Wanderlust - Out Of Character

Finals are coming up for me too plus my ten thousand projects are due. I had been planning to take care of relationships over the weekend but stuff popped up.

But tonight or tomorrow I'll reply and start requesting relationships. Thanks for the extra time and patience >.<

I've literally got like 24 days left of craziness and then my schedule will be even more free. :D
Celemyvel said:
Finals are coming up for me too plus my ten thousand projects are due. I had been planning to take care of relationships over the weekend but stuff popped up.
But tonight or tomorrow I'll reply and start requesting relationships. Thanks for the extra time and patience >.<

I've literally got like 24 days left of craziness and then my schedule will be even more free. :D
same, im in your boat at least till May 6th. Anywho, good job for being a newbie and stepping up for relationships. Since Ive done this before ive honestly been dragging my feet. If you initiated the brainstorming thatd be a real help for me and perhaps the other vets.
Sorry guys... I've been so past Finals for like ever but internet at my house has been really bad... and then there was a death in my family so I'm at my parents house which means... best to stay off the computer and socialize. I'll see about getting my relationships figured out and hopefully posted late this evening :)
I AM in no way rushing anyone, was just given dates to do things by several people, didn't mean to assume anything by that. I'm currently studying for my final (well taking a break to check in on this) so I understand. I'm just excited for the rp to start is all, didn't mean to offend ya'll.
RubyRose said:
Sorry guys... I've been so past Finals for like ever but internet at my house has been really bad... and then there was a death in my family so I'm at my parents house which means... best to stay off the computer and socialize. I'll see about getting my relationships figured out and hopefully posted late this evening :)
Sorry for your loss. No rush. Hope you feel better soon.
I won't be able to establish anymore relationships until this weekend or next Monday when midterms are over. I'll be able to reply if any relationships are being put out there. Sorry guys! And good luck with finals!
MittyMittens said:
I AM in no way rushing anyone, was just given dates to do things by several people, didn't mean to assume anything by that. I'm currently studying for my final (well taking a break to check in on this) so I understand. I'm just excited for the rp to start is all, didn't mean to offend ya'll.
There wasn't any offense on my side of things, at least :) I'm really excited for this too. I missed the relationship thing somewhere is all :P
I am super sorry for taking so long as well. I had plans to get things rolling with my head but things came up and I had to deal with them. Mostly just chores and work but still reality gets in the way. Dumb reality. I hope to get everything sorted out before I go on a little trip this weekend.

Which I also wanted to let everyone know in advance: I will be away from my computer from April 28-May 2 so I won't e able to really replay all that easily. I will have my phone and I think wifi but I will be flying to the Convention so I am not going to bring my laptop. Sorry for the inconvenience D: After this weekend I have no further plans though so I am free other then work.
Sorry for the delay folks.

I am very aware that this sounds like an almost parodic excuse - but there’s really only that much you can do when it really happens:

At around 10:10 AM(GMT+8) today I got hit by a car.

Yeah. I know.

I’m mostly alright, but will potentially be stuck in a legal/financial mess for a while. Depends. Wish me luck?

With that bit of unnecessary info out of the way, have the long-overdue, hastily written, but-at-least-complete history section on Daisy’s CS anyway. And also a few relationship prompts written on a late night brain (+ tea) and potential slight concussion, but I’ve decided to withhold them for the moment lest I regret them a lot later on (late night brain + tea).

The prompts don’t include everyone at the moment either, so I’ll also aim to have the list be complete by the time I post it tomorrow evening. I understand that many people are still occupied by finals and all, but should anyone have information they wish to toss my way beforehand, or wish to carry out discussions via PM (with inclusion of the GM in the conversation thread, of course), please do feel free to notify me.

Thank you all, and once again, apologies for the inconveniences.
eheu said:
Sorry for the delay folks.
I am very aware that this sounds like an almost parodic excuse - but there’s really only that much you can do when it really happens:

At around 10:10 AM(GMT+8) today I got hit by a car.

Yeah. I know.

I’m mostly alright, but will potentially be stuck in a legal/financial mess for a while. Depends. Wish me luck?

With that bit of unnecessary info out of the way, have the long-overdue, hastily written, but-at-least-complete history section on Daisy’s CS anyway. And also a few relationship prompts written on a late night brain (+ tea) and potential slight concussion, but I’ve decided to withhold them for the moment lest I regret them a lot later on (late night brain + tea).

The prompts don’t include everyone at the moment either, so I’ll also aim to have the list be complete by the time I post it tomorrow evening. I understand that many people are still occupied by finals and all, but should anyone have information they wish to toss my way beforehand, or wish to carry out discussions via PM (with inclusion of the GM in the conversation thread, of course), please do feel free to notify me.

