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Realistic or Modern Wait nekos?!

MuffinRPs said:
Danny snuggled into the stranger's chest. He hadn't been held like this in years. He mewed softly. The man was warm and soft. He decided; he wanted to stay with him.
After hurrying home, Ozzy kicked the door to his apartment closed and took the kitten from his jacket. He held the kitted out in the air. "Hm. Haven't seen a purple kitten before. What's your name, little guy?" Ozzy said, as he looked for a collar.
animefan374 said:
here let me take you to my house-
your right but... to be honest your the first friend I made



☾ A K I K O ☽


"F-Friend? House?" She looked confused, her tone a questioning one. Her eyes widened and she began to purr. "F-Friends, home!" She said louder and much more happily. She tackled him to the ground in a hug, bringing a lot of pain to her body. "MEOWWWWW!"
Joey-I smiled Joey: well here we are- I opened the door and I walked akio up stairs to my room Joey: get some rest you can sleep on my bed if you want
Daniel rubbed his head against Ozzy's hand, wanting affection. As the first person to ever be nice to him, he wanted love and care
MuffinRPs said:
Daniel rubbed his head against Ozzy's hand, wanting affection. As the first person to ever be nice to him, he wanted love and care
(Transformation time?)

"Oh well. You seem happy." Oscar said, bringing the cat close to his face.

Then, the smell hit him.

"Yech! You need a bath." Crowley said as he held him out in front of him, and paraded him into the bathroom, before plopping the kitten into the bathtub. "I need to change out of these wet clothes. I'll be right back, little buddy."
He sat down. What would he say when he finds out? He can't stay a kitten forever. He has to sleep and when he sleeps, he'll change back. He mewed for Ozzy as the bath walls were like a prison to him.
MuffinRPs said:
He sat down. What would he say when he finds out? He can't stay a kitten forever. He has to sleep and when he sleeps, he'll change back. He mewed for Ozzy as the bath walls were like a prison to him.
(Aw. I wanted a scene where Ozzy walks into his bathroom, only to see some naked kid in his bathtub.)
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username=""Safety Hammer" data-cite=""Safety Hammer" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="222507" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>(Aw. I wanted a scene where Ozzy walks into his bathroom, only to see some naked kid in his bathtub.)</div></blockquote>




Instead, he transforms back into his normal self. He couldn't stay like a kitten as it hurt him. He quietly ran the tap and splashed his face with cold water. Dan shook his face to clean him and his purple tail wrapped around his waist. It was a reflex.</p>
MuffinRPs said:
Instead, he transforms back into his normal self. He couldn't stay like a kitten as it hurt him. He quietly ran the tap and splashed his face with cold water. Dan shook his face to clean him and his purple tail wrapped around his waist. It was a reflex.
After replacing his grey dress shirt, with a nice white tank top, and simply removing his pants to be in his boxers, Ozzy made his way back to the bathroom.

"Okay, buddy. Time for you to get all cleaned u-" Ozzy said, before he noticed the neko in his bathroom. "OKAY, WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THE CAT IN MY TUB?!" Oscar said as he held up a clothes hanger in a means of self defense, obviously quite frightened at the sudden appearance of the teen.
"I'm sorry I s-scared you. I-I didn't mean for you to find out like this. I'm-I'm sorry," His ears flattened and he looked down, shaking, as he would with Xander.
MuffinRPs said:
"I'm sorry I s-scared you. I-I didn't mean for you to find out like this. I'm-I'm sorry," His ears flattened and he looked down, shaking, as he would with Xander.
After seeing that the boy wasn't going to pounce on him, he lowered the clothes hanger. "Oh. Um, it's okay? Are you gonna attack me, or something? Because if you are, just know that I am a very poor fighter and you can take whatever you want, just please don't hurt me."

Ozzy wasn't used to nekos, and to be honest, this was the first time he had seen one.
"I can't survive on my own and I can't go back! Don't make me go back there," tears rose in his eyes. He was traumatized. Xander had fucked with his mental state.
MuffinRPs said:
"I can't survive on my own and I can't go back! Don't make me go back there," tears rose in his eyes. He was traumatized. Xander had fucked with his mental state.
"Wha- What are you talking about?" Ozzy said, crouching near the tub. The boy was quite cute, to say the least. "I'm not bringing you back anywhere, okay? I'm gonna make sure that you're safe."
Danny looked up and blushed a little, "Th-Thank you sir." He was quite handsome with his blond hair and cut-edge jawline. He looked at his knees that were close to his bare chest and bit his lip.
MuffinRPs said:
Danny looked up and blushed a little, "Th-Thank you sir." He was quite handsome with his blond hair and cut-edge jawline. He looked at his knees that were close to his bare chest and bit his lip.
"So, uh, what's your name?" Ozzy asked, as he brushed his white hair out of his face. "I'm Oscar. You can call me Ozzy."
"D-Danny. It's nice to meet you," He was being shy as he naturally was.
MuffinRPs said:
"D-Danny. It's nice to meet you," He was being shy as he naturally was.

Oscar smiled warmly, before turning on the warm water and grabbing a bar of soap. "Well Danny, I'm not going to let you freeze out there, and since you are already in the bath, I might as well wash you. If you're alright with that, I mean."

"Damn he's cute." Ozzy thought, as he looked at the neko. He looked like he was about the same age as him, so that's good.
"O-OK," He stuttered, as usual, "I might as well tell you about myself. I'm 19, I like the color pink, ice cream is the best, I listen to classical music as well as others but classical is calm and I enjoy it,"
MuffinRPs said:
"O-OK," He stuttered, as usual, "I might as well tell you about myself. I'm 19, I like the color pink, ice cream is the best, I listen to classical music as well as others but classical is calm and I enjoy it,"
As Danny talked, he gently scrubbed at the boy's back. "Well, I like the color orange, Jaffa cakes are the best, I'm gay and I like a lot of types of music."
He didn't know what to respond with so he went basic, "I-I'm gay too." he was freaking out mentally. What if he was like Xander? What if he was worse? He tensed up. He couldn't do this; staying here was suicide...but he had no place to go and Ozzy was already more kinder than Xander had ever been.
MuffinRPs said:
He didn't know what to respond with so he went basic, "I-I'm gay too." he was freaking out mentally. What if he was like Xander? What if he was worse? He tensed up. He couldn't do this; staying here was suicide...but he had no place to go and Ozzy was already more kinder than Xander had ever been.
"Why do you sound so timid about saying that?" Oscar asked with a smile, as he started to suds up the neko's hair. "Being gay isn't something to be ashamed of. Trust me, Danny. You're safe here." He gave the cat-boy a hug, which resulted in him being covered in soap. He didn't care, though. He just wanted the boy to be happy.
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He blushed, "I-I know but I've been through a lot," He bit his lip, hoping he wouldn't ask questions.
MuffinRPs said:
He blushed, "I-I know but I've been through a lot," He bit his lip, hoping he wouldn't ask questions.
"I have too." Ozzy said, remembering what he had recently went through. "Do you know that I had the entire football team at my school attack me before? I've almost killed myself twice because of assholes like that. Now I may not know your past, and I'm sure you don't want to talk about it. But just know that I've been through the same shit as you have. So, I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to give me a yes or no answer, okay?" Ozzy put his hands on the naked boy's shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

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