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Fantasy Voyage To The End [OOC]

May i introduce you to the concept of my drill knight :D
Fully plated warrior with comically large lance that is also a drill that will pierce the heaven. I was going to use either this or the shovel mage but go with the latter.
My other concept of this RP is pure explorer with gadgets, Tomb Raider style. Grappling hook, spellslinger gauntlets with switchable spell disks and add-ons and many more.
I do have me a strong love for drill lances.

But an Indiana Croft type? Hard to pass on that too
I-If I may be so bold, perhaps a combination of analysis magic (true sight /lie detection kind of vibe) and physical enhancement? It would still work with your orc idea in terms of theming and would make for an interesting + reliable skillset for our team.

You could also throw in specialised magic-analysis, allowing you to fully understand spells that have been cast at us?

Hmm. If that is the case you could do something like an anti-mage. In a way overpowering or dampening magical effects in the way of having a stronger will. To build off of what Kloudy suggested, perhaps the more they analyze a skill, the more they understand the intent behind the one who used it—what they thought and what they wished for.

One spell could tell you mentally what ‘intents’ or thoughts went into crafting a spell, the more complicated the spell analyzed, the more intents you will need to know to counter it. Let’s say someone asks for ‘heat’ and envisions ‘destruction’ when using a fireball spell. It would take 2 casts of this spell to be able to counter their fireball.

Another spell is the one that actually does the negating. The more you understand the intent of the spell you are negating, the more effective this one is. You counter the fireball by basically asking for the opposite of what was intended, instead ‘cold’ and ‘creation’ for our fireball.

Perhaps enhancing ally spells even, by building on their intents they used when crafting their spells.

Perhaps that’s even more complicated than your last idea though XD. It does heavily rely on this worlds magic system though.
Alright, the idea forming now is of a sort of savant that, while extremely skilled in seeing the "code" of magic, so to speak, is weak of mind/body and can't actually produce spells of their own. However, they have the capability to see/analyze the components (intents, thoughts, "keywords", etc.) and/or effects of spells and magical effects and redouble them, manipulate them by adjusting "parameters", or inhibit them by introducing antagonistic components. Their ability to do this improves with experience with the castor, the spell, etc., and decreases with more complicated and less understood magic/people. This also might begin to give insight into the mind of the castor through the will/desire/thoughts/wishes that were embedded in the casting, but that might be too much, I don't know.

Basically observe and manipulate spell "coding" to learn, support, and potentially protect, but otherwise being pretty weak and needing to be protected by the others. A Metamage, I guess?

Thoughts/adjustments? Would this encroach too much on your character's magic Kloudy? I love this idea but don't want to overstep when you already have your plans.
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Alright, the idea forming now is of a sort of savant that, while extremely skilled in seeing the "code" of magic, so to speak, is weak of mind/body and can't actually produce spells of their own. However, they have the capability to see/analyze the components (intents, thoughts, "keywords", etc.) and/or effects of spells and magical effects and redouble them, manipulate them by adjusting "parameters", or inhibit them by introducing antagonistic components. Their ability to do this improves with experience with the castor, the spell, etc., and decreases with more complicated and less understood magic/people. This also might begin to give insight into the mind of the castor through the will/desire/thoughts/wishes that were embedded in the casting, but that might be too much, I don't know.

Basically observe and manipulate spell "coding" to learn, support, and potentially protect, but otherwise being pretty weak and needing to be protected by the others. A Metamage, I guess?

Thoughts/adjustments? Would this encroach too much on your character's magic Kloudy? I love this idea but don't want to overstep when you already have your plans.
*insert Magneto "Perfection" meme here*

All jokes aside, you've nailed it I think. Haven't gone too far in either direction; still within the vein of meta-magic; seems to be something you're interested in using. An overall solid build.

In regards to my own character, I'm completely fine with it. I focus on placing defensive barriers from a physical and mental point of view. You aim to stop the attack at its root. It's basically the difference between cure and prevention, you being the latter. Plus you can also enhance the rest of us, allowing you to double as a support type with the right type of range-variety.

I actually think we'd make an awesome combo, as Cicero literally specialises in physically protecting people. I can find actually no logical faults anywhere!
*insert Magneto "Perfection" meme here*

All jokes aside, you've nailed it I think. Haven't gone too far in either direction; still within the vein of meta-magic; seems to be something you're interested in using. An overall solid build.

In regards to my own character, I'm completely fine with it. I focus on placing defensive barriers from a physical and mental point of view. You aim to stop the attack at its root. It's basically the difference between cure and prevention, you being the latter. Plus you can also enhance the rest of us, allowing you to double as a support type with the right type of range-variety.

I actually think we'd make an awesome combo, as Cicero literally specialises in physically protecting people. I can find actually no logical faults anywhere!
Lol actually made me smile irl, that means a lot >-< We'll see if it all gets lost in translation into the actual character since that happens. But their playstyle sounds fascinating to me, they should interact in cool ways with the other characters, and they would be tied to this particular setting in a way I really like. ^^
I'm certainly looking forward to it and I'm truly really happy for you! I'm really liking all the different interaction possibilities I'm seeing across the cast so far. I've basically finished planning out my backstory, so I just need to get it into the format I want. If anyone wants to plan relationships or joint-backstory stuff now or after, let me know~
Echocoa Echocoa
Lmao, glad you found a new idea so quickly. Let me know if you want help writing specific spells for it. Probably should go into specifics regarding the amount of alterations you can make.

