Wanderlust - Out Of Character

RubyRose said:
Once Piper finds out that Daisy is the type to take advantage of her ignorance, she'd probably be careful about what she admitted to the girl. Then again, she may not even notice... she'd just take Daisy for her word until something told her otherwise and depending on the thing, she might think Daisy misinformed and explain to her. After the first time she may not go to Daisy with questions about things anymore; believing her to be wrong about possible more things. She would find Daisy interesting for the sake of her being a city girl, though, and may find reasons to talk to her about the differences out of her curiousness on what she missed out on and what Daisy missed out on not being a ranch hand. Overall I have a feeling they would have a love-hate relationship; moments where they get along and moments where Pip will be actively avoiding her.
Sound fair enough. I can see this working.

Just to clarify, Daisy isn’t a deliberate prankster. Most of the misinformation she generates could probably be identified quite easily as such (from the many inconsistencies and their blatant contradiction of common sense).

50% of things Daisy says that happen to not be true, she says them because she actually believes them herself. So when Piper comes back believing Daisy to be misinformed, there’s actually a pretty good chance that she’s right (though that doesn’t rule out the possibility of Daisy maintaining that her version was clearly the one that made more sense). On the other hand, if Daisy was consciously messing around in the first place, then expect an apology from her. An apology that also contains a lot of uncontrollable laughter.

So...in terms of having to “be careful”, there’s not that much Piper has to worry about; but still, I can see her finding it annoying even if she could tell when/if Daisy was messing around.

I really like the idea of them sharing stories of different childhoods and such, but as usual, Piper will likely have to prepare herself with the forward awareness that Daisy is a unreliable narrator, and even moreso when it comes to memories.

RubyRose said:
Just to start off when I think if Piper I think of a girl who smiles and laughs often and who willingly goes up to talk to others because of curiosity. And there's a basic image of her when you first meet her; she's more then likely laughing about something and enjoying the day. Possibly telling stories about animals she's had to deal with and laughing at her own jokes.
This is great.

Mental image of Daisy first meeting Piper is now her seeing Piper laughing about something and walking over to laugh with her. And then ask Piper what she was laughing about.
@BrownBear @Celemyvel @eheu @FirePolaris @JujuBee @MittyMittens @RubyRose @Sasil @SimplyMusicality

Hey guys!

So I was supposed to post this up yesterday after studying for a bit, but then I figured what if I just study all day yesterday and take today off so I can attend to my rps! That's what I ended up doing, so today I'll be catching up with you guys!

Okay I still have to answer to my ships, but by the looks of it they all seem pretty decent!

I'll give you more insight on my side of things in a bit =)

Everyone seems to either have your ships done or at least fleshed out enough to where your characters aren't complete strangers.

Good Job!

Okay now on to the second part.

Since we're continuing off on this RP and not exactly starting from zero, we need to find a way for the new characters to enter the story!

I'm leaving this up for the players to decide how they want their characters to be introduced.

Are they all going to be in a group and then casually meet up?

Will they be on their own and then bump into them?

Had they been planning to go all along, but had things to do and are now catching up with them?

Or Were they there all the time just really really quiet?

These are some of the examples I have, but feel free to come up with your own!

Use this time to discuss your ideas and possibly play out several scenes to see which would be the best fit!

Since I will be roaming around RPN trying to catch up, I might not be able to respond quickly enough so I'm leaving @MittyMittens and @BrownBear in charge for the time being.

@FirePolaris and @JujuBee will also be around to help you guys out and I'll pop in every so often to make sure world war three hasn't broken out ;D

If you absolutely need me send me a pm or tag me into a post and I'll respond ASAP!

I'll have my side of the ships up by today!

If you all have any comment questions or concerns feel free to ask any of the previous members. If they don't have an answer they can direct the question to me or you can just PM me!

Let's get this done quickly so we can begin!

Thank you all!

For Piper, at least, because I remembered about the discussion of this continuing and new things being introduced I was picturing that she was going on a trip on her own and then bumped into a group of college kids traveling...

