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Graded [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] The Wild Wapelin Woods


Roleplay Artist
A RP where Sir Edwin Stormcrest and the demon Zolgen encounter one another in the Wapelin woods.
Weather: Temperate, Cloudy

Location: Ryke, Wapelin Woods

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Wapelin Woods

The ambient sounds of nature could be heard in the otherwise quiet and breezy woods. A place where it wasn’t unusual for villages from the nearby Rimeburgh village to send people to gather supplies from it. The Wapelin woods had somewhat of a reputation for having high quality wood for all sorts of wood forging related applications.

As quiet as the words usually were, on occasion as a result of this reputation, petty bandits and even more rarely, monsters occasionally made their way through, hoping to capitalize on any vulnerable would-be travelers who made their way into the woods.

Unfortunately for a man who was passing through and simply wanted to do good and help the common person, there was a rather nefarious presence not all that far off from the main traveling path.

Wapelin Wood Ruins

Within the woods there were ruins from some sort of dilapidated and or destroyed stone structure from long ago where a tall demon man was waiting with three swords on his back. This was the very same place where he had attempted that earlier ambush with his brother achu..and that most peculiar incubus looking fellow, unfortunately they hadn’t had the most success, but thankfully Zolgen was a deal stronger since that time..and if the odds looked favorable enough, perhaps he’d get to indulge himself in a proper slaughter, or at the very least meet someone of interest who could entertain him. Hell he wasn’t even opposed to meeting someone who was more criminally oriented, a new friend could be useful as he had found out pretty quickly..it was really all part of the game, as he waited, listening to hear foot traffic or carriage traffic on the main path, leaning against the stone ruins..

Time would only tell if the two ideologically opposed would meet in conflict or if they would share a civil discourse..
Sir Edwin Stormcrest

[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] D, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

With the clopping of his destrier's hooves, the free-knight Edwin galloped back from his latest quest, which took an unexpected end. Soon enough, the riding would take him to the Wapelin Woods. At first, the young nobleman had not noticed where he was, a place which had a fame for having the presence of bandits and all other sort of scum. However, as soon as the realization dawned on him, his expression hardened and the grip on his lance tightened even further.

Eventually, the path which his warhorse was galloping on would swerve into the woods, taking him deeper into it. He would find himself surrounded by the sea of bark and green, the sky barely being seen because of the canopy above. The more he delved into the woods, the more a distance landmark would become sharper in his vision. It looked like a ruin. The ruins were not the only thing that came into his vision, no. A tall man... was it a man? Edwin couldn't say, his appearance was something outwordly. As outwordly as what he saw during his latest quest.

And, despite how intimidating that person looked like, something tugged at the back of his mind, saying he should check what that was all about. The young nobleman decided to listen to it, riding towards the towering creature, lance held tightly on his hand still. "Greetings, stranger." Edwin began, his emerald eyes focused on the creature in front of him. "Are you waiting for someone or something?" Tilting his head slightly, he kept observing whatever reaction that would come from him.
Weather: Temperate, Cloudy

Location: Ryke, Wapelin Woods

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob


Languages: “Common”, “Abyssal”

As Edwin made his way farther down the path unimpeded, feeling the wind blow against him and seeing the relatively nice forest ambience and pleasant weather, It wouldn’t be long before the demon man would hear the horse down the road, knowing full well that might mean he’d have prey soon enough to face off against depending on how competent they were.

Thankfully Zolgen wasn’t waiting on the side of this path alone, he had his goblins not far off hanging out behind some partially destroyed walls awaiting further instruction for when a fight broke out.

But once again not unlike last time something arguably completely unexpected happened for the demon, he had what appeared to be a human of all things, one who was well off enough with a horse and a lance approach him Zolgen would reach for his sizable demonic cleaver blades to take off his back before pausing when he heard greetings stranger.

He wondered if this guy thought he was some Fae or something, it was only the explanation that made sense unless he met someone ELSE who was fine with monsters.

Instead of acting aggressively Zolgen would give the best disarming wave he could muster despite his otherwise intimidating appearance.

“Oh yes actually, you could say that.” He’d chuckle speaking very casually, much like a person would in common.

