Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Same, oh my gosh xD it's one that i don't get bored of, even if i listen to it ten times in a row, and I don't know why
So.. I was drawing something, and then somewhere along the line, it became Syo xD So I thought I might upload it, but I have a question - does anyone want me to do a group drawing? Like this photo, it's gonna be blurry, but I think it would be cool. Also, yeah, I used a phone to take the photo, so its blurry, and I did two takes of it.

Alright! If it's a group drawing, it'll take a while, and I won't start it now (My hand ;- ;) but I'll get round to it.

(Oh, and don't worry, I'll try and upload the drawing so it's better quality.

also without syos guitar because i cant draw guitars, as i discovered today)
So, yeah, I don't mind time skipping, so I guess it's just up to what the majority of people want to do.

Also, yeah, probably to the next day.
i'm at my dads today so

1. my internet is shite, and it might turn off at any time

2. i can't stay on as late as normal
I also have bad news :/ might have to either kill Butch off or move him to another area for the next while, cuz I have to be scarce for the next 2 weeks. If I come back and this RP is still going I'll probably bring him back lol. Even though he's the worst character here haha.
@Cyber Wolf I was about to tell you that you were xD .

Nothing too big. Everyone's outside for a fire drill. Butch is on a quest. Zori is driving Regan home. Solana is watching the multitude of fights outside the school.
Lmfao, the RP owner is gonna come back and be all " What the hell happened to my RP?!? This was supposed to be like highschool musical!!! "

woooo i'm kinda far behind

i'll start using syo once the new day starts

also, i love how it took like, two days (in roleplay time) for shit to hit the fan, lol

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