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Void Dust - IC Thread



Ren "Yumekui" Kagami

Location: Hero Office Master of Disguises
Mention: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy
Next in initiative:

This day could have started worse than it began, so Ren was thankful for that. After all, missing his train to the academy did mean he was going to be late but thankfully he wasn't that late, he even smiled a little seeing that he wasn't the only late student, as Ren saw a girl running towards the classroom. So not wanting to be even more late he began to run as well, jumping over a few students that were in his way, continuously speeding up as he ran only skidding to a halt once he jumped the stairs to the correct floor where his classroom resided. Then he simply walked towards the classroom door while fixing his uniform up a bit, arriving at the door he knocked thrice and entered the classroom saying.
"Sorry I'm late Teach, missed my morning train while helping an old lady cross the street."

Conjurer glanced at the boi with scorn, it appeared his being late did matter after all, as the girl named Hisako who ran ahead of him just beelined towards her desk as he just came into the room. So Ren approached the chalkboard, his build was decent, far leaner than one could expect from his strength, his skin soft as silk and white as rice, his hair a shaggy brown mess of hair, and his big round sparkly purple eyes that drew the attention of others.
"Hello there! My name is Ren Kagami. Nice to meet ya'!" Said Ren as to start the introduction, with his eyes looking at the whole class but not straight at anyone.
"I'm a theatre kid so don't mind if I sometimes say some weird stuff, 'cause it's probably me rehearsing a play from memory. But my hobby is the art of freerunning and parkour, being able to move my body in various ways and never slowing down, the wind in the hair and the adrenaline as you jump from roof to roof is just my kind of thing."
Explained Ren only to do a standing front flip to showcase his maneuverability before slicking his hair back and resuming his little speech.
"I want to be a hero just like you guys, though I'm gonna go underground... I know it's not a common choice for a person to want to become an underground hero, but it is what would suit my quirk the most. After all, I won't be there for the citizens to help, I will be there so villains will fear me. Anyway, my quirk is called Doppelganger.- I can morph my body to look like someone and temporarily boost my strength and resilience, though at some point I did manage to make some claws appear on my hands though I did pass out after that. And my Hero name is gonna be Yumekui, after all my goal is to eat the villain's dreams of doing villainy."
As he finished his introduction he performed a theater 45-degree bow towards his classmates, before going to an empty desk to claim as his own. Placing his backpack and rucksack beside him, his backpack had his standard class stuff and a few spare clothes, while his rucksack contained his Glaive and Sling along with a few more common clothes of different types for when he morphs into someone, sure his hero suit could mimic how the clothes looked and should behave but their tactile responses weren't that close to their real counterparts so he would usually carry a few pieces of clothes with him. In fact, he was wearing his hero suit beneath his school clothes at this very moment, it did appear as just a thin layer of full bodysuit when in rest mode but even right now he was making it mimic his own skin and underwear. Getting his own hero suit made from your own DNA was a pain, but even more so was learning to control it separately from your own quirk.

Sitting now at his desk Ren quarried his mind for which hero should he pick, which hero was the closest to an underground hero he wished to become, finally settling down on the Master of Disguises, it sounded like his quirk or set of skills could be similar to Ren's and he needed all the help he could get to perfect that. After making sure he was his best choice at the moment, Ren picked up his bag and rucksack and nodded to his teacher Conjurer while saying.

"See ya later Teach I'm going to the Master of Disguises if ya need me, to stand in for ya at some point."

It took a bit to arrive at the Heroes agency, with a few bows here and there along with asking for directions he arrived in front of his soon-to-be teacher/boss for the duration of internship office, before entering it, he changed his clothes from his school uniform to some athletic sportswear along with a loose red hoodie to cover his head, and some sneakers. He then knocked three times on the office doors, before entering the office. He placed his backpack by the door and had his rucksack swinging from his side half open, before glancing over the room and saying.
"Good day to you Sir Master of Disguises! I'm Ren Kagami, a UA student reporting for the Internship position. Heroname Yumekui. I wish to learn your skills and earn my worth to be bestowed your knowledge upon me."

Gears Gears and _LittleJunimo_ _LittleJunimo_ The Necromancer smiled at the two of you “Lovely. It’s always a pleasure to see blooming hero’s working together. Teamwork is a good thing to build. Now. For your first question… What percentage of people have quirks?

Since these questions don’t make sense in character I’ll bold them to make them stand out more, it doesn’t flow great, but trivia is fun!