“I’m waiting to see if I can run into any friends here, or..perhaps people to fight with if they feel so inclined , you know it’s good to keep the skills sharp.”

He wasn’t exactly lying there, he mostly just left out the part where he had actually been waiting for prey, which he hadn’t entirely decided yet if he should lash out with the element of surprise or not and have something to feed off of when all was said and done. Part of it would depend on how agreeable this newcomer was.

“The name’s Zolgen, and who may you be? Any reason in particular for passing through?” The demon asked, quite used to talking to people in this way between his past life and this current one where he had ingratiated himself with plenty of non monsters if only temporarily. He decided to be chill for the time being and see how things went.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Edwin kept his eyes trained on the man in front of him, if he were a man, that is. The striking charred and exposed flesh, many scars present upon his body along with the skull-looking head, which he hoped it were some odd helmet, rather than the creature’s actual head. If he was a Fae, it wasn’t like any he had seen before. Maybe an errant Construct? That could be it. Still, despite all of it, the disarming wave which creature gave him found some purchase, making the blond-haired knight appear to be more at ease.

“While I would say that normally this is a strange place to wait for friends… well, I made my way into here. I suppose it is possible… and I am not one to judge.” He offered first, a small smile making its way into the young knight lips. “Heh, with bandits showing up around here, sometimes, I bet it is not that hard to find a fight, even if it won’t be in agreeable terms. That or the occasional pack of monsters.” He added to it, his emerald eyes swiping the area around them for a moment, looking if any of those he had mentioned, either bandits or monsters, could be around the area, clearly unaware of Zolgen’s nature.

“Nice to make your acquaintance, Zolgen. I am Sir Edwin of the House Stormcrest, a free-knight at the moment. I am back from a quest, in the Forbidden Woods, that took an unfortunate turn of events… I got separated from my group.” The young nobleman would let out a deep sigh, the grip on his lance tightening. “I was heading back to my family’s estate in Ryken. However, knowing the fame of this forest, I’ve decided to check it out, just in case.” He concluded, appearing to be not aware of anything amiss for the moment.
Weather: Temperate, Cloudy

Location: Ryke, Wapelin Woods

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Language: "Common", "#Abyssal#"
Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Zolgen would have grinned if his skull was capable of showing such a facial expression. Oh yes, this one was good..very good. "Right, If there are nice guys like you making your way through here, there are sure to be others. I've been rather fortunate in who I've encountered lately..plenty who have been willing to overlook my..less than conventional appearance."
The way he said pack of monsters so casually suggested to Zolgen that the young man hadn't caught onto the fact that Zolgen was in fact a demon who was very much one of the monsters he was speaking of, one who had a small pack leading after him at that too.

"Oh a noble? House Stormcrest, well hello then Sir Edwin, It's a pleasure to meet you." He'd give a friendly enough bow, before standing back up. However when Zolgen heard that the knight was coming back from a question and that he had been separated from his group The demon could practically feel his corrupted heart pound with a beat of excitement, this was a prime target to get a good fight in with..and if he wasn't strong then he'd certainly make good prey, maiming or even killing a Noble should earn him a nice title which would force other monsters to recognize his abilities.
"What a coincidence you should mention being off on a quest, I was actually on one myself helping some friends slay demons, it was a most dangerous quest! Thankfully I survived. It's nice to see you made it out alright too." He chuckled darkly, still being as friendly and casual as ever.
"You know funny thing that is about friends and allies, it's always good to keep them close when you can..you never know what dangers lurk around you and when you may need them..."
After Zolgen finished that somewhat ominous sentence, suddenly he pulled out his Demonic Cleaver Sword #1 and Demonic Cleaver Sword #2! Before just like that he was attacking Sir Edwin! Clearly trying to strike him right down, a traveling slash of silvery energy leaving his first blade, and if it connected the second would follow up immediately after.
Going right into an Advanced Demonic Traveling Twin Slash D!

Not even speaking to the one he attacked, he'd quickly call out to his goblin subordinates who were hiding in the nearby ruins building still awaiting for his word.