I could definitely see it now like this:

Piper had every intention of going along on this trip with the others back when they were first planning it but an emergency cropped up at home and she didn't know how long she would be gone so she told them she'd have to catch them next time... and then the emergency was easier dealt with then she had thought it would be so she started the trip on her own, trying to catch up to the group that she knows fairly well but not as well as she'd like.

How does that sound at least?
I've got finals and my ten thousand projects going on for the next few weeks so I'm sorry for the lack of activity but I'll try to check in and catch up ASAP.
RubyRose said:
For Piper, at least, because I remembered about the discussion of this continuing and new things being introduced I was picturing that she was going on a trip on her own and then bumped into a group of college kids traveling...
I could definitely see it now like this:

Piper had every intention of going along on this trip with the others back when they were first planning it but an emergency cropped up at home and she didn't know how long she would be gone so she told them she'd have to catch them next time... and then the emergency was easier dealt with then she had thought it would be so she started the trip on her own, trying to catch up to the group that she knows fairly well but not as well as she'd like.

How does that sound at least?
Sounds good!!! Emergencies are a good way to have a past with us but just come along. I think this works.

I could see them discussing the questions that she asks. I think their first meeting would be awkward and funny because he wouldn't understand what was going on but they'd be able to get past it.
So I have my life together enough to respond to ideas already posted, but not to write new ones x.x So, I'm missing a few, but let me know what y'all think!

JujuBee said:


Hey! So one, I love Kieran way too much. I like that he’s quiet and this could go either way with Rapha. Since he’s more of an intense silent one and Rapha is more awkwardly sociable, they could either not be two that like each other. His seriousness could certainly throw my own character off and he’d be a bit hesitant to socialize with Kieran.

I can also see this working greatly for the both of them. Despite being with a group of wild youngsters (those darn youngsters) Rapha does like his quiet time and would love to be near someone he knew wouldn’t get all loud and crazy. I could see them being the two that sort of enjoy one another’s company without having to say a word, you know? Hopefully they’d be close enough for Rapha to hear his music. He’d love that.If you have any ideas though please don’t hesitate to tell me!
I like this! I agree with Kieran definitely being more intense quiet than awkward quiet, but I definitely see the two enjoying each other's silent company, even if they don't talk or have that much in common at face value.

MittyMittens said:
@SimplyMusicality Maybe Felice was eavesdropping on Kieran practicing piano in one of the practicing rooms at the university, stopping when she heard him rather than continuing on since he played so beautifully. He caught her listening in and he asked if it sounded any good, and of course she said it was better than good, and maybe he would ask her occasionally to listen to his pieces to see what the "everyday person" heard rather than other musicians and his professors?
I like this set up for how they met! Though Kieran isn't the type to stop what he's doing. In fact, it's highly likely that he wouldn't notice her presence until he stopped playing of his own accord. And his introduction would have likely been "Do you need something?" With his upbringing, Kieran doesn't believe socialization can exist without the desire for personal gain. But, he likely warmed up to her quickly. And while he doesn't generally ask around for opinions of his music (he writes to deal to handle his own mind, not necessarily for the opinions of others), she definitely gets an invitation to all of his recitals.

Sasil said:
@SimplyMusiality Kieran Lucian Maddox

I think Rowen and Kieran would have the ‘my mother passed away’ to share. They probably never talked about it much—to sad. But I can’t see her disliking this boy. Probably really enjoys hi music and has full hope he will make it far in the path he has chosen. What do you think?
I love Rowen! Since she's a bit of a goofball, I think she'd bring out the lighter side of Kieran. I think he'd definitely consider her one of his closer friends. I can also see Kieran possibly developing an infatuation with her, or possibly having had one in the past and she shot him down. Something about her art, her tattoos, her smile... She would definitely catch his eye and potentially become his muse. (At least until he moved on, which tends to happen. He's passionate, but endlessly fickle.)

eheu said:
Kieran @SimplyMusicality

This is probably going to be a lot of fun.

From what I’ve read of his demeanor and personality I imagine him to be the sort of person that Daisy would approach and attempt to befriend upon meeting, if just because of that philosopher(?) aura around him - without question he’s someone Daisy will really like. The question is just whether that relationship is mutual, and frankly I’ll need to request your input on this because I don’t think I know him well enough to speculate.

