His delicate scales smarting, he swam parallel to the wall, only needing the feel of the currents to tell him that it continued onwards to his left. He memorized the ocean subconsciously as he swam, noting the temperature, the flora, and the topography. He swam furiously, racing against nothing, until he knew for certain he was travelling in a huge circle.

He was trapped! He dove deep down into the water, brushing the rocky floor with his underside, then turned and exploded out into the air, crying out with all his maddened power.


Honovi's eyes widened when Amber grew cat ears. "So, what are you exactly? I've heard of many species capable of growing animal parts, but I don't believe I've met one until now. I'm a selkie, so I can become a seal. I don't have control over my transformations, though..." He glanced at the creek, before realizing Amber at mentioned other animals. "Just a second. I know how to deal with them." He took a few steps towrds the animals, and looked straight at them, before he opened his mouth and began to bark very loudly like a seal. Since Amber seemed jittery, he tried to hide his face from her, as he was very much aware of how scary he could look when was trying to scare away forest creatures, with his teeth showing fully. He was capable of barking without being so scary, when speaking to his own kind, but it was highly unlikely he'd ever need to use that sort of bark, being as there were no other selkies anywhere near.

The animals looked at him for a moment, before backing off. As a consulation, he threw what remained of his own half-eaten fish towards where they had been. He then turned back to Amber, a nervous smile on his face. "Sorry about that. I hope that didn't scare you too much, but it's the easiest and safest way to do that."
Rosa awoke on a soft sandy beach, stiff and sore. She slowly sat up and cupped a hand over her eyes; her wrists, she noticed, were rubbed raw and passed on the pattern she had been cuffed by rope shackles. Glancing down she saw that her ankles were no better. Slowly she rolled her shoulders, then tested each part of her body to make sure it was functioning. Rosa concluded that she was fine and stood up on the creamy toned sand, the sea of green and blue crashed before her almost joyously. How odd considering this moment wasn't joyous, of course nature didn't care what you were doing it just kept going an ever changing constant in life. She tried to gather her thoughts and everything began to come back to her, Rosa had been out in the woods packing up her camp when something had pinched sharply in her shoulder. She raised a hand and sure enough there was a small welt where the tranquilizer syringe had pierced her shoulder. After that everything was a blur of random movement from darkness to light and now she was here.
Amber jumpped a bit as he barked she hid behind a tree. She looked back at him and nodded. "Um....s-s-shifter?" She said refurring to herself. She walked out slowly and walked back to him. "I'm a shifter." She said again and then looked up at him. She slightly smiled and then looked around. She smiled and then sniffed the air. "..." She looked back at him and then looked toward where the beach is. However she never went out there again. She looked back at him unsure if she should. Or just eat the fish raw. She sighed it would only get her sick probably. She looked to the ground and stood there waiting for him to move.
Violet brushed off the sand on her dress. "Oh, yes I am new I guess." Violet replied. She hadn't heard the girl approuch so she was a bit startled. "Where are we? And who were those humans?"
"Ah, I believe I've heard of those before..." Honovi replied, making a mental note of it. Now, if you would be so kind," he motioned towards where the beach was, "please accompany me to the beach, so we can cook your fish." He took a few steps toward the sand, glancing back to see if she was following.


"You're on a deserted island, which we've affectionatly called the Land of the Forgotten, since most humans have forgotten we exist in the first place, and then whoever brought us here seemed to have dumped us and forgotten about us." she explained, as sharply as she had spoken before. "We're completely surrounded by a dome, so we can't escape. The only was through the dome is by the boat, and we haven't found a way to open the place where the boat comes through yet. As for the humans, dunno. They catch us and dump us here; that's the extent of our knowledge. We don't know who they are, how many there are, or why they need us. It's best not to worry about it, really. I've been here for about a year, and I still don't know much about them. Any other questions?"
Rune cried out again, but more weakly, coming up to float at the surface. The walls were far apart, but not nearly enough for a full grown sea serpent. The island, also, took up much of the space.

The island. Rune swam up to a bit of deserted shoreline, suspending his head and neck out of the water. This area was steep with escarpments, and he could come up right against the rock. He was searching for answers.

Land was where the humans were, and the humans had put him there. Maybe a human could get him out; or at the very least, he could eat one for spite. But the forest that strangled the cliff's edges with roots was empty, and Rune dived back into the water to try somewhere else.
Rosa stood and scanned the shore, she wasn't sure what she was looking for but whatever it was it wasn't there. As far as she could see the beach was empty but than again, she couldn't see the whole beach. She looked to the sky and watch the clouds pass by, somehow they weren't right they almost looked too close as if the island was raised up. Rosa shook her head, great now she was going crazy on top of everything else. Now she turned to face the rest of her surrounding and she saw a huge jungle with the tallest trees she had ever seen. The middle of the island seemed to be a mountain, covered in lush green plants. "Well, I don't think I'm getting rescued considering I got dumped here and with that she shifted, her clothes fell in a pile beside her and she gathered them into a pile easy to carry in her mouth.

As a kitsune, Rosa didn't look like just any ordinary fox. For one thing she had nine tails all ending in a white tip. Also her coloring was much more vibrant. Her coat was a rich ruddish red with hints of brown and gold. It could entice anyone man or beast, all of the legends included some man falling for a seductive woman only later to discover who she really was.
Amber slowly started to follow but looked nervous. She looked at him then at the fish and then walked a few feet behind him leaving room to run away if she needed to. She was more like a wild cat following a person with food. She held her hands in front of her still pretty nervous about this boy.
Rune could beach himself, if he wanted. With a certain amount of struggling, he could slide through shallow water, much like a water snake would; but he preferred not to do it. Unfortunately, at least half of the island was fringed with beaches that inclined slowly down. The other half was made up of cliffs and drop-offs.

At first floating slowly, Rune dashed forward and caught a trout in his mouth. With a few satisfying crunches, he gulped it down. He hunted down two more, then focused on scanning the shoreline. Surely he was't the only one in this forsaken sea?

His eyes narrowed, seeing a pair of humans walk out of the woods, holding fish. He sank down in the water, keeping his head just under the surface where he could observe them without being seen. His scales offered considerable camouflage, and he was hard to spot unless he was looked for.

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