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Graded [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] Shadows of Malice Part 1


Language: Common | Abyssal
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece [Zolgen] | Develius Develius [Agrigore
Sitting comfortably on one of the branches within the Wapelin Woods, Glassia had certainly taken to this little spot, enjoying every moment like it could be the most blissful moment of one's life was important after all. Isn't it? The sound of birds, the sound of the wind upon the branches, the sound of the bugs which echo through everywhere? Nay, not only those beautiful sounds, the sound of screams, the horrible nashing of teeth upon flesh and bone, the sound of a spear piercing skin and the gush of blood from their various orfaces. Perchance, even the lovely sound of cries of despair, as one truly realizes their life has come to an end. Those sounds, could be just as wonderful to Glassia, if she felt in the mood. Of course, if the mood was there.

Her lashes fluttered, a thin smile upon her lips, or at least on the left side of their face where her lips existed. A sigh of pleasure escaping from out of her throat. As she rolled briefly upon the branch to look towards where the sound came from, the sight of the group in and of itself just barely in her vision at this moment. She couldn't help but giggle a little as her eyes set upon Zolgen, at that moment Glassia undoubtedly had some of her curiosity fulfilled already. A curiosity of what exactly? A curiosity upon the individual, the monster which called itself 'Zolgen', and what 'he' or however it saw itself to call itself was like. After all, Zolgen had plenty of fame to his name. To say he was known throughout every corner of this world… Would be a huge overstatement, but if you got around enough here in some parts of Ryke it wouldn't be unavoidable to hear of the strange happenings. She avoided making any judgement so far, there'd be plenty to still see after all.

And it was just as funny to see the mottle crew of individuals which carried together, to openly announce your attack like this, and recruit individuals who you had never met before potentially? Well it wasn't like the world was that big if you were dealing with folk willing to cooperate with monsters who took no time for a facade or anything of the like after all. As Zolgen and the rest of them approached the tree line where a totem stood, juxtaposed to the warm moist air here within Ryke, Glassia and Agrigore would come face to face with one another first. Looking upon the curious sight of this odd ensemble and beautifully curious creature of bone, scales, and teeth. “#Oh. Aren't you a fun looking one?#” She said, face to face with the odd monstrosity. Before quickly continuing as they looked towards Zolgen, “#Oh don't misunderstand something, I'm not one of the cultists. Just here to get a look at a special someone. Namely, you. So openly recruiting? It was quite entertaining to hear, got a good laugh from that. So what is this whole thing about, just a matter of feeling territorial? Or something else?#”

Curious to hear whatever this monster might say, whether truthfully or not at all, simply passing the time to sate her curiosity above all else. The most important thing one could do. The visage of Glassia itself was quite a curious one, but there certainly wasn't an air of brutishness, rather immediately a slight air of sophistication by the way they carried themselves. The way in which they dressed, and seemed to show a sense of care towards their own appearance. Compared to the indifference, or lack of such feelings that for example Zolgen, Draeyth and/or Agrigore might experience in a facet of what they are like. Their attention briefly fluttered across the others standing close by here, in particular to Naori. Though, as to what caught her attention? A wonderful question~
Location: Wapelin Woods, Ryke

Temperature: Cool

Time: Evening

Languages: "Common" "#Abyssal#"

Mentions: Develius Develius SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune FebruaryGemini FebruaryGemini Lolory Lolory Giftvi Giftvi


With all the guards killed in various ways Zolgen felt pretty satiated as the goblins regrouped with him. Unfortunately one of their javelins had been broken but fortunately otherwise the party was in great condition from what the demon man could tell.

He looked to Elvyra and gave her a nod at her words regarding collateral, he could see she was pragmatic.

He found her taste or lack there of for soldier blood to be intriguing. “hm..I truthfully hadn’t really considered the difference in taste, meat is meat as far as I’m concerned..but I will say I’ve found some to be more tender than others..” He’d chuckle a bit darkly while he watched her feed.

He also chuckled a bit when she said that they were on equal footing while pointing the gun at the Lady, that was certainly a sight.

With her describing the terms of them working together it seemed that Elvyra was ready to move on at that point.

What Zolgen hadn’t been expecting was just how Lady Turginev was responding to this whole ordeal.

He’d chuckle yet again

“My! I entertain Elvyra’s decision to keep you alive, even when I’d normally agree with Dreayth outright, I mean why keep those around who don’t have a common ground? And yet while having many of us who would just as easily kill you as swatting a fly and you stand here like you have any ground to negotiate!”

“Unless you have some great power which you’re holding back I hardly think you’re in any position to ask us where we are going and why! But with that said Naori’s humoring of your questions is accurate! I hope you don’t mind getting your hands dirty because where we’ll going I’d say it’ll be required..if you want to survive.”

Naori would find himself successful at taking Guard #3.

“Indeed isn’t it most curious how these nations try their best to stop us..but I have a good feeling they won’t be stopping us anytime soon on our bloody crusade.” Zolgen said with a somewhat chiling edge looking to Naori, he would have been grinning sadistically if his skull head was capable of portraying one.

