War of the Three Gods [Inactive]


Four Thousand Club
DippyDash submitted a new role play:

War of the Three Gods - Choose your side.

Hey everyone! This will be a direct sequel to a role-play of mind "Love and the Lost Gods" and the need for a lot of new characters is definitely necessary. The old ones will hopefully for the most part be joining as well from the old one, but if you weren't involved, you would still be graciously accepted. Here comes the plot.
All was well in the prestigious Ludus Academy, every year duels were held in remembrance of the fallen god Filius, after his father Deus exiled him from heaven, after...
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The gods are at one another's throats. Humanity is taking sides. Three academies far from another representing the three at odds gods sit waiting in some what of a Cold War. Deus' Fortress stands as a large militant stronghold, it's alabaster walls standing high and official, the Domain of Maria sits Oceanside, a luxurious city, filled with pleasures, and Diaboli's Bastion sits where Ludus Academy once stood, now a wicked castle of great suffering.
Lucifer walked in to Deus' Fortress. The building was enormous and royal, and much bigger than Ludus Academy had ever been. Lucifer felt an unexplainable pride surge in his veins whenever he looked at the building. Wearing one of his robes, Lucifer walked through the hallways. He sighed as he thought about his current task. Deus was a strong God and with strength comes impatience or so Lucifer concluded.

After reaching the more sequestered and opulent parts of the fortress, Lucifer made his way to Deus' anteroom. He laid a knock, before entering it.

"Lord Deus. May I speak with you?" he asked with assertive confidence.

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"You certainly may Lucifer, what is it?" Deus asked in his commanding voice

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The Mother's academy was place on the outskirts of the forest, standing boldly against the rising sun. Brace gates were all that stood between the lush gardens surrounding the tall ivory colored walls of the buildings just beyond

and Anastasia Peeters. As she peeked through the bars she felt a sense of excitement and dread. This had been the first time she had attended such a place in the name of the great Goddess, it was far from any ordinary place to be. A dwelling that gods would be in, it was a regal place that she should have been honored to enter.

"Chin high." She reminded herself as she pushed the gates open and headed into the walls.


"This place looks depressing." Layla stated sourly to the drive that removed her bags from the trunk. "You sure this is the so called Fortress of Deus?" The man gave her a look that said he was positive but didn't dare speak because of his fear of what she'd do to him. It was an amusing look, one that made her relish the moment all the more as she let a smirk flicker across her face.

"Never mind, I shouldn't expect very much from the hired help." With that she waved over her shoulder to him. "At least make sure you bring the bags to the right room." Layla then started inside, her shoes tapping lightly on the floor as her now-black hair streamed behind her body. She had gone through a large transformation since the last time she had been around anyone that had anything to do with the gods, it would be interesting to see how everyone had done in the duels. She wasn't a fan of the gods still but she couldn't deny herself a chance to have a bit of 'fun'.
"Well. Our campaign in Makarade has failed. The people have chosen to follow the Mother." replied Lucifer. When the battle between the Gods began, the mortals were asked to take sides. Although, it was confusing at first since it was difficult to believe that the Gods had come on earth, the people soon understood the situation. Although most found the battle to be stupid and imposing, they had the strength to change nothing.

"Unprecedentally, Diaboli has been able to lure students as well." he added. "What do you suggest must be done?"

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Lucifer nodded in approval. As he was about to leave, He turned on his toes. "Where's Amare...I mean Filius? Your son, sir?" It had been quite a while since he had seen his friend. Lucifer was busy helping Deus to set up the institution once the Gods called out battle. "And Diana?" he asked.

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"Diana is in the city, she's been assisting me, as for my son.. For another day" Deus replied.

Calvin walked the streets of the fortress in awe of its size. He felt a grumble in his stomach and was disheartened immediately. He stumbled into a black haired girl and apologized quickly

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The place seemed strangely empty despite it being the fortress of a god, it was almost laughable. Still, Layla held back the snide comments she wanted to make as she confidently brushed around a corner and was halted abruptly by a body bumping into her.

"Oh, no it's fine!" Layla chimed, her face bright before it fell into a serious glared. "Is that what you thought I'd say? Make sure you watch where you're going next time, boy." He was taller than her by several inches so calling him boy was a bit out of place but it made her feel superior in spirit if not height.

"Since you're here, I'll let you help me out." She continued, "Do you know where a person by the name of Amare is? I'm astonished I can't find such a taller person even though the fortress is so empty."
Without further question, Lucifer walked out. He marched toward his personal room, which was much better than the dorm rooms. Perks of being close to a God. After taking a cold shower, Lucifer changed into his clad uniform. It would be a week until the classes started but many students had already flocked in, with the expectation to please the God. Lucifer tread through the hallways to provide assistance to any student who needed it. It was near the entrance that he noticed a girl and a boy. As he neared them, he had this cringing feeling that he knew the girl but he failed to recall her. He approached the duo. "Welcome. Can I assist you with something?" he asked with a polite smile.