Thank you all, and once again, apologies for the inconveniences.
I was not expecting at all to read that you got hit by a car. I pray you're alright and that there won't be man legal issues for you!

But I have some free time since I got some of my work done a lot faster than I had anticipated and went on ahead with thinking of relationships for the ones I didn't do. So those that are tagged, let me know what you think when you get the chance! No hurry, just wanted to do it before I got swamped again (which will be in like 30 minutes when I decide to go back to actually working).



Hey there! So for Leah, I’m looking over her sheet and I honestly don’t know what kind of relationship these two would have lol. Pip’s nature would probably throw Rapha off a lot and he wouldn’t really know what to say around her. In a way it’d be like she was bullying him without knowing she is if that makes sense xD . But Rapha also would be the one who wouldn’t mind explaining to her things she doesn’t understand when it revolves around the internet.

But this one is up to you.


Daisy, Daisy, Daisy… I love Daisy. I love her a lot.

I would like for her and Rapha to be on good terms if that’s okay with you. I feel like they could be something of close friends like Rapha is to Charlie because of her optimism. It would certainly keep Rapha in high spirits and I feel like she could bring him out of his shell at times. I can also see those two just having sessions together where they’d just go back and forth, spitting out random facts at one another just to do it.

As for a history I know for a fact that Rapha would totally have a crush on her at some point. If they do end up being friends I feel like his crush would be beforehand and possibly the reason they became such good friends in the first place. She might have found out and confronted him about it and the rest of it is history. I’m not sure if he’d continue to have the crush or not in the rp but that would just have to play out. But I def want them to be friends.


I am biased toward Rowen because she literally has the name of my school and for some reason that excites the hell out of me.

I love her character and I think her Rapha would be friends if not acquaintances. He would appreciate her artwork and whatnot and they’d probably be the ones that are polite to one another when they see the other. It’s like Ruby Rose, I can’t really make up a relationship between these two but I do know it probably wouldn’t be one that was negative.
Hello everyone! I hope y'all are doing well!

Just so y'all know, I'm a Music Ed major in university! So while I love my chosen path, and my classes are great...

It is currently finals week and I want to die.

So I'm going to be CRAZY busy these next two weeks and I hope y'all will be sympathetic!

I'm going to do my best to keep from holding y'all up and will have my relationships posted by this weekend at the latest!

Now, I'm off to go perform in concert x.x

Wish me luck!

@NessieAlways Jerlyin Riza Hazen

For the Jerlyin, Rowen friendship. I was trying to think they could perhaps have a fondness for batman. I can see Rowen having a rather geeky side, being an artist and into the animation field of study. Perhaps they share this love? Perhaps Jerlyin was walking the cafeteria and saw Rowen doodling a little picture of Batman and it just stuck. Not sure, your thoughts?

@MittyMittens Felice Finley Ferdinand

Rowen and Felice meeting at the bar and working together sounds like a good idea to me too. I was thinking maybe they are more work buddies. You know the person you are friends with at work but just never really talked to much outside of work. Not sure if that makes sense.

@JujuBee Raphael Biondi

That is actually super cool and totally accidental xD

I don’t think they would have a negative relationship either xD I could see Rowen and him getting along rather well.

For some reason I can see the two of them meeting the one day she is drawing and tells him to stop walking and to stand still. Random stranger to stranger. If he asked why she would just go on to say ‘you have this look I want to get for this character. Now shush and wait a moment.’ And just go back to her drawing of him for a few more moments. After she would finish she would call him over and show off the picture. Your thoughts?

@BrownBear Carlos ‘Charlie’ Jimenez

Carlos, I think would be a mystery to Rowen. His playboy ways unattahment to the women he has been with. She probably doesn’t like the idea of him thinking nothing will happen to him—the whole invincible thing may throw her for a loop.

I am unsure what you would think for the two of them meeting or if they could have some kind of past?

@SimplyMusiality Kieran Lucian Maddox

I think Rowen and Kieran would have the ‘my mother passed away’ to share. They probably never talked about it much—to sad. But I can’t see her disliking this boy. Probably really enjoys hi music and has full hope he will make it far in the path he has chosen. What do you think?

@Celemyvel Warren Charles Xavier

I think that Rowen would really like Warren. Like closet crush or something. He’s humble and loyal something I think she would enjoy. But I don’t think she could really act upon this—also he loves the sea. Something Rowen can agree on. As I have said before what do you think?

@RubyRose Leah Piper Phillips

Gotta say, red hair for the win!

