Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}

Namida smiled and shoved the note in her desk as the teacher came in. She blushed a bit. Th-that's what Warclaw does? Holy... she thought nervously, scribbling down notes rapidly in her lecture pad. The teacher was quite handsome with dark brown hair and green eyes. She shook away the thoughts. Rumours spread around the school quickly and she'd heard about that OTHER teacher. She blushed as the teacher smiled at her.


I wrote down my notes, in English, as I said, I can read it, and write it, just not speak it or understand it being said. That has been an issue. Another memory, the airport, just arriving in America. The stupid security chased my sister Naomi, and I, around. We got out of there, but not before I jumped in front of a tazer so, She, wouldn't be hit. And that was the day I knew, that, I, was an electric son of a God.



After all the trouble I had gone through, and losses, wins, I had succeeded, yes, I'd won. But I'd also discovered I had more to me than I had thought, and one of the Americans brought up this school. I'd decided to ask my father about it, and he'd told me that one of my cousins, a child of Zeus, was attending. Only that much better, I'd thought to myself, as I walked to the front of the school. I wasn't going to hide my bo staff. If there's people with the types of powers I think that they have, a bo staff is the least of their worries. Then again, I had discovered that I could use it just like a power, so.

I looked at the school, and walked to the front desk, and signed the papers. Welcome to your life as a student in this school, but for how long? And are there people who won't think I'm evil?

([MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] I decided to bring Kyra in, and leave James. )
As I was signing the sheet, I noticed another person signing in as well. They had a bo staff, which intrigued my curiosity. What intrigued my curiosity further was the persons aura. A demigod. "Hello," I greeted in Ancient Greek, having the strangest urge to speak in that very language.
Brett noticed the teacher's look when he looked at Namida. Warclaw didn't fancy that either. A low but barely audible growl of warning emitted from Brett between notes that he was writing of the lecture. He looked at Namida then the teacher. Brett noticed the teacher's gaze lingering on Namida, only occasionally looking to the other side of the class. Brett sighed, a bit angrily. Pitiful. Disgusting. Horrid. Immoral. Gross. Shameful. Can he not get someone his own age? He was not impressed with this teacher and went back to taking notes, but his thoughts were rampant and showed on his face when his thoughts distracted him.
View attachment 7678 View attachment 7679 ( She hides her wings though. )



I looked at the girl, I didn't even know what she'd said.

"Um, I speak English, if you can't, then, well, I don't know what in the Bloody Hades you tried to say," I said, my Londoner accent highlighting a few words. Yep, that's me, the only person I know with my name, Kyra Noelle Fate, demigod daughter of the Lord of Shadows, Lord of Darkness, and Ruler of the Dead. Yep, you guessed it. My father is Hades. And honestly, I love my father. Am I evil for it? To some people, I am. I got my schedule, dorm room number, and a funny look for the bo staff, but really? You don't even wanna know what I could do to your computer you're reading this on. I could seriously mess that *** up. Hehe. I'm a great hacker, and sorry, I'll be that until I go to my Father's kingdom, forever.
Namida avoided eye contact with the teacher but she always knew he was staring at her. The bell rang and he asked Namida to stay back. Namida sighed and stayed at her desk. He came up to her.

"Why are you friends with that bear... thing?" he asked, his voice a serious tone.

"Because he's the only person I've connected with since I've been here." she replied.

"He's dangerous..." he said.

"No, he wouldn't hurt me." she assured.

"He made a crack in the wall." he whispered in her ear.

"That's because he was kind of frustrated." she shrugged as she got up from her desk. "I'm going now." she opened the door and looked back. "And the next time you teach me would you PLEASE stop staring at me like I'm a toy." she glared as she walked out.