Like spell A let’s you append 1 concept to a spell.

Spell B let’s them subtract 2 concepts from a spell.

Spell C gives a list of all concepts and ideas that goes into creating a spell. This one probably a lot more useful than it sounds for the more mysterious effects. if you go through with it, I can make it a matter of habit of describing all conceptions that goes into forging a magical effect OOC when one is used by a monster. Perhaps including a [REDACTED] when something is above their understanding. I like it though, makes me think again—like your last one. ✨
Echocoa Echocoa
Lmao, glad you found a new idea so quickly. Let me know if you want help writing specific spells for it. Probably should go into specifics regarding the amount of alterations you can make.

Like spell A let’s you append 1 concept to a spell.

Spell B let’s them subtract 2 concepts from a spell.

Spell C gives a list of all concepts and ideas that goes into creating a spell. This one probably a lot more useful than it sounds for the more mysterious effects. if you go through with it, I can make it a matter of habit of describing all conceptions that goes into forging a magical effect OOC when one is used by a monster. Perhaps including a [REDACTED] when something is above their understanding. I like it though, makes me think again—like your last one. ✨
This idea is god-level gming right there.
Echocoa Echocoa
Lmao, glad you found a new idea so quickly. Let me know if you want help writing specific spells for it. Probably should go into specifics regarding the amount of alterations you can make.

Like spell A let’s you append 1 concept to a spell.

Spell B let’s them subtract 2 concepts from a spell.

Spell C gives a list of all concepts and ideas that goes into creating a spell. This one probably a lot more useful than it sounds for the more mysterious effects. if you go through with it, I can make it a matter of habit of describing all conceptions that goes into forging a magical effect OOC when one is used by a monster. Perhaps including a [REDACTED] when something is above their understanding. I like it though, makes me think again—like your last one. ✨
If it's fun for you that makes me feel even better as long as it's not adding a bunch of work for you just for my sake. And honestly since I'm already basically leaning into it having spells that are basically "Spell Math" sounds good to me, and allows room to grow later. If it makes it work better for your system I'm happy to let you do some of the initial writing for those spells, but again, I don't want to put more work on you so I could try to write a bit myself and then see if you want to make adjustments?

And yeah, that's part of why I was so quick to drop the previous idea. I pick up new ideas quickly and it makes it seem better to drop something that is problematic when I was likely to pick something else up before long, as I did ^^;
Seems so! If I weren't so happy with my own character concept I'd almost be envious of yours! Magic-mental maths sounds like something I'd probably have done in a parallel dimension, and Scale's part in it is something I love to see from GMs. Again, simply perfection.
RPN decided to stop notifying me for this thread :xFrolleyes: Anyway my weirdoes are coming along- I look forward to plotting with y'all once they're up ^^
RPN decided to stop notifying me for this thread :xFrolleyes: Anyway my weirdoes are coming along- I look forward to plotting with y'all once they're up ^^
Damn notifications 😤 Really curious to see our resident comedic relief hahah. Remus can’t be pulling all the weight here.
What is the deepest layer that people has known?
It is understood that the deepest levels currently delved are in the 80s. Cicero has reached level 81, and is known for doing so—an incredibly impressive feat only accomplished by a double digit amount of people(at least among those who returned back to the surface, alive afterwards.) Let’s say that 87 is what is understood to be the furtherest level ever reached, by the public.

Very good backstory—I especially like the bit about including an eye on the potential future king. Adds a nifty bit of potential drama and was a very cool and unexpected decision on your end. As I understand it, Gunhild was born in the abyss, to a cult that is now all gone, and has been to Level 76? Level 76 is an incredibly hostile environment. Maybe add a paragraph about the cult, about some figure who mentored her, taught her how to survive, techniques to avoid predators and navigate the abyss with precision to make her backstory more solid. She’d have to be crazy strong to survive in the lower levels for so many years. Even reaching that area to meet Kyserias would be a challenge. Including a mentor would just be a way to emphasize her navigational prowess and make it a bit more believable in the setting. There’s nothing too crazy in her magical abilities, would just make surviving there more believable if it’s explicitly stated that she knows how to avoid danger and how she got those skills.
It is understood that the deepest levels currently delved are in the 80s. Cicero has reached level 81, and is known for doing so—an incredibly impressive feat only accomplished by a double digit amount of people(at least among those who returned back to the surface, alive afterwards.) Let’s say that 87 is what is understood to be the furtherest level ever reached, by the public.

