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Fandom Warrior Cat Rp


He/She // Tired Af // 8-20-23 <3
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
(Credits Go To Wolf For The Writing,Clans And The Plot Idea!)

Stoneclan -

Settled at the base of a large mountain where beech, pine, oak, and birch trees litter the land. Many creeks run through the area and connect to a river on the west side of the camp. Forest and mountain creatures roam the woods. The camp itself is set along a shallow ridge at the mountain base. The leaders den is at the top of it with a large rock jutting out of it. Where the leader makes the announcements, know as LargeStone. The medicine cat den is directly below at the lowest point of the ridge. The warriors, apprentices, and elders den are spread on the opposite side from the leader and medicine cat dens. The nursery is hidden in the deepest dip, thorns and barbs protect them from all around.

Types of Prey: Mouse, Vole, Rabbit, Squirrel, and Lizards

Types of Dangers: Bear, Cougar, Badger, Fox, Hawks, and Owls

Pineclan -

Setting: In a thick pine forest, burried within a ring of brambles, ferns, and briars, laid Pineclan. The forest floor was soft with pine needles, only broken here and there by large boulders, along with a few clearings of various sizes. Prey, such as squirel, vole, and mouse was harder to find, but birds liked to nest in the canapoy. Badgar and fox like to make there dens in the area, but mainly on the west side of the territory. On the east side, a large river divids them from Stoneclan, which is fed by a few small streams and a creek that runs through thier territory, fed by the mountian springs.

Plot Idea: Its a week before the Gathering and Starclan sends down an omen to the clans' medicine cats, warning of a great danger from the sky. The following night, a large mettor falls and lands on the border of Stoneclan and Pineclan, debris lands in both terriories. Some cats were k.lled or injured, as they were out on patrol to check the path to the Great Island, their meeting place for the Gathering. Will the clan band together or will there be more trouble ahead?

(Adding More Later On..)
((Take all the time you need! don’t worry about not getting it done today!))
A grey tabby tom with a grey-white chest and salted muzzle stepped out of his den, blinking in the early morning light. Stonestar looked down upon his Clan from Largestone. He knew the gathering was a sunrise away and they needed to prepare. He watched as warriors exited their den to begin the day. Goldencreek, a young warrior, woke the apprentices to join them for today's planning. Stonestar slowly made his way down the well worn path down to the camp floor. "All warriors and appreciates should join me" he called. Goldencreek gathered the apprentices and lead them over to their leader, sitting behind the apprentices. She hissed at an unruly apprentice before turning her attention back to Stonestar.
Soon a long furred light brown shecat approached the group. Birdwing was a respected warrior and queen in the clan. "I must speak with you when you are finished." She said quietly to her leader. "Okay. Join us." The she cat nodded and joined Goldencreek by the apprentices.
As a light grey and white spotted tom walked out of the warriors den,Gorse’Cloud looked at Stone’Star and dipped his head,flicking his tail over to Black’Paw. Reed’Stem sorted herbs outside her den,Clove’Seeker walking over to her and dropped a bundle of herbs,Clove’Seeker liked helping the medicine cats collect herbs as her littermate Owl’Whisker would rather fight cats and earn new scars. Owl’Whisker walked over to Stone’Star her dark grey-black and cream like spotted fur flew in the wind. ‘What we doing today?’
"Well, I need to see how the apprentices are doing. Then I will decide who will be going to the gathering tomorrow night." Stonestar said. He looked around for the rest of the cats, who were just starting to join them. "Gorsecloud, will you arrange hunting patrols?" He asked his deputy. Stonestar turned to look at the apprentices. "Get your mentors and join me by the entrance." He instructed.
Gorse’Cloud nodded and walked over to the LargeStone,jumping onto it and begin to call out patrols. Owl’Whisker flicked her ear as she was heard for a patrol,she soon grumble and groaned. ‘I wanted to be on a border patrol!..’ She mumble to herself and walked over were Clove’Seeker and the other warriors were waiting.
Goldencreek joined the group, ready for her next task. She was one of the youngest warriors, but was respected enough by Stonestar to help keep the apprentices in line. Frostedpaw and Amberpaw were littermates from Twoleg place and were a bit of trouble. Stonestar allowed them to join the clan as kits, and Frostedpaw showed promise while Amberpaw lacked only a little. Goldencreek was helping mentor both, as she had no apprentice of her own.
Owl’Whisker ear flicked,she didnmt like hunting or anything but would still help her clan. her apprentice Snake’Paw was already becoming a kinda cold-hearted and mean cat like she was but he still respected the deputy and leader. he hates his brother Black’Paw for being to stocked up and kind to the other cats. why can’t Black’Paw be mean and just like his favorite brother?.
A small medium furred blue grey hurried from the medicine den to sit at Reedstem's side. "What did I miss?" She asked when her mentor got a chance to pause her sorting. The young apprentice had been sorting and putting the herbs were they went.
Reed’Stem looked at her and smiled. ‘Nothing much,just Owl’Whisker being cranky that she can’t go on border patrol.’ She laugh slightly
Riverpaw purred. "What do I need to do now?" She asked. She wanted to go back out to find more herbs, but she wouldnt go alone yet.