(Now everyone had already left the class room when they were having the conversation. [MENTION=3375]Emerald Vanguard[/MENTION])
Michishige walked into his English class, schedule in hand, "Um... Hello, I just got transferred to this school, and I... I think this is the class I'm supposed to be in," He said shyly, in a noticeably thick Japanese accent. After the teacher introduced him to the class, he sat down in the seat that was assigned to him. He didn't like English, he could speak it fluently, but it just didn't spike his interest, so instead of taking notes, he drew pictures in his notebook, he did this frequently, he was very smart in many subjects, but they just never amused him, except for two subjects, biology and art, he loved them, with biology he could learn things about living things without having to touch any, and with art he could express himself, for he was a pretty good artist, so he drew a picture of his favorite animal, a frog.
([MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] - I realize.)

Brett walked out of the class and and sniffed. Someone was eating. He shrugged, knowing he already ate. He walked down the hall, subconsciously going to his next class. After walking several feet, he stopped and decided to wait for Namida. He leaned against the wall, wondering what was holding her up. He waited until she walked out of the classroom. He noticed the glare on her face as she walked out. He walked up to her as the door closed. "So what did you think about the wall?" he asked with a grin on his face. He stretched his hand in front of him before making a fist. He smiled at her. "What's your next class?"
(Ermm, well rune ran off into the woods when madara appeared(side char that will die soon so hes of no real impirtance other than the fact he killed runes race and has hunted rune down here) he told her prude hed see her after her classes and then tok off(he also was grazed with a bullet)then the other ppl talked alot... and ifs ok tht u where gone but i was starting to worry u wherent coming bak...then my char would be like stuck lol)
(whats happening in the school right now then? sorry i left, i was waiting for ages for Ali to post, but its clear shes not gonna)
"Erm...Sorry. I said hello. You father would be Hades, correct?" I asked, this time in English. My thoughts went to Cerberus and I wondered how the three headed dog was doing. I received my schedule and thanked the accountant.


"Yes, Hades is my father, how could you tell? And just because my father is Hades does NOT mean I'm a bad girl. I'm not, trust me on that, as long as you respect me lass, I'll respect you, I mean, I've dealt with soo much crud over who my bloody father is it's not funny," I said, more anger in my words than what I meant. I immediatitly wished I hadn't said it with such anger, but, really, it's balderdash. All of it. I hate it, and I'd rather not have people do crap like that. It really gets to a girl, you know?
(Idk i guess)*rune stands in the forest a 3 ton weight on his shoulders(kings abilites grant him huge strength at the cost of alot of energy)he drops the weight to the ground it lands with a loud crash, imprinting in the ground he wipes the sweat off his face and cleans up from his training, he cracks his back*rune: ok, 300 mile run *he proceeds to list off a ton of exersizes that would usually kill any regular human* and 5000 reps....thats good enough i guess*he walks into school again and stands next to the pillar he broke, he takes out a beautiful gold necklace with a large ruby set in it, he was planning to give it to prudence but he was confused at his own decision, he didnt LIKE her did he? He pushed the thought to the back of his mind trying to ignore it, he couldnt fall in love with her, necause he was almost sire he would be killed soon*
TheFallOfitAll said:

"Yes, Hades is my father, how could you tell? And just because my father is Hades does NOT mean I'm a bad girl. I'm not, trust me on that, as long as you respect me lass, I'll respect you, I mean, I've dealt with soo much crud over who my bloody father is it's not funny," I said, more anger in my words than what I meant. I immediatitly wished I hadn't said it with such anger, but, really, it's balderdash. All of it. I hate it, and I'd rather not have people do crap like that. It really gets to a girl, you know?
"Your aura reminds me of the Underworld. I know Cerberus. And of course being a child of Hades wouldn't mean that. I dislike stereotypes like that. My own kinkinds have such stereotypes because of the things some humans come up with," I told her. It was true. At least of two of three of my kinkinds, anyhow. I had been called "Demon" before because of one of my kinkind. I was completely empathetic of how Kyra felt.


