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Fantasy Voyage To The End [OOC]

Not sure what you mean by 'Edgelord'- he looks like he's crying in his CS picture, so the Sadboy nickname seemed like an obvious choice xD
Ohh, I see what's happened. Those aren't tears, those are scar-markings on his face. IC-wise they are tribal scar tattoos of sorts, denoting which Elven tribe you belong to.

By edgelord I meant a personality involving brooding, withdrawn or otherwise anti-social behaviours. It's a fun archetype to play sometimes, just not what I was going for~
Ohh, I see what's happened. Those aren't tears, those are scar-markings on his face. IC-wise they are tribal scar tattoos of sorts, denoting which tribe you belong to.

By edgelord I meant a personality involving brooding, withdrawn or otherwise anti-social behaviours. It's a fun archetype to play sometimes, just not what I was going for~
No I can tell those aren't tears- I was just trying to come up with fun nicknames for everyone to fill out the list. It's also what my characters would do, so I would've come up with them at some point anyway. But if that's an issue for you I'd rather know now, so I don't spend more time on these sheets ^^"
No I can tell those aren't tears- I was just trying to come up with fun nicknames for everyone to fill out the list. It's also what my characters would do, so I would've come up with them at some point anyway. But if that's an issue for you I'd rather know now, so I don't spend more time on these sheets ^^"
Oh, my mistake! I simply misunderstood in that case. No no, please continue - it's not my intention to stop you from making fun~
Sorry, that may have been the wrong word. But there's no way to disappoint when I just hope they're fun for you :)
Thanks- I'm looking forward to writing them and hopefully doing an entertaining job with it; I've only ever had a single comic relief character in RPs in the past, so this will be an interesting challenge for me~
Thanks- I'm looking forward to writing them and hopefully doing an entertaining job with it; I've only ever had a single comic relief character in RPs in the past, so this will be an interesting challenge for me~
I'm sure you'll do a fine job, no judgement here. 😌👌
The sheet for the shovel mage is done. Since Gunhild has become a permanent resident of the abyss for quite some time, any characters who had dive into the abyss at least once can claim they have met her. She's the random NPC who sells herbs, provides temporary shelter and might even helps your quest because she has nothing else to do.
The sheet for the shovel mage is done. Since Gunhild has become a permanent resident of the abyss for quite some time, any characters who had dive into the abyss at least once can claim they have met her. She's the random NPC who sells herbs, provides temporary shelter and might even helps your quest because she has nothing else to do.
Well we have definitely met, as Cicero was present when Kyserias was venturing into the Abyss. Would you like to develop that more or leave it open-ended for now?

I'll be posting my backstory today, so that should make things easier after I do.
Well we have definitely met, as Cicero was present when Kyserias was venturing into the Abyss. Would you likely to develop that more or leave it open-ended for now?

I'll be posting my backstory today, so that should make things easier after I do.
They are former party-mate then, nice. Let's leave it open ended for now.
Just updated my sheet with the bones of my new character Vaimi's information.

More to come on their backstory later, though I have a basic idea already together. They were young when Kyserias began his war with the other races, not fully understanding it, and their clan did their best to retreat and stay out of the fighting. Despite being very sickly since birth, after an incident where their mother, one of the clan's more skilled mages, pulled too much to hold back the attacks and became possessed by something from the Abyss and had to be subdued at great cost, they began to manifest the beginnings of their magical traits. About a year after Kyserias's disappearance, they chose to leave their clan despite their youth, travel to Axios, and attempt to learn more about magic and the Abyss, which they began to feel a pull towards. They studied there until the present day.
As a random thought... if we get stronger as we delve deeper. Would that same thing apply to other creatures?

Sure. A goblin might seem weak on level 1, but how would such a creature look if it managed to go down to the abyssal levels?

Might be an interesting reversal of things... where those on the lesser levels fear the monsters ascending the higher levels due to their strength. But the natives of the higher levels worry about the monster that came from the lesser levels, due to the sheer tenacity and power they gained getting there.

Sure, level 80 dragons lived their whole lives within the bounds of the limitations of their level... but that goblin from level 1... he has known nothing but complete transcendence of his limitations on his journey to level 80.

The gaggle of dragons freak out and run away at the uber-goblin just as level 1 goblins would panic and flee at the sight of a dragon.
Just updated my sheet with the bones of my new character Vaimi's information.