IcarusEm IcarusEm Transfuser eagerly clapped her hands together in excitement “Wonderful! That quirk will be incredibly useful for rescue missions, and for providing support to those fighting alongside you! Welcome to the agency!” She held her hand out for you to shake

Congratulations on being the first one to land an internship! Your rewards will be based on which internship you went to and the determined difficulty. Transfuser happened to be the easiest one, give yourself 50 XP!

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Elastica nodded somberly “You have a very noble mission, to help the people of this world! That’s very good for a hero! I’m very sorry for the things you’ve had to see and go through. But now you get to help people, just remember that sometimes people are beyond saving. As hero’s our job is to do as much as we can, but to do everything would be impossible. Don’t set too high of expectations for yourself or else a minor setback could destroy you”

The hero shuffled around a few of the papers on her desk before looking back up to you “Well you certainly seem like a lovely candidate! I’ll get back to you as soon as possible to let you know if we’ll be taking you on or not. In the meantime I hope you have a lovely day!” Elastica shakes your hand with a smile and guides you out of the room. But the second the door slips shut behind you a cloaked figure jumps at you from the side of the door! They’re brandishing a club which they swing at you, but they miss

You are now in our first combat! The cloaked figure was able to attack you with a surprise attack, now you’ll go back and forth with turns. Could you roll me initiative? The cloaked figure got a 5, so looking good for you!

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Lockdown’s office is decorated with awards and trophies. He has a case displaying a few of the weapons he’s known for using on the field. Lockdown himself is sitting behind his desk. He’s a man with blond hair that he wears in a low ponytail and he’s wearing a thick army style coat. He stands up when he meets you and extends his hand towards you with a wide smile “Hello young man! I’m assuming that you’re here for the internship position? Well! You’ll need to prove yourself! What do you think of your combat abilities boy?”

Megilagor Megilagor The Master of Disguises smiles as you enter the room. He’s a relatively large man with thick curly brown hair. His office has many tools in it, pushed up against the walls of the room. There’s also a table littered with various materials “Hello Ren, I’m glad you chose my internship today! You seem like a lovely boy to work with” He gestured towards a seat at the other end of his desk “Sit, sit, tell me a bit about yourself!”
Eddie Gears

Eddie thought for a moment, twisting his puzzle device as he thought of his answer, the tool making a low click every time he found a solution- he would need to build a new one that was harder soon. His current puzzle had a few combinations he could attempt, after a few attempts he opened the secret compartment, empty- he tried again before answering. “Eight out of Ten and rising.” Eddie said before he heard a loud click, giving a slight smile as he finally opened the box, the component now revealed in the secret compartment. Eddie pulled the key from the box, eventually finding a keyhole leading him to more puzzles.
Sayori smiles and nods, pointing to Eddie in agreement.
"Yes! 8 out of 10, roughly 80% of people have quirks!" Sayori's attention is quickly stolen to the thingy Eddie is doing and her covered eyes follow the movement of his hands, watching in curiosity. Letting out small ooo's and ahhh's at the puzzle thingy. Her arm looping with Eddie's without thinking.
Tsuki beamed at the praise. Sure a Quirk wasn't something you could choose, but she was proud of hers and was happy someone else saw the value in it. Then Transfuser was saying she got the internship and was holding her hand out to Tsuki. The bunny-girl froze for a moment out of shock. She'd done it? It was that easy, too? She expected a test, or a trial run or something. Was Transfuser the type to say yes to every intern, or had Tsuki won her over with her personality? Or maybe it was her Quirk's usefulness that Transfuser wanted? Not that any of that really mattered because in the end, she had done it! She'd actually managed to land an internship, and not only that, but it was the one she wanted.

A grin slowly spread across her face and she began bouncing on the balls of her feet rapidly. She reached out and took Transfuser's hand with both of hers, shaking it excitedly. "Thank you so much!! I promise, I won't let you down! Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it!" She would do whatever necessary to be a hero, well as long as it was moral and didn't break the law. But she doubted that Transfuser would have her do anything that would cause trouble. "What happens next?" Did she immediately meet the other people in Transfuser's office, or was this part of the day over and she would do that on a return trip? She kind of wanted to get some boba to celebrate her first victory on the road to being a hero, and to figure out how her classmates had faired, but she didn't want to just dip out of the office if Transfuser still wanted her for something.