"#Goblins Show him what monsters can do! Attack!#"

Goblin Javelineers
Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 11.47.32 PM.png
Five or so Goblins would quickly run out brandishing their Javelins and bee line their way over to Edwin, All five of them would encircle him and attempt to stab him with their Long Thrust ability. Some of them appeared to making frenzied sounds which suggested their excitement at getting to try to kill and take from someone they finally seemed to have an advantage on.

Goblin Actions:
1. 1#-#5
Move to Encircle Edwin staying about 7 Ft away.
2. 1#-#5 try to attack Edwin with

Long Thrust - Fighting Style Gobbish Javelineer F, Ranged F
Goblin Javelineer attempts to strike single target up to 10 ft away in front of them. Grade F - 0 post cooldown X5

Zolgen Actions:
1. Use Advanced Demonic Traveling Twin Slash D on Edwin.
Advanced Demonic Traveling Twin Slash Fighting Style Fiendish Twin Blade D, Linked F, Range F, Selective F, Energized D -Grade D- 1 post cooldown.
Zolgen slashes his blade at a single target sending forth a traveling slash, can strike a target up to 10 ft away in a 10 ft x 10 ft box front of him, if first traveling slash connects he quickly follows up with a second.
2. Command Goblins to Attack.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Endless Despair - BlazBlue

The young nobleman watched Zolgen curiously, a blond eyebrow raising slightly, before relaxing once more. “I am not one to judge appearances either,” he added, noting the demon's uncanny appearance. And as Edwin was about to tell Zolgen that formalities were not necessary, it was already too late, the male had already given him a friendly bow, which the free-knight returned in kind with a nod in acknowledgement.

A small smile would make its way onto Edwin’s lips, as Zolgen remarked that he too had returned from a quest. “Thank you. If everyone who is capable do their part, these demons and monsters won’t prey on the weak and defenseless.” He remarked, further confirming his own chivalrous nature.

However, as Zolgen continued to speak, the young knight’s eyebrow would raise once more. His mind began parsing through every word, finding them nothing short of ominous and mysterious. “What do you…?!” Yet, before he could finish his sentence, the creature in front of him was already drawing their massive cleavers and launching an assault against him.

Edwin’s expression changed drastically, eyebrows furrowing, teeth clenching, hardening with the sudden attack. While he couldn’t amount a counter-offensive at that very second, he braced for impact, blocking¹ the attack the best he could. However, Zolgen’s [Advanced Demonic Traveling Twin Slash D] severely weakened his plated armor, forcing a grunt from Edwin’s mouth upon impact.

The young knight’s warhorse would neigh loudly from it, front legs rising up in the air and knocking Edwin off it. There was a small silver lining to it, as the lancer would end up thrown, on his feet, towards two of the goblins who moved to surround him, giving him the necessary reach to try and attack them.

With sweat forming on his forehead, his expression still a pained one, Edwin eyed the goblins, which now were the ones lunging towards him with their javelins. Outmatched and outnumbered, Edwin felt fear and despair gnawing at the back of his mind, but he refused to let it paralyze him.

Plans were made, the course of action was clear: he had to deal with the five goblins before he had a sliver of chance to escape this predicament. And, with those thoughts on his mind, he braced himself, griping his lance with both hands. His armament crackled with electricity, energy swirling through its metallic length. With a swift motion, he counter-attacked² ³, thrusting the weapon viciously into the core of two nearby goblins.

Yet, despite whatever valiant stand could have amounted to, Edwin would soon feel three sharp, burning pokes against his torso. His, already damaged, plate armor would be no match for the group attack, the tips of the javelins piercing through metal, chain and finding his flesh. A gurgle would leave the young nobleman’s throat, not even allowing for a pained cry, accompanied by blood which left his mouth and slowly oozed towards the front part of his armor.

And, as the javelins receded from his form, the bleeding would only intensify, more of his crimson vitae spurting from the holes in his armor. Strength would leave Edwin’s form, legs giving out, as he fell face-first towards the ground, his lance falling just a few inches from him. With his plans shattered, his emerald eyes would slowly begin to lose its brilliance, so many thoughts flashing in rapid succession through his mind. He had failed his family, he had failed his cause… he had failed his sister.

The tongue shriller called for him, his existence currently as death’s door. A trembling, gauntleted hand tried to reach for his lance. Tears of self-loathing, hatred, anger and disappointment streamed down his face. At that moment, in the jaws of death, so close to the Grim Reaper’s scythe, he would take any bargain and make any compromise.