Stonestar was arranging boarder patrols, assigning himself on one with Amberpaw and Frostedpaw and their mentors to see if they were any closer to becoming warriors.
Reed’Stem looked over at the cats then at her and got up. ‘You wanna help me sort these herbs that Clove’Seeker got for us?’

Clove’Seeker ran after her patrol,her black and white swirled coat flicking in the wind,she stare at some mint leaves and putted some in her pelt,feeling happy.
"I sure will!" Riverpaw replied before bouncing over to the herbs and gently grabbing a pile in her jaws.

Stonestar lead his patrol out of the camp and toward the western border.
Reed’Stem smiled and grabbed the other pile,walking in the den.

Black’Paw followed after his leader,his tail slightly twitching with nervous. ‘Snake’Paw will we do okay?..’ Snake’Paw rolled his eyes?hating how nervous his brother was being. ‘We will be fine.’
Riverpaw set her herbs outside the store before turning back to a sleeping welder that was staying with them. "I'll go check in Rabbitstripe." She said as she padded away.

"Frostedpaw, Amberpaw, Snakepaw, and Blackpaw, today is your assessment." Stonestar mewed front the front of the patrol.
Black’Paw jumped and pinned his ears back. he was both scared and happy. he was looking like he could have a mental breakdown from there. Snake’Paw lifted his tail high,proud. ‘I will become the best warrior!’

Reed’Stem smiled and began to sort the herbs,her tail wrapping over her back paws as she reached up to put the catmint in a spot.
Frostedpaw kneaded the ground while Amberpaw just looked annoyed. "Your task is to hunt. Catch as much as you can. And remember... I will be watching." Stonestar said with a sly smile. Amberpaw was the first to pad away. Frostedpaw scented the air before going in one direction.
Rabbitstripe was a cream tabby with chocolate stripes and a bob tail. The elder had been complaining of a stomach ache the night before and refused to sleep in her own den.
Reed’Stem finished putting away the herbs and walked over to Rabbit’Stripe. ‘Rabbit’Stripe how you feeling?. and have you seen Mumbled’Foot?.. he hasn’t been showing up lately..’ She was starting to worry about the twisted pawed elder.

Snake’Paw flicked his tail,getting impatient. he look around then smiled,he sneak away from the others and ran into the forest like trees. he sniff the air and crouched down.
"My stomach still hurts but it's not as bad." Rabbitstripe replied. She winced as Riverpaw gently pressed on her stomach. "I havent seen Mumbledfoot today." She answered.

Frostedpaw walked a good ways away before finding a squirrel. She crouched and crept forward carefully. When she was close enough, she leapt and landed on it's back. She ended it quickly, thanked Starclan, and buried it.

Amberpaw was having worse luck than her sister. She kept scenting the air and found nothing.
Reed’Stem frowned as her ears went down. ‘I hope he isn’t hurt or something..’ She get up. ‘I’m gonna go look for him,River’Paw if anything is wrong. send one of the other warriors or apprentices for me..’

Snake’Paw looked around then crouched down whenever he saw a rabbit. he sneak up onto the rabbit and leaped,quickly landing on it and killed it.

Black’Paw looked around then realized Snake’Paw was gone and began to panic. ‘Snake’Paw?!..’
"I am sure he will be fine." Rabbitstripe said before hissing at the pain. "I'll get something for you." Riverpaw said before padding to the store.

Frostedpaw found a small bird, but missed her catch. Spitting, she turned to go the other direction. She caught a mouse soon afterward, then a blue bird.

Amberpaw traced down a lizard, a mouse, and a robin.
Reed’Stem sighed. ‘I know but he could get more hurt with his twisted paw..’

Black’Paw sniffed around,soon looking for Snake’Paw,his ears low. ‘Snake’Paw?..’

Snake’Paw had clearly caught a Rabbit and Vole,his head and tail high. he hear something in the bushes and hissed. ‘Who’s there?’
"Blackpaw, you are to do the assignment on your own." Stonestar said from behind the apprentice.

"Mumbledfoot is a capable tom." Rabbitstripe muttered. Riverpaw returned with a few herbs and set them infront of Rabbitstripe, who reluctantly ate them.

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