Hisako Ichiki!​

Location: Outside of Elastica's Office.
Mention: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy
Next in initiative: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

"Don't set expectations too high, or else a minor setback could destroy you."

The words pierced Hisako's skin and embedded itself. A harsh truth. Could she actually try her hardest to save villains? Rehabilitate them? Sure, there was no possiblity to help the monsters that exist. Those without remorse, guilt, or even a heart. How far could Hisako go? Who could she save? She wanted to start small--work on thugs and small-time criminals. When she truly felt capable of saving the lost souls and morality of actual villains. She knew then that her goal would be achieved.

Heroes and Villains.

One cannot exist without the other. So to does the relationship between these two forces. One serves the other and vice versa, giving purpose to both sides of the crackling flames of ambition and compassion. For Hisa to go the distance, and embroil herself in the lifetimes of turmoil between both sides acting as a mediator and protector. Hisako must prepare herself for the hardest of battles to face. Although, such hard work was better kept for the future involvement of Hisako's life.

Time to snap out of it, Hisako.
"I hope you have a lovely day!" Elastica broke Hisako out of her thoughts with a hearty farewell. Hisako blinked, but took Elastica's hand greatly. A small smile formed across her lips, and even though she wasn't guaranteed the position on first meeting--Hisako was hopeful for the future. Elastica had a strong grip, too. Being led out of the office, Hisako waved her hand gently at Elastica, practically her only chance at saying her own farewells too...

The door shut, but something rushed toward Hisako with a vengeful speed in the corner of her eye. Hisako's body tensed, and her military training reminded her of the next steps to take within a split second. The attacker wielded a weapon- a club it seemed. They missed, there was a chance of counterattacking their mistake...

Hisako grabbed the attacking arm of the cloaked individual. The firmness of her grip kept the attacker from being able to pull away so easily. She grabbed the collar of the cloak while pressing her back against the attacker, she flipped the individual over her back and sent them crashing down into the ground. To apprehend- Hisako knelt down over the back of their knees: effectively pinning them down. While she snatched the attackers free arm and twisted it behind their back, forcing them to stay down.

"OI WHAT THE HELL IS THE BIG IDEA HUH?!" Hisako barked out in a growling tone.
"Don't you know you're not supposed to hurt a lady?!" Hisa pulled their arm back just a tad bit more, to increase the discomfort in being pinned down.
"What if you hit a kid coming out of that office huh!? You should be ashamed of yourself!" Hisa continued to sit atop the attacker, keeping their clubbing hand from swishing and swashing about.

(Don't mind the second roll on Initiative, I accidentall pressed buttons XD)
Edit: Initiative: 16 (14+2)
Edit: Grapple Attack: 20 (14 + 6)
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"Uhh, i've never had professional training. I try to mimic and adapt from heroes that look that'd fit my fighting style. SO a little bit of this, a tiny bit of that. But I promise you, i'll never utter the words 'smash' while I'm attacking!" He said the last one in a joking manner before looking at the man "Wait we're fighting?" He got in a pretty funky combat stance, he'd never had to do one of those before, and waited for the mans command to start.

Initiative: 17+2= 19
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Ren "Yumekui" Kagami

Location: Hero Office Master of Disguises
Mention: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy
Next in initiative: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy , Gears Gears

Ren looked at the Master of Disguises and without breaking eye contact walked up towards the desk and took a seat opposite of him. He made sure to take a quick glance over the room but more so at the tools inside of it, after all not being aware of your surroundings might one day lead to his death or the death of someone else.

After doing a quick check on the room, Ren once again gathered his undivided attention and targeted it at the Master of Disguises, with a small tilt sideways of his hide as if he was a puppy and a small serene smile on his face he asked.
"What does Sir want to know about me? My quirk, my backstory, my goals as a hero? I will have to warn Sir though, I aim to be an underground hero, so the less people know of me the better, so I would appreciate it if what I say never leaves this room, unless it is absolutely necessary."