As for anything else I am unsure how the two would interact. I feel they could either like each other or maybe dislike each other. They do share a love for some kind of animal but very different animals. What you think?

@FirePolaris Cage L. Smith

I think we have things pretty planned out unless you have thoughts about what I said earlier in a past post x3

OKAY. I don’t think I missed anyone. Hopefully my late night writing makes sense, if not I can happily try and explain what I meant.
Sasil said:
@JujuBee Raphael Biondi

That is actually super cool and totally accidental xD

I don’t think they would have a negative relationship either xD I could see Rowen and him getting along rather well.

For some reason I can see the two of them meeting the one day she is drawing and tells him to stop walking and to stand still. Random stranger to stranger. If he asked why she would just go on to say ‘you have this look I want to get for this character. Now shush and wait a moment.’ And just go back to her drawing of him for a few more moments. After she would finish she would call him over and show off the picture. Your thoughts?
Love it! Rapha would be so completely lost when she would say that but he’d certainly listen to her xD .

I could see her possibly drawing him a few times and every time he’d get nervous and just start spouting out random facts and she’d be like, “shush!” “Stop moving!” until he’d eventually get used to her needing him still and quiet.

Friends they are then!!
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Hello again.

Foreword on relationships in general: I do realize that Daisy’s history section was quite badly composed and that it goes on quite a few tangents, but on the other hand it does mention plenty of potential places and times she could have met another character before - track team, bands, parties and whatnot. I’m also totally open to rewriting bits of it if there exists something that’s close to workable but deviate from the ideal in only maybe a few minute details. Do message me if anything of that sort comes up? Please and thank you all.

Also: try as I might to piece together as accurate as an image of a character from character sheets and IC posts, should I still end up mischaracterizing the character or cite erroneous pieces of information, please do not hesitate to correct me! And apologies in advance for any such incidents, should they actually happen.

In order of sheets as posted in the signups tab:


Jerilyn @NessieAlways

It actually wasn’t until I re-read her CS that I realized how much Daisy had in common with her (my fault). Could be a good thing or a bad thing. I imagine that if they met each other it wouldn’t be hard for them to become friends in the first place - good ones even. 80’s music, antiques (probably one iteration in Daisy’s endless cycle of finding new obsessions) , engineering and stuff (Daisy isn’t particularly excited about computer science & engineering, but always nice to have someone to tell the inside jokes to, I guess?) - it won’t be hard to come up with an overlap. If you’re alright with it I’d wish to have them to be on good terms with each other, at least in the beginning even if it doesn’t last. Please let me know what you think about this?

I’m unsure how or to what degree Jerilyn’s clinginess will affect any further development since I’ve also read that Jerilyn’s been growing out of it? But for the record, Daisy’s default attitude to anyone is to act like she’s known them for years; and so there’s a potential illusion of Daisy having way more friends than she actually does, if that amounts to anything.

Regarding the circumstances of a possible first meeting: the first few I come up involve things like Daisy stopping by at Jerilyn’s computer store, or them wounding up sitting the same class together (but then this brings up the complications of which college who goes to and all), or things like Jerilyn just happening to be sitting next to Daisy in a coffee shop when an obscure dance pop track comes up in the background and they happen to both know the song. Morning jogs are something Daisy also does, albeit being much less committed to it than Jerilyn probably is, so there’s that, too. I honestly don’t find any of these ideas strikingly good, so I suppose I’m just tossing these out. Totally open to suggestions in this regard.

There’s also this anecdote that Daisy will consider Jerilyn one of those incredibly pretty people - with her style and the fact that she is almost never seen without makeup? Potential fashion fangirling target.

It is also important that Daisy refers to her exclusively as Batman - at least in the beginning. Unless someone stops her, that’s probably going to remain the case.

Felice @MittyMittens

I don’t know - I feel like Felice is a neat character in general, but from an in-character standpoint I actually think Daisy and her won’t get along too well (Seriously, “the color yellow” and “ditzy girls” are both explicitly on the list of things Felice dislikes.) After they become aware of each other’s existence it’s probably only a matter of time before Daisy goes too far and gets on Felice’s bad side.

Though, considering that Daisy is often one of the slouchiest people in the room, it’s likely that her social circle is mostly disjoint from that of the most beautiful girl around. That way perhaps a relationship is at least mutually neutral could be maintained.

I’m also intrigued by the fact that Felice and Jerilyn being very good friends. I write these relationship proposals pairwise, and at the moment don’t have nearly enough information to consider interactions between two or more pairs of relationships. Requesting input on this.

Raphael @JujuBee

Thank you for the suggestions!

Them being on good terms is something that is most possible.

