Wanderlust - Out Of Character

I, Polaris, accept the role the Food Junkie.

Hey guys, I shall reintroduce myself to make it easier for everyone! I'm Polaris, you can call me Po (Like the Kung Fu Panda), Pola, Polaris or whatever creative combinations you can think of! You may call me Fire too lol. I'll be playing Cage L. Smith as the Food Junkie. I'm really excited for this role play so here we go!

If I was stranded on an Island, I would bring a bottle of water (a huge one, gotta survive man), a backpack, a knife, a friend (through kidnapping of course :P ), and a book on How to Survive on a Stranded Island.

Bungee Jumping would be one of my top ones. I'm imagining it to be like the Tower of Terror at Disneyland except way more thrilling hopefully!

As of right now, I really would like to go to Japan and eat all their flavored kitkats. I also want to hit the McDonalds there. I heard it's super fancy. Oh and of course, to buy more polaroid films (can't get enough of those).

For this role play, I'm expecting drama, craziness, and a really good story. Hopefully no one gets left behind on the road or run over LOL. I can imagine them stranded for a little bit if they run out of gas or something. There's just so many things that can go wrong on a road trip and I think that's what makes an awesome role play. I look forward to writing with all of you. ;D

Following being very timezone-confused at the character submission deadline, it is time for me to get very nervous because an acceptance letter received on the 22nd of April requires me to present an introduction post on the 22nd of April.


My name is eheu, and I challenge you to come up with a nickname for something that’s already only two syllables. (No, please don’t really do that. I just go by eheu.)

I will be writing Daisy Caulfield, the Optimist. I intend to deliberately have her accidentally mess up a lot of things and I wish all the other characters good luck with living with that.


It’s very disappointing that I won’t be able to bring “my pencil and some paper” because I can’t afford filling up two items on a three-item stranded-on-island-list just like that. Will opt for a book - probably Principia Mathematica because I can count on that book being one I won’t be able to finish reading until I either die or get rescued (more likely the former). A fire axe, because apparent usefulness and the fact that I don’t own a machete. Also, a volleyball.

Would probably still die, though.


I don’t have a very specific bucket list, but it’s certainly be great to die knowing I’ve finished writing something and there will be people who read it. Then again - I’d prefer not dying over immortality through legacy, any day.


I’m really not a travelling person, despite the fact that I’ve been to quite a few places indicating the contrary. On the top of the “places-I-haven-been-yet” list is the mysterious land of Canada, and that’s probably my answer to this question.


Out of this RP I expect what is to be expected from a trip like this. Adventure and stuff. A good story. Relationships. Character development. Laughter, tears, things going wrong, an unhealthy amount of random tomfoolery. Craziness. You know, the usual deal. I’m also just exceedingly excited the writing of all of you people because you all look amazing.


And it is now time to edit the character sheet to include an unnecessarily convoluted history, I suppose.
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JujuBee said:

I Jujubee accept the role as the socially awkward Raphael Biondi.


What it is and what is up?

The name is JujuBee but please- call me Juju kay? Or any nickname you might come up with for me during this wild journey. I don’t mind nicknames. I like getting them.

My character is Raphael Biondi and he is the socially award one of the group so expect a lot of ‘dorkiness’ on his part and not knowing what to do/say at certain times.​

If I were to be stranded on an island and I were to have 3 things with me I would have to bring…

~A magical CD player where I could watch Adventure Time, Bob’s burgers, and Sense8 anytime I wanted.

~A lifetime supply of water because let’s face it- I need something that would actually help me.

~My dog. He’s a Rottweiler so I’m sure he’d be a good companion and a great hunter.​

I don’t necessarily believe in bucket lists because I’m honestly very content with the life I have and live. I don’t find things that I need to do before I die. I just go with the flow. But if I were to have something then it would most likely be to go to Fiji at least once. Which that also… Kind of answers the next question as well *sweat drop* Killing two birds with one stone there!

What I expect out of this Rp… What I expect though is to see everyone’s characters bonding as well as all of us to an extent and to honestly just have fun.

I look forward to roleplaying with you all!!
That's mine right there. I feel like I wrote it when I was twelve but it's about the same. I'll fix it up when I have some time. But I hope this is okay for now. Sorry about this.
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MittyMittens said:

Hi ya'll I'm Mittens!


