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Fantasy We may be thieves, but I like to think that we are honest thieves...

@Birb @xEmoBunnehx @KaiaWolf @Nano @Jack of Cloves @monopoisoner @SleepyBuddha @Deadly Darkness @XxLuluxX

I'm very sorry everyone, but I've decided to cancel this RP. I didn't really flesh out this RP as much as I should have and I want to try something else. I've created a new RP if you guys are interested. Again, I'm very sorry to everyone. I know how long and hard you guys worked on your characters, and this isn't fair to you. I hope you can forgive me and check out the other one since I fleshed it out so much more and I'm rather proud of it. Maybe I'll try this RP again in the future.

Thank you so much for trying this out and I apologize again.
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Nano said:
Aww, that's too bad. I thought this RP was a really cute idea. I sincerely apologize if this is because I pushed the rp a certain way.
Anyway, best of luck to your new one! I don't know if I'll be joining that one since post-apocalyptic RPs aren't really my thing, but I'll give it a read ovob
Oh, you did nothing wrong at all!!

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