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Fandom Walking Dead RP

Sean, Carter and the boy were left alone in the darkness when the other two men left. He didn't like the idea of Lachlan and Jason off alone or them going out at all. It was morning, sure, but with all that was going on outside right now and their lack of sleep...not to mention Jason's injury. It was a terrible idea but Lachlan had agreed to it. He was a tough old son of a b***h afterall, even with all he'd been through. Maybe he had agreed for a reason. Sean knew he himself would certainly love to get another chance alone with Jason. He moved in the darkness, feeling his way over to where the little girl was. "Just me.", he said, as the tips of his fingers brushed her leg and made her jump a little. "Sorry...I don't know if you changed your mind or not about sharin' with the group...but I have some dried fruit for the little one at least.", he said. The dark room was silent except for their breathing, and the sound of his voice. Joey hadn't made a peep in a long time, but occasionally he shivered from the cold.
(About what Sean said about wanting another chance at Jason alone, does that mean he wants to hurt Jason?)

(Or, what Sean thought)
"I can still provide for myself. I have enough to last me for a week or two if I provision it correctly." Carter said, not minding his company. She looked down at Joey and sighed. "Can you feed him? I want a bit of fresh air if that's alright." She asked. Well, more so a statement than a question. She moved Joey to lean against Sean as she stood up, adjusting the strap on her backpack. "I'll be back later." Carter said, getting up and walking over to the exit without a second guess or even a glance. She was ready to be on her own again, or possibley run into Luke. 'What a delight that would be.' She thought sarcastically, her knuckles started to fade to white as she clenched the machete, gaining a better grip.
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(@KurtH6355 That would be telling wouldn't it. Har har har.)

Sean shook his head in the dark, "It's dangerous.", he said simply to the girl as she was walking away. He knew she was probably going to try running off again, and he didn't blame her. The little boy watched her with big eyes, there was no emotion on his face at all. He was blank inside and out. Sean took Joey into his lap gently and held his canteen to the child's dry lips. He looked up at Carter, only able to see her siloette, then back down at the boy. "I get wanting to be alone...but you'll be a lot safer here underground for tonight. Til that sensless war passes us by."
Carter stopped before the exit and listened to him. She felt Joey's eye's boring into the back of her head, pleading her to stay. "Fine. But I do need some fresh air and some time to think. When you think I've been out long enough, come and get me." She said. Carter did need time to think. When she left the group, where would she go? There's no where that she was planning on going other than the house but there was a 0.0001% chance of Luke being there, but there might still be some supplies. 'What if they're still there?' Carter went to the surface and sat down, leaning against the door. The thought of her friends being there made a chill run through her spine. 'But what if-' Carter cut herself off and sighed. 'Don't to 'what ifs' It ends up worse than how it sarted in the end.' Carter thought, running her hand through her mucky hair. 'I was looking at that place but is it still the same?' Carter thought, biting her lip. 'It has to be. It's not the most noticable place. It probably still has my bag in there.' Carter thought, deciding she'd go there.
Sean watched Carter climb up the ladder, before lying his head back against the cold concrete wall. He closed his eyes for a second there in the pitch black and there was a moment where the world started to spin around him. He sat up quickly and shook his head. His eyes were heavy, his body was heavy, but he forced himself to stand. He gave the small child some food, which he devoured quickly, "I'll be right back, Joey, ok?", he said softly to the boy, before following Carter out of the hatch. He grunted as he pulled himself to the surface. It had only been a moment, and the girl was still sitting against the door. The other two men had left it closed but not blocked by the desk, in case they needed to return quickly. Sean figured the fence outside would be enough protection until they returned. He smiled gently at Carter, "Do you mind if I join you? I'm fallin' asleep down there..."
"Stuff like that don't exist anymore, I heard the closest base's ammunition stock was sabotaged. Blew up with everyone inside." Lachlan thought about this for a moment. Why would anyone do that, as if the dead rising werent bad enough. "What sort of stuff are we looking for?"
"Guns in okay condition, with a minimum of 5 rounds with them, any type of melee weapon, any type of armor, any type of food, basically anything useful" Jason said, and they approached a hill where they could see the Town. They could see movement, clear as day. "Well, let's hope none of them are stupid and won't mess with us. We could rob them, take the supplies for ourselves. It's definitely a advantageous plan, but not a nice one. What you think?" Jason asked Lachlan.
"Lets just get a closer look at them, we could hold them up and suss them out. Maybe we could bring them back with us? Safety in numbers or something." Lachlan had always beleived that more people is better, too a certain point.
Mayt weaved through buildings and cars, ducking low to avoid being spotted by the rotting corpses stumbling through the abandoned town. The damn back pack strapped over her shoulders was causing her tailbone to ache every time it smacked into her bottom. She needed a new one. If walkers didn't kill her, the damn book bag would. Barbara was also strapped snugly to her back, the weight of the M4, useless without ammo, was familiar. She was hoping she'd be able to find a rifle store somewhere through here. Hopefully it hadn't already been looted.
Lachlan spotted movement through town. "Jay, tell me you see that too." He asked. Whatever it was it didn't walk like a zombie and it wore a backpack.
Carter looked up at Sean and shrugged. She just wanted to go to the spot. It was very secluded and has several ways of exiting and only two ways to enter. 'I guess you could enter through the roof, but there would be a lot of trouble to do that.' Cater told herself, taking a deep breathe of the cold, crisp air. It felt nice to her outside. The air had gotten fresher, less polluted than before which was amazing. Her lungs loved it, it seemed. "It's stuffy in there." Carter said, trying to start conversation to keep any awkward silences away.