No not that Mittens

My character is Felice Ferdinand, eye candy.


Three things on a stranded island that I would bring would have to be a swiss army knife, a volleyball for company, and flares.


One thing on my bucket list is to cliff dive/jump


If I could travel the world I think I'd like to go drink whiskey in Ireland


What do I expect out of this RP?



  • DRAMA!


  • And simply a damned good time!


It's on page 5 but now it's here too so ya'll don't have to go digging around lol
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I, Sasil, accept the role of The Art Savy.

Yeah. So I am Sasil, you can call me that or I do go by Fancy Cat, but anything goes for me :3 I will be playing Rowen Persephone Ranalds, the Art Savy. Its going to be awesome so I can't wait to start!

If I was standard on an Island and could only bring 3 things with me I would most likely bring my video games (especially Dragon Age Inquisition. Got to play for Solas eh heh ) my kitties for company and probably The Book Thief, one of my favourite books.

Hmm, as for one thing on my bucket list I would really like to ride a dragon. Oh, or have a Pokémon. It is the 21st century! Why haven't they made that yet xD

I would really like to visit Venice. But that is just one, even though I am a chicken I want to travel everywhere if the right person would like to go with me and give me the right push to do all those exciting things x3

For this roleplay I am excepting everything except the kitchen sink to go down. Drama, fireworks--maybe tears. I am really looking forward to roleplaying with this great bunch of people :3

Hey guys!

Well as you all know I'm NessieAlways, but you can call me Nessie or Ness or whatever as long as it's not insulting!

I'm playing Jerylin who's the mediator in this roleplay!

Well most of my answers haven't changed really. So I'm going to link my first post down below in case you all are curious!

The only thing that's changed however is what I want from this rp. Back then, I was really excited for the story and what crazy shenanigans these kiddos got into, but now I'm more interested to see the relationships!

I want to see how these characters grow as friends or enemies (Perhaps even lovers?!) I'm really looking forward to see the drastic changes when this rp comes to a close and go back to see our baby characters in the first few pages of this rp!

I'm excited to have you all join us and I can't wait for this to get started!

NessieAlways said:

I Nessie accept the role of Mediator.


Hey Nessie! Introduce yourself!

Hey guys! So I know you all already know who I am, but I still have to put out and example of the introduction. Plus I wouldn't make you all do things I didn't do myself =)

Okay so I've RPed with some of you all before so you all know my story already so bare with me =)

Okay so I'm NessieAlways! You may call me Nessie or Ness or whatever as along as it's not insulting =) I'm playing the role of the mediator as Jerylin Riza Hazen.

Okay now to the questions! If I were stranded on an island what would I bring...I've actually pondered this a lot! I've even written like 3 essays over it. All of the ended up as C-. Guess college professors don't appreciate narratives. Anywho, I'd bring a canteen to hold water, a hunting knife, and a laptop with wifi so I can google how to survive in the wild. xD I hope that I'll make good use of it before the battery runs out.

As for my bucket list, the one thing I've been dreaming of doing is sky diving! All my life I've wanted to become a bird and fly, but since hybrid breeding isn't possible or legal, I'll be happy with jumping out of a plane! Although the idea scares me to death, I'll just have someone push me off if I chicken out last minute.

A place I would love to travel is Greece! Ever since Percy Jackson, I've been in love with Greek mythology and I'd love to visit the place were it all began! Plus eating Greek food and taking a cruise on the Greek islands won't be such a bad thing either!

What I'm looking forward to this RP is mostly the story. I can't wait to see what crazy adventures these people go on. Aside from story, I'm also want to see some character development as 10 people travel around the world and practically live in an RV for the entire summer. Now that I think of it, my claustrophobia is starting to kick in =S

Hopefully it'll be fun!

Anywho I think I'm done!

Can't wait to RP with you guys!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk​
Good morning!

Hope you all are well rested!

I believe we have all already introduced ourselfs! Awesome! So let's get to part two! Relationships!

Most of the old characters already have some sort of connection with each other so let's weave in the new characters!

Feel free to post any character relationships on the OOC!

Don't forget to tag people!