Ren took a bit of time after saying that to look at the Master of Disguises to see his reaction only after being certain of it, that he will keep it to himself did Ren speak again.
"My quirk is called Doppelganger, I can morph my body in various ways, allowing me to become someone else, though I don't acquire someone's quirk that way I do become their near-perfect copy, with the only difference being memories, and personality and the aforementioned quirk. Though I can morph into things from fiction such as Oni it strains my imagination and mind. Along with that, I can add additional muscle mass into my body allowing me to become stronger although the effects of that are only temporary as it consumes a lot of nutrients from me to do so, so I prefer to use it in bursts...... I prefer to keep my story to myself sadly enough Sir, it's just personal but do know it's not for bad reasons. And my goal as a hero is to become the opposite of All Might, while he is the symbol of peace for the citizens I want to become the Symbol of Fear for the villains, their literal living nightmare. I want them to think I live in every single shadow... No, I am the shadow, I want them to not be able to think about doing crime without first thinking they would have to deal with me. After all, FEAR is a tool, and if used wisely. It can lead to a long time of peace...."
After his somewhat emotional speech, which honestly did tug at Ren's heartstrings, especially his own goal, he took a deep breath before exhaling and asking the Master of Disguises some things.
"Honestly Sir, I do want to learn from you very much. But I have to ask, why is it that with so many heroes around? Why are the villains so cocky to act out. Why do normal people still have to live in fear in some places just because of villains? WHY? Just why is it not enough..."
Gears Gears and _LittleJunimo_ _LittleJunimo_ The Necromancer smiled and made a small note on a piece of paper to keep track of your scores “Terrific. You got the first question right! Next up… What are the Wild Wild Pussycats names? All 4 of them please”

IcarusEm IcarusEm Transfuser smiled, pleased with the eagerness she was seeing from her new intern “You’re welcome to continue with your day as usual, think of it as sort of a day off if you’d like! To reward your accomplishment. Tomorrow the receptionist downstairs will have a few things that need looked into for you to start working on”

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi The attacker struggled to escape from Hisako’s hold for a moment, and eventually did so! They scrambled to their feet and drew back the club to prepare for another swing, but they were still out of breath from escaping Hisako’s hold. They didn’t respond, not wanting to give away anything about themselves

I fully thought this was going to be a boring combat. Then your attacker rolled a natural 20 so- Y’know that certainly spices things up. Also rolled lower initiative than you so we’re good!

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Lockdown chuckled “I like your spirit boy! We have a training arena, you’ll be fighting me there!” Lockdown guides you down a floor to a room. In the center of the room there’s a wide open area surrounded by low walls to separate the fighting area from the observing area. Lockdown takes a battle stance at one end of the arena and looks towards you “Let’s see what you’ve got kid!”

Roll me initiative!

Megilagor Megilagor The Master of Disguises nodded sagely as he listened to your explanation of your goals and abilities. He rested his elbows on his desk to hold his head up with his hand “I see. The symbol of Fear… It certainly sounds like a very interesting take on being a hero! I’m sure your goals shift how you’d handle a situation, after all everyone handles things differently! So let’s see… Say you’re on patrol, alone, and you see a small family of three being attacked by a large group of 5 villains. The villains easily outnumber and outmatch you and you know nothing about them. How would you handle this situation?”
Sayori jutted out her lower lip in a pout as she thought hard. Struggling to remember them. She only remembers two! Sayori messes with the edge of her skirt.
"Umm, well, I remember Ragdoll and Pixie-bob! I can't remember the other two... oh the other girl is like, Mandala? Mandeya? Something like that I think, it starts with a M." Sayori frowns. "Sorry..." her hands go behind her back and she wrings them together anxiously.
Tsuki nodded. "Gotcha! I'll be here first thing tomorrow," she promised before saying her goodbyes. Now what to do though, she wondered as she exited the building. Boba would be a great way to celebrate, but it would be even more fun with the rest of her classmates. So instead she stopped by a convenience store and grabbed some anko-filled mochi and munched on that on her way back to school.

She managed to sit in her dorm's common area for a full five minutes. "Well, this is boring," she announced to the empty to room. She stood up, stretched and went up to her room to change into her gym clothes. Once changed she picked a spot near the entrance to the campus to work on her teleporting. She wanted to extend the range at which she could open portals, as well as practice opening portals without looking at where they were going. Working near the entrance to the school grounds allowed her to see when her classmates came back and to greet them. Maybe she could even convince one or two of them to train with her!

The girl closed her eyes, envisioning one of her golden portals opening in the area about five feet in front of her and another opening about two feet behind her. As she concentrated, she reached up and pulled her hair into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. She released her power, willing the portals to open and then opened her eyes and looked around before giving a little hop of victory. She'd done it! Well, the portal behind her was a couple inches higher off the ground than she'd wanted, but still, it was really close!


