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Fandom VLDR- Virtue's Last Dilemma Redux (Signups - 7/12)


When someone betrays your trust, it feels like a part of you dies.

For me... I guess it was the part that cared.

Hello all, and welcome to

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Dilemma Redux



Game Rules:
  1. The most important: respect your host and the other players. Please remember that this is just a game.

  2. This is a role-playing game and I, the host, will be the GM. I will facilitate everything in this game; please always follow my instructions.

  3. Your primary goal in this game is to escape the facility. Note that some roles may have additional goals, while others don't need to escape at all. In order to escape, you must open the Number 12 Door. You will learn how to do this as the game progresses.

  4. Once the escape door is opened, all players able to leave - meaning not unconscious or otherwise preoccupied - will escape, and the door will close. The game ends immediately afterward. In other words, opening the Number 12 Door marks the end of the game.

  5. This game is both active and time-based. If you are unable to respond to another player's action due to your absence, then I will act on your behalf. I always try to be fair. Consider this a disclaimer: do not complain about actions I took for you. This is often better than simply letting you die because you happened to be offline.

  6. You cannot carry more than 7 items on your person, not including hidden or undetectable items.

Player Rules:
  1. Do not, under any circumstances, discuss your role. Do not claim a role, do not list your role's abilities, and do not name your role's win conditions. Yes, some roles may appear obvious, but please do not make role accusations outright. Only Pair roles in their pair chat may discuss roles freely.

  2. You are free to play any character you wish. Once I ask for them, I will demand that each player send me a character bio for them to

  3. Do not talk about the game outside of game means. This will only ruin the experience and is just a dick thing to do.

  4. Please bold all of your actions so that they are easy for me to see.

  5. DO NOT JOIN THIS GAME IF YOU WON'T BE ACTIVE. This game normally takes anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. The more active the players are, the less time it will take to complete. This game is much more fun when all players are active. That being said, please be patient on other players and the Host as well.

  • Discussion - Talk with other players in the thread, vote for various options, etc. Mainly used as filler between other phases.

    Puzzle - Separate into groups and solve riddles with your team. Solely in PMs.

    Roaming - Explore the facility, interacting with others along the way. Solely in PMs.

    Ambidex Game - Choose to ally or to betray your opponents. What you choose dictates if you'll be able to escape, or if you'll be left behind...

Aeolian's personal list. There cannot be two of the same role excluding roles that copy abilities. Other than that, it's completely random.

Roles whose main purpose is to protect other players or defeat team evil.​
Guardian Angel
Glory in compassion

  • You are experienced with chemicals and wound treatment.
Win condition:
  • (Player) is alive by the end of the game [you cannot kill your target].
  • If (player) dies, escape without letting his or her killer escape.

Solving mysteries

  • Once per roaming, you may choose a player to track. You may inquire about their location at any time during roaming. You must be in the same room as your target when you choose to track them.
  • You sense when someone has been killed.
Win condition:
  • Escape without allowing any evil or killing roles from escaping [including conspirators].

Searching for companionship

  • You have inhuman strength, but you are not invulnerable.
  • You are unable to kill.
Win condition:
  • Escape with (one third of total number of players) others.

Martial law

  • You begin the game with a revolver and one bullet, undetectable until first use.
Win condition:
  • Escape without allowing any evil or killing roles from escaping [including conspirators].


  • Every Ambidex Game, you are informed of a role in the game.
  • You can sense when someone is going to betray in the Ambidex Game.
Win condition:
  • Escape with (one fourth of total number of players) others.

Caged bird

  • Choose between three people at the start of the game. Your target will escape certain death one time [excluding the Ambidex Game].
  • You begin the game with a knife.
Win condition:
  • Escape with your target [you cannot kill your target].
  • If you die, you will win so long as your target escapes.
  • If your target dies, ensure their killer does not escape with you.

Luna, M.D.

  • At the start of the game, choose three players to monitor. If any of them are killed, you will be informed so and be given the location where they died.
  • You are able to tend to others' wounds with great finesse.
Win condition:
  • Escape with (one-fourth of total number of players) others.

Swords of Justice

  • Every Ambidex Game, you will be informed how many people in your group have done harm.
  • You start with a hidden scalpel.
Win condition:
  • Escape without letting anyone who betrayed or killed from escaping, excluding yourself.

Roles that can't exist without its counterpart; alignment varied!​
Keeping secrets
Alignment: Evil​

  • You and your partner, (player), may communicate at any time other than the Ambidex Game.
Win condition:
  • Escape with 3 or fewer people, including your partner.
  • If one of you escapes, you both win so long as you have completed your other goal.

Friendly competition
Alignment: Wildcard​

  • You and your rival, (player), cannot kill one another.
Win condition:
  • Escape without your fellow adversary.
  • The adversary left behind may still win if his or her rival escapes alone.