If given the knowledge that he’s trained in piano performance, their first conversation will probably involve music. In which Kieran will have to endure the trainwreck that is what Daisy thinks she knows about about music theory. Whether this will 1.) facilitate a conversation with a few good laughs because Kieran finds this amusing or 2.) result in Daisy immediately offending him because she doesn’t seem to be taking his passion and profession seriously - I’ll have to need to hear your take on this.

Narrative-wise I essentially see them acting as each other’s foils, given the contrast in their behaviour and outlook. If they do end up in a relatively healthy relationship, I can see Daisy constantly trying to bring out his goofball side and countering his cynic remarks with incredibly happy ones. And maybe his more cynic/realist side will rub off on her somehow, and that’s going to be a good thing in that Daisy will at least sometimes have her decisions grounded in reality. I personally think it’d be neat if they end up friends somehow, but if that’s not possible I’d still wish there’ll at least be a neutral relationship?

Along with Jerilyn, Kieran is also likely on Daisy’s list of very pretty people Because just look at him. He’s gorgeous.
Kieran is definitely under the assumption that Daisy is borderline insane. Though this doesn't mean he dislikes her, just that he can only handle her in small doses. As Kieran is an all-around intense person and a cynic, Daisy can be exhausting. Their initial conversation probably resulted in Kieran giving her a raised eyebrow before continuing on his way, opting not to bother with her. (He's a generally busy guy.) They probably spoke again through mutual friends, and it tends to be how they interact, though Kieran isn't 100% opposed to time spent with her and her alone. (Probably close to 78%.) Though it's possible a closer kinship could develop... We'll have to see how it plays out!

And I don't object to his place on her list of pretty people! xD

RubyRose said:
Kieran @SimplyMusicality

Piper matches Kieran in being the type to think things through and I can see her consulting with him on plans and ideas that she isn't entirely sure about (say like 'would it be better to try out rock climbing or go swimming for the day, pros and cons of both choices' kind of thing). They'd also be laughing buddies; as caught up as she is with herself she still gets the giggles over silly little things, even poor jokes. She finds the attempt of the joke more funny then anything. I can see them getting along, truly... especially if Kieran's deeper thoughts ever extended towards the true intelligence of animals and plants.[/user]
I could definitely see her being really close to Kieran! they have a similar grounded outlook, even though it developed in different ways. They're also both generally intense and deep thinking people, and I could definitely see them talking about them. She's probably the closest thing he has to a best friend.
I promise I am still here peeps o3o I am just going to have breakfast and I will respond to people :)
Okay I am going to try and get to all the posts I have missed over the past few days.

(Perhaps a week even? Emg I am so sorry D: )


I think him asking to draw him like one of her french girls would cause her to laugh and she would probably do it xD Superman too. (Closet nerd bro. ) They could have met somehow with the arts, maybe she helped paint back drops for one of the plays he was in.


Hmm, so maybe they are acquaintances then. They wouldn't hate each other but they don't seem to be the best of buds. If any kind of comment was thrown her way she would definitely start to over think it and perhaps just thinking that causes her to not seek her company. Maybe they just try to not be alone together. All the awkwardnesssssss. xD


Yes. ALl the yes. Perhaps he has had a infatuation with him for awhile but I can see her not even seeing it because she looks at him as a good close friend. Perhaps even a little brother? If that makes sense. I love the idea of her being his muse though. She would love his music to the end of the world and back.

Okay. I think I am all caught up know. Woo!!

As for trying to think of the reason she wasn't with the group in the first place..Well, I was thinking she had to pull a few extra shifts at her job. Getting a extra money for the trip or maybe she had an appointment with a Tattoo artist to finish up one of the many she has and was planning on meeting them at the first stop?
SimplyMusicality said:
Kieran is definitely under the assumption that Daisy is borderline insane. Though this doesn't mean he dislikes her, just that he can only handle her in small doses. As Kieran is an all-around intense person and a cynic, Daisy can be exhausting. Their initial conversation probably resulted in Kieran giving her a raised eyebrow before continuing on his way, opting not to bother with her. (He's a generally busy guy.) They probably spoke again through mutual friends, and it tends to be how they interact, though Kieran isn't 100% opposed to time spent with her and her alone. (Probably close to 78%.) Though it's possible a closer kinship could develop... We'll have to see how it plays out!
Sounds perfectly reasonable. I agree that having a mutual friend around will make being around Daisy much easier for Kieran, since supposedly it'll mean not having to respond to every single thing she tosses into the conversation.