Hisako Ichiki!​

Location: Outside of Elastica's Office.
Mention: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy
Next in initiative: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

Hisa loosened up only a tad, and in that split second--her attacker had escaped her grasp. That was a most foolish decision. Hisa could feel her spine tingle as her father's words scratched the itch of discipline in the back of her head. Her eye twitched as she stood back up, watching her attacker with feline-like attention towards their body movements. To anticipate the next attack was the next step. Shut it down before the attacker can attempt it.

"Hisako! If you let your sister break out of that choke-hold again you're giving me 500 push-ups in 20 minutes!"
Her father was right. Hisako needed to be harder than steel; unbreakable in the presence of chaos and disorder. This attacker represented such disorder.

Time to put it to rest.

Being compassionate are reserved for those still capable of being reasoned with. Hisako needed to take this person down- and force them into a defenseless situation before any words could reach. Hisako opted for a more direct approach now, and it might get hectic before it gets better.. Getting right in front of their face. Her large arms attempted to grab at the shrouded individual.

Hisako grappled the attacker, to which there was some struggle. Eventually Hisako overpowered them and picked them up, hollering out a war-cry as she slammed them into the ground straight after.

"ENOUGH!!" Hisako yelled out. Keeping her ground above the attacker as a means to disuade them from continuing their assault. Hisako's size overshadowing them from above.

EDIT: Attempt to slam attacker into the ground - 5 + 6 = 11 to hit.

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Austin rushed into the man, attemping to slam his elbow into the mans solar plexus, before making a sweeping kick to take him down and throwing a punch towards his throat

i did not roll good 😭


Ren "Yumekui" Kagami

Location: Hero Office Master of Disguises
Mention: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy
Next in initiative: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy , _LittleJunimo_ _LittleJunimo_

"First I would like to know the time of day, along with what the area is where this happens. After all, if I am patrolling that route it means I devised that route myself and went around it a few times as a civilian to get to know the area. But assuming I have a free choice of terrain as long as it isn't too advantageous to me, then I would choose a street with a tight alleyway. Sure it would be disadvantageous for me to use my weapon of choice there, leaving me only with overhead swings or stabs but it would also reduce the chances of the villains creating a formation or maneuvering around me to reach my back or the family I would try to position behind me. Preferably for the time of day, I would choose either early morning or late evening hours, the darker times of day are double-edged blades sure but it goes both ways. As for my gear, I assume you want me to have the exact same one I have on me right now or my usual one."
Spieled Ren looking at squarely at the Master of Disguises, after all his "situation" left too many loose ends for Ren to choose from, the place, time of day, his gear. Leaving this many variables as random felt for Ren as if they were a trap for him to walk into, or that Master of Disguises wasn't as great as Ren though. After taking a sip from his water bottle and a deep breath Ren began to speak once more this time trying to explain how he will proceed with this task.
"The first course of action will be to silently notify other heroes so they can arrive there and be my backup. I would achieve it by accessing the HPSC network from my phone and sending an alert to villain activity in the area, as well as a request for backup from nearby heroes. The secondary course of action would be me approach the villains as well as the small family as silently and unseen as I can, after all, if I am down the street I have near to no options for tackling the issue. Once I'm near enough I would take out my sling and a few of its ammunitions from my pouch."

Ren slid the sleeve of his hoodie up his arm revealing a simple sling tied by one string to his wrist, while the other rested attached to it by a magnet, then he removed a small ball from his pouch, it was heavy but it had a slit in the middle meaning it would open up on impact.
"I have about 20 of such balls on me right now, each of them containing various common irritants mixed together, except for 5 of them, those five with a red border instead of black containing powdered tear gas, ground rose hips and military-grade putricants. In simple terms they will smell as if they have shat themselves, they will be itching all over, and will feel as if someone just pepper sprayed them. The balls themselves are made from a mix of steel and lead giving them their signature heft to them, so even if they don't break open on impact they would still pack a punch."