Zolgen then nodded to Dreayth. “I agree it’s only fair, It was her idea to bring her along with us, I will say I won’t take too kindly either if this little experiment ends up backfiring..”

He’d make his way over to the fallen wanted image and pick it up. “You want this as a memento?” He’d snicker, then making his way over to Naori to offer it up.

With Agrigore making a tone of thanks Zolgen nodded,

“#Of course when it’s us against the world..it’s only right if we help one another feed.#”

Lady Von Turginev would likely find herself unnerved by the devilish glare utilizing [Intimidation F] from Agrigore

By the time the group met the converging paths with the icy totem, Zolgen looked to Elvyra, “Very well then, I’m fine with you, the fine lady, and Naori all going together You are all agile enough that you might be able to set up a flank on the encampment.”

#Very well Agrigore support from the trees should work well, “I take it you wouldn’t mind coming along with me, the goblins and Dreayth on a more direct route would you?#”

He’d propose to the other monsters.

It wasn’t long after this point that they would meet a certain newcomer nearby, Glassia.

Zolgen turned his skull head to them once they spoke, as did the Goblin Javelineers who stood on standby at the ready.

He’d look up at Glassia. “#As interesting as you think some of us look, don’t think that we’re willing to work with just anyone, I just don’t mind letting people have their little experiments and fun if it doesn’t get in my way all too much.#” He’d chuckle some at that.

“#So you aren’t one of them? That’s good, It’d be a bit of a shame to destroy something as pretty as yourself.#”

He’d then continue,

“#I’m afraid it’s not as simple as a territory dispute, You see I went to a realm of demons and helped Slay Lord Hasufer, demon nobility, and if you don’t believe me you can just appraise me if you’re capable of it.#”

“#With that said some of Lord Hasufer’s largely non monsterous to my understanding… mortal followers got pretty upset that I did this and they had the grand idea to interfere with my business, so my goal is to simply send them a message..that if they continue I’ll have no problem diverting my resources to snuffing out every last one of them if I have too if it isn’t clear after this what interfering with me entails..#”

Zolgen said again a bit coldly, before it turned into a bit of a snicker.

“#So what are you doing out here then? Just enjoying the woods? I suppose it’s a nice enough evening. I wouldn’t want to be presumptuous but I take it you don’t care much about our operations here? Many that I’d describe as “pretty” usually don’t..#” He’d continue a bit light-heartedly, at the fact that one no doubt could mistake Glassia for a monster themselves.

Even with this said he kept his blades out, encase they were being deceiving, Zolgen knew full well just because someone didn’t act outwardly hostile at first that didn’t mean they were friends.

As for the paths, the right most path looked more like a dense thicket of forest possibly better for stealth with terrain being albeit more difficult and the left path looked like it would gradually turn into a low ridge, from where the group was standing.

At least the boy had enough manners to answer her questions. And, with her questions answered, she was content to travel with them as 'business partners'. She clucked to her horse and rode along under Elvyra's gun. Her life had been sheltered enough that she hadn't yet heard of Lord Hausfer. She didn't even know if his people were responsible for the destruction of her family. This whole excursion could be a colossal waste of time. But even if it wasn't, even if his people were responsible, even if the man who had so brutally murdered her sister was there in the open waiting for her, this party probably wouldn't let her get close. Between the vampire and the two demons, they would tear her quarry limb from limb before she had the chance to properly enact her revenge.

As a noblewoman, she had been carefully instructed in the art of masking her emotions, but her heart wavered even before the demon in charge fixed her with his glare. Unfortunately, she couldn't leave now. As much wasted time as this could turn out to be, she would need to see it through. She felt her cousin's hand on her shoulder, reassuring her, and the horse beneath her walked on.

Mentioned: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Interactions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory SixSense SixSense FebruaryGemini FebruaryGemini Giftvi Giftvi Develius Develius
[Human], [Wanted by:detective Laiod], [Murderer F], [Abuser F]

He replied to Dreayth’s comment about killing because he felt like it, bluntly stating as the dead weight of the corpse hung over his shoulders.

“That would be one of the reasons I’m here.”

His voice empty and his face without expressionless he followed in suite, and staying truing to his side of the little agreement he made to Elyvra he kept an eye out for more threats, he simple gave a wave to the new comer. Whom he didn’t understand when they spoke due to the differences in language. Once making it to the pathways Naori said.

“One moment please.”

Before using walking closer in the middle of the pathways and used [Navigational Glance [E]] in attempt to decipher roughly the best pathway to take.

Ability used:
[Navigational Glance] Appraisal [E], Navigation [F]- appraises an area 5ft of himself in attempt to roughly gauge where to hear to next​
Narrator note: Thanks to all who have been with me so far. I know that the pace has been slower ooc with varying post rates but to all of those who have stayed with me so far, thank you. This RP will be continued in part 2. It's also notable that I'll be abroad from November 28th until about December 23rd which may impact how quickly I can do IH rp posts, but I'll have a better idea when I can get into the swing of things so to speak.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune FebruaryGemini FebruaryGemini Giftvi Giftvi Lolory Lolory SixSense SixSense Develius Develius

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