If you decide to do this over pm, I ask that you please add me to the pm that way I'm aware of what's going on. I won't intervene! I just like knowing what my players are planning!

Can wait to see what everyone comes up with and if you get stuck feel free to ask for help!
NessieAlways said:
Good morning! Hope you all are well rested!
Ah, that incredibly painful feeling when I log on at midnight and this is the first message I see.

I'll be back tomorrow evening with Daisy's history and some maybe proposals for character relationships, but for now I must retire. Can't wait to see what all you folks come up with. But first goodnight.
eheu said:
Ah, that incredibly painful feeling when I log on at midnight and this is the first message I see.
I'll be back tomorrow evening with Daisy's history and some maybe proposals for character relationships, but for now I must retire. Can't wait to see what all you folks come up with. But first goodnight.
*Makes a mental note of your time zone so I can greet you properly!*

Goodnight Eheu!

Sleep tight!

Don't let the bed bugs bite!
Good afternoon! I will begin to think about how my character and the rest of you lovely characters should have met. If you have any ideas do not hesitate to let me know x3 Otherwise I will try and post something later tonight :3
Hey everyone! So I'll go ahead and throw out some ideas. Feel free to say yay or nay! :) I might not get to everyone but I'll definitely finish it before this weekend.

@Sasil Hey hey hey! ;D So since Rowen is into aquatic life, I was thinking maybe they could meet at the beach or at the pool or something Freshman year? Cage eats quite a bit and I doubt swimming stops him so maybe he could get cramps while playing around and ended up drowning. Maybe he grabbed onto Rowen's leg since she was the closest and pulled her down with him. Maybe as a signal for help or just trying to save himself lol. She could end up saving him, giving him cpr and knowing Cage, he'd probably be pretty embarrassed about it. Apologies ensue with Cage brushing it off by teasing her that she likes him enough to give cpr to a stranger. That, my friend, could be a start of a beautiful friendship. Lemme know if you got more ideas.

@eheu Hi! Glad to be role playing with you again. :D Daisy is quite the character. LOL I can imagine a fun relationship between them since Cage loves fun and the unexpected and Daisy seems to be the type to bring randomness to the group. Maybe they were partners for a general ed class (this could be anything like choir LOL) and they could be partner for a project like singing a duet. Cage wanted to drop the class because singing in front of class wasn't his idea but Daisy bugged him to stay with it? They could keep in touch afterwards and he invites her to his parties? Lol let me know if you have other ideas.
I had myself an exhausting day and just for the sake of keeping my grammar and info straight, I'll start contacting and collabing relationships on the morrow. :D
@FirePolaris I love it. I think Rowen is probably a pretty good swimmer having to help her father with his job probably a lot as a child (or just plain wanting to) so lucky for him grabbing her leg and dragging her down since she would be able to get him to land easily. I think after saving him she would probably scold him a bit for being so reckless but of course stop short when he would accuse her of liking him, and doing all that work just to get a chance to kiss him. She probably just roll her eyes and leave the scene. Maybe after that he could have tried to talk to her more. Maybe at a party? I think you mentioned that before. Oh! Maybe when they see each other she kisses him again and is all like, ‘That is me trying to kiss you in a way I like you. What I did? Strictly saving your ass.’ And from then on they were friends xD I dunno, let me know what you think.

As for everyone else, I got distracted by DA:I sooooo yeah. I will get them done by the weekend though I promise :)
NessieAlways said:
*Makes a mental note of your time zone so I can greet you properly!*
Thank you @NessieAlways. No pressure with proper greetings, though - I go around saying “goodnight” to people under broad daylight all the time, anyway.

FirePolaris said:
@eheu Hi! Glad to be role playing with you again. :D Daisy is quite the character. LOL I can imagine a fun relationship between them since Cage loves fun and the unexpected and Daisy seems to be the type to bring randomness to the group. Maybe they were partners for a general ed class (this could be anything like choir LOL) and they could be partner for a project like singing a duet. Cage wanted to drop the class because singing in front of class wasn't his idea but Daisy bugged him to stay with it? They could keep in touch afterwards and he invites her to his parties? Lol let me know if you have other ideas.
Hello again you magnificent person. And thank you!

