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Realistic or Modern We aren't all Monsters OOC

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf im pretty sure we are still open.

Also while your point was valid. It also states that no one knows what really happened just that it originated from the plant. For all we know aliens or transdimensional beings could be involved.
Professor corgi's lab is located pretty far inland. Build into the northern california mountains it would be a pretty long ways away. At least 45minutes to an hour. Well off the main roads. Youd go through at least 7 miles of unmarked roads before arriving at the mouth of a large cave. Another 4 mile hike into the cave itself before you meet the entrance. However if you are in Isaacs position and have already been there, you have access to the emergency Supply bay which opens on the other side of the mountain (the closer side) and has access for vehicles.

The lab itself is huge. Roughly the size of a small town. It has a variety of "test chambers." which are essentially fortified rooms meant to contain and test the ridiculous contraptions he builds. There is a living area near the supply bay equipped to house a staff of 30. There is also a gym, theatre, and laundromat. Corgi has all of these opperated by Abigail his lab computer.
Yes indeed also the cave is pretty confusing. However Corgi has given a map and very detailed instructions. If they are remembered and followed the entire trip should be about 3-3 1/2 hours for a normal human with no movement enhancements.
There is a door. The sent instructions simply state to approach he door. Knock and wait on abigail the ai.

Left Out Left Out

Just wanted to drop in to explain why I haven't posted yet, and that's because I'm having some issues with trying to appropriate my character's personality and backstory with this RP's plot

Everything else is more or less done, I think you guys will find her ability... Interesting, to say the least.
fuil fuil Left Out Left Out Chiryoshi Chiryoshi NofaceFell NofaceFell Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 has elected to drop out of this RP to focus more on his own. Unless anyone has a preference of how to proceed, I will be taking over Professor Corgi for the time being. He will become more of a background character, probably sticking to the lab and running any operations from there for the duration of the RP.
He shall be missed. ^^

You could always slowly replace him with the A.I he has greeting us. If he fades off or however you want. I imagine creating her with intelligence would have been right up his alley. Just a suggestion for later, however you want to proceed I'm sure we will follow.
"Can someone please tell me why I'm here? I was in the middle of some very important experimentation" Jenny growled rudely before sighing "can we hurry this along, I really need to get back" she added
I don't know how to respond to this. Everyone else approached at a door, knocked, and was then let inside. No other way in (for the sake of the RP). Meanwhile this indicates that Jenny just kind of... appeared. I mean this in the least dickish way possible, but could you please put more effort into your posts?
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I'm tired. I'll reply in the morning. Sorry for making you all wait even longer.
Shog Shog

Edited a couple of things, nothing drastic though so hope that's okay.

... This also causes her to talk faster than normal, and sound at a higher pitch than others, or than she does to herself.

Prone to headaches. Headaches don't heal faster either, due to being mostly mental.
"If you have so much resources, why haven't you put a stop to this slave trade and make the town safe for the enhanced? And on top of that, your not the only one with resources, and how to you plan to fix the genetic mess that caused all these mutations? Because I'm the leading expert in genetic mutation" she smirked "so I ask this again, how do you plan to fix this?"

From my understanding, the 'genetic mess' was just the explosion and the resulting radiation, correct? So best they could do is what they always do. Wait, or remove contaminated substances, which is pretty much everything there.

Shog Shog Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
It's fine. Ben wasn't really in control during that rampage so there's a lot worse that could've happened to that cat. I mean he could've eaten it, that would've been worse.
Is this still open? Out of curiosity of course. Seems enjoyable.
Sorry, but I recently closed the RP to further characters. I had a massive influx of interest and have more than I desire as is. Once things calm down a bit I may reopen, at which point I’ll contact you.
Sorry, but I recently closed the RP to further characters. I had a massive influx of interest and have more than I desire as is. Once things calm down a bit I may reopen, at which point I’ll contact you.
Alright no worries mate.
Sorry, but I recently closed the RP to further characters. I had a massive influx of interest and have more than I desire as is. Once things calm down a bit I may reopen, at which point I’ll contact you.
Oh shit, was I too late with my reply?


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