Ren made sure to carefully hide both his sling and his ammunition back where they belonged before resuming talking about the scenario.
"Now assuming I approached them close enough, that I could sprint to them quickly within a short amount of time. I would take a said swing, and load up one of my red ammunitions flinging it into the middle of the group of villains if I can but it would suffice if I just hit one of them in the head or torso. After doing so, I would activate my temporary boost of power from my quirk, increasing my body size and bulk up a bit I would grab my Naginata and charge into the group of villains, trying to perform a shoulder charge while pointing my Naginata on a lower approach around their hip level. Assuming that the ball hit and irritated at least 2 of them and that I knocked over or at least pushed one of the villains away from the family, I would Instruct the family to go further down the alley, assuming the 5 villains were all on the same side of the family. Whether the alley has a dead end or not does not matter as much since it is advantageous to limit the movement of Villains. I would of course inform the civilian family that they have my permission to use their quirks to either escape or try to stand their ground if I fail to protect them till reinforcements arrive, the villains get bored and run away or I somehow win over the villains. For my tactics of fighting with said villains though, I wouldn't mind going as dirty as needed, as long as they are still alive by the end of the day, unless hero society changes and starts issuing hero licenses that allow them to do much worse things to villains that will sadly be as much as I would be allowed to do to them."
Ren then looked once again at the Master of Disguises, before asking him.
"Is this resolution for your imaginary scenario good enough, or did you assume a different ending especially since you left a lot of information from it to my discretion."
_LittleJunimo_ _LittleJunimo_ The Necromancer made a small frown and another note on the piece of paper. He gives you a small smile “That’s alright dear, you were able to get two right! And that’s certainly better than none! The last two were Mandalay and Tiger. Last question! What was the name of Sir Nighteye’s sidekick?

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi your attacker struggles under your grasp, trying to escape again but this time they were unsuccessful, your grip was tight. They went limp and called out “You win!” A few seconds later Elastica walks out of her office and smiles down to you “Very good! I apologize for leaving you in the dark about what I was doing, this was a test I’m afraid. Which you passed! I wanted to make sure my intern would be able to handle themselves even in an unexpected situation, you’ve just fought one of my sidekicks! You can let her up now” Elastica waited for you to stand up before extending her hand to you “Welcome to the agency!”

Your attacker rolled a 2. The most absurd rolls I’ve ever had. Debatably worse than the time I had a player roll a 5 3 times in a row X D. Elastica was one of the more difficult heroes. Give yourself 200 XP!

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Lockdown dodges to the side fairly easily. He pulls back a staff to swing at you but the attack is slow, giving you plenty of time to dodge. Lockdown chuckles as he adjusted his grip on his staff “Guess we both need some time to warm up eh? Nothin’ wrong with a slow start!”

I rolled a 7 to hit, which definitely misses. Your DM is not rolling good today

Megilagor Megilagor The Master of Disguises gave a small frown, looking slightly annoyed “I don’t believe I like your tone boy, if you have a question you should ask it, not hold the lack of information against someone. It’s not hard to ask a question” He sighed and seemed to relax slightly “However your plan does sound fairly stable. Say you’re unable to get the family away from the villains, how would you proceed? By shooting you’d be putting the family at risk of being hit, especially if you’re using something similar to tear gas that has an area of effect”
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Sayori smiled back, some right is better then none she guessed. Anxiety still welled in her chest that seemed to grow with each second. "Oh, well, he had two didn't he?" Sayori muttered before speaking up. "He had two I think, bubble girl and centi-something. Centi... Peter? Pedar! Centipedar. He has like, the bug head." Sayori let's out a small breath. Not knowing what to do with herself other then fidget and panic.


Hisako Ichiki!​

Location: Outside of Elastica's Office---Entrance of Campus
Mention: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy IcarusEm IcarusEm
Next in initiative: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

It all happened in a literal flash! Agency? Accepted?! Test?!!?! Hisa looked like an idiot with her eyes big and wide looking at Elastica. "No way..." She muttered to herself, trying to regain a sort of composure. She was too excited, too happy to even act professional as she had been taught to be. Hisa let go of Elastica's sidekick, even helped them back up and dusted them off for good measure. Then, and only then did Hisa smack her hand straight into Elastica's. A good firm grip, strong and proud.
"T-Thank you...YOU WON'T REGRET THIS! I PROMISE!!" Hisako exclaimed, her messy strands of black hair were swept backwards to reveal her big black eyes. "I SWEAR I'LL MAKE YOU PROUD!"

Hisako had been running back to Campus from that moment onward, and her mind swirled with excitement and questions all over. She had succeeded in her test- She finally got an internship. How proud her father would be for her right now.. She felt truly ecstatic. She felt her legs piston forward, stronger--faster. She couldn't control herself as those long legs of her stocky body rushed through.

