Walking with the Darkness


Creepy smile
Sometimes the greatest ennemies are not the one that you can see, but the ones lurking in your shadows, or in your past...

The dead walk in your shadows and know your past and there is no escape from them, unless you choose to hear the call of the ultimate dissolution.

Deep down in the dark corners of the Ebon Spires of Pyrron, your liege has planted various plots to destroy the Scavenger Lands, and to conquer more of the realms of the dead than he already controls.

A few obstacles stand in his way, not all of them significant, but some of them require your specific participation, and you all know the master doesn't like failure and expect the best of all his devoted knights, else a lesson shall be learned by the weak.

You will have to leave the calm and comforting peace of the Underworld to cross the threshold and enter the realms of the living, boiling with misguided and chaotic life that soon shall end, thanks to your dark deeds.

What legends will spread about you in both worlds, just before they finally disappear ?


So here are the basics for the new abyssal game I'll be soon running (if you guys are interested that is).

You'll be serving the Black Psychopomp, Mr Walker in the Darkness, master of death, with tons of plans to destroy and conquer, or the other way around.

For the styles of play, everything's open, of course we will start with the path of wickedness and enlightenment, as there is no such things as rebels among the ranks of the deathlord who knows how to put fear in the minds of men, but maybe the events will lead you to greater enlightenment, or defiance, unless you choose to lock yourself up in even more wickedness.

Of course, this is not a mixed game, deathknights only.

There are no particular restrictions, except for this one concept : high priest of the cult of Walker in the Darkness is already taken by a npc.
Hmmm, a chance to release my inner demons and let them run rampant in a attempt to destroy all of Creation? I'm intrigued. Anything else you can tell us about the game?
The game will start as you are sent looking for a fugitive deathknight, Blood Pearl, a midnight caste, high priestess of the cult of the Black Psychopomp, who suddenly ran to Great Forks, away from the master and disappeared.

The Lord has various plans going on, and he cannot afford to loose the fervor of his cult and his influence, therefore his high priestess is to be retrieved before he initiates one of his many moves.

He will gather a circle of his best deathknights (hum, that would be... YOU), and will send them after her.

That's how it starts, and it will take you to various places, Great Forks, Sijan, maybe Nexus, Rubylak, and to other places I won't name to spoil the fun. :D
Will it take us into the various pants and panties of the exalted in Creation? :lol:
Death and then sexing up the ghosts... because... dead boys/girls don't say no. :D
"]You have anything against someone playing a corrupted Solar? Specifically a former Night Caste?
If you're the "I sold my soul willingly" type, on the contrary :twisted:
cyl said:
If you're the "I sold my soul willingly" type, on the contrary :twisted:
He wouldn't go back to being a solar after what the rest of his circle did to him. Plus, with the great curse gone he feels so much better.
Sounds cool. Any limitations on necromancy/sorcery that I should know about? Merits, flaws, or mutations?
I might have a bit of interest, but I won't commit anything for now. Whenever I try to play villainous characters I always end up being too nice. >.>
There's nothing wrong with being nice...

Of course, you COULD always play a variant of Ben or his blind friend. :D
Ben is the blind one. His friend has the chainsaw khatars.
"] Plus' date=' with the great curse gone he feels so much better.[/quote']
Solars don't lose the Great Curse unless they go through the whole monstrance thing and become Abyssals entirely. At least not that I have ever read.
By the by... the forum is up... and threads are popping up in there like Hungry Ghosts! :shock:
Is there still place for a humble soul-eating necromagitechnician necromancer who dances at the sound of pain and drinks blood tainted by misery?


Unless there is already a similar character, ofc. I also have a Midnight concept in mind...
adding you to the group...

And thus far there's only 5 of us in there at the moment ^_^

But it would depend on Cyl...
Seems like we got ourselves a perfect circle, this wasn't that hard to get. :)

Inscriptions are therefore closed, unless a new participant has a world shattering concept in mind !
cyl said:
Damn, there goes tha leader of tha team ^^'
Really sucks for you and the guy that died. Sorry dude.

Your spot will remain open until you come back (you'll have the pleasure to read all the evil deeds the others have done :D ).

What do you say the others... should I recruit one or more and NPC the Quiet Prince until our friend return ? (Landreu and Nobble expressed interest in the game).
cyl said:
Know what, I'll let you vote ^^
I'll post something in the thread, the one with the highest score (on /10) on those three criterias will join us:

- coolest name

- coolest concept

- coolest description (images are welcomed but are not enough)

And you'll give em marks... this way I'm free of any responsabilities and me and my conscience can sleep well tonight :D

Whaddya say ?
So... who wants in? :twisted:

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