1 - Block - Vitality C + Heavy Armor D
2 - Thunderous Lance Impale E - Fighting Style [Lance] E, Technique Core Blight [Lightning] F, Technique Core Continuing [Electrified] F - Grade E Cooldown 1 - Sir Edwin thrusts and impales his lance deeply into the target, delivering both lightning damage on contract, as well as electrifying them, further dealing more lightning damage. Can also be used on horseback.
3 - Thunderous Lance Impale E - Fighting Style [Lance] E, Technique Core Blight [Lightning] F, Technique Core Continuing [Electrified] F - Grade E Cooldown 1 - Sir Edwin thrusts and impales his lance deeply into the target, delivering both lightning damage on contract, as well as electrifying them, further dealing more lightning damage. Can also be used on horseback.
Weather: Temperate, Cloudy

Location: Ryke, Wapelin Woods

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob


Language: "Common", "#Abyssal#"

The demon man might have smirked if he was capable of producing such an expression on his face, the irony of the words doing their part to stop monsters like himself from targeting the weak and helpless, Truthfully Zolgen had already been on monster raids where he had done just that.

However it wasn’t long after that the demon man and goblins had attacked, while Edwin was outnumbered and there was a great deal of force behind the demon’s strikes he did fight back as effectively as he could given the situation which was commendable.

While Zolgen enjoyed praying on the weak he also enjoyed engaging in combat with the strong, it was something which excited him and which made his corrupt demonic heart pound.

When his strikes hit Edwin’s armor he let out a cackle.

The goblins looked and sounded like they were getting into a violent frenzy as they could be heard getting into a frenzy of sorts, however some of them would not be so pleased for long as the youthful noble knight let out some powerful strikes of his own even after he was thrown of his horse.

Edwin’s lance pierced through two of the goblins like a knife going through temperate butter as they were electrocuted and perished, Zolgen upon witnessing this had very little empathy, even if some of the other three goblins were nervous, the demon man saw the goblinoids as little more than slaves for him to subjugate after he had killed their captain, and as far as he was concerned they had served their purpose when Edwin was on the ground bleeding out.

The remaining goblins would then move in and viciously, and sadistically stab Edwin again while he was downed, Zolgen would make his way over and has he tended to do, after having the goblins remove the armor that could be salvaged, as well as the lance, wanting to perhaps steal what could still be used.

“Thanks for the fun. I’ll be taking all of this as collateral for the goblins you killed.” he replied, before he looked to the ground around Edwin and began to carve into the ground near his body with his blades “The Wild Hunt” as a sort of tag to show who was responsible.

“#From this point onward, I declare the Wild Hunt is operational.#” Soon afterward Zolgen would walk away from the area with the goblins, leaving Edwin dying with his equipment stolen.

However when Zolgen and the others were a good way away..suddenly a dark miasma began to fill the air and a figure appeared.


“Well you look like you could use another hand!” A somewhat almost nefarious sounding giggle could be heard as a strange woman appeared with long hair..horns and certainly a fantasy look.

“Not ready to die yet? Why don’t you make a deal with me then a contract? The name’s Alphet! All you have to do is let me enter into a contract with you, I could really use another source of a vessel as I’ve grown weaker over the years..You don’t have to disappoint your family! Who knows maybe you can do something great with yourself, get your arm back too! I guess it’s either that..or die and find out what that’s like! The choice is yours Edwin!”

It would be up to Edwin if he’d accept this other realmy questionable figure or if he’d accept his death.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #6bcdfa

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Lying in a pool of his own blood, Edwin’s hand kept trying to fruitless reach his lance, until his equipment had taken away, the last sliver of palpable hope completely disappearing. The dying free-knight couldn’t even muster the strength to utter a single word, Zolgen and his goblinoids leaving young nobleman’s broken form amidst the sea of bark and leaves.

With the cold embrace of death slowly wrapping its ghastly arms around him, the baronet’s gaze had already become foggy, his sight now only seeing blurs of brown, light and green. He fought with everything he had to keep his consciousness, eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. Deep down, Edwin knew: if his eyes closed then and there, his slumber would be eternal.