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"Amare?" Calvin asked "Never heard of him. Hey guy, where can I get some food" he asked, he clearly wasn't the most socially graceful.

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She wrinkled her nose at the distasteful way the boy spoke, turning her eyes to the one that had approached them from down the hall. When her eyes fell on him they widened slightly before filling with amusement, a smirk playing across her lips almost at once.

"Hot-head." She greeted, "I didn't expect you to be the one helping new comers."
"Well." said Lucifer as he took a moment to glance at his watch. The boy's approach had been rather absurd but Lucifer didn't mind. "Food will be served in half an hour in the dining halls. I'll lead you there. Say, are you enrolling in the acade-?" His words were cut off when the girl spoke.

His eyes widened a bit on hearing her reference. He stared at her trying to recall who she was. 'Hot head. Hot head.' Finally, giving up, Lucifer asked. "I'm sorry. But do I know you?" he asked.
"Excuse me young lady. You seem a bit lost." Said a beautiful blonde haired woman stood behind Anastasia with a tap on the shoulder and a smile.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401341201.508298.jpg.5e7c1e8c71a02b8eb6070dc48e84fd05.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401341201.508298.jpg.5e7c1e8c71a02b8eb6070dc48e84fd05.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Layla rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as she studied him. She'd have to forgive him this once, they hadn't talked in over a year and she had disappeared quite suddenly. She had changed a great deal in that time too.

"Perhaps imagine me with blonde hair?" She mused, letting her idiotic mask of innocence move across her face. "Layla James ring a bell, hothead?" After chiming her words she let the mask fall away and gave him an expectant look. "You're stupider that you look."


She hadn't thought it though, not in the least. She was inside the gates now but Anastasia had no clue where to do. Looking around awkwardly, she wondered if there was anyone close by that could help her find the dorms. After a minute passed she couldn't think of anything else to do but wander through the courtyard, jumping when she felt the hand touch her shoulder.

"L-lost..?" Anastasia grumbled with widened eyes, her head nodding. "Yes, I have no clue where the dorms are."
Lucifer's jaw dropped a bit. 'Layla James? Of all people I knew. I meet her? The girl who kicked my a**?' he thought. He eyed her from head to toe. "Wow. You've changed. A lot. I mean I guess I am stupid for not recognizing you." he said. Lucifer gave her a quick friendly embrace before regaining his composure. He heard the boy's voice interject their reunion.

"Calm down, boy. Follow me." said Lucifer. "This is the Academy of Deus. The God of Justice, Law, Order and Punishment." he stated with pride. "Would you like to study here?" he asked the boy. Lucifer decided he would interact with his old friend later. He led them east to the huge dining halls.
"I'll show you, right this way dear" the woman said to Anastasia as she led her towards then

"Study what?" Calvin asked naively while scratching his head.

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Her eyes widened when he leaned in for a hug, stunned into silence as she watched him walk off with the boy. What in the world... "I'm the one that changed?" She said absently to herself, "You should look in the mirror, hothead." She turned on her heels, remembering suddenly what she had wanted to ask Lucifer before he had left. She sighed in frustration, he had already disappeared around the corner.


"Thank you.." She replied, meekly looking down at her bag as she followed after the beautiful woman. "C-can I ask your name?" Anastasia asked, working up the courage to look up at the blonde showing her the way.
"I don't go out much, Maria" the woman said with a smile and wink.

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Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the boy, expressing annoyance. Yes. He had changed and all but this guy was slowly getting on his nerves. "Science! Math! History! Geography! Martial arts! Music! You name it." he exclaimed. Lucifer realized that he looked like a cheap endorsing agent and he wasn't going to fall. 'Specially not in front of that arrogant..Wait. Where is she?' he thought as he eyed around. "Give me a moment, please." he said to the boy. Going back, he saw Layla standing where he had left her. From the door leading east, he shouted "You aren't coming? We can have some food." he said.

She was contemplated what to do when a voice rang through the hall, drawing her attention. Glancing over her shoulder, she looked over Lucifer with a smirk. "Only because you insisted," She chimed in the fake voice that she had often used the last time she had been at Ludus. She then strolled over and looked over the boy from before. "If you eat to much you'll get fatter." She stated, brushing past him in the direction they had been headed before realizing she didn't know where she was going. "Lucifer, this way?" She pointed down the hall.


She nearly fell on her face when the woman spoke her name, her voice catching in her throat as she tried desperately to say something. "M-M... Ma-Ma.... Maria?" She squeaked swallowing the lump in her throat. "Goddess... It's an honor... I... I'm truly your humble servant." She fluttered her hands around, wondering if she should bow or something. :
"Would you come with me? I would like to talk to you about something dear" Maria asked kindly.

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