Daisy will most certainly try her best to cheer Raphael up whenever she’s around him. This could have varying effects - it’s an important note that Daisy is much better at maintaining a positive outlook herself than she is at persuading other people to look at things the same way she does. Of all people, though, maybe Raphael will be one of those few who can see her good intentions behind all the questionable actions, and that’s probably a very cherishable thing.

There’s also that Daisy doesn’t particularly care if the conversation is coherent or not as long as words are being said and the people are having fun, and this might mean that Raphael will find himself more comfortable talking to her. I can also totally imagine the sessions of tossing random facts back and forth (although on Daisy’s side it’ll probably be only around 50% facts). Getting a strong “strange minds think alike” vibe out of this relationship, and I really like it.

I’m all for the crush being part of the history and/or how their relationship began. If anything, starting out liking someone makes one much more tolerant to their flaws, and that bit is likely quite important in ensuring Daisy doesn’t upset/unsettle him accidentally before a meaningful relationship can develop. In return: she’d probably consider him cute, in the “precious child” sort of way.

I’m not that sure about the confrontation though, it’d probably depend a lot on particular circumstances. Especially that neither character seems to be the sort to be good at maneuvering through this sort of relationship. How would you imagine Raphael’s reaction should Daisy ask about this at some point?

But yeah. Definitely friends.

Charlie @BrownBear

I remember reading about you preferring to discuss relationship details over PM.

I haven’t come up with a whole lot of ideas anyway. Would you prefer me to compile what I’ve thought of so far and send it your way, or should I instead anticipate a message from you?

Cage @FirePolaris

Ongoing discussion exists in posts preceding this one.

Kieran @SimplyMusicality

This is probably going to be a lot of fun.

From what I’ve read of his demeanor and personality I imagine him to be the sort of person that Daisy would approach and attempt to befriend upon meeting, if just because of that philosopher(?) aura around him - without question he’s someone Daisy will really like. The question is just whether that relationship is mutual, and frankly I’ll need to request your input on this because I don’t think I know him well enough to speculate.

If given the knowledge that he’s trained in piano performance, their first conversation will probably involve music. In which Kieran will have to endure the trainwreck that is what Daisy thinks she knows about about music theory. Whether this will 1.) facilitate a conversation with a few good laughs because Kieran finds this amusing or 2.) result in Daisy immediately offending him because she doesn’t seem to be taking his passion and profession seriously - I’ll have to need to hear your take on this.

Narrative-wise I essentially see them acting as each other’s foils, given the contrast in their behaviour and outlook. If they do end up in a relatively healthy relationship, I can see Daisy constantly trying to bring out his goofball side and countering his cynic remarks with incredibly happy ones. And maybe his more cynic/realist side will rub off on her somehow, and that’s going to be a good thing in that Daisy will at least sometimes have her decisions grounded in reality. I personally think it’d be neat if they end up friends somehow, but if that’s not possible I’d still wish there’ll at least be a neutral relationship?

Along with Jerilyn, Kieran is also likely on Daisy’s list of very pretty people Because just look at him. He’s gorgeous.

Warren @Celemyvel

Warren Charles Xavier. That is already enough to get Daisy very excited about this person because is that name even real. I can’t even imagine her reaction when she learns about the names of his siblings.

He seems like a very likeable guy so far - if allowed to, Daisy will be hanging around him if just for the puns and witticisms and drama. Will also ask him about the military or his childhood near the sea, but will probably be extra careful with the former once she learns of the PTSD issues.

I have the feeling that he’ll maybe be one of the people Daisy will exercise moderation in messing with, partly because he dishes out his own fair deal of melodrama, but mostly it may be that since he’s such a nice, humble person, she may actually feel guilt over bothering him too much and causing him trouble (yes, he may be a person that Daisy will thoroughly respect. Astonishing.)

Also, Daisy will likely fall in love with that cat plushie with sunglasses. That thing is priceless.

Piper @RubyRose

Once Daisy gets hold of the piece of information that Piper’s not very informed about pop culture and the internet, she’ll probably be trying to take every advantage of this to mess with her - things like making a joke or a reference and then providing reasonable but facetious explanations when asked, all for the sake of obfuscation. All the trolling and flame wars and false links and whatnot. I’m not sure how Piper is going to respond to this.

That Piper spent her childhood working at Miller’s Stables, and her affiliation with horses, will probably also intrigue Daisy much, mostly because Daisy is a thorough city kid.

There’s also Piper’s clear-cut morals and her ‘simple truths’, which will undoubtedly conflict with Daisy’s more chaotic, convoluted perception of things.

I think there are many ways this relationship could go, and would love to learn of your thoughts.

