Fred Colon
It was so much easier to blame it on Them.
"A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Adaline. My name is Marina Campbell." Marina said, eyebrows rising, surprised by the skill and speed of the young girl. Marina certainly couldn't have done that at her age, but this new land was a place of exceptional people.
(My bad entirely, she's not telepathic, I just misread and thought you said Marina's name aloud.)
"If we're going to try again I can certainly hit it harder. It seems I've made a mistake in underestimating your skill. My deepest apologies. Now, if your ready?"
Marina pulled her arm back and threw the ball like she had thrown her deadly stone at the Eye of the Cyclops of Mareton Abbey.
(My bad entirely, she's not telepathic, I just misread and thought you said Marina's name aloud.)
"If we're going to try again I can certainly hit it harder. It seems I've made a mistake in underestimating your skill. My deepest apologies. Now, if your ready?"
Marina pulled her arm back and threw the ball like she had thrown her deadly stone at the Eye of the Cyclops of Mareton Abbey.