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Hey there, this is a rp I tried to make happen a few months ago. In my opinion it turned out well getting great players and a unique cast of characters.
However I was unable to keep the rp afloat for a week because I lost internet connection so the rp slowly died. I figured I'd try it again.

"Ah your awake, welcome to my airborne laboratory" a elderly man dressed in a lab coat strokes his long grey beard as you awaken in a cage next to others in a similar predicament.
You have been captured, your head hurts, and a thick metal collar is around your neck. I'm sure it was quite a story leading to how you ended up here in the sky locked in a cage... But apparently that doesn't matter now.

"I've been working on many new serums, and as the eight who survived... I'll let you choose what you get stuck with" the crazy scientist with a kind smile presents various coloured vials to his captives.
Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Black, Purple, neon pink and a ever changing liquid that switched colours every few seconds.
Well it's just another day in the Bad-lands really. The area of earth that wasn't lucky enough to be apart of the terraform protocols. The places on old dusty maps that have old irradiated treasures, mutated monsters and alien goods from the war. You was most likely traveling through these Bad-lands for a reason.
But that doesn't matter so much right now. Locked in a scientists cage with a headache and... your feet are gone. Replaced with metal tootsies and throbbing pain... you've been unconscious and under the knife for who knows how long. At least you get to pick your colour poison which Dr Finnibus claims to be a "Super soldier serum!" But it's first to claim getting first pick mind you.

"If all goes well I can remove some of the precautions" Dr Finnibus beams with a wide smile and selection of injections.
Think Fallout mixed with borderlands, This rp is set in a world ravaged by nuclear war and alien invasion.
After hundreds of years living underground mostly developing technology. Humanity emerged from various bunkers and vaults to form new government and tribes. Needless to say the ones from vaults had technology and democracy.
The ones from bunkers had a stronger immune system and more of a "survival of the fittest" mentality.

The settlements from vaults grew larger and stronger while changing the landscape from a wasteland to lush soil. The gangs formed from mutants, psychos and irradiated bunkers grew to raiding these settlements with salvaged weapons from during the war, (some of them alien!)

If your in this rp you are someone who was kidnapped and forced to become apart of Dr Finnibus's wasteland power rangers complete with hoverboards and robot feet to keep you on them and individual super powers given to you by science and most likely irradiated alien goo.
As his super squad you will perform missions for him while most likely trying to escape his clutches without getting killed.

It's a bit like suicide squad except your forced to become a hoverboarder with metal feet who might turn into the hulk.

Seven spots available as I'll make a character also.
You can choose a colour or I can give you one at random, the vials determine your super power which I will tell you once you make a cs.

Vial choices,
Rainbow swirl
Neon pink

Go apeshit below whilst bagging a colour or ask questions like a normal person.
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Im hoping for one or two posts a week, with two paragraphs or more.
The CS will mostly be something like the special system from fallout. Hopefully with a acronym instead of just
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Like the special system from fallout I plan on using the acronym below for the CS.
You would have 36 points to spread amongst the Speedam stats.
If this seems good to you feel free to start on a cs you can send to me or have ready to post on the CS page

It would basically be the usual shit like
Backstory etc
With the Speedam stats below (aswell as optional skills and flaws)

Strength - how much you lift how hard you hit
Perception - how good you might notice or see shit
Endurance - how long you go for and how hard you are
Energy - how long you can use your superpower
Dexterity - skill with a weapon, hand to eye coordination in general
Agility - how fast you move and run,
Moxie - character, grit, perseverance and heart.
Yo NeonFlow NeonFlow how recently did the world go to shit? Were we born into this?

Think Fallout mixed with borderlands, This rp is set in a world ravaged by nuclear war and alien invasion.
After hundreds of years living underground mostly developing technology. Humanity emerged from various bunkers and vaults to form new government and tribes. Needless to say the ones from vaults had technology and democracy.
The ones from bunkers had a stronger immune system and more of a "survival of the fittest" mentality.

The settlements from vaults grew larger and stronger while changing the landscape from a wasteland to lush soil. The gangs formed from mutants, psychos and irradiated bunkers grew to raiding these settlements with salvaged weapons from during the war, (some of them alien!)
Oh also sorry for all the questions btw but when do we get revealed what the powers are?
(for the form, I kind of want to know before doing the Energy in SPEEDAM to know whether or not how likely I am to use their power as part of their personality such as out of combat use)
I reveal the powers once everyone has picked a choice and posted a sheet. Though in honesty some powers will rely on energy more than others so those stats can level up in game. If you pick 2 and wished you had more that sorta thing can happen

Edit)) it's a super soldier serum in a wasteland where you are being forced to do fetch quests and missions for a crazed scientist. You will be in combat a bit aha
Bro I'm struggling to find a pink/purple-haired wasteland beserker that has her shirt on—

Two questions, too. Is my character allowed to have an alien firearm? It'd be a blunderbuster style weapon, rechargable (or for a less OP option, using charge/electrical ammo packs that can be looted) with a slow recharge rate but it packs a punch.

And those who've exited the bunkers have devloped better immune systems, are we allowed any mutations as a result from exposure to high radiation/extreme environments? All swell if not, I just thought I'd put it forward as a creative option for our characters
Alien firearm is ok, but know you wouldn't be the only person in the Bad-lands with a alien gun

The bunkers are just shitter vaults, most who came from there became the bandits psychos mutants and raiders that attack and get gunned down daily.

As far as player characters having mutations that's more a no as Dr Finnibus uses clean looking humanoids for his experiments.

It's more likely you have more robot parts then mutations but some vials/super serums also come with a bonus alien gland that the doctor sews into your body somewhere.
For some reason, I have been summoned, and I am down.

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