Rowen @Sasil

Before I try to suggest anything about relationships I just can’t resist mentioning that I find it incredibly amusing that there now exists a character in the role of The Art Savvy who also happens to have a Lenka song as her theme.

Coincidences and nostalgia over the first time I applied to this RP aside - Daisy will find Rowen quite likeable. She’ll probably see herself a bit in the “carefree spirit” part of Rowen’s personality, will find Rowen’s daydreams and fascination over jellyfish very interesting, and will greatly admire her because of her artistic talent (that one thing Daisy has none of).

The first thing Daisy learns from Rowen will probably be not to touch her hair. Depending on the day, Daisy may have the decency to ask first, so hopefully that isn’t something that puts them on bad terms right off the beginning.


Aaaaand I believe that is everyone. Hopefully. Many of these happened to drag out a bit, so please know that I greatly appreciate all of you for taking the time to read through this nonsense I produce.

I look forward to hearing responses from you. I am aware, though, that many of us are busy at the moment, so please don’t feel stressed to rush a reply!

Best of luck with whatever life entails for each of you, and thank you all.
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@JujuBee Yes! I think it would a fun relationship maybe she has him pose for a lot of her drawings or something when she needs help with some kinds of movement. After awhile she would possibly get used to his little splutters of trying to make conversation xD It would be awkward and awesome~

@eheu Hey! I hope you are doing well after the traumatic experience you have taken D: I can't even imagine what happened.

As for characters..I am so sorry I forgot you D; I feel terrible.

I can't believe that the person before me also had a Lenka song xD I didn't even know that.

Anywho, I agree. I think the two could get along rather well. If she touched her hair without asking she may get a lashing--but if she asked. Well, she may make an exception. After all, they did ask right? Unless when they first met and she did it without asking then yeah...Definet angry Rowen. I don't think it would cause them to much grief though maybe for a bit until they start talking or something.
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eheu said:
Hello again.
Along with Jerilyn, Kieran is also likely on Daisy’s list of very pretty people Because just look at him. He’s gorgeous.
I was going to look through all of Kieran's relationships before my teacher certification test but I got here late and don't have time! Dx

But this.

Yes. Just so much yes.

I had Kieran in my head and I was like hmm... Who's a guy who's like absurdly pretty? Not handsome... But pretty.

And I desperately searched for someone who was not Dan Howell... But he's just so perfect...

(And I'm meeting him and Phil in June and I'm literally dying on the inside. Just ask Nessie. She's probably tired of hearing about it. Sorry bae!)
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If Daisy were to ask Rapha he would definitely get flustered but he would eventually admit. He is shy but I’m sure he’d admit to it. But yes, if you like the history set up and their friendship then I’m happy you’re happy. :D


YESSSS! Success for those two!
Hey guys!

So I might have said this before, but finals are around the corner for me.

I'll be on and off most of the time just making sure interest is still here, but I probably won't be able to sit and type out decent posts until May 10 (my last day of finals)

After that day, I'll be more active!

I hope everyone is doing great!

For anyone taking finals good luck!

For now... I'll be roaming =)
@Sasil No I get you, definitely makes sense and we'll go with that then.

@eheu Felice is a deeper than she appears, though it takes some digging into her "resting bitch face/persona" to get down into it. And she's pretty laid back when is what Felice gets along with, ditzy to her is overly hyper shallow OMG valley girls. But if she's going to be great friends with Jerylin, they're bound to come across each other's paths quite frequently. Maybe they both tolerate each other at the moment, but as time goes on realize they have more in common than they think? But I think rping our characters together will be the defining thing with that.
Lordy, many apologies for the late reply! I'll get right to it, then!

@NessieAlways Jerylin Riza Hazen

Well, obviously, I think Warren and Jerylin would have nerd arguments about Marvel and DC or just need out over super heroes in general.

I think they'd either initially click and get along or have some occasional sassy comments for each other.

JujuBee said:
Warren- he’s really funny and I can’t wait to see what he does on this trip. As for his relationship with Rapha I would like for them to be amicable with one another. Raphael has a thing for reading so it can already be known that he’s read plenty of Shakespeare. If we have them close I could totally see Rapha helping Warren remember his lines as he practiced. If you have any ideas though please don’t hesitate to tell me!
I think they'd hit off a pretty solid bromance with the common interest(?) since Rapha has knowledge about Shakespeare , so I totally dig the amiable relationship. I love the idea of Rapha helping Warren learn his lines and maybe they'll be more sociable in that sense.

Do you think Warren would make a good wing man/pep talker for Rapha since Rapha helps him with remembering his lines?