The six foot behemoth of a woman came barreling towards the campus grounds at what felt like 50mph. The wind bent at her very whim. Hisako was charging straight for a portal without noticing it at first.
"WAAH!!" Hisako cried out as she was sent head first into Tsuki's open portal...
Austin rolled his shoulder "I don't normally stretch." He rushed again with his fist raised high in the air, as he got closer he stepped to the side, revealing a feint. he dropped to the ground, aiming a roundhouse kick at the mans head.

Hit: 19+3+1= 23
dmg: 3+3=6
How am I doing this 😭
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Ren "Yumekui" Kagami

Location: Hero Office Master of Disguises
Mention: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy
Next in initiative: Silly Little Guy Silly Little Guy , _LittleJunimo_ _LittleJunimo_

Ren listened to Master of Disguises, or to his irritated little speech, seeing a pro hero be easily irritated and annoyed only showed he was an easy target something a real pro hero at least an underground one should never be.

"And that's fair. You might not like my tone but it did piss you off, if I was able to piss you off with my attitude then imagine what a villain would be able to do with you. Villains will use anything against you, and clouding your mind by pissing you off is the most basic maneuver of it all, even underground heroes use it to make villains act how they want them to. Anyway, we heroes don't work under the presumption we have an infinite amount of time to ask questions to get the full picture of stuff. We act as quickly as possible to solve the issue. Sitting around asking endless questions about the situation in a real situation would lead to the family being potentially mugged, kidnapped, or killed in the alley, while I was still asking you or someone else questions about the situation. Short concrete answers and descriptions of the situation and its surroundings are what is needed. That's what iv been taught. That's what saves time during which you have a bigger chance to save a life."
Explained Ren to MoD while looking him right in the face, Ren's face was calm and emotionless, but still vigilant of his surroundings. Ren drank a bit of his water from the bottle before speaking shortly once again.
"Sure this was a hypothetical situation where I did technically have an infinite amount of time to ask you about the situation, its surroundings, and other similar stuff, but the first words you spoke to me meant that I had to act as if it was a real situation happening right now. Meaning I had next to no time for questions since each question would lead to less time in which I could act before bad things happened to that family."

As he stopped talking MoD started talking once again this time his face more relaxed than before. Ren trying not to piss off his possible internship giver even more tried to tone down his tone and manner of speech before giving him some more explanations.
"It's powdered tear gas, not real tear gas, it has a smaller area of spread compared to real tear gas technically. Real tear gas is the same powder I use and store in the balls, though it is a finer ground of it and the usual use of that powdered tear gas is to put it in a pressurized container that upon pulling its pin would realize the powder into the air at a fast pace and load, making it cloud up into a fog like a state which explains why its called a gas, even though it's not a real gas. I did test the spread of the powdered tear gas in my balls upon them breaking open on someone. I spent around six months perfecting the amount of powder in the ball so as to not make a cloud of it too big. After all that time I ended up with a small enough amount that the cloud isn't much bigger than a regular person's head."

Ren put one of his legs over the other, his arms sitting on his knee and he thought for a bit before asking the Master of Disguises a few questions about how his previous actions affected the current situation of the scenario, along with a few other questions. This time after all he wished to answer him in earnest without testing his nerves.
"But sure I'll bite. Assuming I didn't manage to get the family away from the villains. First I want to know what state are we in. As in is it an alley with a dead end, so it's a wall, the family, me, and then the villains or in what formations are we in this moment? How did they react to my tackle and smacking one of them over the head with the irritant metal ball?"
_LittleJunimo_ _LittleJunimo_ The Necromancer smiled and made a final mark on his paper “Splendid. Centipeder went on to take over the agency, so I was only looking for Bubble Girl. But that means you got bonus points! Which perfectly makes up for your previous mistake, giving you a perfect score” The Necromancer looked up to you with a smile, setting the paper off to the side “I like the way you work, you’re knowledgeable. And if you’re lacking in one area you’re able to recover in another to get the best possible results, I would be honored to have you helping out at my agency” The Necromancer extended his hand towards you

Congratulations on being the third student to get their internship you get… Drumroll please… 300 XP! You went to the hardest internship and as a reward get an instant level up! Enjoy it!

IcarusEm IcarusEm Welcome back to initiative! At this point you and Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi just have a chance to get to know each other, do some role play, that fun stuff!

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Lockdown grunted as Austin’s foot connected with his head. He moved backwards to rub his head for a moment before rushing back in, swinging his staff to hit Austin in the side squarely with a chuckle “You warm up quickly boy!”