I confirm that Daisy’s existence is a pain for anyone around her who would prefer to keep their life nice and predictable. Cage does seem like the sort of person that’ll be first in line to become targets for Daisy to spontaneously befriend, so it won’t be a hard thing to initially establish a relationship. A long-term friendship, though, will probably ultimately depend more on tolerance. (Just a general note. From what I’ve read I think Cage’ll do fine in this regard.) If an ongoing friendship does happen, then Cage will definitely be on the default list of people to bother when she has nothing else to do.

General ed class looks like a reasonable setting for them to first meet because of its presumed higher tolerance for random tomfoolery in comparison to other courses - and also that it does seem to be the only place in university where they could meet because they study substantially different things (Speaking of which - how does Cage feel towards gross misconceptions about his field of expertise? “20% of the brain”, anyone?)

I’m not that sure about singing a duet, though: it is an explicitly given fact that Daisy has 0 singing skills, after all; and unless forced to do so it’s quite unlikely she’s going to come up with a duet as something to do as a class project. The part about bugging him to stay in a class that he doesn’t want to stay in is still a workable dynamic by all means, we’ll probably just have to find something else to be the nominal project.

Will likely attend Cage parties despite not being a very committed partygoer. If she’s given a chance to mention it, though, She’ll probably invite Cage in return to gigs/rehearsals of that underground band thing that she had going for the better part of her four years in college (first three years, maybe). This is unfortunate news for Cage if that “has trouble saying no to girls” thing of his applies here.


Apologies people! The video that was preventing me from completing the sheet in the initial signups has, just today, been discovered to have a few kinks that will require a while to fix. I’ll do the best I can to return soon to do all the writing I’ve been meaning to do (that includes relationship prompts with everyone else).
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Starting up my relationship talks with you lovely little fruit cups of wonder. It's going to take me some time though so I'm going to put up what I already have:



Hey! So one, I love Kieran way too much. I like that he’s quiet and this could go either way with Rapha. Since he’s more of an intense silent one and Rapha is more awkwardly sociable, they could either not be two that like each other. His seriousness could certainly throw my own character off and he’d be a bit hesitant to socialize with Kieran.

I can also see this working greatly for the both of them. Despite being with a group of wild youngsters (those darn youngsters) Rapha does like his quiet time and would love to be near someone he knew wouldn’t get all loud and crazy. I could see them being the two that sort of enjoy one another’s company without having to say a word, you know? Hopefully they’d be close enough for Rapha to hear his music. He’d love that.If you have any ideas though please don’t hesitate to tell me!


Warren- he’s really funny and I can’t wait to see what he does on this trip. As for his relationship with Rapha I would like for them to be amicable with one another. Raphael has a thing for reading so it can already be known that he’s read plenty of Shakespeare. If we have them close I could totally see Rapha helping Warren remember his lines as he practiced. If you have any ideas though please don’t hesitate to tell me!

The rest of you I don't have up, I'll either have up tonight or tomorrow. Sorry for such a wait!

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@SimplyMusicality Maybe Felice was eavesdropping on Kieran practicing piano in one of the practicing rooms at the university, stopping when she heard him rather than continuing on since he played so beautifully. He caught her listening in and he asked if it sounded any good, and of course she said it was better than good, and maybe he would ask her occasionally to listen to his pieces to see what the "everyday person" heard rather than other musicians and his professors?

@Celemyvel I'm thinking maybe Felice and Warren know each other from taking an acting class at that community college together and became good friends. She would've taken it when she was involved with her modeling to better express emotions in her photos and what not.

@Sasil Since Rowen is a waitress at a bar and Felice is a bar-tender perhaps they worked at the same place and became friends there.

That's all I have thus far
MittyMittens said:
*poke poke* the quicker we get the relationships done the quicker we can start the rp
I've been really busy and theres only so much one can do on here when life is literally kicking your ass xD
Finals are around the corner for most of us, so I get the delay from some people.

Give it until the weekend.

Finals are like two weeks away from me and I've been stressing over projects and last minute tests

Also personal problems.

I'll be more active once things settle down
MittyMittens said:
I didn't mean you Juju, I meant the newbies
I know but I figure we're all in the same boat. Just trying to make it to land as we slowly but surely go down with our ship xD

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