MittyMittens said:
@Celemyvel I'm thinking maybe Felice and Warren know each other from taking an acting class at that community college together and became good friends. She would've taken it when she was involved with her modeling to better express emotions in her photos and what not.
Sounds good to me! Did you want them to be cordial enough, some tension, or those two people that just talked crap about their other classmates in theater in the background? xD I'm not opposed to different ideas.

Sasil said:
@Celemyvel Warren Charles Xavier
I think that Rowen would really like Warren. Like closet crush or something. He’s humble and loyal something I think she would enjoy. But I don’t think she could really act upon this—also he loves the sea. Something Rowen can agree on. As I have said before what do you think?
I agree. I think he'd be interested in her as well since they have interests in the arts of life (even though they differ). Maybe he would do the cheesy thing of asking her to draw him like one of her French girls or posing like Superman or something?

eheu said:
Warren @Celemyvel
Warren Charles Xavier. That is already enough to get Daisy very excited about this person because is that name even real. I can’t even imagine her reaction when she learns about the names of his siblings.

He seems like a very likeable guy so far - if allowed to, Daisy will be hanging around him if just for the puns and witticisms and drama. Will also ask him about the military or his childhood near the sea, but will probably be extra careful with the former once she learns of the PTSD issues.

I have the feeling that he’ll maybe be one of the people Daisy will exercise moderation in messing with, partly because he dishes out his own fair deal of melodrama, but mostly it may be that since he’s such a nice, humble person, she may actually feel guilt over bothering him too much and causing him trouble (yes, he may be a person that Daisy will thoroughly respect. Astonishing.)

Also, Daisy will likely fall in love with that cat plushie with sunglasses. That thing is priceless.
Oh, that'll be interesting to experiment with his reactions. He'll probably be used to it at first but maybe he'll try to tease her back or something to get her to stop?

It'd be great if they giggled over his wisecracks (as narcissistic as that sounds for him) and perhaps her. That sounds good with asking about his past; he'll do likewise out of curiosity. His PTSD won't be as evident as others initially but I think he's comfortable enough to ask if she wouldn't ask anymore questions if she goes over some lines (since talking about it can actually be therapeutic).

Haha, Warren will also appreciate the respect if it is to happen. I think he will respect her in the matters of her optimism and he'll find her crazy but in a good way since he's more open to characters and their dynamics (as an actor as well).

It would be hilarious if when they woke up and he found the plushie missing and Daisy has it.

@RubyRose Piper

Heya! I think Warren would want to talk cats emphatically with Piper since she's the animal lover. I also think they'd probably be one of those pairs that team up to prank/pay back some revenge if they've been done wrong. More ideas? Thoughts?


That's all I can muster since my brain is giving me the silent treatment :P

I'll get you last three tomorrow when I've got more time and mindpower! :D
Celemyvel said:
Lordy, many apologies for the late reply! I'll get right to it, then!
I think they'd hit off a pretty solid bromance with the common interest(?) since Rapha has knowledge about Shakespeare , so I totally dig the amiable relationship. I love the idea of Rapha helping Warren learn his lines and maybe they'll be more sociable in that sense.

Do you think Warren would make a good wing man/pep talker for Rapha since Rapha helps him with remembering his lines?
I am here for the bromance. I am here. I think Warren would make a pretty good pep talker for Rapha. I like to think that Rapha is that kind of cuddly squishy pup that enjoys getting positive attention so he would soak it all in xD . I would loe to se Warren try and play wing man too. I'm sure he would need it since Charlie is a wingman too and would be the one to force Rapha out there on his own while Warren would probably be the one to help Rapha and take it slow in steps xD .
Thank you all for the replies!

MittyMittens said:
@eheu Felice is a deeper than she appears, though it takes some digging into her "resting bitch face/persona" to get down into it. And she's pretty laid back when is what Felice gets along with, ditzy to her is overly hyper shallow OMG valley girls. But if she's going to be great friends with Jerylin, they're bound to come across each other's paths quite frequently. Maybe they both tolerate each other at the moment, but as time goes on realize they have more in common than they think? But I think rping our characters together will be the defining thing with that.
My initial concern was that there wouldn't be enough time to do that digging into the depths before a misunderstanding happens. But yeah, I agree with this - mutual toleration seems a reasonable state to begin in.

Relationships between Daisy/Jerilyn haven't really gone through discussion yet, but if they do end up becoming friends, then Jerilyn will indeed probably be most of the social overlap between Daisy and Felice, at least in the beginning. I suppose details in history (circumstances of first meeting, other anecdotes, etc.) will become easier to work out once things are finalized on @NessieAlways 's side?