And yet, despite the amounting graveness of his predicament, a different voice had reached her ears, and it took everything he had, in that very moment, to parse the words that reached him. An equally Herculean task was for the young free-knight to simply tilt his neck and focus his gaze towards the source of the voice.

He would stare towards the blur, barely making out Alphet’s shape, his now vigorless and almost lifeless emerald eyes locked on her. They were already half-lidded, the tongue shriller’s voice, which whispered within his ear, competing with her own.

The idea of giving up, surrendering himself to fate had an allure of its own. The pain he felt coursing through his body was nothing short of excruciating, nerves flaring non-stop. If this new figure had not appeared at such an opportune time, much to Edwin’s dismay, the Reaper’s offer would have been either accepted or imposed.

Yet, now that an opportunity presented itself, to survive and escape the grisly fate who waited for him, brought by his own ignorance and ineptitude, his very soul refused to give up. While his fading consciousness could not exactly comprehend all the ramifications of the offer being presented to him, this questionable figure was his lifeline, his only and last hope.

Mustering every bit of strength he could, his lips parted. His labored breathing causing him to wheeze, lungs most likely had been pierced during the assault he withstood. “I… accept…” Edwin managed to utter, his weakened voice in a tone barely above a whisper, a thin, sliver of blood running down one of the corners of his mouth.
Weather: Temperate, Cloudy

Location: Ryke, Wapelin Woods

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

The demon man was a distance away from what was transpiring at the moment, moving with his remaining goblins back to the cave base of operations to replenish his goblins and store the newfound loot, perhaps getting ready to take out some other people along the way for further ambushing, feeling quite confident about himself over all in working steps toward establishing The Wild Hunt as a proper monster alliance which would be able to make a stand against a world which would largely prefer if they were all dead.


“Hehe~, I knew you would be smart and take my offer!” Alphet stepped closer to the dying Edwin, her shadowy silhouette growing larger in his unfocused eyes. “Now, just relax and let me do my thing!” Her eerie and happy voice continued to reach his ears as she began preparing herself.

Alphet raised her hands, dark energy swirling around her fingertips. She started to chant in a strange, guttural language, the words echoing with an otherworldly resonance:

"Vorna thul'si, ek'raem dra'ak. Kel'nor fythra, elen'thor kaath."

As she spoke, the ground around Edwin began to tremble, and a dark, somber energy started to gather, forming a swirling vortex above him. The shadows seemed to come alive, writhing and twisting as if in response to her incantation.

"Fyr'zael kor, en'thral darak. Ael'vor nath, su'raem tar'kal."

The energy descended upon Edwin, enveloping him in a cocoon of darkness. He felt a strange sensation, a mix of pain and relief, as the energy seeped into his wounds, knitting flesh and bone with a cold, unnatural precision. His body began to change, growing older, his features becoming more somber and hardened.

Edwin’s consciousness started to fade, pushed back into the recesses of his mind. He could feel a darker presence emerging, taking control, its thoughts and desires intermingling with his own. The pain and fear were replaced by a cold, calculating resolve, a thirst for power and vengeance.

As the ritual neared its climax, Alphet’s chant grew louder and more intense, the energy around them crackling with raw, dark power.

"Kel'nor fythra, elen'thor kaath! Fyr'zael kor, en'thral darak!"

With a final, thunderous word, the energy surged into Edwin, completing the transformation. The dark cocoon shattered, revealing a changed man. Edwin’s eyes opened, now a deep, glowing crimson, reflecting the darkness that had taken hold within him.

As he stood, a dark, pitch-black plate armor adorned with skull embossing was conjured around his body. A crimson cape flowed from his shoulders, and a closed helmet, topped with protruding crimson horns, materialized, encasing his head. The armor exuded an aura of malevolent power, completing his transformation into a fearsome, dark knight.