More to come on their backstory later, though I have a basic idea already together. They were young when Kyserias began his war with the other races, not fully understanding it, and their clan did their best to retreat and stay out of the fighting. Despite being very sickly since birth, after an incident where their mother, one of the clan's more skilled mages, pulled too much to hold back the attacks and became possessed by something from the Abyss and had to be subdued at great cost, they began to manifest the beginnings of their magical traits. About a year after Kyserias's disappearance, they chose to leave their clan despite their youth, travel to Axios, and attempt to learn more about magic and the Abyss, which they began to feel a pull towards. They studied there until the present day.
Our backstories have some interesting parallels that you'll see when I post mine, very interesting! We can bond over leaving our clan/tribe~
As a random thought... if we get stronger as we delve deeper. Would that same thing apply to other creatures?

Sure. A goblin might seem weak on level 1, but how would such a creature look if it managed to go down to the abyssal levels?

Might be an interesting reversal of things... where those on the lesser levels fear the monsters ascending the higher levels due to their strength. But the natives of the higher levels worry about the monster that came from the lesser levels, due to the sheer tenacity and power they gained getting there.

Sure, level 80 dragons lived their whole lives within the bounds of the limitations of their level... but that goblin from level 1... he has known nothing but complete transcendence of his limitations on his journey to level 80.

The gaggle of dragons freak out and run away at the uber-goblin just as level 1 goblins would panic and flee at the sight of a dragon.
The way I envision this is as a more of a slower process.

So the goblin goes down to, say, level 80 and the power of the abyss is much stronger and more influential. As per Scale's lore, the abyss is akin to a living breathing creature that responds to the calls of those within and returns with boons and curses in kind.

So I personally think the goblin would need to immerse itself in that level until it can eventually evolve, with its desires being heard by the abyss and responded to with time and then finally transcendence.
Our backstories have some interesting parallels that you'll see when I post mine, very interesting! We can bond over leaving our clan/tribe~
I did notice that "Banished of the Wastes" title and the new one you replaced it with, so I was curious ^^ I also figured there was the possibility of them having interacted with/met Cicero, at least briefly, in the course of their 9? years of study in the capital, but I'm not sure he would have had the time for them really. Excited regardless~
I did notice that "Banished of the Wastes" title and the new one you replaced it with, so I was curious ^^ I also figured there was the possibility of them having interacted with/met Cicero, at least briefly, in the course of their 9? years of study in the capital, but I'm not sure he would have had the time for them really. Excited regardless~
Well Cicero has had a small magical practice in the Western Empire many years ago, which he then turned into the Valerius Learned Institution for Arcana & History - so its very possible that your character even studied there as many others have! But yes, I agree, very exciting times!

You may have even met prince carolus there too...?
D. Rex D. Rex
Well Cicero has had a small magical practice in the Western Empire many years ago, which he then turned into the Valerius Learned Institution for Arcana & History - so its very possible that your character even studied there as many others have! But yes, I agree, very exciting times!

You may have even met prince carolus there too...?
D. Rex D. Rex
I might just say that's where they studied these years because I don't want to have to come up with another place of learning for them to attend. They would have had the money from selling some of their old elvish items anyway, even if it was a higher-end academy >-<
RaiAthar RaiAthar Hello again Rai! Would be happy to see you here as well. This is so different than your last character from what I’m reading so far lmao. I see nothing particularly offensive about their power either so you got my stamp of approval there. I may have Quantum Reflexes have some consequences for using too often in the deeper levels. Something like the stronger magic making their brain overclock more than they can handle. Consequences like severe brain fog, maybe memory loss...

I’ll give you more time than the deadline since you showed your interest later. We could use a rouge to mix things up as well since our characters are upstanding for the most part.

Echocoa Echocoa Echo, your magic is 100% good to go. It’s perfect, very creative and the limitations and benefits are well understood.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Gunhild is first to be approved! Just wanna ask some questions about their magic to be more specific.

Flora magic: She uses this to grow plants, I see it being used with her seed collection. But by manipulate, I assume you mean she can control them to a degree as well, maybe use vines to strike people kind of thing?

Earthbend: How much weight do you think she can manipulate in one go? Does 80lbs sound fair for you?

Necromancy: Is her skill in this limited to just speaking with dead or is there other stuff? You do use the word ‘mostly’ again so I wanna make sure there’s no surprises.