for reals though, "close to 78%" had me smiling for a really long time

Daisy will be likely be disappointed by how hard it is to elicit a response from him, but that will probably not deter her from trying. She'll probably still be (unrealistically) convinced that Kieran is actually a nice, fun-loving person that just happens to be too busy/too shy, though, and will treat him accordingly.

So, yeah. Looking forward to seeing things play out in the actual RP.

SimplyMusicality said:
And I don't object to his place on her list of pretty people! xD

Carrying on to the topic of how new characters are to be introduced to the roleplay. I was originally going to go with something involving Daisy not realizing she had something she had to get done before she could leave for the trip and having to stay behind for a while, but it appears that a few of the other characters are having that happen to them too, so.

Perhaps Daisy had some other thing she had planned (not necessarily a big thing - maybe just plans to go out with some of her other friends(?) - something along those lines sidenote: I seriously cannot imagine her being willing to miss out on the roadtrip because of work, but she's the sort of person who would never cancel plans to go to a movie or concert, apparently because she "gave her word".) that she wouldn't have been able to go to if she went on the trip, and she had to decide against the trip in the first place. She'd later learn that there were other people (Kieren, Piper, et al.) who were going to catch up with the roadtrip group, and would then decide to seize the opportunity to go with them.

Would this do?
I'm doing fairly good; trying to figure out some big life changes at the moment. Planning on moving back closer to home now that I'm done with college but I don't know how close I want to be, or what job to pickup. Still, good though; excited for the change!
RubyRose said:
I'm doing fairly good; trying to figure out some big life changes at the moment. Planning on moving back closer to home now that I'm done with college but I don't know how close I want to be, or what job to pickup. Still, good though; excited for the change!
Congrats on finishing college!!

I just finished my freshman year so I've got a ways to go. I hope you don't have a hard time though when figuring this out and that you get a good job. I'm sure your parents would be happy with you moving closer, huh?
JujuBee said:
Congrats on finishing college!!
I just finished my freshman year so I've got a ways to go. I hope you don't have a hard time though when figuring this out and that you get a good job. I'm sure your parents would be happy with you moving closer, huh?
Mom expected me to move closer as soon as I finished College (in December) xD So yeah. Dad is kinda 'do what you want' but Mom likes the idea of my being closer. I'm only 3 hours away driving right now, but that can be really far when your family is on a ranch and they can't leave the cows XP And I've been working 6 day weeks so I haven't had the chance to go home either (been doing an internship&working a job for income). But yeah. Probably more then you cared to know but there you go xD

What are you going into college for? Er... whats your planned degree?
RubyRose said:
Mom expected me to move closer as soon as I finished College (in December) xD So yeah. Dad is kinda 'do what you want' but Mom likes the idea of my being closer. I'm only 3 hours away driving right now, but that can be really far when your family is on a ranch and they can't leave the cows XP And I've been working 6 day weeks so I haven't had the chance to go home either (been doing an internship&working a job for income). But yeah. Probably more then you cared to know but there you go xD
What are you going into college for? Er... whats your planned degree?
I am all for backstories my darling. You wanna tell me what's going on? You go ahead. I'm here to listen happily lol.

Mothers always love for their children to be as close as they can be.

I'm in college and majoring in Education and English though I might change English to Psychology. I'm still not sure yet. I'm actually leaving the college I'm at now and transferring to a different one. That one is an hour out (the one I'm at now is only 15 minutes from home) and my mom is having a fit over it xD .
JujuBee said:
I am all for backstories my darling. You wanna tell me what's going on? You go ahead. I'm here to listen happily lol.
Mothers always love for their children to be as close as they can be.