Very good backstory—I especially like the bit about including an eye on the potential future king. Adds a nifty bit of potential drama and was a very cool and unexpected decision on your end. As I understand it, Gunhild was born in the abyss, to a cult that is now all gone, and has been to Level 76? Level 76 is an incredibly hostile environment. Maybe add a paragraph about the cult, about some figure who mentored her, taught her how to survive, techniques to avoid predators and navigate the abyss with precision to make her backstory more solid. She’d have to be crazy strong to survive in the lower levels for so many years. Even reaching that area to meet Kyserias would be a challenge. Including a mentor would just be a way to emphasize her navigational prowess and make it a bit more believable in the setting. There’s nothing too crazy in her magical abilities, would just make surviving there more believable if it’s explicitly stated that she knows how to avoid danger and how she got those skills.
Okie, I can add a bit about her mentors later. She mostly stays within the first 5 level of the abyss and can confidently traverse alone down to the 10th level, below that and she would need a companion as she knew very well that getting injured alone too deep in the abyss oftenly means death sentence. She buried a lot of overconfident divers. And yes, a lot of her survivability does come from her ability to avoid dangers rather than raw strength.

Do you want me to add something stronger to make her more believable?
Okie, I can add a bit about her mentors later. She mostly stays within the first 5 level of the abyss and can confidently traverse alone down to the 10th level, below that and she would need a companion as she knew very well that getting injured alone too deep in the abyss oftenly means death sentence. She buried a lot of overconfident divers. And yes, a lot of her survivability does come from her ability to avoid dangers rather than raw strength.

Do you want me to add something stronger to make her more believable?
You can add that if you want. Something like a passive danger sense could be cool too. Something like sensitivity to strong abyss energy emissions to help her know to avoid dangerous stuff. Would be in line with her other stuff too.
You can add that if you want. Something like a passive danger sense could be cool too. Something like sensitivity to strong abyss energy emissions to help her know to avoid dangerous stuff. Would be in line with her other stuff too.
OK, I can add some later. Her kits is rather straightforward since the cult is practically a bunch of wood elf who adapted to the abyss. If only she wields bow and wears green then she would become the staple fantasy elf lol. Maybe I would also throw some minor necromancy in for religious purpose.

Oh yeah, I remember you mentioned the queen being an abyssal priestess. Please tell me more about it. Gunhild doesn't necessarily has the same belief as she's a shut-in but it would be interesting if their beliefs have some semblance of similarity.
OK, I can add some later. Her kits is rather straightforward since the cult is practically a bunch of wood elf who adapted to the abyss. If only she wields bow and wears green then she would become the staple fantasy elf lol. Maybe I would also throw some minor necromancy in for religious purpose.

Oh yeah, I remember you mentioned the queen being an abyssal priestess. Please tell me more about it. Gunhild doesn't necessarily has the same belief as she's a shut-in but it would be interesting if their beliefs have some semblance of similarity.
She led an order that thinks the world itself is a God that reached into his own heart and turned themselves inside out, and that the abyss is the wound in which it struck it’s chest. Kind of want to leave anything else up to mystery, but you’ll see more early on IC. I don’t think they have much in common as they don’t really care for the monsters.
I'm hoping to get my character sheet up by this weekend. I've mostly finalized the character themselves - I'm just working out their magic at the moment. I think I'm sticking with my animancy (I don't know what to call it, if I'm being honest) concept, but I might change it up if I can't figure out a way to make it work.
I'm hoping to get my character sheet up by this weekend. I've mostly finalized the character themselves - I'm just working out their magic at the moment. I think I'm sticking with my animancy (I don't know what to call it, if I'm being honest) concept, but I might change it up if I can't figure out a way to make it work.
Puppeteer I think is the right word
Just tryna keep track of things as I work on my derps~

The cast so far is:
-Remus the mini-dragon, played by Scaleless Scaleless
-Gunhild the shovel mage, played by Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
-Prince Carolus, played by D. Rex D. Rex
-Sadboy Cicero, played by Kloudy Kloudy
-Ghowgaa the badass, played by Echocoa Echocoa
-Upcoming dweebs, played by Ayama Ayama
-Self-taught spellcaster, played by Hyphae Hyphae
-Inanimate animator, played by aurivee_ aurivee_
-Funny tortle boi, played by AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Did I miss anyone?
S-Sadboy?? I hadn't realised I'd made such an edge lord! 😅

I'm hoping to get my character sheet up by this weekend. I've mostly finalized the character themselves - I'm just working out their magic at the moment. I think I'm sticking with my animancy (I don't know what to call it, if I'm being honest) concept, but I might change it up if I can't figure out a way to make it work.
Animancy sounds quite cool in my opinion actually, if you wanted to run with that~
Just tryna keep track of things as I work on my derps~

The cast so far is:
-Remus the mini-dragon, played by Scaleless Scaleless
-Gunhild the shovel mage, played by Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
-Prince Carolus, played by D. Rex D. Rex
-Sadboy Cicero, played by Kloudy Kloudy
-Ghowgaa the badass, played by Echocoa Echocoa
-Upcoming dweebs, played by Ayama Ayama
-Self-taught spellcaster, played by Hyphae Hyphae
-Inanimate animator, played by aurivee_ aurivee_
-Funny tortle boi, played by AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Did I miss anyone?
Ghowgaa is going to be removed once I have a better grasp on my replacement "Metamage" character idea, but nice to think you called her a badass, either genuinely or sarcastically ^^;

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