He stood, his posture more rigid and commanding, a sinister aura emanating from his very being. The youthful innocence and chivalry were gone, replaced by a darker, more ruthless demeanor. Edwin, or rather, the new entity that had taken his place, looked down at Alphet with a twisted smile, hidden behind the helmet.
Last edited:
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated] Color - #0E0101

On his feet, the piercing pale, blue eyes would focus on Alphet, mirth dancing behind them, hidden beneath the helmet he now wore. "What a gift have you bestowed on me, Alphet." His voice now rumbling and deep, much different of how soft-spoken he was previously. "So many wonderful things I have planned... like revenge on that aberration named Zolgen." A soft chuckle escaped his lips, the free gauntlet opening and closing, feeling the new surge of strength within him: more potent, more vicious, more... brutal.

"That will come another day, however. Wouldn't want to waste this second chance you provided me." Showing deference to his benefactor, Edwin approached her, kneeling down. Tipping his helmet slightly upwards, to reveal his lips, he would next take her left hand with his right, bringing it to him and planting a kiss on the back of it. "I shall take care of this vessel and make it powerful, peerless. You will have a source of much stronger than you imagine." Those words were spoken with clear and utmost confidence, leaving no room for doubt. Releasing her hand, he would fix his helmet in place once more, before rising up.

"With that, I shall take my leave. Until we meet again, Mistress Alphet." Edwin said, before turning around, the crimson cape on his back fluttering as he began making his way out of the forest. As if born once more, he was a new man. What remained to be seen was what of his humanity was left after the sacrilegious rite.
Weather: Temperate, Cloudy

Location: Ryke, Wapelin Woods

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

“Oh my! Such a forward gesture~” The demonoid would giggle and coo a bit when Edwin Kneeled and took her hand planting a kiss on the back of it, it looked like a soft blush appeared on her face at that.

“I’m pleased to hear that you like it, I think you’ll find it more than satisfactory for your needs. And revenge? Well that’s certainly a goal to work toward! Even if it would be mighty fun to watch you go after him now, you should..be careful should you end up fighting against that one. He..has a lot of potential..there’s something different than others I’ve met..point being if you can get him out of the picture it’ll be safer for the both of us.. More importantly the full extent of what I’ve given you won’t actualize unless you put in the work to make it so, but Perhaps it’ll be the fuel needed for you to take full advantage of the gift you’ve been given.”

“What I will also say is that you should look into investing into ways to…mask what I’ve given you in those settlements particularly when it gets stronger..but I’m sure you already knew that, It’ll make getting around much easier than having to bash the heads in of some silly guard every time an orb appraises you. "

“And of course I’m sure you’ll use it well I’ve been around for a long time and like to think I have a good idea of determining potential.”

“Very well then, goodbye dear Edwin, I can assure you I’ll be much closer than you think now that we have this special connection~”
She’d giggle with suggestion in her voice, as he made his way out of the woods.

By this point Zolgen was fairly far off, as it was really unknown just how much time had gone by when Edwin finally regained fully consciousness and power but it was safe to say the demon man was off preparing the hunt..where Edwin Stormcrest would end up now was anyone’s guess, but he would need to be careful in who he revealed this new power too and what he did with it, as well as the costs associated with getting a dark power such as this.
Narrator Note: Thanks for joining this smaller side RP! Glad we both got something neat out of it.

Narrator Reward Suggestions: (Do not add any of these to character sheet until confirmed by grader mod)
Edwin Stormcrest:

Optional title acquired - [Power Within]

Through one reason or another, character has gained a great power with high potential within themselves. More attuned and perceptive types will likely notice this power and will respond accordingly depending on the nature of the power acquired.

Optional title acquired- [Wild Hunt Leader F]
The self declared leader of the Wild Hunt Faction. A faction which currently only exists in name, character and minion membership alone. Character will need to bolster the membership, reputation and assets of Wild Hunt Faction for the leader title to mean much of anything to anyone.

Mandatory Grade of criminal title Abuser

Mandatory Grade of criminal title Thief

Mandatory Grade of criminal title Vandal

Narrators Involved
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Narrator Standing

Iberis Odhir S Grade (633 points earned)

Summary of the Roleplay

Sir Edwin Stormcrest was separated from his group after questing in the Forbidden woods and was heading back to his family’s estate.

Unknown to him the monster Zolgen was lying in wait to ambush travelers in the Wapelin Woods.