I'm in college and majoring in Education and English though I might change English to Psychology. I'm still not sure yet. I'm actually leaving the college I'm at now and transferring to a different one. That one is an hour out (the one I'm at now is only 15 minutes from home) and my mom is having a fit over it xD .
I've been getting that idea about Mothers... and I wouldn't mind being closer except cows. I don't like them >.< I don't want to end up getting stuck taking care of them when I'm older. I had enough of that in my youth xD But I really do miss my family.

Wooow! So you want to be a teacher? (assuming because education; my sister is getting a similar major except she's going into Special Education classes). I wish I could have gone into Psychology! I went to an all art school thing though so my degree is in Visual Communication (amusingly enough you can get a major in Psychology and do similar things as you can with a Visual Communication degree on some fronts. Like advertisement and media). Why switch from English to Psychology, though? And... why the change in colleges? Better classes/opportunities?
RubyRose said:
I've been getting that idea about Mothers... and I wouldn't mind being closer except cows. I don't like them >.< I don't want to end up getting stuck taking care of them when I'm older. I had enough of that in my youth xD But I really do miss my family.
Wooow! So you want to be a teacher? (assuming because education; my sister is getting a similar major except she's going into Special Education classes). I wish I could have gone into Psychology! I went to an all art school thing though so my degree is in Visual Communication (amusingly enough you can get a major in Psychology and do similar things as you can with a Visual Communication degree on some fronts. Like advertisement and media). Why switch from English to Psychology, though? And... why the change in colleges? Better classes/opportunities?
Yeah. I want to be a teacher that’s actually good since you don’t find too many of them now days. I’m doing special education too. That’s my minor. But yeah, I had to take a psychology course this year and I was really interested in it. Like, I love English but at the same time I feel like I have better opportunities if I had psychology.

And I hate the university that I’m at. Like I hate everything about this place except the friends that I made. The school I’m going to was my top choice but I went to my second choice because that’s what my parents wanted me to do but after a year I can’t stand it so I’m going to go where I should have went at first.
JujuBee said:
Yeah. I want to be a teacher that’s actually good since you don’t find too many of them now days. I’m doing special education too. That’s my minor. But yeah, I had to take a psychology course this year and I was really interested in it. Like, I love English but at the same time I feel like I have better opportunities if I had psychology.
And I hate the university that I’m at. Like I hate everything about this place except the friends that I made. The school I’m going to was my top choice but I went to my second choice because that’s what my parents wanted me to do but after a year I can’t stand it so I’m going to go where I should have went at first.
Awesome. Power to you and my sister... I prefer not to teach. I have an Associates in Arts so I could go into substituting if I wanted but... I'd rather have a desk job somewhere making book cover designs and editing interior layouts xD

Psychology is amazing, though ^.^ I kind of want to go back to school just to take psychology classes.

Fair enough... I'm glad that you've decided to do as you want to do; and just think at least you're not a state away or 3 hours from your parents xD
RubyRose said:
Awesome. Power to you and my sister... I prefer not to teach. I have an Associates in Arts so I could go into substituting if I wanted but... I'd rather have a desk job somewhere making book cover designs and editing interior layouts xD
Psychology is amazing, though ^.^ I kind of want to go back to school just to take psychology classes.

Fair enough... I'm glad that you've decided to do as you want to do; and just think at least you're not a state away or 3 hours from your parents xD
You have to have a loooooooooooot of patience when working with kids xD . It can be hard because sometimes you just wanna go off because they pissed you off but then you have to remember that they’re kids and their parents will wreck you if you do something stupid lol. But you go for what you want girl! Go live your dream!!

I don’t think I would mind being so far away. I figure I’ll be moving far away from my family when I get the chance.
JujuBee said:
You have to have a loooooooooooot of patience when working with kids xD . It can be hard because sometimes you just wanna go off because they pissed you off but then you have to remember that they’re kids and their parents will wreck you if you do something stupid lol. But you go for what you want girl! Go live your dream!!
I don’t think I would mind being so far away. I figure I’ll be moving far away from my family when I get the chance.
Yes... patience for kids is something I lack. Patience in everything else? Oodles and oodles of it. Got to do some long assed thing in Photoshop to fix a book cover? Need to print out 20 pages of internet codes and then print them up? Need to go over a hotel room with a fine toothed comb while cleaning? All those things I can do, no problem. As soon as kids are involved though, I'm done xD (especially when kids wrecked the hotel room... kids are just... so much fun xD ).