Imaginary friends
Alignment: Neutral​

  • You and your partner, (player), may communicate at any time other than the Ambidex Game.
  • If one of you is incapacitated or killed, so is the other. You feel your partner's pain.
Win condition:
  • Escape.
  • If one of you escapes, you both win.

The Special Office of Internal Security
Alignment: Good​

  • You and your partner, (player), may communicate at any time other than the Ambidex Game.
Win condition:
  • Prevent the (evil/killing role) from completing his or her win condition, and escape.
  • If one of you escapes, you both win so long as you have completed the above goal.
  • If your target completes their goal, kill them and escape together.

Roles who are just along for the ride - they only care about escaping.​

  • You are able to create special passive items that no one else can create or find. You are given a list of items you can create, or you may tell your host what you wish to make within reason.
  • If your items leave your possession, they will automatically activate on whoever takes them, and you start off with a handful of special items.
Win condition:
  • Escape.

What's yours is mine

  • You can steal from and plant items on others with 100% success.
Win condition:
  • Escape.

Wise and stubborn

  • Once, you may PM the host and force any option to take place.
  • Your vote counts as two in all decisions.
Win condition:
  • Escape.


  • You are given next pairings during the Ambidex Game.
  • Once, you may swap two people before pairings are announced.
Win condition:
  • Escape.

Crazy inventions

  • You begin the game with a handful of items.
  • You can combine items to create weapons within reason.
Win condition:
  • Escape.


  • You can hide 3 more items on yourself.
  • You consider yourself agile.
Win condition:
  • Escape.

Con Artist
Quality knockoffs

  • You are able to create copies of items that are in your inventory. The copies will not work upon use.
  • Once, you may make a fully functioning replica of an item.
Win condition:
  • Escape.

Two distractions

  • Most private actions you submit will not be announced in front of others, excluding some attacking actions (at host's discretion). The target of your action may not notice either.
Win condition:
  • Escape.

More than meets the eye

  • Your hearing abilities are superhuman - you can hear things happening far away.
  • You can keenly hear movement, making it difficult for people to sneak attack you.
Win condition:
  • Escape.

Trained eye

  • Upon receiving a new partner for puzzles/AB Games, you will be given a message describing your partner's alignment.
  • Once every Discussion Phase, you may inquire about a player's inventory without having them know, provided they are in the same room as you.
Win condition:
  • Escape.

Perfect rhythm

  • You cannot get knocked unconscious by a physical attack (i.e. a punch or an explosion).
Win condition:
  • Escape.

Tastes like purple!

  • Whenever someone is publicly searched, you will be privately informed his or her hidden item(s), if there are any. You're also informed of any hidden items in your surroundings while looking around.
  • You will be given details of publicly announced actions (i.e. the item that two people secretly exchange, what someone whispers to someone else, etc.).

Win Condition
  • Escape

Roles with flexible win conditions, meaning they can become good, evil, or completely benign in the end.​
Double vision

  • You have no abilities.
Win condition:
  • Once you kill someone, you become their role and take all of their items. You cannot win as a doppelgänger.

Cuirass past

  • Covered head to toe in tough armor, you are resilient to physical attacks and are extremely slow.
  • Your role is announced to everyone at the start of the game.
Win condition:
  • There is a key hidden somewhere in the facility; you must find it and use it to remove your armor.
  • Once your armor is removed, you will assume another role. You cannot win as an armor.

Average Joe

  • You have no abilities.
Win condition:
  • You will assume a new role immediately after the first Ambidex Game. You cannot win as an average Joe.

Undying affection

  • You have no abilities.
Win condition:
  • You are deeply attached to (player). Escape with him or her [you cannot kill your target].
  • If your target dies, his or her murderer must be dead before you may escape.

Choose your fate

  • You are able to choose your abilities from a list given to you every Ambidex Game.
  • Each time you choose a new ability, your previous one will be lost.
Win condition:
  • You are able to choose your win condition from a list given to you.
  • Once you choose your win condition, it cannot be changed.


  • Once every Roaming and Puzzle phase, you may inquire about a player's role. You will be told what his or her exact role is.
  • At the start of the game, you may choose to begin with an item in any other role's toolkit.
Win condition:
  • Ensure that only Neutral and Wildcard roles escape. You do not need to escape.

Roles whose goal is to hinder the player environment and cause chaos.​
Harmony in chaos

  • You have no abilities.
Win condition:
  • 5 betrays happen in the Ambidex Game, not including when you choose betray.

Free the soul

  • Choose a specific location to plant an EMP bomb before roaming. No one will see you plant the bomb, and you do not have to go to the desired room. An announcement will be made in the thread saying that a bomb has been placed.
  • The remaining players must find and disarm the bomb between the beginning of the current roaming phase and the end of the next. It is disarmed by taking the device apart with common tools located around the facility.
Win condition:
  • You win if your EMP bomb detonates. The bomb will swap around everyone's BP at your will, but BP cannot change by more than 2.
  • If your bomb is disarmed, you must escape with 3 or fewer others.