During their initial encounter Zolgen played himself off as a friendly if albeit unfortunate looking non monster treed person who was waiting for “friends”

When the opportunity struck and Edwin wasn’t expecting it, Zolgen brutally attacked Edwin, he then used his Goblin minions who were lying in wait to team up attack Edwin who was only able to successfully deal with some of Zolgen’s attack and some of the goblins.

Ultimately he was left on his near death bed, Zolgen and the goblins stole some of Edwin’s gear and Zolgen left a message in Abyssal announcing to the world that The Monster Wild Hunt was declared founded near Edwin’s dying body before he left.

However after Zolgen left, a dark figure, the demon Alphet sensed the dying Edwin and his desperation to live so she offered him a dark contract for part of her power and the gift of life in exchange to serve her when called upon.

Goal Achievement
Yes, goal for RP was for characters to meet each other and work toward something we both wanted ooc. For Zolgen attacking and doing monster things, plus declaring the Wild Hunt faction a thing.

Edwin undergoing changes.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated


Abuser, Vandal: (
For abuser intentionally Mislead in order to disarm and do serious bodily harm, Vandal because attacked horse and damaged other property like armor unprovoked)

Finished - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] The Wild Wapelin Woods

Thief: (Stole armor and weapons off of Edwin's body with goblins)
Finished - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] The Wild Wapelin Woods

Lore to Establish

Partial Participants

Partial Participant Invaders

Full-Time Participants
List all full-time participants, including:

Sir Edwin Stormcrest @Maxxob

Zolgen TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Characters with Point Boosters

Recommended Titles

Edwin Stormcrest:

Optional title acquired - [Power Within]

Through one reason or another, character has gained a great power with high potential within themselves. More attuned and perceptive types will likely notice this power and will respond accordingly depending on the nature of the power acquired.

Optional title acquired- [Wild Hunt Leader F]
The self declared leader of the Wild Hunt Faction. A faction which currently only exists in name, character and minion membership alone. Character will need to bolster the membership, reputation and assets of Wild Hunt Faction for the leader title to mean much of anything to anyone.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For
Wild Hunt Leader

Zolgen declared to the world that the Wild Hunt Faction for monsters exists after brutalizing a noble, to send a message.

Edwin Stormcrest:
[Power Within]

Character made a deal with a demon for life and enhanced power potential in exchange for service.

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles

[Wanted Demon Cultists] Criminal titles: [Murderer E] [Vandal E][Abuser F]

Hunters' Involvement

Hunters did not have involvement because Zolgen was not wanted by the demon cultists at the time this rp was complete and submitted for grading, he earned the title after the fact in a prior RP which was graded after this one being submitted.

Special Skills or Assets

Transactions Performed

Rules Utilized

Some rules: 3 Action economy, Abilities/skills do what say on tin, Effectiveness taken into consideration but not as extensively as an advanced world RP.

Character Sheet Oddities

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates

Depending on who finds Zolgen’s message there’s potential for increased vigilance in the Wapelin Woods for monster activity. Assuming the [Wanted] title is active even though he didn’t have the title at the time of the RP demon, could be good if Zolgen got a sense that he was being stalked by them, as it would tie in nicely for the current bad guy RP I’m running to go and hunt down the cultists in the very same woods at the time of writing this.

Narrator Bonuses

Additional Notes

Shorter side and to the point RP where both characters got something they wanted.

Novama Novama
Last edited:
Isekai Hell Grade

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob

This is nice. Even used system despite the outcome pretty much being concluded in advance. Very pleased with the developments. Good use of differing needs to drive common narrative. Linking characters to some degree this way too. A slight hitch to the plan due to an unforeseen prior rp outcome though.


In pursuit of Zolgen, or perhaps for other reason, a demon cult has been sighted and said to be operating in proximity of the Wapelin Woods. It is said this cult is fanatical about something called the Wild Hunt. As consequence, many corpses found in the area of animals and people are said to be their handy work in service of this ominous sounding cause.



Zolgen - 27pts
Mandatory Titles Acquired/Upgraded [Abuser E] [Thief F]

Sir Edwin Stormcrest - 20pts
Optional title acquired - [Power Potential]

Through one reason or another, character has gained a great power with high potential within themselves. More attuned and perceptive types will likely notice this power and will respond accordingly depending on the nature of the power acquired.

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