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Fandom Wands and Letters OOC

Yippee GIF by SKIPPY Peanut Butter
Hello everyone!!

optional discord and character sheet will be posted later today :)

One of my character's is going to be a Dursley so distant canon relation :)
I'm debating

Maybe a pureblood (maybe on the list) that firing the last wizard war went to ground ( muggle world) and kind of ended up staying. So a pureblood muggleborn

Second is a but more silly but likely a more normal wairch but has some issues with magic via wands(depending on year she might have an alternative) so is actully more physically trained or doing more physical training than normal

Also are you wanting photos or is more detailed art okay
I'm debating

Maybe a pureblood (maybe on the list) that firing the last wizard war went to ground ( muggle world) and kind of ended up staying. So a pureblood muggleborn

Second is a but more silly but likely a more normal wairch but has some issues with magic via wands(depending on year she might have an alternative) so is actully more physically trained or doing more physical training than normal

Also are you wanting photos or is more detailed art okay
I am open to realistic photos and even piccrew is okay!

Yeah should be good. If allowed am thinking of a Bones family character just waiting to see what age range will be with chosen characters.

Yeah should be good. If allowed am thinking of a Bones family character just waiting to see what age range will be with chosen characters.
Yep that is aloud!

I am doing a Dursley myself! - this will be interesting haha

I should have the thread posted tonight for EST people :) - But it shouldn't be too complex of a sheet.

And I will make an optional discord for tonight as well - but i will keep this thread updated too
Yep that is aloud!

I am doing a Dursley myself! - this will be interesting haha

I should have the thread posted tonight for EST people :) - But it shouldn't be too complex of a sheet.

And I will make an optional discord for tonight as well - but i will keep this thread updated too

Sounds cool and interesting

Alright cool! Should be good

Character sheets! Discord coming soon :)
Cool! Working on the character. Won't have it finished yet, but shouldn't be too long before he's done and later posted. Tomorrow or shortly there after at least I imagine barring any changes and unforeseen setbacks in RL.

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