I mind it and I don't know why. When I lived with my family I wanted to get away... but now I'm thinking that really is just the cows because I miss my family terribly... just as long as I don't move next door to them I should be fine xD
RubyRose said:
Yes... patience for kids is something I lack. Patience in everything else? Oodles and oodles of it. Got to do some long assed thing in Photoshop to fix a book cover? Need to print out 20 pages of internet codes and then print them up? Need to go over a hotel room with a fine toothed comb while cleaning? All those things I can do, no problem. As soon as kids are involved though, I'm done xD (especially when kids wrecked the hotel room... kids are just... so much fun xD ).
I mind it and I don't know why. When I lived with my family I wanted to get away... but now I'm thinking that really is just the cows because I miss my family terribly... just as long as I don't move next door to them I should be fine xD
xD I understand your lack of patience with kids. My closest friends are like that too. Cleaning a hotel room like that though is something I would not have the patience for. I would do it for like, two minutes and then just be like: “Nope, no way. I’m done with this shit.” xD

But you do you girl, do you!

Gotta love those cows. I’ve never seen a cow up close but there’s this place in my town that has a lot of cows that just stand there and eat grass. It’s like this prison thing for I guess the prisoners that don’t have much time left on their sentence. It’s like a farm there but yeah that’s the closest I’ve ever been with cows lol
JujuBee said:
xD I understand your lack of patience with kids. My closest friends are like that too. Cleaning a hotel room like that though is something I would not have the patience for. I would do it for like, two minutes and then just be like: “Nope, no way. I’m done with this shit.” xD
But you do you girl, do you!

Gotta love those cows. I’ve never seen a cow up close but there’s this place in my town that has a lot of cows that just stand there and eat grass. It’s like this prison thing for I guess the prisoners that don’t have much time left on their sentence. It’s like a farm there but yeah that’s the closest I’ve ever been with cows lol
Well if we all had the same patiences, how boring would this world be? xD We need teachers and housekeepers and book cover designers etc, not just one or the other. Way to be one of the cool people who can put up with kids, though; I have respect for you. Everyone has their strengths (and it helps when cleaning that I get to listen to music/audio books).

Cows up close are just as much fun as they are far away except with distance you usually can't smell them xD I have to admit, it's amusing when I say I've been able to pet cows and I've ridden a cow once (when I was little) and that I get to wrestle them and stuff... but I much prefer being able to see the horses and have all the land for the cows to explore. It was a charmed life... despite the hard work xD

I didn't know they did that kind of stuff for prisoners... I think I'd be nervous living near something like that...
RubyRose said:
Well if we all had the same patiences, how boring would this world be? xD We need teachers and housekeepers and book cover designers etc, not just one or the other. Way to be one of the cool people who can put up with kids, though; I have respect for you. Everyone has their strengths (and it helps when cleaning that I get to listen to music/audio books).
Cows up close are just as much fun as they are far away except with distance you usually can't smell them xD I have to admit, it's amusing when I say I've been able to pet cows and I've ridden a cow once (when I was little) and that I get to wrestle them and stuff... but I much prefer being able to see the horses and have all the land for the cows to explore. It was a charmed life... despite the hard work xD

I didn't know they did that kind of stuff for prisoners... I think I'd be nervous living near something like that...
Patience for us all!! I admire you for having the patience to be able to clean. I hate doing it but I will happily clean a friend’s room which is weird xD .

Oh no, I could never be one for smells. Smells just seem to get to me a lot more than anything else does and I’ll become all nauseous and just bleh. Horses are so beautiful. I got to do that horseback riding thing once on my last vacation where we just walked the trails and everything. I think my horse was like the mischievous child of them all but it was fun lol.

And yeah, I’m not exactly sure what it’s called but it’s alright. It's not like it's right there next to everyone. There's a lot of land for them and then between. No neighborhoods are too close, it's like a five minute drive... Which is actually kind of close but hey xD . There has yet to be any escaped prisoners from there. They just farm and play baseball xD

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