Water Childs [Inactive]


Agony's Embrace
The childs of water have been called, are you one of them?

The water childs are childs born with special abilities which water is involved in. They normally discover their powers when they become teens. Some people thinks they are demons, other thinks they're gods.
You are a water child. You have been called. Will you answer the call?
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When Serenade got up and looked at the window, it was raining. School was out today so she had all the time she wanted to go and walk under the rain. "Serenade? Are you already up?" a female voice asked.

"Yes mom, I am already up!" " I'm going to walk!" Serenade took her earphones and plugged them into her MP3 and started her playlist as putting her black hoodie and skinny jeans. She stopped on the song Diary of Jane and started listening to it while going outside and closing the door. She started walking.
Hex came out from a small hiding place and saw the rain, "well this is a nice surprise." He grinned and got up. "What are you so excited about?" A voice asked from behind him. He turned, "Oh Jay, you're around? Alex was looking for you." Hex replied grinning, "I'm gonna go look around for a bit." He darted off out into the rain before Jay could say even another word.
Percy was always the first one awake. If he decided to go before anyone was still awake, he would write a note. This was today's one:

Going for a walk




He opened the door and realized it was raining. He didnt go back inside like most people would, he loved the rain. As soon as one small droplet touched his skin it gave him an spark in his heart. He walked outside with his hands in his pocket. He stopped. 'There was that girl again, our neighbour' He thought. He never usually spoke to her but he did today,

"Hey, I'm Percy Walker" He smiled "I'm your neighbor"
Serenade was still walking and putted her music louder, since it was one of her favourite songs, Never too late. She was looking at the rain. "How magic," she said, smiling.
Hex laughed and splashed through puddles, his jet black hair was soaked to the point that it almost looked blue and his trainers were drenched from stepping in puddles but he didn't care. It was fun to finally get out.
Serenade went to the beach, since it was raining nobody was there and she knew it. She sat on the pond, got off her shoes and putted her feet in the water. She also started to create water waves with the rain.
Hex's hand trailed behind him as he ran through the rain. For a second you saw it grab a sword but that was only for a spilt second. He looked around, there was a lot he could do.
Percy followed the girl. He realized that she was listening to music and didn't want to interrupt. The girl was heading for the beach, which brought a smile on his face. The girl stopped suddenly, and Percy accidentally fell on top of her. He blushed, "Uh...So Sorry! That was an accident!" He smiled, "My name is Percy, I'm your neighbor!"
Serenade started laughing as she took off her earphones. "Hi, my name is Serenade." "It's okay, I understand accidents," she replied.
Hex ran down the street towards the beach. He got to the very edge of the sand and stopped, people. He could see them, a girl and a boy, atleast two years older than he was, stood there talking. He turned his head to the side, who else would want to be out in this weather?
"In early morning, there is no cars going everywhere and it's more calm," she replied. She turned her head and saw another boy, looking younger than her. Another one who likes to go out at rain... She sighed.
Percy looked at the direction she was looking. "Another stalker!" He chuckled. Percy gestured for him to come over.

(Having a bath, dont do to much while im gone! xD )
Hex backed off, he really didn't like people. They could be evil for all he knew, that's all he knew. He turned his head to the side but stayed where he was unmoving.
Serenade looked at her mp3, all screwed up. "I liked this mp3 so much!" "Now it's all screwed up!"

She looked at the boy. "We will not eat you, you know? Well I won't... Canibalism is not really for me since i'm vegetarian," she said, smiling.
Hex hesitated for a moment before taking a few steps towards the girl but he still stayed a fair distance away. His expression staying neutral.
Hex blinked a couple of times, no one had ever said that to him before. He still wasn't in the mood to speak to the girl but he was a little more relaxed.
"I am Serenade. I respect the fact that you don't want to talk," she said to him and looked at her mp3 again.
She putted one of her earphones in her ear again and screamed while removing it. "Screwed up... This is a little word..." She looked at Hex again. "It's nice to meet you then Hex," she said to him.

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