Celemyvel said:
Well, obviously, I think Warren and Jerylin would have nerd arguments about Marvel and DC
Celemyvel said:
asking her to draw him like one of her French girls or posing like Superman or something?
I really only had time to read and reply to relationships that concern my character directly and had originally planned to fill in on all the other relationships later, but I skimmed the post, saw these two lines, and my day has been made. Thank you @Celemyvel.

Carrying on to business, though:

Celemyvel said:
Oh, that'll be interesting to experiment with his reactions. He'll probably be used to it at first but maybe he'll try to tease her back or something to get her to stop?

It'd be great if they giggled over his wisecracks (as narcissistic as that sounds for him) and perhaps her. That sounds good with asking about his past; he'll do likewise out of curiosity. His PTSD won't be as evident as others initially but I think he's comfortable enough to ask if she wouldn't ask anymore questions if she goes over some lines (since talking about it can actually be therapeutic).

Haha, Warren will also appreciate the respect if it is to happen. I think he will respect her in the matters of her optimism and he'll find her crazy but in a good way since he's more open to characters and their dynamics (as an actor as well).

It would be hilarious if when they woke up and he found the plushie missing and Daisy has it.
Teasing Daisy back will probably be interpreted more as a cue to intensify the messing around than a sign for her to stop, but well. Sounds fair enough.

Daisy appreciates jokes, bad puns, and over-the-top drama too much more than she should, so being around Warren will be something she can enjoy. Considering one of Daisy's life goals is to watch as many movies as she possibly can, I can also imagine snippets in their interaction that involve her actually getting some of the more obscure movie quotes he references, and him correcting her over the gross misconceptions she has about plots and characters (he needs to hear her explain her version of Shakespeare sometime. It'd probably be hilarious.)

I also have plans to have Daisy be one of the most ardent proponents of the idea that Warren is destined for stardom. In an entirely non-sarcastic way.

And yes regarding that last scenario. That plushie has so much potential as a comedy driving device.

Since I'm jumping into the RP halfway I'm actually yet unsure whether it'll be preferred/necessary to construct a history with the entirety of the rest of the cast? But I do consider it worthy of mentioning here that while their personalities go together rather well, I am having a bit of trouble finding a reasonable way for the two of them to have met other in the past, given their respective histories. Thoughts?
So I've been working on the relationships, had it all written out... posted a reply. Internet went down and I lost everything I was working on (I should have known to write it out in Word first >.<) So... I have internet again, and will write them out again just as soon as I have the spare time to do so... Sorry if I'm holding anything up... just... life. Can. Be. Very. Trying ^.^ And then you get over the bump in the road and things get better... but I'm still stuck at the bump.
Just to start off when I think if Piper I think of a girl who smiles and laughs often and who willingly goes up to talk to others because of curiosity. And there's a basic image of her when you first meet her; she's more then likely laughing about something and enjoying the day. Possibly telling stories about animals she's had to deal with and laughing at her own jokes.

JujuBee said:


Hey there! So for Leah, I’m looking over her sheet and I honestly don’t know what kind of relationship these two would have lol. Pip’s nature would probably throw Rapha off a lot and he wouldn’t really know what to say around her. In a way it’d be like she was bullying him without knowing she is if that makes sense xD . But Rapha also would be the one who wouldn’t mind explaining to her things she doesn’t understand when it revolves around the internet.

But this one is up to you.
So I see Piper (Leah) as being the type to be a bit chatty; especially when talking to someone new. She loves to learn and the best way to learn is to ask questions and listen to the answers (after all, when you talk all you do is repeat information you already know, other people talk and you may very well learn something new). So she would be the type of person to go up and talk to Raph... the real question is if their first impression would go well. If it did, then he'd probably find himself badgered with questions. Some that he may know, some that he may not... Overall, though Pip is a bit calloused about some of her opinions she tends to be pretty good natured and she seems nice most of the time.

Sasil said:

I think that Piper would find her weirdness off putting at first. She's never known the type of person who would do such silly things as make voices for animals... but eventually it would grow on her if she was around Rowen enough, the goofiness would grow on her and she'd start doing things like trying to make voices for animals for Rowen to respond to. Pip probably wouldn't be all that interested in peppering Rowen with questions, but she wouldn't avoid her unless given a reason (like if Rowen did something that could be seen ad beyond odd...). She would probably not help with Rowen's overthinking of things because Piper often over thinks things and questions it and talks about it and she doesn't see it as a negative thing but it very well could be.