D. Rex D. Rex Goblins are just weaker than dragons as far as base potential goes. No matter the floor, this will be the case. You have to remember that everyone’s power increases at lower levels so the advantage isn’t really there, and the dragons are used to that closeness to the abyss and can better use it. Not to say that an Uber goblin can’t exist. They just would have to make themselves that way by surviving and evolving, winning battles and experience. Not just from going down a level, but it is a fun thought 🤣
I might just say that's where they studied these years because I don't want to have to come up with another place of learning for them to attend. They would have had the money from selling some of their old elvish items anyway, even if it was a higher-end academy >-<
I know that you haven't posted your backstory in yet, but I get the vibe she teaches too? Perhaps she is currently a teacher at the Valerius Institution as well? We could have worked together over several years to shape young minds for the better.
I know that you haven't posted your backstory in yet, but I get the vibe she teaches too? Perhaps she is currently a teacher at the Valerius Institution as well? We could have worked together over several years to shape young minds for the better.
Hmm.. potentially? They probably wouldn't have the knowledge, social skills, and magical prowess to really be a successful magic teacher, but oddball professors certainly exist. The big question is whether the institute would even let someone teach that is both an outsider and has essentially no formal education of their own. Buuuut, all that being said, they would probably know enough of their own specialty to teach magical theory and similar topics, if that worked out, and I like the idea of some shared teaching history with Cicero, given how different-yet-similar the two are in a variety of ways ^^

Edit: Adjunct faculty, perhaps? It would probably rely on someone higher up recognizing their rather unique area of talent and deciding they should be put on staff.
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Hmm.. potentially? They probably wouldn't have the knowledge, social skills, and magical prowess to really be a successful magic teacher, but oddball professors certainly exist. The big question is whether the institute would even let someone teach that is both an outsider and has essentially no formal education of their own. Buuuut, all that being said, they would probably know enough of their own specialty to teach magical theory and similar topics, if that worked out, and I like the idea of some shared teaching history with Cicero, given how different-yet-similar the two are in a variety of ways ^^

Edit: Adjunct faculty, perhaps? It would probably rely on someone higher up recognizing their rather unique area of talent and deciding they should be put on staff.
Well Cicero owns the university, so you wouldn't have to worry about getting through the interview phase xD

I was imagining it more like her being a guest speaker that offers unique insight into a particularly rare magic. Cicero himself learned his psychic and illusion magic from his Elven tribe in the Western Wastes, so it might be the case that the type of magic we both use is not that commonly taught to begin with. And that would be cause enough for him to want Vaimi as part of the faculty, even if she doesn't have loads of experience teaching.

But yes I agree, I love the prospect of the shared guiding of students. Just saw your edit at the end there - that's exactly what I was thinking! Cicero could be that higher up!
Gunhild is first to be approved! Just wanna ask some questions about their magic to be more specific.

Flora magic: She uses this to grow plants, I see it being used with her seed collection. But by manipulate, I assume you mean she can control them to a degree as well, maybe use vines to strike people kind of thing?

Earthbend: How much weight do you think she can manipulate in one go? Does 80lbs sound fair for you?

Necromancy: Is her skill in this limited to just speaking with dead or is there other stuff? You do use the word ‘mostly’ again so I wanna make sure there’s no surprises.
Yup. That weight limit seems to be too much though, it's not even enough earth to fill a sack. I want her to at least be able to conjure a decent earth spike to skewer enemies.
Her necromancy is mostly for religious stuffs like unanimating the undead and maybe later she can construct a skeletal familiar.
Well Cicero owns the university, so you wouldn't have to worry about getting through the interview phase xD

I was imagining it more like her being a guest speaker that offers unique insight into a particularly rare magic. Cicero himself learned his psychic and illusion magic from his Elven tribe in the Western Wastes, so it might be the case that the type of magic we both use is not that commonly taught to begin with. And that would be cause enough for him to want Vaimi as part of the faculty, even if she doesn't have loads of experience teaching.

But yes I agree, I love the prospect of the shared guiding of students. Just saw your edit at the end there - that's exactly what I was thinking! Cicero could be that higher up!
Sounds like a fun plan! I'll iron it out a bit more once I do the actual background writing, but if 2 or so years after they arrived and began their studies (which would be 7ish years before the expedition) they were recognized and recruited by Cicero to conduct special lectures about magic structure and theory, as well as what they knew of magic from their home, even if they can't actually use that magic. Maybe later they essentially become a graduate student under Cicero, teaching a few classes while continuing honing their capabilities. Something akin to that?

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