Lockdown’s staff attack did a total of 6 damage! (Boy do I hate how fragile level one characters are)

Megilagor Megilagor The Master of Disguises sighed “I’m perfectly capable of keeping my cool in a situation where it is necessary. However I won’t take someone who wishes to work for me disrespecting me in my own office. I don’t expect respect from villains, so when I don’t get it I’m not affected. However someone who wishes to intern for me I expect respect from. Therefore a lack of it can be frustrating”

The Master of Disguises took a small breath before continuing “While at times asking questions can be a liability, at others times it’s an advantage. Thinking on your feet is impotent, however if you have time to ask questions you should almost always make use of that time. It’s not about saving people quickly, it’s about saving them to the best of your ability. Say you had to raid a villain hideout, you should take your time to learn about the villains, about the layout of the building, the surrounding area. Obviously that’s not the situation you were given, simply an example to show the importance of taking your time”

He nodded in approval hearing the details about Ren’s makeshift tear gas “Making your own tools can certainly be beneficial. Say your tear gas weakened one of the villains, making them go down and your tackle took another one out of the way, but they still be nearby and ready to fight. That would be enough of a commotion for at least one civilian to escape, but you’re still surrounded by four villains and they still have two captives. If they view you as a threat and start trying to flee they’d attempt to take their captives with them, or simply kill or injure them before leaving. By only harming the threat not fully handling it you could put the civilians in danger”
Sayori let's out a sigh of relief and the biggest grin stretches across her face. She basically bounces forward and shakes The Necromancer's hand with vigor, glowing from the praise!
"Thank you so, so much! I'm honored to be able to help!"

Sayori feels her mind ease and grow with confidence. She silently commends herself for not straight up having an anxiety attack-
Sayori leaves the building with a pep in her step, taking deep breaths to calm her beating heart.
Sayori goes back to the school.
Tsuki had been diligently hard at work, trying to improve her portal-making skills. It was tough, trying to make a portal someplace she couldn't see that wasn't directly behind her, but she was doing her best. It felt like she'd been at it hours and she was just thinking of taking a break, perhaps going back to the dorm and reading a book after doing a couple more portals.

She took a breath and created another set of portals, one in front of her and one behind her on the path into the school. She was just about to step through the one in front of her when she heard a sound behind her, like someone running. She turned just in time to see one of her classmates run into her portal. Without a moment to spare, she quickly stepped to the side to be out of Hisako's way as she came barreling out of the other portal yelling. Tsuki held her hands out, catching her classmate before she could get disoriented and fall, or run back into the other portal and go through again.

"I'm so sorry about that," she exclaimed, dissolving her portals once Hisako was safely through. "I thought this was a good place to practice, I didn't think about someone accidentally going through my portals. Are you alright?" The portals weren't harmful, but it could be a little disorienting to go through them since you usually ended up walking one direction into one and coming out of the other facing a different direction, especially if you weren't expecting it.


Hisako Ichiki!​

Location: Entrance of Campus
Mention: IcarusEm IcarusEm
Next in initiative: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

Hisa felt her entire body lurch when "falling"? into the portal. It felt like she was falling at least. It felt like you were on a roller coaster that drops you at an incredible height, with the rush pummeling you all at once. While at the same time, in just that split second you would be spinning miraculously fast. Disorienting was a good explaination. Hisako would not want to be stuck in an eternal loop of portals...She'd probably have to cry.

Thankfully, Tsuki had arrived to save the day by halting Hisako's movement. For this, Hisako finally had the chance to breathe and take a better look of her surroundings. Hisako realized she was back at the Campus. She blinked, did she really run that fast out of excitement? "I'm alright now, thanks to you!" Hisako smiled softly down at Tsuki. "Your quirk is incredible, but man does it really knock you around!" Hisako pressed against her temples, trying to shake off the last bits of wooziness from the portals.

"If we haven't been introduced before, my name is Hisako Ichiki. Nice to meet you!" Hisa offered her hand to the lady before her. At first, Hisako debated upon using a firm handshake for Tsuki or not, she didn't look the type to enjoy a handcrusher of a shake.. Perhaps a gentle one would be more suited to Tsuki.

Austin held his side in pain as he felt the force of the object impacting his side. He attempted to grab the mans stick, but his hand slipped, He tripped backwards, tumbling to the ground.

Hit: 16
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