[B]Piper[/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5025-rubyrose/"]@RubyRose[/URL]

Once Daisy gets hold of the piece of information that Piper’s not very informed about pop culture and the internet, she’ll probably be trying to take every advantage of this to mess with her - things like making a joke or a reference and then providing reasonable but facetious explanations when asked, all for the sake of obfuscation. All the trolling and flame wars and false links and whatnot. I’m not sure how Piper is going to respond to this.

That Piper spent her childhood working at Miller’s Stables, and her affiliation with horses, will probably also intrigue Daisy much, mostly because Daisy is a thorough city kid.

There’s also Piper’s clear-cut morals and her ‘simple truths’, which will undoubtedly conflict with Daisy’s more chaotic, convoluted perception of things.

I think there are many ways this relationship could go, and would love to learn of your thoughts.

Once Piper finds out that Daisy is the type to take advantage of her ignorance, she'd probably be careful about what she admitted to the girl. Then again, she may not even notice... she'd just take Daisy for her word until something told her otherwise and depending on the thing, she might think Daisy misinformed and explain to her. After the first time she may not go to Daisy with questions about things anymore; believing her to be wrong about possible more things. She would find Daisy interesting for the sake of her being a city girl, though, and may find reasons to talk to her about the differences out of her curiousness on what she missed out on and what Daisy missed out on not being a ranch hand. Overall I have a feeling they would have a love-hate relationship; moments where they get along and moments where Pip will be actively avoiding her.


[B]Warren[/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24045-celemyvel/"]@Celemyvel[/URL]

If Warren is gonna start talking Cats, Piper is going to start telling stories about the barn cats she dealt with growing up. She loves how independent cats are and their personalities... she can talk the day away about most animals, really; though her favorite will always be horses xD Although it's a close tie with snakes. She really loves snakes.

I do have to say, though, I don't think Piper is going to appreciate his womanizing ways... Some of her revenge pranks might just be pulled on him, though she would totally be glad to pull pranks with him as well.

[B]Jerilyn[/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6496-nessiealways/"]@NessieAlways[/URL]

I honestly don't see any reason why Jerilyn and Piper wouldn't get along. Seeing as Piper acts on the brighter side of life and Jerilyn seems like a happier sort of person. She'd probably be a bit thrown off by her spontaneity but after awhile find it almost endearing. Piper gets along with pretty much most people (in my head, at least; we'll see in the roleplay) and therefore I can see her finding Jerilyn's friendliness and her ability to charm and chat to be qualities that she would happily be around.

[B]Felice[/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/709-mittymittens/"]@MittyMittens[/URL]

I have a feeling Piper is going to be really judgemental the first time she sees Felice using her looks to get something she wants. She's never really been the type to like people who were like that just because she doesn't like the way people can take advantage of one another on something based purely on luck; you don't get to decide if you're attractive or not. At the same time Felice would probably be intriguing to Piper and though she won't think highly of the woman at first, I could see Piper still asking Felice questions and spending time getting to know her for purely inquisitive reasons.

[B]Charlie[/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7030-brownbear/"]@BrownBear[/URL]

Oddly enough I think Piper is going to have respect for Charlie... if nothing else because he was in the military, but also is overall strong bearing. He's confident without being cocky (Of course, Felice is as well, but Piper has seen those traits in women but not in men). She's probably going to tip toe around him a bit; not really afraid of him but possibly slightly intimidated. She wants to be a strong person, you see, and she knows when she sees true strength in others. The only thing she won't like is if his player ways become apparent; that would probably really diminish him in her eyes.

[B]Cage[/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16964-firepolaris/"]@FirePolaris[/URL]

I can see Piper being pulled into Cage's friendly and outgoing nature and would even attempt to be adventurous a bit when around him. She doesn't know much more about food then how to cook what she had been taught on the farm (stews, baked chicken, apple pies, etc) and will probably be a bit uncertain about trying out foods she hasn't heard of or can't pronounce. Still, Cage's nature seems to be a bit infectious and Piper will probably follow a bit along behind until he becomes reckless. Piper's more thoughtful approach has her thinking things through before doing them and she doesn't like taking actual dangerous risks (besides stuff like riding horses).

[B]Kieran[/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13001-simplymusicality/"]@SimplyMusicality[/URL]

Piper matches Kieran in being the type to think things through and I can see her consulting with him on plans and ideas that she isn't entirely sure about (say like 'would it be better to try out rock climbing or go swimming for the day, pros and cons of both choices' kind of thing). They'd also be laughing buddies; as caught up as she is with herself she still gets the giggles over silly little things, even poor jokes. She finds the attempt of the joke more funny then anything. I can see them getting along, truly... especially if Kieran's deeper thoughts ever extended towards the true intelligence of animals and plants.

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