(Sorry for the late response. I was celebrating two birthdays in a row. It was insane cx)
Sean nodded, sitting against the wall opposite of the girl. He put his pack between his legs and opened it up. He pulled out his can of Copenhagen and tapped it several times on his palm before opening it up and stuffing a bit of the tobacco in his bottom lip. The smell of mint filled the small room. "I know it's not luxurious but it'll do us fine, I think...", he said, sighing and tilting his head back to rest it against the brick. "So, Max, where do you plan to go?"

(And you're totally fine. I haven't been on much myself due to work and such.)
(Sorry, notifications wouldn't work. I'll post in about a half hour.)

"Uh-huh, I see it, and that ain't no zombie. Looks like some kind of rifle on the guy's back. Maybe a AR? We could take some shots from here, probably kill him" Jason suggested, but then he added "But that ain't how we do things. Let's see where he goes, when and if he goes into a building, we approach and surround, so we at least have a strategic position on this guy. Although, could be dangerous, considering a building has windows and that guy has a rifle, but I think if we Stay smart and keep it covered, we can emerge winners, if a gunfight takes place. You ready to move?" Jason asked.

(I'm saying he because Jason would assume it was a male, just the way he thinks)
Mayt found the gun shop a street over and slinked toward the entrance, yanking out the blunt ended hammer from her ACU belt. Carefully, she pushed open the door, cringing when the bell at the top of the door rang. A growl came from the front behind the counter and Mayt jumped over it quickly, bringing the hammer down hard on the head of a walker until the skull caved. She held still, barely breathing as she waited for another. It didn't come and she went to work. Thankfully, the gunshop had backpacks stocked and shucked her old one like it had a disease.

Mayt looked throughout the store for the rounds to her M4.
TL;DR - Garcia smokes a cigarette in front of a brewery, inspecting his KA-BAR knife, SIG Sauer P226, and a photo of a girl and an ace of spades card strapped on his camouflage Yankees cap. From bottom to top, he is wearing a pair of grey supra sneakers, a Zippo lighter in dark blue jeans, and a bright green button down containing a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. He has additional gear in his black Jansport bag.

Garcia propped his black jansport back against the brick wall of the brewery before leaning against it himself. He tipped up the brim of his camo NY Yankees ball cap to take in the bright blue sky above. He looked back down and pulled his pack of Marlboro's from the chest pocket of his bright green button-down, adjusting a cigarette on his lips. He slipped the pack back into the chest pocket and brought a Zippo lighter up to the cigarette before putting back into his jeans pocket. His right thumb and index finge plucked the cigarette from his mouth which let out a stream of smoke. He stayed like that for a second, or two. Putting the cigarette back into his mouth, he looked over himself.

He pulled out the KA-BAR knife from its sheath on the front of his right thigh. He looked over its blade, still pristine and fresh since being looted by him from the blade shop merely hours ago. He sheathed it and took out the pistol of his late father from his drop holster; a SIG P226, for which he had two spare clips in his bag and a relatively full one in the pistol itself, save two or three rounds. He placed it back and finished off his cigarette, flicking it to the ground. Before grabbing up his bag, he made sure the polaroid photograph of his lost girl and the ace of spades card covering the photo were still strapped on the side of his hat.

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