All for one

  • You are able to escape certain death one time [excluding the Ambidex Game].
Win condition:
  • Be the first person [or a part of the first group] to reach (BP required to escape) BP, and escape.
  • If you are not the first to reach (BP required to escape) BP, ensure that the/a person with the highest BP count is dead before escaping, excluding yourself.

Demolitions Expert
Explosive personality

  • Once per roaming, you may plant a small explosive device in any room and at a specific location. You cannot plant the SED while someone else is in the room.
  • When someone nears where your SED is, it will detonate, and the victim will fall unconscious or die, depending on how injured he or she is.
Win condition:
  • Have three of your bombs detonate and escape.


  • You begin the game with a knife.
  • You become fueled with adrenaline when you need to kill someone, making you more powerful in combat situations.
Win condition:
  • Escape.
  • For each Ambidex Game where there are no betrays, you must murder someone before you may leave.

For Brother

  • You are unable to kill outside of the Ambidex Game.
  • You may choose one player per phase who will lose all of their role's abilities for the entirety of the current phase. They are not informed of this. You may choose up to two people for this between two Ambidex Games.
Win condition:
  • You win if three-fourths of the players are dead [can include yourself].

Roles who goals are to thin the numbers, or to severely lower the chances of other roles winning.​
Four-leaf clover

  • You begin the game with your trusty fire axe, undetectable until first use.
  • If you have not yet used your fire axe, you will automatically use it as a counter the first time someone tries to kill you unless your attacker is using a gun.
Win condition:
  • Kill (one third of total number of players) players.

A hired hand

  • All weapons you carry will always be undetectable.
  • You are agile and can dodge many physical attacks with ease.
  • Once per roaming, you may inspect a player. You will be told if your target is a good role or an Agent.
Win condition:
  • Ensure all good roles (including Agents) are dead and escape.

Escape the past

  • You begin the game with a revolver and three bullets, undetectable until first use.
  • For every person that you kill, you gain a hidden point to your BP count, only you know what your total BP count is. However, if your public BP count goes below 1, you will still die.
Win condition:
  • Be the only person to escape.

Immortal through deeds

  • Once per roaming phase you may choose a player to stalk. You may inquire what their location is and additionally, when you inquire you will be told if they are alone or not.
  • You begin the game with a scalpel.
Win condition:
  • Escape while being the leading cause of death.

My precious

  • You are searching for your doll, a random player at the start of the game has it. If the carrier dies, the doll is transferred to the killer.
  • You are informed when the doll is transferred.
Win condition:
  • Escape with your doll.

A higher purpose in mind

  • You begin the game with three vials of powder: sleep, paralysis, and death, all undetectable until first use. The powder must enter the bloodstream or be ingested to take effect. You use the entire vial upon use.
  • You are a frail individual.
Win condition:
  • Escape only with players who have successfully betrayed a living player.
  • Alternatively, kill (one-fourth total of players) players who have only selected ally and survive to the end of the game.

It's a jungle

  • You are stronger and faster than players who have less BP than you.
  • Players who have a lower BP count than you become targeted. If their BP count becomes equal to or higher than yours, they will no longer be targeted.
Win condition:
  • Kill (one fourth total number of players) marked targets.
  • Alternatively, choose to betray in the Ambidex Game two times and escape.

Defining some jargon:
"Private Action" - Actions that you send only to the game host. While others may see the results of your action, they will be unable to predict it. Depending on the circumstances, nobody may even notice your private action.

"Visible/VIS" - Generally large items that could not easily be tucked away in a pocket. Visible items are listed whenever your current physical description is given. You may only carry one visible item at a time.

"Hidden/HID" - Regular items that become more difficult to find when you are searched. They do not show up while you are conscious and being searched. They will show up if you are unconscious or dead and being searched. You may only hide one item at a time.

"Undetectable/UND" - Special items attached to some roles that will never show up while being searched until they are used. They will show up if you are dead and being searched. Once an item is no longer undetectable, it cannot become undetectable again.

"AB Game/AB" - Ambidex Game

"BP" - Bracelet Points

Simply post /join to join! [Bold = Confirmed, Strikethrough = Dead]

  1. Damafaud
  2. Jordarrian
  3. Godx101
  4. Some1
  5. Scrubnoppon
  6. Wiing Captor
  7. Ammy
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
I did not create this game. The original creator of the game is the user Metrion from the Town of Salem Forums. All credit should be bestowed to him and any other important figures in the VLDR community over there.

When the signups are filled, there will be an entirely new thread posted in the sub-forum titled "Fandom." A link to the game thread will be posted within this thread.
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