"Kinkinds? What the Hades are you? An elf? I've never heard of this, 'kinkinds,' and seriously, what is it?" I asked her, I really didn't know. And how could she read my aura? Is that even possible? I mean, I've heard of Athena's children being able to read minds and such, but never of anyone reading someone's aura. I didn't even know mine did that, I've only been there once. And, well, a Daddy's Girl needs to see her father every once in awhile, doesn't she?

Prude found that it was lunch now, and actually, she was really hungry. Prude was thin and average-sized, and preferred a small amount of junk food to huge, beefy meals. She just hoped that this food was better than her old school's food.... She arrived, and saw that she had to wait in a queue. She waited for ages, until finally, it had died down. It was chicken pie for lunch, which wasn't actually too bad. She added a few vegetables, and brought a drink to her sitting place. She sat down and began to eat, slightly tired from working hard already.

*rune decides instead of waiting for food at lunch to enter his magic bag and use the kitchen and make his own, he comes out of it with a plate of delicious smelling food that has never been seen in the mortal realm*rune:wonder where prudence is.*he eats the food and puts the plate away, he then trys to climb the lillar but falls onto his back*rune:ughh.... this grass is so soft
TheFallOfitAll said:

"Kinkinds? What the Hades are you? An elf? I've never heard of this, 'kinkinds,' and seriously, what is it?" I asked her, I really didn't know. And how could she read my aura? Is that even possible? I mean, I've heard of Athena's children being able to read minds and such, but never of anyone reading someone's aura. I didn't even know mine did that, I've only been there once. And, well, a Daddy's Girl needs to see her father every once in awhile, doesn't she?
"In all honesty, I am part vampyre, part witch, and part wolf. Not werewolf, mind you. My kinkind are not to be confused as such. I am no elf, though I look like one and I have been among them," I said. I wondered why I was being so straightforward with her. I rarely lied, but that didn't mean I was always so straightforward.
Michishige walked into the lunch room and sat at an empty table, he didn't like to be around people, he wasn't shy, far from it in fact, he enjoyed keeping to himself, because, to him, if he sheltered himself in his mind, he wouldn't have to deal with hurting anyone, he didn't buy his lunch instead he brought some crackers and nibbled on them as he continued drawing his frog, it was actually an amazing work, one of his best in fact, "There we are, you're complete," His excitement dying now, noticing he said that out loud.

Prudence finished her food, and cleared up her plate. They had a small break next.... She needed it. She was so tired.... Well of course! It was the first day, after all.... She brought out her book entitled Underwood, the sequel to one of her favourite books of all time: Wildwood. She sat down at a table in the classrooms, lost in her own world. As she was reading, she began to nod off. Suddenly, she began snoring silently. She had fallen asleep.

{{Open for interaction!}}
"It was pretty impressive." she grinned back at him. "My next class is art. But we do have a 10 minute break between. Need to discuss anything? Or more so want to discuss anything?" she shrugged. "In my mind, I'm like an unofficial psychologist." she smiled. "People like to tell me their opinions, problems and such because they think I'll solve them of at least get 'em on the road to recovery." she shrugged. "I can't really help..." her train of thought trailed off.
He was bewildered at the comment of her being an unofficial psychologist. "I don't have anything to talk about, no." He then reflected on the former events and in a soft tone, continued. "Though I do believe you have something that you should get off your chest... You don't have to tell; I'd just like to help if I can, you seemed pretty down." He looked into her eyes sincerely as a concerned friend.
"Well. Oh. Um. I was dizzy and stuff because I'd used my gift. That's why I had to sit down and stuff. But. Also..." she hesitated. "Well, there WAS this one dude at my old school. He cheated on me and that's what come up in my mind. You know playlists? Yeah. Well, there's many things that I could play. But everytime I clicked on that and see if I can withstand it." she shrugged. "Like a mind exercise." she lightly dug her nails into her leg. "But, all's fine and dandy."

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